Transcript: Ham March 19, 1998

Karri Hummel karrieh at
Mon Apr 27 23:38:24 PDT 1998

Date Received:	March 27, 1998
From:			David Schlundt
Group	:		Nashville, TN TM
Transmission:	March 19, 1998
Subjects:		What is Faith?
Teachers:		Ham

Greetings, children, friends, I am Ham and I greet you each with an
open heart.  You are all treading into new areas that very few have
gone ahead so that there are very few sign posts left for you by 
others.  There are many different tasks and there is much work to 
be done ahead.  For those of you who are yet waiting for an
assignment, know within that your time is ahead and these things 
will be revealed.

Now, what is faith?  What is meant when we use the word symbol,

Faith is like an umbilical cord to the Father, to higher universe 
reality.  Faith is also like an outstretched hand reaching upward 
toward security, hope, and trust.  Faith is the living spiritual 
connection between you, as a mortal reaching upward, and the
Father's secure love reaching downward.  Faith, then, is always 
there but it remains up to the mortal person to take hold of his 
faith and to use in their lives.

Faith is like a lifeline into the realms of peace.  When you utilize

your faith, when you exercise your faith ability, what you are 
doing is brining higher peace, security, and trust into the present
moment.  When you are faced with a disaster or seeming disaster, 
it requires faith to look past the present moment and to bring 
peace down from the higher realms of consciousness, the
consciousness, into the present time and present consciousness. 
When all things worldly crumble around you, do you despair 
ad give up hope or do you rather exercise your faith and trust 
in God knowing that his love and purpose will lead you through 
any temporal disaster?  Can you then bring this greater peace 
down into your being and therefore be calm and equalized in 
your reactions and in your thinking?

The spirit filled mortal is for the most part filled with joy and
n all situations, whether they be seemingly good or seemingly 
bad.  The spirit filled mortal knows that these temporal labels 
are only passing and are not the eternal reality of his soul which 
can be always peaceful, calm, and joy filled.  The spirit filled 
mortal calmly watches as earthly things crumble, secure in 
the knowledge that the Father has something even greater 
is store.

To some it can seem that the spirit filled person is oddly 
detached and this can be interpreted as being out of touch 
or cold.  But the spirit filled mortal, while empathizing with 
the suffering of others, is gradually letting go of earthly 
suffering and does not require it any more.

Also, the spirit filled mortal is untouched by worldly success.  
He knows that success and failure are both obstacles to be 
dealt with and surmounted.  In a way, children, life is like an 
obstacle course with each circumstance, success or failure, 
bringing with it its own set of problems.  So, how you deal 
with these problems is the important thing.  The important 
thing is to always walk humbly with the Lord through every 
situation, every circumstance.

Remember, this is his way of teaching you, you are learning 
with every situation to take what lessons there are and to 
incorporate these into your spiritual growth.  Remember, 
you are building your eternal soul in partnership with the 
Father and all this drama of life will at first seem like a 
hazy dream when you awaken on mansonia one.

So, you don't need to take everything so seriously and act 
as though you are really in charge of any thing.  Let the 
Father teach you, learn from the people he brings into 
your lives, learn from the circumstances he puts you 
through, learn from the ups and the downs, and above 
all exercise your faith at every opportunity.  The more 
you exercise your faith, the more you will grow in faith, 
and the more you grow in faith, the stronger your 
connection to the Father is, and the stronger this 
connection is, the more peace, happiness, and 
contentment you will experience during this life.  
Therefore, take nothing for granted.  Live in the now 
as much as possible and bring your higher self into 
the now with all its peace and tranquillity as much as 
you can.  Are there any questions at this time?

That was all interesting of course, but I was especially 
interested you said you will no longer require suffering, 
will you enlarge on that?

Yes, as you grow in the spirit, and increasingly are able 
to live in the higher realms of peace and equanimity.  
You are no longer so tempted to suffer from the little 
annoyances and things of life that can cause pain 
depending on where your consciousness is.  When your consciousness
is focused overly on the material level, 
then all the vicissitudes of material living batter the 
consciousness and thus cause suffering.  But as you 
limb up into a higher spiritual consciousness, and are
 sustained through faith with the Father's constant loving 
attention,  These material vicissitudes are no longer 
affecting the consciousness, the consciousness stays 
steady, joyful, and at peace.  But, I might add this is not 
an either or situation, but one of gradual changes from 
one level of living to another.

I was thinking of the saying, no pain no gain, and I thought 
you might be referring to the fact that as we go along, our 
growth can be one more of perception rather than having 
to learn everything the hard way, that pain is not required 
as a learning tool as much.


Is there a difference between what you are saying and what 
the Buddhist philosophy is?

Yes there is a difference, the Buddhist philosophy 
emphasizes the turning away from the world and letting 
go of attachment.  I am saying rather that there is a 
transfer of attachment from the world to God or 
spirit-faith.  And this attachment, this new and greater 
attachment, is real and lasting.  And yes, gradually, the 
spirit dominates the consciousness and directs the entire 
personality so that the person is increasingly identifying 
with the spirit and in effect merging with the spirit rather 
than trying to identify with the things of the world and 
mistakenly make them meaningful.

If a discussion comes up of attachment to the world and 
desire, then the way to handle this is to talk about making 
a transfer of attachment from the world to God rather than 
emphasizing the need to let go of attachment to material 
things or things of this world.

Yes, one can be spirit led in any circumstance and it is not 
required that you should all become monks, no.

