[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 9/30/01

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Thu Oct 4 09:35:54 PDT 2001

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Riding the Stormy Seas, Urantia faces a momentous turning point
Teachers: Michael, Nebadonia, Elyon, Lester

September 30, 2001

*	Michael (Mark):  You so graciously welcome me into your circle.  And it is
indeed with the divine grace of the Father that we enjoy our relationship
together.  I would join you in our vessel as we man the oars and pull hard for
the distant shore.
	I have spoken to you of the rough seas and the harsh winds, and I have
witnessed as these have recently buffeted you about and have been most pleased
that, as my modern day apostles, each one of you was quick to regain your
composure and to return to your spiritual seat and to once again take up the
of pulling at the oars together.
	It is indeed an incredible miracle to witness material beings such as
yourselves overcoming material obstacles so quickly and remaining in your
spiritual perspective, to regain your composure and to be calmed by your
spiritual relationships.  You have been prepared and that is well; you have
heeded the lessons; you have understood the teachings.  Now your focus may be
given to the forward momentum of the task at hand, regardless of the material
surroundings and the transient weather patterns, which at times may seem
overwhelming and at other times may provide you with peace and calm.  You are
coming to realize that these transient weather events are separate and aside
your overall function and mission.  [You are] gaining perspective to realize
these events are temporary and will pass quickly.
	There are more storms on the horizon, as you are all aware.  We have
battened down the hatches; we have set our compass, and we are of one accord
we are progressing steadfastly regardless of the seas and the winds.  It is a
foregone conclusion that such a spirit-filled vessel has only one final
destination and one certainty of passage.  We must simply take the steps
necessary to propel ourselves, to move ourselves forward, that we may
function in
all varieties of circumstances.
	Adversity seems not so intense when we are firmly seated in our spiritual
seats, and we are willing to keep the momentum up, eager to see this passage
completed and are of firm belief that our journey is one of certainty.  Others
around us may flounder and call out as their vessels tip and sway as they
encounter uncertainty in their passage.  They may even jump ship.  But our
is sturdy; our way is sure.  Our compass points ever forward.
	We may find in our journey that we may be of assistance to a great many
along the way, drawing them up and into our vessel to become part of our crew. 
This is the opportunity we have before us, and all I see are eager to raise the
sails and make some progress in this journey.  I assure you that I will be there
with you.  Indeed, I will pull the oars with you.  I will take a turn at each of
your seats and give you rest and the comfort that you require, and together we
most certainly will have a magnificent voyage, likely to be filled with many
encounters of an extreme nature.  Nevertheless, if we maintain our spiritual
center then we will not be knocked off course or unduly swayed by any of these
temporal events.
	I am most pleased to see my crew hard at the oars, eager faces ready for
the next challenge, the next wave, the next strong wind, to see what is in them
of any value.  In this way we build our spiritual center with each event.  It
does not knock us down but rather builds us up, makes us stronger, provides us
with wisdom and furthers deeper insights.
	Thus our trip log becomes our increased experiences providing us with a
broader base for interpretation of reality.  This is only attained by our
and by our move forward on this journey, and I look forward to crossing this
expanse with you and working closely to navigate our vessel so as to maintain a
true heading for the Father, for Light and Life on your world.
	I withdraw to allow for others, but I never fully leave you.  You know who
I am.

