[tmtranscripts] 6/30/01 - SPOKANE TEACHER BASE

ZooidODell at aol.com ZooidODell at aol.com
Sat Jun 30 22:48:28 PDT 2001

DATE: June 30, 2001
T/R: Gerdean
TOPIC: Dynamics of "the Spirit of the Spirit"

PAULO: Good afternoon, friends and neighbors. Paulo here. We've been out
and about. I don't know if you noticed but I've been gone for several weeks.
I have had a good time and I'm glad to be back to pick up where you are in
your development, which is not too bad, all things considered. In my travels
I have seen less than my desired allotment of illumination. Any kind of
illumination is something that can be worked with. Any flicker of substance
or shadow of reality is a thread to be picked up and woven into the greater
garment. When there is not any opening, it matters not how well prepared you
may be to open your mouth and allow your pearls to roll forth, for the avenue
is just not there without creature willingness to open up and breathe in the
atmosphere of deity.

I see you had quite a bonfire going on here last week-end. I was on the
sidelines observing, always happy to take a back seat to the Melchizedek
teachers and the ministries of Michael and Nebadonia, but it's also good to
have a platform to which I may aspire to reach you and dedicate myself to
those flickers of faith which will give rise eventually to solid spiritual
reality. Have you got anything to say or question in response to the many
avenues of morontia thought and human awareness that have presented
themselves for you in this area in the past month or so?

THOROAH: The introduction, as blatantly as it was made by Rob Crickett, of
the "heretofore missing member of our parents" (I'm referring to Nebadonia),
has been key to me in bringing a lot of things together. The clarification
of the Holy Spirit; the completion in my mind of the Holy Trinity and the
pattern of the Trinity down through our lives from Paradise; and the major
visualization that I have now of Mother being every bit as important to my
spiritual life as Michael and the Paradise Father, or Indwelling Adjuster, is
almost like it hasn't been a missing ingredient, but it's one that has lacked
a certain personification.

PAULO: Mr. Crickett has made major inroads into revealing how dynamic the
Holy Spirit is - the Spirit of the Spirit. You have not been unaware of this
influence; however, it has not made such an impact on you until you have –
shall we say – put two and two together through his demonstration of what the
dynamic can be when the son of God and the daughter of God allow the Holy
Family to work its wonders within the parameters of that mortal's capacities.

It's also true that when you set out on a faith adventure you set out with
determina-tion in your heart but it is still a personal effort, and as you
share your intent to set out on this adventure, and as others accept your
decision and offer to go with you, or offer you supplies or maps or
guidelines, food or furs, you feel fortified by their support and you may go
in company with others or you may forge ahead individually but you have a
different sense of strength.

You are not alone any longer. Having the support of your community is the
pillar that holds up much social action, the prop that supports group effort.
And as you know, at least academically, ten persons can accomplish more in
teamwork than they can as ten persons individually. In fact, ten persons
working together on a project exponentially amount to far more than merely
ten, but a hundredfold and more because of the group dynamic, because of the
consolidation of your efforts, because of your camaraderie in the Spirit of
things that constitutes work in the field, that gets things done, that is
that element of divinity that represents Action.

There are many points herein that will no doubt be bringing you a steady
stream of reminders for the balance of the season of what powers the Spirit
of the Divine Minister provides - the Universal Mother Spirit through her
Daughter, Michael's Consort, and through the personalities throughout the
far-flung universes of ministering spirits who are the arms and legs of their
realm of influence as you are the arms and legs of your realm of influence
here on Urantia.

It's interesting because there is inherent in the word "dynamic" a certain
conflict in perception. "Dynamic" shares the root word with "dynamite" and
dynamite in haphazard application is indeed dangerous. Even personalities
who are dynamic have often been interpreted as egos out of control,
egomaniacs, self-centered people who want to steal the show. At the same
time, the text book talks about "dynamic personalities" of the sons and
daughters of God and they are rendered dynamic because of the force of the
Father, Mother and Son.