A criteria is where do you turn for comfort, do you turn to 
God or these other nonspiritual energies.  Is that valid?

Yes, certainly it is.  When you turn to the comforter for help 
and solace in times of trouble, you will receive increased 
fruits of the spirit, increased peace, level of joy, and delight 
in righteousness.  When you turn to the physical world to 
give you comfort or solace or happiness, you are destined 
to be disappointed for the material world is inert, nonliving 
energy.  It cannot give you comfort, only a personal spiritual 
presence can do that.

All these other energies can only give you momentary escape?

Yes, perhaps, momentary forgetfulness but not comfort.

I have a question about the difference between appreciating 
material things and attachment.  I get an experience of 
appreciation of beauty from material things sometimes, 
and I get come comfort from that.  How do you balance this, 
is there comfort that comes from beauty of a painting or a 
beautiful object?

As you grow in the spirit, you ability to appreciate and admire 
the beautiful is enhanced for God is inherently beautiful and
harmonious so as you identify with the spirit, you then are 
drawn to the harmonious and the beautiful more and more.  
This is not material attachment, at all, no. Material attachment 
is the mistake of seeking answers and solutions to spiritual 
problems in the material world.

The point I get from your lesson tonight is that faith is 
something we achieve or acquire through using it, like 
a muscle.  I was taught growing up that faith is a gift of 
grace, but it is more like something that we have to 
work at?

Certainly, yes.

Use it or lose it?


You certainly helped my faith Ham.

I want to ask some things for some people.

Jim from Oklahoma sent this letter of thanks from someone 
named Norman.  {read quote}.

Norman, I am touched by your words and am sincerely  
grateful that you would feel moved to tell me these things.  
Your faith is growing and you are learning to walk in the 
higher ways every day.

Is there any chemical or herbal thing that you know of that 
will help Earl's wife's Parkinson's disease at this time and 
also would you give a message to Earl?

Son, this baffling disease is truly an opportunity for you both 
o grow in the spirit through the exercise of faith and trust in 
God.  Your ever present devotion to Faye is a true testimonial
 to your great faith and love of God.  Serving God through 
serving another of his children is in fact the highest privilege 
of human existence.  Therefore, be strong, have courage, 
show your love openly and let go of any anger or unthinking 
frustration that can cloud your thinking and steer you in the 
wrong direction.  Stay focused on your own spiritual growth.  
Your soul is like a garden that must be weeded, must be fed, 
must be given sunshine in the form of contact with the Father 
through spiritual meditation.  Tend to this garden and you will 
find yourself feeling much better.

Is there no help that you know about for the condition?

She is on a good medical routine already.  No, there is no 
miracle cure and therapy will have to come through the 
medical establishment channels which is slow.

Steve T. would like a message.

Son, you are opening up to the Father's love increasingly 
every day.  Look always for guidance within and allow the 
changes that are coming over you to continue.


Dillman, son, you have come a long way in releasing and 
letting go of the spirit poisons of anger and resentment 
that have plagued you for many years.  Now is time to 
embrace joy and peace and balance in your life.  All is 
well and as it should be.  There is nothing to fear or to 
have anxiety about anymore and also your finances will 
begin to straighten out or be easier to handle soon.


Yes, daughter, you are finding a calmer, inner strength that 
has always been there and others have had its benefits and 
now you yourself are making that connection.  The Father's 
love is always with you.  You are doing well, continue with your 
spiritual work for everything is being transformed as a result.


Elena, life is beginning to settle down and your emotions are 
likewise becoming calmer and more predictable or reliable. 
Everything is going very well for you at this time.  Continue 
your stillness practice and journaling every day.  You have 
come far and all is well.


Yes daughter, you are again experiencing much love and 
faith and happiness.  Know that your life is going along as 
it should and you are discharging all your duties well.


Jarad, you must be calm and content for all is well and 
as it should be with your album work.  Let go of you fears 
and your worries over this effort.  You are seeing problems 
and fears where there are none.  You need to let go of this 
phase and now concentrate on the next phases of this work.  
You will have much more to worry about in the future. You 
will not be lacking in things to worry about.  So let go of 
your worries now.

Do you have anything about my spiritual situation to speak 
of to me?

Do not neglect your spiritual work.  In meditation you should
concentrate on deep breathing rather than just trying to still 
the mind, concentrate on the breath, trying to slow the breath.

Do you have any guidance for me Ham?

Yes, Kellan, you are now entering into a new and advanced 
or more advanced stage of understanding in your life.  The 
superficial answer has never satisfied you and now you are 
seeking the deeper and more complex questions and 
answers in life.  You are likely to find much  soul satisfaction 
in the next few months of this inner journey.

Ham do you have feedback for me this week, please?

Yes, Brodan, you are also going through a time of deeper 
searching, deeper questions, a broadening and deepening 
of your soul.  The time is approaching for even deeper 
searching and deeper questioning than you have allowed 
yourself to work through in yourself before.  Remain open 
and receptive to others advice and suggestions as well for 
sometimes it is easier for another to see your soul than it is 
for you to see it clearly.

Ham do you have a message for me tonight?

Yes certainly daughter, you are working out some old 
feelings like airing laundry in the sunshine.  Sometimes 
it is necessary to just get out and express old anger or 
resentment that was glossed over and forgotten as you 
carried out all your duties in life.  Don't be embarrassed 
by being human and feeling normal human feelings. 
Rather, embrace this humanness, embrace this 
imperfection, and love yourself in all your many 

Farewell until next week, my prayers and my love are 
with you all.  Farewell.

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