[tmtranscripts] Pocatello Ninth Anniversary transcript

Bill Kelly billk at ida.net
Thu Jan 18 20:38:03 PST 2001

January 12, 2001

Prayer by Klarixiska (Virginia): Happy anniversary. This is Klarixiska.

Parents of each one of us, seen as mortals and unseen as celestials: we
thank you for this group that comes together expecting good things as a
result of your love for them. We thank you that you have sent us, the
unseen teachers, to be a part of their lives. We thank you that you are
transforming Urantia into the destined planet of light and life. We would
ask that each one of us might be strengthened and supported by the group
here, and by the relationship that each one has with each one of us. Help
us all to spend the time necessary to be related to you, our Father
Adjuster that indwells us. May truth, beauty, and goodness grow in each
one of our lives. Thank you Christ Michael and Nebadonia. Amen.

Daniel (Bill): I am Daniel, greetings, my friends. Welcome to our ninth
anniversary celebration. Yes, we are here in force as promised, and we are
glad to see each one of you made the attempt to be present.

Think about it. You have completed nine years of school in the Melchizedek
university. It was not described in those terms originally, but now your
have come to understand that this is the initial phase of the university
system which is projected for this planet. We have determined that this
method of instruction is the most spiritually stimulating and satisfying
technique that can be applied in your circumstances. So as we look back
over the years consider all that has been the curriculum that you have been
mastering. The fundamentals and the foundation were the beginning, and
from there we moved on to build the superstructure. Then the interior of
your building was elaborated. The connections between the rooms, i.e.
your interactions with other people, were an emphasis for quite a while.
And then when we felt that your internal fortress was adequate we have
moved now into the ministry of spreading the good news to others, of
sharing the light that you know from your own soul with another person,
sharing the water of life with your brothers and sisters.

What, you may be wondering, will we do this year? Ah, my friends, plans
are not completed, but we wish to bring you up in your self esteem closer
to our level without causing your egos to become inflated or distorted. It
is a momentous task that we are undertaking to do, but this is in our
judgement the place where we wish to begin this year. You have reached the
level of competence that people can now come to you, as they asked the
apostles of old, "Why do you have hope?. What is your reason for your
radiant emanation of spiritual joy?" Some of you have already been
approached by others with these questions, and now it is the time to do
what the first apostles did, to preach the good news, not of the kingdom
for that metaphor is inadequate, but the good news of the family of God.
You know the essentials. God is your father, and you are siblings,
brothers and sisters. While there are differences among men and women in
native ability, in circumstances, in genetic predispositions and so forth,
there is no difference in spiritual equality for all are equally valuable
and loved by the Deity Personalities of Paradise, and, of course, by a host
of universe personalities, including me
At this time I will conclude my remarks, and say that I, Daniel, part of
this Southeast Idaho teacher base, am optimistic and excited about the year
ahead of us! Indeed, as was mentioned last week, may we all row our ships
of faith with enthusiasm and high energy to the destiny of us all, the
Paradise attainment of God. One moment please.

Ham (Bill): I am Ham, good evening, my dear friends. How pleasant it is
for me to be here in your midst when you celebrate the completion of nine
years as a part of this wonderful teaching mission experience. Indeed are
you dear to me in a special way for in my first assignment with the Woods
Cross group we did indeed blend together as one larger family group. As
you all know, I have been in attendance with you many times and still visit
personally with several of you.

I want to dwell for a moment with you on one thought, and that is the
importance of remembering. Without going into great lengths, it is obvious
that the ability to remember one's past experiences provides the continuity
for personality existence. When that continuity is broken by organic
disease personality manifestation is disrupted. So it is a fact that
memory is an essential aspect of being personal, and without memory
personality cannot exist. Your mortal minds have various degrees of
ability to remember and record the past. Some are gifted with nearly
photographic memory, while others struggle to remember even important
events. None of you, however, are at either extreme. You are all of
normal mind, and your memories, despite your protestations to the contrary,
are adequate.

