[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 1/13/02

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Mon Jan 14 19:06:03 PST 2002

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics:  When they turn are you not inspired? Questions on Love Therapy and
Thought Patterns,
The Landscape of the Soul that Beautifies the Mind Field
Teachers: Tomas, Elyon

January 13, 2001

*	Tomas (Tiahuan): This is Tomas.  I have longed to speak in this manner, and
I appreciate the willingness of this one as we all appreciate the willingness of
each to invite us into your lives to join you in your labor as you proceed
in the
business of doing the Father's will.
	We have enjoyed your speech.  We have witnessed the Father speaking in and
through you, all of you.  It encourages us as we seek to encourage you.  You are
inclined to think of us as pure, higher, and more experienced.  Well, perhaps we
are, but this is pertaining to quantity of such experience.  My friends, my
is moved by the qualitative depth of your own experience.  Are you not moved by
the depth of devotion, by one who turns at their moment of beginning upon the
path of faith, though they have walked through darkness and the dangerous depths
of their own deprivation?  When they turn are you not inspired?  You who have
been along this path for some time, are you not energized by this beauty of
a new
discovery?  Allow yourselves to be fed by the many in this world who are turning
now in their own ways as they are able to embrace the reality of our Father. 
Join in their celebrations, in the celebration of their hearts.  Then you will
know how great is our joy to behold you in this moment, you who have been coping
with the inadequate skills resident upon this planet's culture only because of
the misfortunes of your history.  But look at you, gathered about in the sincere
and probing discussion of the realities of spirit.  We join you as a team,
and we
relish this chance to draw near you.
	Give yourselves credit where it is due.  We respect the labor that you have
done, and we rejoice to support you in all that you aspire to accomplish in the
time that you are given.  In the end we are honored by this company, the company
of our Father within us weaving our lives together in this exploration of
opportunity.  It is you who walk upon this planet.  We walk with you thrilled
with this chance of a lifetime.  My lesson then is in this gratitude, my joy
enjoying with yours.  Give it to others.
	Thank you.  Are there questions?

	Evelyn:  We got a call this morning from someone with a question.  It
refers back to Nebadonia talking about love warriors who, when we find faces of
fear, can shoot love therapy.  Can we ask the angels to use our bodies as
conduits to shoot this love, whether we do that with the person's knowledge or
not?  I said I thought the answer was yes to that.  Then there's the question of
how we have old thought patterns and behaviors that are holding us back, for
example, an inner critic.  We can all imagine some kind of thought habit.  Can
the angels working through us dissolve these thought habits?
*	Tomas:  You are the love therapy.  Your angels, teachers, midwayers,
Michael and Nebadonia depend upon you to be this medicine, the salve in your
world.  This is not injected arbitrarily; it is given according to the wisdom of
God.  As you gain in your potency by progressively doing the will of God, the
medicine you are has greater effect.  Most certainly we conspire to bring this
about, but you all are the messengers, the medicine, the marvel of healing
unfolding upon this world.
	I hope this is of some help.
	Evelyn:  Would we be overriding freewill to offer love and healing to
someone who doesn't know that we are?
*	Tomas:  Yes, I understand.  This is where you approach the arena of the
Adjuster.  The Adjuster is supremely respectful, indeed, guards with careful
devotion the sanctity of the prerogatives of the personality.  Within the
of this personality's choice the degree to which they had invited the assistance
of heaven, within this openness is where you are free to work.  If the door is
cracked but slightly, then blow love through this crevice as you can and will. 
But love precludes the forcing of the door itself.  The master stands and
He asks for entry.  He makes no demands, neither should you.

*	Elyon (Jonathan):  Greetings, I am Elyon.  Thank you for welcoming me to
this group.  I know as a regular attender that you are always willing to take in
the thoughts of myself and associates who attend these discussions.  I wish to
address the point of thought patterns, ways to go about adjusting your habitual
streams of thought, and the inquiry as to assistance from your seraphic
attendants or even us teachers in changing your thinking.
	It is not within the powers of those like myself or your angels to weed
your mind field.  Rather our task, to continue with the notion of an open field,
is to help those rocks that you wish to comb out of your field to rise to the
surface that you may view them.  But it is entirely your free will as to which
rock, stone, or gravel you wish to remove.  The formula at work is that each
personality is making its contribution to the oversoul of creation.  I may stand
in my field, look over the fence into your field, and have an opinion of how you
may arrange your landscape.  I could give you cuttings, transplants, that
you may
apply in your landscape as you see fit. We would commingle in the sharing and as
a partnership create a form of beauty for the universe to behold.  But if I were
to be the gardener of your field, it would become my expression and not yours,
and this is true of the field of the mind and the arena of choice.
	It is encouraged from our teachers that we share, that we broadcast widely
what has been important and impacting on our soul growth and personality
unfoldment, for it is in the cross-fertilization that the Supreme grows, gains
strength, and manifests traits that were only lying in potential.  The mutual
exchange of ministry is for the upliftment of each one of us in the hope
that our
exchanges multiply the diversity inherent in all our potential, thereby
manifesting a beauty far transcendent of what would be a monotony if all our
patterns of behavior and thinking were uniform.  To uproot, to change your
landscape, requires that you, the property owner of your mind field, do the
digging, make the choice of which to pull and which to plant.  I, as your
neighbor, and your angels are always willing to give you a start from our field
if you ask.  It will be given, and then it is up to you where and how to plant
and how often to water and when to fertilize.
	I hope this helps.

