[tmtranscripts] Spokane Teacher Base 11/04/00

ZooidODell at aol.com ZooidODell at aol.com
Sat Nov 4 21:55:26 PST 2000

Spokane Teacher Base
November 4, 2000
T/R:  Gerdean
    I.   Paulo:  More on Rebellion (Righteous Indignation; Denial)
    2.  Tomas:  Influence of Midwayers  (Loyal and "rebel")
    3.  Aaron:  Working with Midwayers (Casting Out Evil Spirits)
    4.  Tomas:  Apostle Peter (Perfection of Purpose)

PAULO: This is Paulo.  I'm going to jump right in and continue our discussion 
on rebellion.  I'm not going to talk throughout the entire meeting for there 
are others who also wish to address you today, but I will resume the 
discussion of rebellion, in part because of the release of the rebel 
midwayers from detention as a result of the adjudication and their being 
remanded back into action, as well as, in part, because you yourselves have 
been influenced by the planetary rebellion, that "war in heaven" that 
rendered you recalcitrant as a result of your upbringing.

Thoroah, would you like to tell us what it means to be recalcitrant?

THOROAH:  To refuse to obey.  To refuse to follow the rules.  To be contrary, 

PAULO:  Even defiant, and to the point that you believe your illusion to the 
extent that you would risk extinction rather than acknowledge your 
wrong-doing.  My, my.  What an inheritance!  Have we any wonder, boys and 
girls, why we have confusion on Urantia?  How can I help to undertake to 
understand how deeply infused you are with these energies?  

As it is, I have to confess to you that even while you profess to be 
interested in doing the will of God, your immaturity and your distortion 
renders you erroneous, often to the point of detriment, but none of your 
beliefs have risen to the level of betrayal such as was brought about by 
Lucifer's error.  Thus you can all breathe easily as to the relativity of 
error but, in your career, your eternal career, it will forever be a point of 
fact that you incubated your soul in circumstances which, were you incubating 
a mortal fetus, could nearly guarantee you would be born with birth defects.

You have a sense deep within you, because of your primary relationship (that 
with perfection, pure spirit), you have a sense, because of your reflective 
powers (scant as they may be), that you have been delivered an injustice.  If 
you can see this point you will recognize why much of your composition is 
profoundly influenced by the sense of righteous indignation you carry around, 
and while you most often raise your flag of anger as a protest against what 
was done to Jesus, (even holding up your anger as an icon of injustice, in 
having him depicted hanging dead on the cross, bringing outrage into an 
"appropriate" response to the injustice of it all), but in point of fact, it 
is in you that righteous indignation arises over your own plight and the 
injustice.  And I will say that the words of the revelation have fueled your 
fury by accounting for the facts and pointing out to you all, indeed, that 
you have endured and have lost and have not known as a result of such folly.  

In your modern psychological phraseology, you are looking at 
over-compensating here. It's a way to keep from feeling sorry for yourselves. 
 It's a way of holding up your fragile dignity.  It's a way of assuring 
yourselves of your faith.  It has a profound effect on how you inter-relate 
with one another, and here I speak to you who are enlightened, you who have 
come to recognize yourselves as a part of infinity, having a beginning but no 
ending, being a part of divinity which, being eternal, has no beginning or 
ending, but identifying those qualities which have rendered you less than you 
could be through no fault of your own holds you into righteous indignation 
and you become very sensitive about what your interpretation of your value is.

And this is why, students, you are so terribly sensitive of definition, of 
nuances of words.  You have heard this phrase, "Just what is the meaning of 
this?"  You ask "what is the meaning of this" because it is not understood in 
your mind if the remark was hostile or supportive because it has no 
foundation; no common ground has been established.  Building common ground is 
what your Teachers have been working with you on, for it is all too clear 
that intellectually speaking there will never be clear understanding because 
every brain, every mind is designedly different.  But every heart will open 
to the harmonious strains of divine love that holds you in its hand and lures 
you powerfully and patiently forward.

