[tmtranscripts] Center for Christ Consciousness -- July 21, 2003

Donna DIngillo donnadingillo at juno.com
Fri Jul 25 18:02:49 PDT 2003

Larkspur, CA

MICHAEL – JULY 21, 2003

Good evening, my children.  My peace is upon you now.  This is Michael. 
Tonight I wish to alleviate more of the burdens that you carry deep
within you.  It is my desire that my children are freed from the angst
and the stress of everyday life on Urantia.  But this is not to say that
your life will become a “bed of roses.”  No, my children, in bringing all
of your burdens to me, I will lighten your load and give you much
expanded capacities to handling living on this challenging sphere. 

For times of trouble lie ahead, and I need you, my children, to be stable
anchors amidst the troubled waters of adversity for your brothers and
sisters.  I need you to be prepared and to let your light of truth shine
though your sole to attract those lost and abandoned children whose lives
have been beset by the turbulence to come.  And so I ask you this
evening, do you wish to be these anchors for your brothers and sisters? 
Are you willing to stand firm amidst the waters of adversity to quell the
fears of your brethren while they wail about lost and alone?  Are you
willing to do this for them and for me?  

Take these questions into your heart, present them to your indwelling
Father Fragment.  When you are ready, you may bring your concerns to me,
and I will lead you into a greater understanding.

Student:  I accept your offer to be an anchor or a signpost or whatever
you want me to be on this world.  I don’t know what to do.  Can you guide
me in what to do and eliminate the resistance I seem to come with all the

Michael:  First of all, C my son, let me express my gratitude to you for
your decision to be this anchor of comfort and faith my children, your
brothers and sisters.  Truly this is a faith endeavor on your part, and
what you can do now to stabilize your anchor is to live more faith-fully
each day in coming to me and asking to be guided, even moment by moment. 
In offering to be led by me and your indwelling Mystery Monitor you will
be given a greater range of ideas to consider as you go about your daily
life.  The resistance you are experiencing is simply an untrained mind
succumbing to animal fears and not being in a faith posture allowing the
Father’s plans to unfold both for yourself and for the planet.

You cannot know the scope of the Father’s plans; you are only given that
which you need for this day—for this moment—and learning to attune to
what your needs are.  And how the Father and I can provide for them to be
met will increase your capacity for faith and grow you into that living
light of trust and hope and stability that will draw your brothers and
sisters to you so you can share with them the elements of faith you have
learned and now embody more fully throughout your being.  This is what
you can do now.  And I have full confidence this is something you can
fully achieve. 

My question to you is: do you trust me to guide you, and are you willing
to relinquish your armor of resistance and follow me?

Student:  Michael, I trust you to guide me and I don’t want that armor of
resistance anymore, it’s of no use to me.  I will get rid of it.

Michael:  Then in prayer as you go about your day, spend some time before
you embark on an activity, call me in—ask for help.  Ask for guidance,
wisdom, and insight.  Still your mind and wait.  You will in time sense
an impulse to move forward or an idea to consider.  Practice this many
times over the course of the day, and you will find the more you practice
this, that this resistance you feel will diminish.  You are training your
mind to be used more spiritually, moving beyond the mere primary basic
thinking techniques you are accustomed to.  And if you are patient and
consistent in doing this each day, your mind will respond.  Your spirit
will be able to be consciously appreciated deep within your being.  Does
this answer your question, my son, to your satifaction?

Student:  Yes it does.  Thank you for your offer and thank you for your
loving guidance.

Michael:  Grow in my peace, and you will find the liberty for your soul.

Student:  I will do that.

Student:  Michael, I would like to thank you for your very steadfast
support.  I feel myself growing and it’s wonderful.  Sometimes it’s very
uncomfortable.  I’m beginning to see and really feel dead spots in my
life.  The other day there was a program on TV where famous actors were
asked what was their worst word, and the word that came to me was the
word “waste.”  Everything that concept entails—wasting time, wasting
one’s life.  I welcome the light that shows that kind of shadow.  From
time to time partly because I’m tired or lazy, my evenings are wasted. 
Thank you for the uncomfortableness—the consciousness of this waste. 

