[tmtranscripts] Jan 17 & 24--Abraham--Individual Assignment Gifts

CalvinMcke at aol.com CalvinMcke at aol.com
Mon Jan 25 11:21:41 PST 1999

Meeting with Abraham
Woods Cross Group
Jan. 17, 1999

Present: Rachel, Nina, Ellen, Miriam, Ashley, Ineara, 
Joyce (visitor--Ineara's mom), Janet, Zach, Jonathon, 
Glen, Calvin, Honoray, Harrison

TR: Nina

	Each Puzzle Piece Adds To The Beauty  Of The Whole

I am ABRAHAM. My greetings to you each. How wonderful it 
is to see you work with such high levels of spiritual maturity. 
Your discussion this evening was well needed, and as you each 
grow closer, you will find new and better group balance. Yes.

Each individual here this evening stems from differing backgrounds. 
There have been similar experiences shared between you, but 
varied enough to cause different perceptions. All of you have varying 
levels of education, skills, and gifts that would chance to play a role 
in the cosmic destinies of the planet and beyond. Of course, there 
will be differing opinions among you, and yet, as if each one of you 
were a piece of a puzzle, you could find a beautiful picture. Each 
puzzle piece having its function to add to the beauty of the whole.

Personality is unique and indeed bestowed by those on High. 
Personality does indeed add color to the completed puzzle. 
Mortal experience, personality and freewill all lay a significant 
role in who you are now, and who you are becoming. As we 
live and work among one another we stumble over each other, 
we face difficulties as we attempt to find unity.

The Master, being so aligned with Father's will, found His mortal 
calling early on. Being divinely connected led Him to be more that 
He could have been. Seeking Father's will had endowed the Master 
with such character, strength, and spiritual knowledge. Had the 
Master chosen to go it on His own, without divine guidance, He 
could have in no way made such an impact. Do you see, His 
early decision to be spirit-led, to be in the divine will had led Him 
to do what He had been well equipped to do?

You each have read the apostles opinions of their Master. They 
each admired Him for various aspects, some were made to feel 
His crushing hard truths, some even had resented Him for it. 
Michael's decision to be within Father's will had begun early on. 
He could have made changes at any point in His spiritual career. 
He could have still been working towards His divine sovereignty 
over Nebadon. His decisions had gifted Him to fulfill His spiritual 

You each have particular gifts or personality aspects which would 
endow you with certain abilities. Each role does add completion to 
the planetary picture and so on. You may enjoy certain individuals 
gifts or love them for their particular personality ingredients. On the 
other hand, you may also find individuals to be unpleasant or annoying. Each
child of God does have their mortal spiritual experience, their 
gift of personality that makes them who they are, that adds to their social,
moral, or spiritual skills.

Each child, as was also Christ, is gifted with some particular aspects 
that add to the puzzle. Perhaps we can find understanding and 
tolerance in each individuals particular functions, and instead of 
making hasty assessments of who they are, we could allow time 
to reveal their function in the puzzle. Jesus said, "The more you 
know of one another the more you love one another."

Over the next few weeks we will discuss these personality concepts 
and individual functions or callings, yes. I'm sorry--no questions. I am 
on a busy schedule. I also will give this lesson to others who have 
also reached your understanding. As always, my love goes with you. 
Look for me throughout this week. Until next week, shalom.


Meeting with Abraham
Woods Cross Group
Jan. 24, 1999

Present: Samuel, Nina, Ellen, Miriam, Janet, Zach, Jonathon, 

TR: Nina

	Individual Gifts That Lead You On Assignments

I am ABRAHAM: Greetings. I would have to apologize for I have 
missed much of your discussion this evening. You see, I was on 
another assignment where my particular skills could be utilized to 
alleviate some group misconception. I have been well trained in the 
area of reality awareness. I have been taught how to help guide 
individual's mystical thinking into more of a reality purposefulness.

My life experience has taught me much of what I know to be true. 
Time has also shown me that basic truth is eternal. Those spiritual concepts I
experienced that I wondered if they were reality -- time 
has proven that those things of value are lasting. 

My Brother/Father has indeed been a wonderful Teacher and His 
expertise in certain arenas has added to my ability to teach. I also 
have enlisted in certain educational activities to sharpen my skills, 
but for the most part, I would have to day my Indwelling Adjuster 
has unified all that I have learned into a practical purpose, a 
valuable resource in which to serve the whole. 

As you dedicate yourselves to furthering the growth of the 
Correcting Time, you can also see certain aspects that have 
enabled you to help. Certainly your life experiences has shaped 
you and in that -- there are various occurrences that had an effect 
on who you are and how you put forth your unified knowledge to help. 

Family does add an ingredient to who you are. Society has also 
added its twist. Experience is also a method in which one could 
be made to learn to bend, or be broken from. The Adjuster surely 
has a say in how these ingredients will be measured out in order to 
endow you with those skills you will require to be able to serve with. 

There are so many personalities you will come upon in your spiritual 
career. There are indeed worlds you will travel and cultures that will
certainly astound you. Your astonishment will not only be by a visual method,
but by a spiritual one as well. You cannot at this time conceive 
of the diverse individuals you shall meet. 

I am always meeting unique personalities which add to my source 
of information. I cannot ever catagorize the many individuals, for 
no two people are the same. Certainly there are personalities who 
still are having in common -- same personality aspects that can be 
woven into various types of individual fabrics. We can certainly see 
how personality ingredients would add positive or negative aspects 
to each individual soul. 

My main message this evening is concerning your individual gifts 
that lead you on assignments. Your own Internal Guide has set 
before you those lessons that endow you with the ability to teach 
but also, does He unify your experience with that of others to aid 
in the growth of the whole -- the world, the solar system, the 
universe, and the Supreme Being.

Your world does know the ministry of experienced Adjusters. 
Your experienced Adjusters can help to teach you skills that 
you cannot possibly know how you attained them. Many 
individuals are either ridiculed or accredited with certain 
personality ingredients when all the while, these things could 
very well be Adjuster related.

Individuals who are a bit aggressive are perhaps endowed with 
an Adjuster who has previous experience with aggression, but 
also, could this individual have had a childhood where he had to be aggressive
in order to attain what he needed. This individual would 
perhaps be gifted at organizing or accomplishing certain tasks that 
would be difficult for the one who is passive. Do you see, how the 
various aspects of experience and Adjuster influence can endow 
one with the skills needed with which to minister to their fellows? 

I was called this evening to aid individuals in a group that were 
perhaps leaning towards a more mystical non-reality type thinking. 
My mortal life gave me the experience in which I could understand 
how they were leaning towards mysticism for I have also done the 
same. My Adjuster experience was knowledgeable in areas of public speaking and
talking in a manner requiring authority. That knowledge 
has allowed me to help guide and direct and guard against the untruth. 

As we come across individuals who possess this type of personality 
or that, stop to ponder -- from where does their personality makeup originate?
How have you become the person you are today through 
your human experience? What valuable tools has your Father 
Adjuster imparted to you to enable you to answer your callings or 
mission assignments? 

Something you may be critical of about yourselves or others could 
very well be Thought Adjuster endowments. Yes, take a moment 
during the week to explore your gifts and ponder upon your desire. Ponder upon
how your gifts could apply in service to the whole, yes. 

Once again, I would thank you for having me and allowing me to do 
what I love. As always, my love is with you. Until next week, shalom.

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