[tmtranscripts] SO IT'S FAMILY YOU WANT?

Marty Greenhut martyg at bcn.net
Fri May 24 06:15:44 PDT 2002

MAY 19, 2002

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. With each week that passes I am ever more inspired
by you each, my brothers and sisters. I am always uplifted and filled with
more and more hope for the planet as a whole by watching you, this small but
powerful family, yes. It is easy to see your recognition of one another, to
make everyone feel a part and accepted as they are.

In this family setting you each have learned to go beyond the individual
self to embrace the larger concept of the whole. This is leaning away from
ego/animal tendencies towards universal concepts of the eternal family. Why
have you stayed so long with one another? Why have you continued to come
back week after week, even when feelings were hurt? Why does this particular
group meet with such family success? The answer is very simple really. You
are for the most part committed to having Father, our First Source and
Center, at the head of the family.

Successful families always recognize Father as the head of the family, and
from there all other stations in the family are equal, meaning that there is
not one chair higher than the next. There is not one family member more
important than the next. Most family decisions are made only after
conferring in prayer with Father and/or Michael. A successful group
recognizes a higher power greater than themselves.

On this evolving world how blessed is the individual who has the support of
the whole. Just to know you are deeply cared for and valued gives such
strength to not only endure the trials of daily living, but to be triumphant
and inspired to uplift others. This world being experimental, there occurs a
great many difficulties that are new to the planetary helpers. So you see,
as you learn, the planetary helpers learn.

Many times we marvel at your persistence to carry on, to overcome
resentments, to find forgiveness, to spread goodwill and to continue on in
faith. Truly blessed is the one who has his fellows to strengthen him during
the difficulties and also share in the joyful times. Isolation and
loneliness can be a slow and painful demise of mind, body and spirit. How
blessed are you that can bare the burdens with your fellows, as well as find
hope and strength to carry on.

Citizens who dwell on enlightened worlds know not firsthand the experience
of lack. They can only really understand through history. These Light and
Life citizens have not the fear that you evolutionary citizens know. They do
not comprehend the emptiness that can be found in daily living. These
enlightened people from infancy know love, acceptance, balance, justice and
fulfillment. They reach not for outer stimulus. Their laughter far outweighs
their tears. Their fulfillment drives them to serve and take care of their

Having lived a mortal life, I do indeed understand that fear that can come
from feelings of lack or emptiness. I experienced that drive to materially
find fulfillment where spirit should have been. Most of Urantian societies
have something that temporarily fills that place of lack. Whether it is
drugs, alcohol, food or money, there is a sign there is emptiness on some
level, there is a lack or pain that needs to be attended to.

How wonderful it is you have each other to discuss these issues and find
comfort from a family setting, yes, find solutions. For the most part it is
because of these feelings of emptiness that mortals struggle to attain
self-mastery. It is easy to go towards the animalistic tendencies when
feeling the fear of lack. Really most mortals feel lost in the unknown and
seek quick temporary solutions that help them to feel secure.

Citizens on the enlightened worlds struggle not towards self-mastery, for it
is completely natural to them. They feel not the emptiness. They feel not
the fear. They need not make desperate attempts to find fulfillment,
especially using the ego/animalistic driving force. I understand the
struggle to attain self-mastery. I understand the fear of emptiness and
inadequacy. It is easy to see how many of your fellows are pushed by the
fear of emptiness to find temporary fulfillment, to lean towards the ego's
solutions, yes. This is why we continue in these morontia lessons.

In this Correcting Time we are assigned to aid you in healing those places
of emptiness and lack. We seek to endow you with the spiritual tools you
will need to attain self-mastery. Do you realize that Light and Life begins
with the self-mastery of each and every individual? Yes. So this lesson on
the family is the first of many tools you can attain to conquer your fears
regarding loneliness and the pain therefrom. To know that there is a brother
at hand who sincerely cares will help guide you toward a divine process in
making decisions. To know there is a loving sister nearby to uplift you in
faith and inspire you to carry on is also a reminder of where our focus
should be.

This week ponder those places within that feel lacking or empty. Journal
down those habits that lead to temporary fulfillment, but are not
encompassing a divine technique. Dare to reach out for consultation with
your brothers and sisters in your trying times. The individual who is closed
off or private receives not. Do you see the loneliness therein? Do you see
the tendency to sway toward the ego's solutions?

Who sits at the head of your family's table? How involved is Father in your
daily living? You know quite well the choice is yours on how involved Father
is. The choice is not Father's, but yours. He is always there, always
waiting for your attention, always ready to strengthen you even in the
darkest hours, always ready with wisdom to impart to you toward finding
solutions, yes.

Sorry, no questions. Find time to discuss this evenings lesson amongst the
group. Know that I am closer than you know and always willing to help you
with anything. My love goes with you. Until next week, shalom.

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