It is no wonder you have embraced this Teaching Mission.  It is moving when 
we see the spontaneous outpourings of appreciation in the hearts and minds of 
those who recognize the divine hand at play in the unfolding of Urantia's 
re-encircuitment.  You have no idea how we rejoice when we are made aware of 
the reflection of the Divine Presence within you as it is revealed to us 
through your active cooperation.  We can literally see the Supreme coming to 
life through your efforts.  And these steps forward can only come about and 
as you recognize your need for help.

To recognize your need for help under your circumstances is no cause for 
shame.  You lost the foundations of civilization in the original Daligastian 
civilization and you lost the pattern for parenting and planetary 
administration and superior plasma when you lost Adam and Eve.  You do need 
help.  To recognize that you need help and that help is here should 
rightfully overwhelm you with a sense of gratitude and appreciation for 
Michael's efforts to reach his children who were alienated from him as a 
result of the actions of another, actions over which he had no authority to 

Knowing when you have the authority to halt rebellion is a part of growing 
into your comprehension of who you are, and how you stand, and what you 
represent, and what you will become, and what will come to pass in your 
world, your world that begins behind your eyes and between your ears and 
extends into the physical arena in which you live, as the territory set 
before you, as your challenge and opportunity.

I will now cease my ramblings and, before I go, ask if there are questions in 
this context.

THOROAH: I had a bunch of questions at the beginning because it sounded like 
a long, long list of reasons that we should feel bad or justified or 
whatever.  It's that innate in us.  That seems a little overwhelming.  And 
then the idea of being in a position where we can't help but produce error, 
no matter how good we get it, those things had me down in a dark pit there 
for awhile.  But I understand the light at the end of the tunnel.  So I guess 
I just had a comment.

PAULO: I commend your courage in allowing yourself to have a look.  You have 
heard before from Teachers about why it is that you are able to fend, even in 
good cheer, in your environments, your planetary circumstances, even in the 
face of its dysfunction, and one of the methods is through denial.  When you 
can break through denial and have a look at what is and not what you wish it 
were, or want it to be, you have an idea of what you are really dealing with 
and you can be far more effective.  It's a way of getting past the illusion 
into making your life a real experience, yielding real and lasting value.

THOROAH: We have a lot to look forward to.

PAULO:  There's nowhere to go but up and into the light.  Those of you who 
have walked in the light and have known the glory of God and enjoy His 
company in meaningful ways, who realize what it means to be meek, are also 
those who understand how it feels to be exalted.  Understand that in God we 
are one, we are equal, He loves us all.  Infinitely.  As His own.  And thus 
we are in a position to help God, as it were.  In helping each other.  

Forgiveness is a vital element in finding yourself in a realm of light and 
life, for as long as you hold a resentment against Lucifer and Satan and 
Caligastia, as long as you maintain distrust and anger at Adam and Eve and 
their default, you will carry around with you the scars and wounds and open 
sores of imperfection.  Understanding rebellion, however, and gaining wisdom, 
even experiential wisdom in this context, is enough to launch you into the 
dawn of light and life - in your immediate existence, and then to your outer 
environment, into your one-on-one associations, even to your community and 

My thanks for your tolerance of my expressions this afternoon.  I am a 
Teacher.  I shall return.

TOMAS:   Tomas here.  Good afternoon.  I am glad to be with you and glad to 
reach out to embrace my friends and companions around the world and to settle 
into this small vortex of spiritual community here in this room.  

There is a lot going on in your immediate culture, as well as the extended 
cultures of Correcting Time.  Noteworthy is midwayer influence.  It is 
perhaps difficult for you to appreciate the fractured conditions we work 
under in revealing to you your lessons, your curriculum, given the 
difficulties of intellectual understanding such as Paulo alluded to.  The 
midwayers presence on Urantia, the loyal midwayers, that is, have always been 
here, have been of invaluable help to us in our dealings with you, served the 
revelators in their work, work in as many capacities as they are afforded an 
opportunity to work in, and even work incessantly to create new circumstances 
by attempting to engage your interest in them.  They are your first contact 
up the scale of reality, and they have indeed loyally worked toward getting 
your attentions and working with you, and they have done as well as any 
heroic effort can be, given the circumstances under which they have operated.