	Mark:  I have this boulder.  I accept your role as neighbor.  How is one's
desire to rid the landscape of an unacceptable object reconciled with turning a
problem, a boulder, over to God when seeking assistance with that task?  I
understand that angels and teachers aren't God.  The step of seeking counsel and
pursuing turning  an issue straight to the Father may be of assistance in
determining the appropriate Paradise pattern for our mind field.
*	Elyon:  I admire your perception.  Yes, as your neighbor, I too may be too
powerless to jump the fence and join you in lifting this extremely large boulder
from your field.  The divine backhoe operator has the power to extract this
object if you give the call.  It is important to remember the Divine Power and
its immensity and its abilities.  One of the interests of our Divine Source is
the experience of the manner in which you overcome your hurdles.  The writer of
old spoke of a thorn in his side and credited it with being a divine gift,
painful though it was.  Each landowner perchance has an uneradicable boulder
can be landscaped, can be beautified, can be transformed.  What was once evil,
ugly to the eye, can become scenic and good.  Seeking the counsel and
guidance of
the divine will reveal to you the proper direction.  Do you bring in the cranes
and pull it out?  Do you modify your terrain such that it is transformed?  By
seeking with faith and acting in trust you open the channel of communication
wherein these decisions can rise to clarity and confidence and subsequent
	Mark:  Thank you very much.

	Sivad:  I'm drawn to the image of the mind as a mirror.  In astronomy to
study an image deep in space outside the range of our mortal vision, the larger
the diameter of the mirror, the greater the capacity for resolution of ever
deeper objects.  When we encounter physical limits of engineering, we have
learned to link mirrors in different parts of our world, combining their
knowledge so we can calculate objects we have never before seen.
	If this works for physical observation, how do we actively engage in
linking our minds to focus on the love of God, and thereby magnify its
understanding in our world?
*	Elyon:  My friend, you have touched upon a subject of Supreme immensity.  I
will make some attempt to offer my input.
	Your selection of these mirror-like antenna is a good illustration of what
is often our central teaching of stillness, for these collectors are taking in
light.  They aren't broadcasting; they are receiving.  As each of you incircuit
through stillness you are creating that network, that enlarged receptive field
upon which that immense imagery can be collected and become known.  You
understand that the Father can be discovered in the heart of any individual, but
that the Supreme is discovered in the revelation of all.  To gain increased
ability it is important to spend your time in stillness, for this is a point of
focus in the arena of mind without the distractions of the environment.  It is
the opportunity to remove the snow from the dish so that the incoming
signals are
discernible and undistorted.
	The mind which is bestowed upon you -- and I speak to you as a large group
-- has some ability to function independently of time, but it is still largely
conditioned by sequential perception and duration.  This collecting of the
greater image can happen independently of simultaneous receptivity, but you as
the one viewing can strengthen your reception of tangible feedback by
collectively deciding upon certain moments wherein you will actively engage in
mind networking.  By doing so you are teaming up; you are creating in real
time a
network.  This form of teamwork will reveal to you more of the great
picture.  As
I say, it can be done independently of timing, but it is helpful to the human
mind to deliberately create instances of conjoined seeking.
	Does this address your question?
	Sivad:  Yes, thank you.  I am led to the offer of Michael of his gift of
mind, drawing as it does from all of his children's experiences.  In the Supreme
image he offers to us is this distillation of every mind from every part of his

	Gerdean:  I have a picture of a field of boulders next to a field where
someone has built a high rise that blocks the sun.  A mirror could reflect the
Father around the building to light my garden with the light that transcends the
rudeness of my neighbor who blocked the sun.  We spend so much time in our
the mind arena of choice where we live deciding how we will work our fields
to be
of the best service.  I seem to be stuck here.  I need to get out of my mind or
get comfortable with it.
*	Elyon:  May I for a moment address the high rise?  The Father knows that
you each have a plot in the reality of time and space and that the field of
another can be too close, that adjacency can infringe upon you.  This is where
the teaching of the brotherhood of all comes in.  But He has made provision to
minister to these inconveniences, for, as we have worked this analogy, the sun
will cross the sky through the day, and your field will receive the sun, even
though there are moments when the shadow of your offending neighbor is cast upon
you.  This edifice, while an obstacle, can also be a blessing, for it may shield
your field from the north wind.  It may absorb the heat and forestall a frost.
	To address this feeling of being stuck in the mind: This field has
occupants besides yourself.  You may be the landowner, but the Father has given
you a landscaper, His own presence.  The development of the partnership of the
two of you creates the landscape of the soul that beautifies the mind field.  To
escape the mind transform it.  When one beholds the work of a gardener who has
created a balanced and inviting landscape, rarely does one notice the dirt.  The
soul is the landscape upon the mind which beautifies the personality.  The mind,
like the soil, will offer nutrients unceasingly.  It will receive your
compost as
well.  The Father will rain upon you and shine upon you from above, and His
divine Fragment will cooperate in the planting of your soul landscape.  Always
will the foundation of mind remain to support and to contribute.  But in the
run your attention will be focused upon that soul emergence, the ripe harvest of
spiritual growth and morontia attainment.
	Gerdean: That's what Ham said.
*	Elyon:  I was wondering where my lesson plan went.
	Gerdean:  My first duty is to nurture my morontia soul.  I forget that.

	Mark:  We hold dear our relationships with you, our unseen friends.  We
thank you so very much for your attention to us.
*	Elyon:  You are welcome.  I must add that while you who are invested in
your own fields creating beautiful landscapes that reveal the divinity you
contain, it is often that you will notice one or two weeds growing and throw
fits.  But to those who pass by and see your work, it is the beauty of the
overall display that touches the heart and soul of another.  Yes, I do encourage
you to take after your weeds, for they are yours to pull.  But do delight in
accomplishments and do know that others recognize them as well and as I see them
in you.
	I take my leave.

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