You well may begin to have a new appreciation for the Mother. You may begin
to perceive of those energies on a level that goes beyond your superficial
assumptions of something feminine or female as having its base of reality in
the women/females you have known in the mortal sense and not in the Third
Source and Center of Paradise that is a part and parcel of God itself - the
action aspect of deity. As your mentor mentioned recently, in many ways the
Father thinks and the Son talks but the Mother does.

This is what Rob Crickett's ministry demonstrates - the doing of it, the
action of it, the dynamics of a spiritual life. The distrust that some of
you met him with had to do with your limited understanding of what each
individual son of God is capable of, given the proper motivation and infusion
of the Spirit of the Father, the Spirit of the Son, and the Spirit of the

The authority of the male dominated dogma of the Judeo-Christian lineage
throws the Mother into the back of the synagogue, or holding down the fort in
Salvington, or in the person of Mary the mother of Jesus, a docile and
subservient saint. These depictions of the Divine Minister and her powers
are insignificant in comparison to her authority and influence in the lives
of all her children.

The liberation of womankind is giving rise to a demand that God be a Mother
as well as a Father, and it is unseemly for anyone to be put in a position of
having to demand the rights of their God, as if a Universal Mother Spirit had
no vote of her own. Thus, as you get to know Her better, as you familiarize
yourself with the Spirit of the Spirit in your own life, as you activate
yourself, as you personally enter into phase two of this Teaching Mission, as
you wrap around yourself a pattern of Paradise that is inclusive of the three
persons of Deity, the Father, the Son and the Spirit Mother, you will comport
yourself thoughtfully, audibly, actively. You will be seen as a dynamic
pattern of Paradise taking its place in Urantia's unfolding of Light and Life.

Intellectually there's a lot to be learned about this concept - psychically,
socially and subconsciously - work that may be said to be necessary for you
to overcome your limitations, your prejudices, and yet if you invite the
Spirit of the Conjoint Actor to conjoin with you in your allegiance with
Michael and Father, in ministry to humanity, it will quickly become apparent
to you how truly dynamic a spirit life can be. It is bigger than you are.
It is more than you are. And this is the promise that was made - you would
become greater than yourself.

And so those of you who are afraid of this energy are going to continue to
live in your heads and in your hearts but if you intend to express
dynamically the essences of all that you are heir to, it will include a new
assessment of the "Holy Spirit" and all that She can do for you in your work
in the realm and for those She seeks to call unto Her as Her own. Just as
the Father seeks to know His children, so does the Mother seek to draw Her
babies to her breast and to infuse them with Her divine love.

Alas! Unfortunately, you have such tawdry perceptions of gender, the very
naming of these essences as Father or Mother, as He or as She, immediately
diminishes them, and yet how else do we convey but through the Word -- unless
it be through the Holy Spirit, and even She needs the Son, the Word, to
reflect the thought, the concept of God.

THOROAH: Thank you, Paulo.

PAULO: I haven't done a thing! I have observed how the Father, Son and
Spirit have been busy in your lives, have been operating in my absence,
functioning fully and faithfully, and you have been obedient and open to
Their ways. I, with you, thank Them!
Have we got any rebellions going on to quash?

THOROAH: Same old one.
PAULO: That original thing?
THOROAH: The residue of it, I would say.

PAULO: Same old one. The grandiosity of such a rebellion renders us
individually ineffective as even Michael gave over the judgment of his sons
to the Father, but we have a multitude of minor reflections of the errors of
our forebearers, if you will, that are in line for correcting and attention,
and it is in that context that I ask if there are any rebellions needing
attention. I see you had a little taste of devil worship in your midst in the
personality of one of your fellows who has been led to cry out to the God of
Abraham in innermost desire of attaining rightness within himself and
releasing himself from the stranglehold of Satan worship which he has fallen
into because of life's vicissitudes.

