[tmtranscripts] Tomas - on Expanding Socialization

Rldiv at aol.com Rldiv at aol.com
Sun Apr 15 15:33:42 PDT 2001

Good morning my son, my friend, this is Tomas.

You have struggled, as have many, with this question of the socialization of 
your contact with us. In this phase of the Teaching Mission, a phase defined 
by an expanded outreach, an enhanced social experience, and what is it that 
you wish to share with your fellows? Is it not your joy, this discovery of 
our presence as well the as the presence of your own indwelling spirit, its 
reality, its effect, its influence? Yes, we are here to awaken you to this 
truth, to build connections first and foremost to your own indwelling spirit 
and the manner in which our Father directs all of his creation through his 
varied means of coordination. Yes, the Thought Adjuster is your contact with 
Father; the spirit of Michael, the Spirit of Truth is the means of your 
contact with him, and yet there are others. 

Obviously, you have contact with your personal teachers to the extent that 
you have given yourself this opportunity. You are likewise increasingly in 
contact with Machiventa as well as he who comes amongst us, Michael's 
brother, to teach. The broadcasts of heaven have alerted you to his coming; 
our own presence has alerted you to the same. Machiventa himself speaks as 
does Michael, and soon you will hear from another. You have seen his light, 
he has greeted you; he comes amongst you as one of you. Do not concern 
yourself with the recognition of his identity. He will make himself known in 
due time, and yes, there will be those who share the gift of his physical 
proximity, but greater importance is upon those who share a devotion in 
spirit to his teaching. Has not Michael himself, when living as one of you 
speaking to Thomas the apostle said "how blessed are those who have not seen, 
and yet believe"? 

You are inclined, mortals by your nature, to rush yourselves to a place, to 
be like Peter, the first to greet the Master on the shore of Galilee, and of 
course, when we come amongst you as one of you naturally we delight to greet 
you likewise, but in this form there is a constraint, there is a limitation 
which is not in spirit. The Master, should he choose to stand again in person 
upon your world, of course he would delight to receive you in person and in 
fact, and he would, as he has, and there would be those whom he would call to 
this joy of sharing this life of incarnation, but greater is the life in his 
Spirit of Truth whereby he reaches to all who would receive him without 
regard to physical limitations. 

You know well the errors of the mortal mind when considering the false 
conceptions of chosen people. Yes, any Son who would come amongst you wearing 
the suit of mortality would choose for various reasons his place and time 
defining thereby those from whom he might choose to share this life. These 
indeed are chosen, but are they valued more highly? No, of course not. Might 
they have a role, a task in his strategic outreach to your world? Yes, you do 
well to distinguish between the value of each child of the Father and the 
task, the function they may perform. Each child is valued equally, each child 
is loved divinely, held in this embrace of divine affection, but not so the 
functions, the tasks that are performed in the administration of a Planetary 
government. There are functions which are more or less critical to its 
successful administration of these divine truths of our presence, and in this 
dispensation there are many tasks coordinated on high through various means. 
Machiventa is your Prince overseeing these things but as you know Michael is 
ever near as he holds the title of Planetary Prince of Urantia.   Machiventa 
is your acting Planetary Prince under Michael's direction, acting on his 
behalf. Michael as you know is your Creator Son, Sovereign Son; he maintains 
his many responsibilities for all of the worlds of his own making, and his 
brother coming amongst you, yes, will have his task as well, and yet there 
are others. 

Your world is being showered with many gifts, many tasks to be performed, and 
yes, there are those chosen, selected to carry out these tasks, to bring them 
to fruition, and these choices are made without regard to any special status 
as a child of the Father but rather within the strategy of communicating this 
love to your world at large and to each person upon the planet, and yes, 
there are logistical elements considered. We have spoken of the logistics of 
the Teaching Mission, establishing contacts throughout the world representing 
the outreach of Michael in this time of correction, his own personal design 
to restore you to him and his larger creation. We will function in concert 
with the eventual appearance of his brother along with a team of 
Melchizedeks, and these too shall have their place, their time with whom we 
will work hand in hand, whereas they will be confined by physical 
limitations, we are not. 

Already you have known well and have struggled to learn the difference 
between the gift of the text we use as reference and the truth of which it 
speaks. There are limits to its being a physical thing. It is not the thing 
itself which changes your world, likewise it is not the physical base of an 
incarnational outreach; it is the truth of which these speak. Search within 
yourselves; to which are you drawn more, and examine your motives for while 
truth cannot be held in your hand, it can be in your heart. How often do you 
run to grasp upon the truth with your hands holding it, possessing it, having 
found some thing by which it speaks. You would do well to relinquish this 
grasping nature and assume instead a nature disposed to embracing, yes, 
embracing with your heart, and leaving your hands free to greet your fellows.

Would you know how we seek to extend this embrace without grasping for those 
familiar means of control which have littered your planet? There is one 
controller, there is one who directs all, and we would never presume to grasp 
him, hold him in our hand. It is he who holds us all, not in his hand, but in 
his love. His hands too are free; you are his hands, and you are free. Live 
out this life of spiritual liberty, embrace the truth wherever you find it, 
whatever its cost, but do not seek to possess it. Avoid the stumbling of your 
own past even as you stumble now in your various contests of material 

There are those assigned to the task, to the trust and its administration, a 
material responsibility, and so it shall be, yet more so as these sites of 
incarnation come to be, but remember, you have within you the source of all 
of these and many more yet to come in all of your discoveries on high. Dwell 
in this place, dwell in him who dwells in you; embrace those your friends who 
would share this joy and receive the gift, these gifts which we shower upon 
your world, which our Father himself would use to draw you nearer to him, and 
do not be troubled by those tasks by which they proceed. Find your task, find 
your place in this gathering chorus of heaven, the prelude to the song 
unending, that symphony of light and life.

I leave you this day, this day of celebration, of remembrance of the 
resurrection of the Master, and as you proceed in your respective observance, 
meditations, celebrations, songs, and silence, allow your world to be reborn, 
to come forth from the tomb of fear to walk in the land of the living, the 
land of loyal and loving children, the community of creation teeming with 
lives throughout the heavens singing in adoration of the One who calls us all 
into his embrace that is our divine connection, that is our home. Good day 
good friends; we walk with you.

Thank you Tomas, thank you Michael, Nebadonia, Machiventa, thank you Father 
for stirring our hearts and minds to consider your unfolding light, your 
glory, your love, reborn, resurrected in our lives, even in the life of our 

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