*	Mother Spirit (Jonathan):  I am Divine Minister of Nebadon.  I come to you
today along with Michael to again assure you of the care, love, of your creator.
	This planet child of mine is growing.  Souls are seeking answers.  The
ground is fertile for revelation.  Many around this sphere have received and
understand truths that are necessary to be enacted in this immediate future.
have witnessed how excitedly a young one will desire to enact what has been
learned, that the comprehension of a possibility does not satisfy curiosity,
not bring complacency but stimulates involvement, engages one in action.
	All throughout our universe every attempt is made to encourage the twofold
function of discovery followed by demonstration.  Even we, your divine parents,
undertake this same process.
	All that is transpiring is for your good.  All that you do for us you do
for the well-being of your fellows as well.  This is a time to be bold in your
certainty, to stand firm, not only for the stability of your own faith, but for
its recognizability by the searching eyes of others.
	Our family is huge.  If you were to be in my position you would witness
such a diversity that even one of divine origin finds overwhelmingly beautiful. 
Underlying our unique characters is our common spiritual fellowship.  This I ask
you to emphasize, to promote, to live.
	Urantia faces a momentous turning point; the potential for an upstep on
this world is great.  This is the hour for wisdom; this is the hour to view your
circumstances from an enlarged cosmic perspective.  Michael applied all of his
perspective of Havona in the establishment of Nebadon.
	We have ourselves directly experienced the pain and the shock that you have
likewise felt recently when Nebadon was rocked by rebellion several times.  Each
one of these occurrences transformed our region, upstepped it significantly
because of the searching and the truthseeking that was undertaken by all
	No event will disturb one who genuinely seeks for truth.  Any event will
stimulate further searching and subsequent discovery.  Foster in your
fellows the
ideal of the continual search for true reality, for everlasting goodness,
and for
ultimate beauty.  This will reveal to you what appropriate actions can be taken
to establish greater peace and harmony upon this world.
	I embrace you.  Take in with your arms of faith my presence.  Ever and
always are you in the care of our great Father on high.

*	Elyon (Mark):  This is Elyon and I would take one moment to avail myself of
the imagery provided to this TR and call you back to the boats for a few more
	Your world, your civilization, is as the inhabitants on a small island. 
The tides are rising.  As it becomes apparent that the storm and seas of
adversity will overtake your world, it is a certainty that, in order to weather
the storm, inhabitants of your world must rush to their vessels and make them
ready to rise above this tide.  You who have been engaged for some time in
developing a spiritual center know that you go to your vessel which you have
preparing for some time and load your vessel with only things of spiritual
to make a sure and speedy passage.  Many of your fellow inhabitants, when they
get the feeling that they must take to the sea, drag their vessels out and,
because they do not share a spiritual center, proceed to load their vessels with
things worldly, things material, things important to them, things that comfort
	As the seas rise and it is at first calm, you who have developed a
spiritual center find it easy to pull at your oars and propel your vessel
surely and certainly.  Those who have overloaded their vessels with inordinate
material possessions they cling to find that in the calm seas it is difficult to
pull at the oars and make any progress.  Likewise when the winds of change blow
steadily and moderately you find that you are able to raise a sail on your
vehicle and make use of moderate winds of change to propel you swiftly
forward on
your path.  Those around you who have overloaded their vehicles find it much
difficult to make passage when their vessels are heavily laden and ride low in
the seas.
	Finally, as the storm that you have seen approaches on the horizon and you
have taken your sail down and prepared it over your vessel so as to be ready for
the onslaught of weather, those around you have been perhaps caught by
They are vulnerable, exposed, subjected to the winds of adversity, the high seas
of change.  Under these conditions we, in our vessel, will see many who are
attempting to make a similar voyage capsized, overturned, and otherwise
adversity.  Many who encounter this will desire for a change of vessel, a new
perspective.  To be seated high in the water in a vessel of spiritual
will look appealing to them, and they will be ready to forgo and forget their
vessels which now flounder and be drawn up by ones in a spirit vessel.  Others
will cling stubbornly to their vessels and literally will go down with their
	We have before us the tools necessary to make this passage, to complete our
voyage, as we have had our training and importantly we have had our priorities
structured for the loading and the preparation of our vessel.  Therefore we seek
to cast a lifeline out to all those along our journey who would seek it, who
would ask for it.  Thereby will we increase our crew and make shore on the far
side with a great many more souls than we began our journey with.  But our
rides high in the seas and can take the addition of many more passengers, many
more souls, because they weigh nothing.  They do not burden our vessel as
material possessions do.  We are certain of our passage because we have our
compass of faith and we have our vessel of spirit.  It is now up to us to simply
survive the voyage.  In so we will gain vast experience which will be helpful to
us throughout our entire ascension journey.
	Just some more imagery for you to play with about boats, tides, winds of
change.  Thank you for hearing my words today.

*	Lester (Jonathan): This is Lester, swabbing decks.  For those who have the
advantage of climbing to the crow's nest and observing the far flung, wide open
seas .... but as I am often wont to do, I would like to direct your attention to
the galley.  Relish the nutrients that are placed before you and sing a hearty
song and quaff a beverage of your choice.
	I give you my hearty hello and take my leave.

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