How opportunistic for you to have such a readily available son of God with
whom to work, from whom you might elicit some flicker upon which you might
build a church of God in which this man may come to worship the one
altogether lovely, righteous and holy. The energy, essence and power of the
Infinite Spirit in the heart of this young man would open his soul to the
lights of infinity, illuminating him from the inside, forevermore, enabling
him to choose again and irrevocably the God of love instead of the god of

Remember to bring the Holy Spirit with you into your communion with him and
your counsel with him. She will help protect you from his madness and
relieve him of his heavy burden, allowing the baptism of the spirit to wash
over you both in a fraternal bonding of sonship which will instill, then,
some of that dynamism which comes from knowing the support of your fellow
believers and your fellow workers in the field, your fellow explorers in the
eternal career.

THOROAH: [tape turned, some lost} ... the dynamics get messed up not only in
our gender problem but it's like there was the thought, which was the Father,
there was the word which was the Son and then the Mother which is the Holy
Spirit -- I like that "Spirit of the Spirit" -- that dynamic. We have it
chronologically in our mind that all of a sudden we're adding Mother to the
Father and the Son, but it's all one dynamic. It's not like she's a
step-mother, in other words.

PAULO: Indeed, and this is a part of the depiction of the personality of the
Eternal Son, that in the context of parenting the Creator Sons, the Eternal
Son assumes the role of the wife of God, the mother of sons, even while it is
the Third Source and Center which is referred to as Universal Mother Spirit,
and even while it is given the feminine depiction, it is also referred to as
"he" and "him" and so the Paradise comprehension of gender is far and away
above and beyond what you perception of gender is based on your human natures
in a sex world.

The feminine forces for Urantia have been few by comparison to other worlds
where the Material Son and Daughter were in a position to develop their
children under optimum conditions. The idea of competition, too, has been a
drawback for your impression of feminine energies, Mother Spirit. Even the
idea of Father, Son and Mother has a certain imbalance, according to your
perceptions, but again, as you leave the limitations of your sex planet and
begin to see how many kinds of non-sexual liaisons there are, you will see
that the interweaving of energies is something that has very little to do
with gender and even less of sex as you ascend. Trinitization is a non-sex
liaison that produces life - real beings. The birth of the primary midwayers
was largely a non-sexual event.

The mind, the higher mind, the higher mind in conjunction with morontia
reality, the morontia reality in conjunction with spirit - these levels of
reality are capable of producing other realities - living realities, even as
your creative imaginations are capable of giving birth, giving rise to
concepts and characterizations of realities which have the potential of
permanently affecting other minds, souls and spirits. This has nothing to do
with sex or gender; it has to do with the creative energy and creation is a
part of you and a part of your nature as you are sons of God and your
capacities in this regard are allowing you to develop in your own right as a
son and as a conjoint actor, a being energized, actualized, realized by the
combined forces of the Paradise Trinity as it is visited on its creations, on
the universes of time and space.

Why should you not be as dynamic as your Father? You are his son. This is
your birthright, to also be creative, and to infuse your creations with the
life that is in you because you are in Him. And if I have somehow
inadvertently conveyed to you that this is not possible if you are a daughter
of God, or if you as a daughter of God - even in your male gender - are not
also influenced by the Infinite Mother Spirit, then either I have failed to
convey my message correctly or you have failed to see my point.
As they say, "Are we on the same page?"

THOROAH: I believe so. I can't speak for everyone, Paulo.
PAULO: Are you relatively clear, Thoroah?
PAULO: All right then. I trust you will be able to teach these concepts in
your ministry as you pass by.
THOROAH: I certainly am going to try.

PAULO: Allow yourself to give yourself up and throw yourself upon the mercy
of Deity. Ask Deity to be with you and speak for you and through you and in
you. Ask Deity to move you to move others. Ask the Father to provide for
you the patterns of Paradise that protect and surround you, that uphold you,
and arrive before you in anticipation of your coming, as we arrive before Him
and prepare the way for His coming, as He has arrived before us and prepared
the way for our coming.

And along those lines, I imagine everyone is all packed and ready for the
Conference that we will all be attending in Snowbird. It will be my first
official experience. I am looking forward to the "festival of lights". See
you there. Farewell.
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