[tmtranscripts] 05-12-01 - SPOKANE TEACHER BASE

ZooidODell at aol.com ZooidODell at aol.com
Mon May 14 12:01:05 PDT 2001

DATE: May 12, 2001
T/R: Gerdean
PAULO: The Galactic Neighborhood
Q & A: Composition of Cosmic Neighbors
NEBADONIA: All My Children

PAULO: Good afternoon, boys and girls, I am Paulo.

I am glad to be a part of your gathering today, glad to be a part of your
socializing process, and a fellow communicant of ideas and ideals in
existence and in potential which will allow us to experiment in these
adventurous explorations of our existence in any configuration we find
ourselves in. That is to say, whether it is the universe between your ears
or the Grand Universe, or any spectrum therein. We ought to be able to find
mutual value and stimulation by our investigations.

One of the objections to the topic that you are inviting and we will embark
upon this afternoon is: How far removed it is from the essential needs of
Urantia today!

The question arises, "How can you be investing your energies in speculation
of what may be going on in outer space when you understand the tremendous
needs of Urantia?" I am amused by such an approach for the fact is the
perspective of a galactic neighborhood is the perspective that will give you
the vantage point that will enable you to be sufficiently motivated in a
social sense, in a political sense, in a scientific sense, that will help
apply the spiritual pressure that will bring about the realization that we
are all about life.

When you have been isolated, as is the case on Urantia and these other
neighboring worlds which have been separated by the quarantine, there is what
we might call a very ‘provincial' attitude about the, what we might call
‘metropolis' of the cosmos at large. I'm reminded of some of your quaint
attitudes of limiting your perspectives by your own reasoning, such as, "If
it ain't broke, don't fix it!" Well, it may not be broken from your vantage
point but if you take the farther view, you may see that while you are moving
along at a merry clip, your neighbors are hobbling and even crippled, but if
you don't care about your neighbors, what difference does it make? Don't
bother with it. "It ain't broke; don't try to fix it."

And an idea of minding one's own business is and has been of great value in
your evolutionary scheme of things and in some instances is even pertinent
today – nationalistically speaking, for example, or neighborly speaking in
general. But it's not an invitation to meddle where you don't belong by
allowing yourself to have a greater perspective on what the situation is, for
this grants you a vantage point that removes you from that stance of
ignorance and prejudice that limits the advancement of everything.

You've become intrigued, in your circles, having to do with a recent
broadcast and revelations regarding the contact registered between your world
and visitors to your world. And while you have all become quite accustomed
to the presence of the Teachers in your midst, many of you somehow feel that
any other kind of personality is some kind of invasion, and this is a blanket
observation across the board about humanity, for on one hand it will accede
to the existence of God and angels, while in the practical affairs of life
God and angels have, in their mind, little to do with what they feel they
need to do in order to make life go on. And so you're not the only ones who
opt to believe a little bit of this but not that.

I'm reminded of the Foreword of the text that you use, the one that describes
the frame of reference the authors will be using in putting forth their
revelation. And think what an advantage it would be to have a similar
glossary of terms in terms of these different types of life in the universe.
And the great chasm between a science fiction understanding of space ships
and alien life as compared to the appreciation for angels, God, and your
supernal teachers in the Teacher Corp. It's as if you needed to decide
between them and they are both quite plausible, and as you understand reality
better, they are in fact essential.

It comes, again, from your isolated vantage point. And now you are opening
up as is SETI and becoming adamant that what you see is true. What you
believe is a fact. It's very much like faith. If you put your foot down and
say, "I know that I know," there isn't much can be done in argument to change
your mind from what you know to be true. In a way it's an advantage, because
it's an affirmative; it's a more advantageous vantage point and approach than
those who have the unglorious job of proving that it isn't so. Faith will
win out.

The circuits are opening and the light of truth is flooding your world and as
it has been pointed out to you before, some of you at least, the universe is
rushing, flooding to your aid. The emphasis of aid has been spiritual
because it is essential that your souls expand in proportion to your
technology. Science has had a bit of an upper hand, and religion has
remained emotional and dogmatic, essentially causing a bigger rift between
peoples than science, which has begun to foster the family of man by its
essential realizations of, for example, medicine and aerospace.

This glossary that I suggest you think about has in it words which you are
already familiar with. Let's see. We have the word supernal. Is there a
dictionary in the house? I'd like to see what your dictionary says about
what a supernal is so that we have a mutual appreciation of what we're
talking about in terms of definition of terms.

GINNY: Supernal: It comes from supernus, meaning upper. Super, above.
"Of, from, or as though from the heavens or the sky; celestial, heavenly, or

PAULO: Alright. Now I'll have the definition for extra-terrestrial, which
should be among your words by now.

GINNY: Extraterrestrial : as an adjective it means, "existing, taking
place, or coming from outside the limits of the earth." As a noun, it's "an
extraterrestial being, as in science fiction."

PAULO: Alright, very well. Have you got in there a word called "alien"?

GINNY: I'm sure we do! Alien Alien as adjective is "belonging to another
country or people; foreign. 2. Strange; not natural, (like, cruel words
alien to his lips)". A third definition "opposed or repugnant; 4. Of
aliens" – The noun: "a foreigner. 2. A foreign-born resident in a country .
. . 3. An outsider. 4. A hypothetical being in or from outer space, as in
science fiction."