What I wish to just introduce to you tonight is this concept: the only
things that are worth remembering are those things that lead and have lead
to spiritual growth, to personal growth, to manifestations of truth, beauty
and goodness. These are the things that your faithful Thought Adjusters
will preserve for your futures. But why wait for Mansonia #1, 2 or 3 to be
rid of the great burden of minutia which has no value? Why not prioritize
right now in this life the more important things, and be sure that you
remember them and make room in your minds for these things. In other
words, my friends, as Altern suggested to you last week, (and by the way I
was present), turn your attention and the color of your approach to that
information from the past which has permanent value.

What are we talking about here? Those things that involve other people and
your relationship to them. These are the most important things. Put your
mind to the task of savoring this, these relationships, these friends,
these experiences of spiritual growth, compassion, and service which you
have been able to render, as well as service that has been rendered to you.

On this your ninth anniversary I, with Daniel's prodding, give you an
assignment. I wish that you would review by what ever means you wish,
including the possibility of looking at old transcripts, the lessons which
you have had with the purpose of bringing back to this group a list of the
five most important lessons for you as an individual. It would be a huge
assignment, I realize, to go through nine years of transcripts. I do not
require you to do that; that would take months. But you will be able to
remember the ones that touched you particularly; and I am sure that your
brothers and sisters can assist you if you do not have an adequate record.
What I am wanting you to do is to identify and reactivate the memories from
this teaching mission which you will cherish and keep with you for eternity.

Thank you, my friends, for your attention, and know that it only gets
better as we travel on towards our destination. Good evening.

Abraham (Bob S): Hear again the words of one who has walked where you walk,
has traveled where you travel, has interacted as you interact, has
experienced failure and success as you have. Greetings, my friends, I am
Abraham. As one who was physically on this planet many years ago, I feel a
close kinship with all the mortals actively involved in this mission of
Christ Michael's. When I volunteered to assist with this most wonderful
plan I was initially rejected for, as you know, mortals are not allowed to
return to the planet of their nativity. However, I persisted, and finally
was granted this exception to the rule because I was able to show that my
experience on Urantia could be most helpful to those who would be here from
other planets. How true my foresight was, for while my time was nearly
4,000 years ago, human beings haven't changed much. (Laughter.) Yes, I
know you find that difficult to believe for much has changed on this
planet, but basic human, animal nature has not grown much. If you think
about that, I think you will come to my conclusion.

This time with this group is a time of celebration and renewal. I am most
happy to be a part of your celebration this evening for I can see how you
mortals that have been involved in this group have grown spiritually.
Think about it. Nine years ago or whenever you became an active
participant, what were you like? Consider that for a moment, and then
reflect on how you have grown. You will see clearly you are not the same
person you were at that time. We have also seen your growth, and it has
been most heartwarming to take note. It allows us to know we are on the
right track.

This concludes my words to you this evening. I with you look forward to
year number ten with baited breath, for I see something of what is coming
over the horizon. You are most blessed to be a part of it. Good evening,
my friends.

Tomas (Bill/Isaac): I am Tomas; hello, my friends. I will speak next. As
I survey this Teaching Mission from the several vantage points I have
enjoyed, sometimes I feel I am watching an artist mix watercolors with
their brush bringing new colors to light by the mixture, change, and
blending of the former colors. So it does appear to me that this Teaching
Mission is a very fluid, lively, constantly changing matrix of lovely
personalities who come and go, enter and leave, and put their energy into
the mix and the colors, all of which are lifting upward toward spiritual

The thing that impresses me the most about the gorgeous beauty of
personality, the gift of the Father, is its ability to remain constant
while change continually embraces it. To organize and bring together all
of the disparate parts is the task of a person and their personality
structure. Then when personalities are put together into the vivid
coloration which results from this dynamic interchange of spiritual,
material, and mindal blend, what a gorgeous portraiture emerges from the
pallet! And this is only a small look, one very tiny part of the evolution
of the Supreme here on planet Urantia.