Many of you have had contact with midwayers, and while you may or may not 
have given them acknowledgement for their efforts, it remains true 
none-the-less that you have been upheld and assisted in myriad ways by and 
through the services of the United Midwayers.  

I am discussing this with you this afternoon because they have been in the 
news, they are making a debut, as it were, and there have been recent 
announcements to the effect that the "rebel midwayers" are returning, and 
while on one hand it is wonderful to be privy to the exuberance indicated in 
the midwayers as a result of their anticipation in working more closely with 
you and in having the assistance of their returning brethren, it also is true 
that in their return, they bring with them a new approach to Urantia, one 
which has been garnered because of their association with those loving, 
merciful ministers of justice and counsel which have given them untiring 
super-vision such as your world has not enjoyed until recently.  And so these 
rebel midwayers are not juvenile delinquents; they are advanced in wisdom 
because of the constant training and counsel they have received.  They are 
going to be blended in, over a course of time, much like a cook would blend 
certain ingredients in order to create the perfect souffle.

The entire growth and development of Urantia is a natural process.  Nothing 
will happen before its time, but what will advance its opportunities is for 
you to step out and commit to working with your midwayer cousins in whatever 
capacity you can work and with their assistance to whatever extent they can 
assist.  This is the same theory that is recognized as a part of the 
brotherhood of man.  Working together is a cooperative effort.  Teamwork 
requires that you have a goal toward which you work together.  The "Kingdom" 
will be realized by that same method, through steadfast, loyal, consistent, 
persistent application to truth, beauty and goodness in your lives, in every 
facet of your lives.

If you work in communications, you will receive assistance in communications. 
 If you work in healing, you will receive assistance in healing.  If you are 
a hypno-therapist dealing with mental deviance, you will receive assistance 
in this field.  If you work in the trenches of addiction, you will receive 
assistance there.  If you work in fine arts, you will receive assistance in 
fine arts, and so develop yourself to find out who you are and what your work 
is for the Kingdom and you will be assisted as you ask for assistance.

AARON: Aaron here, next at bat.  Greetings to you and all of you, seen and 
unseen, visible and invisible.  

I'm elected to help you undertake to socialize yourselves in company with 
your cousins.  You who want to take this course are entirely welcome but many 
of you will find it "above your heads"- that is to say you will not find time 
for it.  It's not your fault if you can't find time for it.  It's just not 
time for it yet.  For you.  But those of you who have worked with midwayers 
or are working with midwayers also have a right to acknowledge you 
associations as the effects of these associations are always an example of a 
divine hand in your lives.

Let me tell you a little bit about these helpers.  They are unsung heroes.  
Indeed, they often get overlooked in the rush to give angels the credit for 
whatever supernatural happens, unless, of course, it is too ridiculous, in 
which case it is simply "unaccountable" or "fate".  The midwayers are 
conscientious workers.  They have integrity and loyalty but they are also 
funny and affectionate.  Get connected with a midwayer if you can, and he 
will or she will help you find things in your neighborhood or bring you into 
contact with folk you need to meet.  Be on the alert for "seraphic action" 
and have fun with accounting for much of life belonging to the realm outside 
your vision.

We'll get a chance, as time goes by, to get into some specifics of our 
association.  I may need to introduce you to some in order for you to have a 
sense of who they are, but you could probably invite them into your own 
circuitry and make acquaintances with them on your own, which I heartily urge 
you to do.  And for your piece of mind, if you ask for one, only one of the 
1,111 will arrive on your doorstep at this point.  The ones who have been on 
extended holiday into higher education have not yet been assigned or 
relinquished to make indiscriminate contact.  There is order in the universe, 
you know

This is all a part of finding your place in the universe, all a part of 
understanding your association with the cosmic neighborhood, all a part of 
helping you realize that in every way you are companioned and you are not 
alone.  You who have been urged to get on out there and create something, or 
do something of Outreach, or in expression of your own personality desire to 
contribute to the Supreme, will appreciate and enjoy the assistance, support 
and dimension they can and will provide.  They rejoice in the renewed 
association in-coming.  They have worked long and hard for you to become able 
to begin to re-unite with them in the higher realm of purpose.

