[tmtranscripts] Abraham lesson

ELLEN ellen at utah-inter.net
Wed Sep 8 16:41:12 PDT 1999




I am ABRAHAM. Greetings and welcome to you. I have always looked forward to our weekly meetings. I can monitor and assist throughout the week, but when we can meet weekly we are devoting conscious thought to our overall purpose. We are unifying and understanding the spiritual life to be more than just formalities and empty study. We can see through sharing experiences we can correct and heal.

To serve our Father we commit to living our life as to glorify Him. We are committing to living our lives as a song of praise to those that created us. A man can say, "I serve only one master, my Father in Heaven," and his reason for serving could perhaps be to maintain good standing with Father or to receive praise from his fellows. A man who seems to be dedicated to serving our Father may not find close intimate connection with Him because his intentions for serving are not aimed at glorifying Father.

If you are truly serving Father you can honestly say, "I live my life in this manner to show forth the presence of a living God." Can you say "I raised my children up to show that the Spirit of God is living among us so that it may serve those who are in need?" Can you say "I toil daily to bear witness to the fact that I am a firm believer in a divine power or do I toil for money to live an adequate material life? Do I really serve Father or another by the living examples I put forth?"

Father seeks not to be glorified and given praise as if He were a King, no. He does seek however your pure intentions and ability to focus on those spiritual truths that will see you through on your path to Him. If you are enslaved by serving another--does this show you are a believer in a spiritual source? Do you live your life as a message to others showing God is present and a consistent reality?

When you are serving one master--being God, our Father, feeding off the energy of liberation, having a strong spiritual connection, do you not live as a show of gratitude to Him that is the source of all fulfillment? How can one know the tender ministrations of our Father and not live their life as an appreciation for all He has done? You can measure your thoughts and actions by asking the question--how does this glorify our Father in Heaven? How does my actions today show that Father is real, living and active?

Are you in understanding of the continuous watch-care from those who sit on High that help you to seek the deeper meanings, who make effort to teach you those divine laws that will carry you through your spiritual career? I am made small when I realize that my efforts to glorify Father are pale in comparison to all He does for me, and simple as this may be, that is what Father requests you to do so that you may become more conscious of His presence, His love, His watch-care.

I find it natural and easy to live my life as a song of praise to one who is so understanding of my ways and loves me regardless of the good or bad. I find when I can live my life as if to show who I adore, my connection with Father is made stronger and I fear nothing. I fear not loss. I am in Him and He in me. I am aware of His presence. I am in tune with His immediate counsel. In His presence I fear not loss, loneliness or adversities because I am liberated to act from the Spirit. The spiritual life is more natural and I am filled with a sense of well-being and belonging to the Father of all fathers, yes.

This week attempt to live your life as if you know our spiritual caretakers personally. Live as if they surround you on all sides. Be liberated in their presence. Live your daily happenings as a glorification to our Father. Toil as if you worked side by side with Father, with the Master. Serve Him as He serves you--with an unshakable loyalty and faith. In your liberation know that you can make spiritually sound decisions, not from a standpoint of fear of loss, fear of loneliness or in lack of contentment or comfort.

This week, my friends, focus on worship. Understand that in your adoration of Him you are also adored, held in the arms of the source of all that is fulfilling. Watch your attitude go from apprehension or holding back to liberation, feeling the exhilaration of moving forward. Next week we will hold worship, but during the week ponder and study individually on worship, yes. As always my love is with you. Until next week, shalom.

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