PAULO: Alright, and one final work IF you have it in your dictionary would be
"other-terrestrial". Is that available?


PAULO: Alright then, I'll add that to the Glossary as we pass by. First let
me point out the fact that if we go by your dictionary, all of the Teachers,
including Ham and Abraham are aliens, and even extra-terrestrials as well as
supernals. And if we look at a concept such as space ships, isn't it true
that they too are coming from some-where else besides earth, somewhere above,
inasmuch as it is coming out of the sky, and are they not also then supernal
as well as extraterrestrial and even alien?

Alright, let's get back to reality as it is portrayed in text, as that is
your favorite frame of reference, and in it, it is portrayed that you are
(and you won't like this) "lowly". If you acknowledge your "lowliness", it
stands to reason that any other form of life experienced beyond yours,
whether it is material, morontial or spiritual, is going to be supernal.
Even conceivably extraterrestrial. "Grays" are making the news these days,
and they even come from somewhere else.

Thus you have a heightened sense of anything new as being alien. It's all
something strange, all coming from another place, all something not
understood, all potentially dangerous and all very frightening.

About now you ought to be able to see how your perspective as one who has an
idea of the vastness of the universes of time and space, and with the cast of
characters as presented by the Urantia text in discussing the descending
sons, the ministering spirits, the planetary administration, ad infinitum,
your perspective on this ought to enable you to support a premise that
intelligent life in the universe is indeed attempting to make contact with
you, and knowing that it is a friendly universe and that God is love, it will
also be true that although it is unknown and strange, it is also to your
advantage to approach other-terrestrials and supernal existences as if it
were a force of good rather than evil.

You have, thus, now a new perspective on language that will help you to edify
your friends and neighbors in the field as to some lasting value, some real
precepts, because you have the SETI phenomenon as a material topic, a
scientific scenario, assisting you in introducing a perspective of
intelligent life in the universe that includes spiritual intelligent life,
such as angels.

Let's talk for a moment about the architectural spheres. Your architectural
sphere is material, dense materiality made to accommodate your mortal
existence. Many millions of worlds throughout the seven super-universes are
similarly inhabited by material beings, and many of these (if not most) are
far in advance of you, inasmuch as it is true that the many super universes
which preceded the formulation of Orvonton are already well underway and a
lot of these inhabited worlds have evolved to the point where light and life
has been a long-established reality.

One of the additional factors is that some of these worlds and their advanced
population have attained the point whereupon the material life experience is
a clear understanding of the cocoon existence prior to the ... chrysalis
existence prior to the emergence of the morontial mind and body of Jerusem
status. Such is the nature of the evolving worlds.

Returning again to the plight of Urantia, from your provincial point of
reality, just emerging out of the darkness of the quarantine, you are being
observed, of course, by your neighbors and even contacted and studied because
of the peculiar circum-stances of your lives here and now in terms of your
planetary emergence into your standard system of things. Constellation-wise,
you are being re-assimilated.

If there are architectural spheres to accommodate other worlds, having an
advanced status/ population, such as is the case in worlds long settled in
light and life, and the many mansion worlds of progressive evolution and
spirit attainment, there is no reason to exclude a concept of advanced
material life that is capable of reaching out to its potential co-operatives
in universe advancement, in yet another attempt to get to know you better and
to help you advance in your understanding of the universe at large.

The consensus seems to be that the spirit-minded feel there is only a spirit
reality in the universe, and the science-minded feel there are only science
fiction aliens, and they may be good or bad but they may or may not have a
spiritual reality, when in fact if one has a recognition of the retardation
of Urantia and these sister worlds from isolation, you will readily recognize
what tremendous advances are yet to be made in your perspectives and then in
your acceptance of all your potential, spiritual and material.

"Extraterrestrials" is an unfortunate phrase, in that, it seems to connote
alien qualities of weirdness and violence, perhaps disease and anal probes,
or abductions and the bar scene in Star Wars. But it is an intelligent
universe, and those who have been able to manage to steer a course of
balanced development, have been able to bring with them the necessary
understanding of the laws of the universe as well as the dynamics of
experience. And thus they have inherently had the advantage of understanding
the qualities of divinity that induce us in an enhancement of our
appreciation of truth, beauty and goodness.

I therefore applaud your fascination for galactic exploration, even while
many of you have the provincial attitude that "If it ain't broke, don't fix
it. What do we need to be going out into outer space for, into orbit,
looking at the other side of the moon or striving to reach Venus?" Well,
it's part of the growing pattern of all young things. Any toddler will learn
to crawl and then scramble like mad as he approaches the next step which is
standing and walking and then he'll run like mad, and that's what you guys
are doing in your humanness. You have stood up with the Father holding onto
your hand and now you're looking around and scrambling. Soon you'll be on
your feet and running pell mell into the galactic adventures that are your
birthright. But you're not going anywhere prematurely, so, nobody needs to
worry about that. You still need to eat and pay rent as I understand it.
And so as long as you have your feet on terra firma, you cannot harm your
situation by being mindful of greater life in the universe, for all of it is
under God, and infiltrated with the divine essence in one form or another, so
why not embrace the unknown of the galaxy as readily and earnestly as you
embrace the unknown of our Father's/ Mother's love.

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