So perhaps we can put rebellion behind us and get on with the work of 
creating a new age of light and life, a new awareness and appreciation of 
association in our very real, Very Real relationship with this living 
organism of love, the benign virus and its many manifestations.  We're going 
to have to step up our pace if we expect to keep up with the United 
Midwayers; they have an energy that is rather compelling.  Any questions?

THOROAH: I'd like to thank you for the example of these rebel midwayers 
receiving divine justice.  We have a tendency to look at justice as being 
one-sided, punitive, but justice could really mean the best that could 
possibly happen is justice, and the best that could possibly happen, happened 
to the midwayers.  It's a great example of the Correcting Time and what we 
can expect.

AARON: It is a very beautiful indication of your pure at heart quality, for 
those who are pure at heart respond immediately to the presence, the power, 
the love, the goodness of God and have not been ensnared eternally by the 
trappings of an intellectual commitment to a perceived reality that denounces 
that which it most needs.  Rebellion is so insidious.  You are obviously not 
that rebellious at heart, nor were those who were led astray unwittingly or 
through sheer ignorance.  

The fact that your heart responds is illustrated in the instance wherein the 
man Jesus commanded the evil spirit to be gone from the mind of the youth.  
The spirit left because immediately it recognized the power of the Creator 
Son.  Those who do not respond to the presence of God are those who are 
deluded.  You will find that most people respond somehow.  They may be angry 
or confused or in awe or in doubt, but they are able to at least respond to 
the concept.  Those who cannot even respond to the concept are those, 
perhaps, who have gone too far.  

And we will discuss this more as time goes by, for understanding these things 
will help you in discerning who it is you would do well to work with and 
those you would do well to overlook, as you pass by, in your being about the 
Father's business.  

THOROAH: I'll look forward to learning about that.

AARON: And then you can teach what you have learned.  It's my favorite part 
of this Mission, the interaction, the exchange of experiential understanding 
that gives credence to what we know and what we do on behalf of God, on 
behalf of our relationship with divinity.  And that which is truly real.  
Assignments are coming.  Get your tools sharpened.  Have a good time this 
week in beginning to "see" your unseen helper as they contribute to the 
reality of your existence.  Good evening.

TOMAS: This is Tomas again.  I have a response to a question.  I am 
addressing those of you who are wondering if your involvement with this 
dimension of your consciousness, as it applies to your personal spiritual 
experience, as the name of "Teaching Mission" is wrapped around it's 
shoulders, are somehow being so willed as to be inadvertently unmindful of 
the divine plan and thereby, therefore really being rebellious or 
overcompensating for the lack of spirit reality that has been bestowed upon 
your world.  

Let me mention to you the original twelve apostles and point out to you the 
strength of Peter, "upon whom I will build my church".  Peter was indeed a 
fiery speaker.  His emotional content was able to capture and sway hearts and 
minds of men such that they were converted on the spot.  Whether they 
remained converted or whether they lapsed back into a faith in name only, is 
not for us to question, but see how Peter's efforts, even as they were 
supportive of Paul's efforts, were often in error, were a compromise from the 
pure teachings of Jesus, they none-the-less altered the course of destiny on 

And do we look back at Apostle Peter and suggest that he did not do the will 
of God? Not at all.  His heart was true, in the right place.  His motives 
were to be a deliverer of the gospel, such as he had experienced it and 
learned it by and through his association with the Master.  His humanness is 
an inspiration to many.  His religious zeal was a result of his personality 
expression in response to his faith.  You who transmit, you who teach, you 
who are proponents of this Teaching Mission, you who wonder, question or 
doubt, have no cause for concern, for your enthusiasm and devotion cannot be 
different from Peter's who, while imperfect, was truly perfect in purpose.  
And he therefore lived up to all that he could be and all that he was has 
been handed down to you in and through his works.  In Christianity.  

Thus, fear not.  Advance.  And be of good cheer.  See you next week. 

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