Words fail me to convey to you the visual impression that I am sharing with
Isaac at this time, but what I wish to say is very simple. Allow God's
flow to happen. Go with the flow, but its God's flow that I desire that we
all go with. Don't hold back. Don't try to stop change; its am impossible
task. It will block you, thwart you, hold you in restriction. Let go.
Allow that God, as you turn over your will to Him, will unerringly provide
to you that which will be your highest good and your greatest joy. As
Altern said, "we are all artists indeed". Let us embrace our art with
total enthusiasm.

Congratulations on nine years behind you. Let this year, this day, this
moment that is ahead of us simply come; for the best way to enter the
future is to be here in the flow of the present. Thank you all for the
part you played in helping me to become a better teacher when I was able to
partner with Daniel. I very much cherish this part of my past and remember
it with great fondness and enthusiastic affect. Good evening, my friends.

Christ Michael (Bill): My little flock here in Southeast Idaho, my peace
be upon you. You are my friends because you do the things that I tell you.
You are my apostles because you have accepted that role. You are branches
of my body and without me you can do nothing; but with me all things are
possible. Your job, my dears, is the greatest job given to man or woman:
to be brother and sister, to show light, to give life to one who struggles
in darkness, to one who is starving for spiritual food, to one who desires
a reliable map to the goal of mortal life.

I came forth to show my Father to all people on this planet, and I did
that. In that process I became the compleat mortal to show the fullness of
potential mortal growth and development. It is not by virtue of my
divinity that I became a perfected mortal. It was by my human choices,
hour my hour, day by day in following the lead of my faithful Adjuster,
that I completed the doing of my Father's will. My path you can follow.
My hand you can grasp in yours. My joy you may share.

My peace I do leave with you. My love, the love of the Paradise Trinity,
the love of the Fragment within you, I declare is yours to know. Come and
continue to follow me. Good evening.

Minearsia (Bob S): Again it falls to me to come after the words of our
Father/Brother, a most daunting task. I am Minearsia; greetings my
students, my friends.

We have been blessed by the words of our esteemed and eminent Creator Son,
who, as did Abraham, walked on the planet where you now tread. Soon there
will be other beings of high regard who will also walk where you are
walking. That day is not far off, as you have been told. We rejoice, we
Melchizedeks, in being asked to be part of this wonderful plan of Christ
Michael's. You mortals gathered here are also blessed for you have been
given the opportunity to grow far beyond what is normally open to mortals
on this planet. "To those who have been given much, is much expected."
Those words of the Master when he walked where you walk are true still
today. We cannot make you do anything you do not wish to do, as you know.
However, the opportunities you will be presented with are most inspiring
and potential-laden. We know when your decision time comes you will
seriously consider the next step you will be offered.

Tonight's function is a time of celebration, but I felt I must open the
door just a crack to let you see what is now coming over the horizon. My
friends, we are living in a most auspicious time on this planet. Do not be
anxious. Do not be fearful, but rejoice in what is taking place. Soon,
very soon all will be clear to you. In the meantime continue to walk the
walk which you have been led and instructed to follow. You, none of you,
are alone. This you know. If you could see all of the myriad of
personages here to help you, you would be humbled yet encouraged, and it is
this attitude of encouragement I wish to emphasis in my short talk to you

Enthusiasm is a word you are all familiar with, but if you break that word
down into its parts you see it comes from God, the Father of us all.[Ed: a
Greek word, en theism: inspired by God.] Those who know the Father cannot
help but be enthusiastic for that is what happens.

This is your enthusiastic resident instructor saying good evening my
children, my students, my friends. Tomorrow is almost here. Shalom.
Prayer by unknown celestial (Bill): And now, my friends stand and put your
arms around each other, and we shall conclude our meeting.

Let the tie of human love that bonds these dear ones together be so strong
than nothing can break it. Even so, Christ Michael, may we be one with each
other and with you, this year and forever. Amen

Group: Amen.
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