I think the way to break out of it is by going into stillness when I feel
this, and just waiting for the guidance of what to do then.  Also, thank
you for pointing out in helping some of my dear friends who bear their
souls to me—thank you for that little gift about listening.  That is

Michael:  J my son, your life is important.  And while it is true that
the human tendency is to gravitate to a more slothful life style when you
are in more of your primal nature, your moments of growth now are
yielding the awareness there is more to life than just mere existence. 
There is service—vibrant, dynamic, satisfying service.  The wastefulness
you are experiencing is partly the shedding of this slothful nature:  
complacency, indolence, idleness; this is a part of the past.

While it is true that if you work expending energy—whether it is
physical, mental, or spiritual—there is time of replenishment.  So you
have rightly considered that the stillness state is your haven of
replenishment of all of the energies you need to continue to grow and
perform of your universal duties.  But while you are in this state of
becoming, there will be a period where you are excreting this waste. 
Just as your physical system must excrete, so must the spirit toxins that
have affected you for so many years be purged and cleansed from your
being.  As you sense this waste within you, offer it to your Mother for
her purification and wait to receive the spiritual complement within you
that I will seed within you that will be able to produce a fruit of
service in your life at some point. 

What you are undergoing at this point is a natural cleansing of your
spirit system.  This wastefulness will diminish, and you will feel a
lightness of being—a presence within you of a stimulating compulsion as
it were to be of greater love, greater comfort, greater steadiness for
your brothers and sisters.  And that you have already experienced this
many times over, surely this is an indicator that more is yet to come. 
So I say to you, bring your wastefulness to your Mother and me, and allow
this time of cleansing to prevail in your life.  Be as clean and pure a
vessel of the Father’s love as you can.  Is this something that interests
you now?   

Student:  Oh, Michael, it does.  And in your directness, you went to the
cause.  I meant waste in the sense of something irretrievably lost—we are
creatures of time.  And if we miss an opportunity...this is how I meant
waste.....wasting time, wasting life by not living up to your potential. 
You’ve gone right through that to point out the way to not miss that
opportunity is to be clean and keen to that opportunity when it pops up. 
Your directness astonishes me!  Thank you very, very much.  

Michael:  My son, why should it surprise you; am I not your creator?  And
am I not your human brother that experienced the fullness of what you now
undergo?  And would it not be normal that I would understand the fullness
of your inquiry and be able to attend to your need?  And so you are
learning more to trust me, and this is good.  For more than anything of
you, I desire your trust.  

Student:  The love you have for me, Michael, seems infinite and perhaps I
welcome being astonished by that infinity.  It’s absolutely thrilling. 
Thank you for your inspiration; your breathing that life into me.

Michael:  And receive more my breath of life as your Mother enters you
now and feeds you. And be in my peace. (Pause)  Who is next to share with

Student:  (Too faint to hear.)

Michael:  R, my son, I am opening the ears of your heart to hear me more
within you.  Regardless of the condition of your body, your soul does
receive my truth, and I wish to now enter within you and expand myself
into you.  Receive me now, my son, in faith.  (Thank you.)  (Pause)  My
peace is upon you, my son. 

D, you may address me now if you are ready.  

Student:  There have been numerous situations I’ve experienced over the
last couple of months:  relationships with my children, with C, with my
roommate.  They have helped me grow so much in my spiritual nature.  But
I was pondering the other day as I was sitting in meditation about things
you have spoken about—about resting in you and resting in God and
trusting.  What I have come to realize is that I do not allow myself to
completely rest in God and trust in His divine plan for me, even though I
know in my heart that I am being led into a greater expression of who I
am.  I want just to rest in Him and you and to allow the burdens of this
world be cleansed from my psyche so I can experience the beauty, truth
and total love of our oneness together.  

Michael:  D my son, it does gladden my heart to hear of your sincere
dedication to follow the Father’s guidance and to be receptive to the
perfection lure within you.  But for a time, my son, you will feel the
time-lag of your burgeoning perfection as you sense that you have not yet
fully achieved full soul satisfaction of union with the Father.  So my
question to you is:  can you be satisfied with the beauty and the
connection that you have already achieved?  Can you find enjoyment and
peace and rest in that?  

Student:  I guess I can try.  But I get the sense as you mention of the
dissatisfaction—that there could be more.  That life doesn’t have to be
this difficult.

Michael:  This is part of the sincere desire of your soul to experience
union with your indwelling Father Fragment, but it is also a component of
your pre-existing evolutionary nature to be relieved of your hardships. 
And never have I stated to you that this life is an easy one without
effort and struggle.  I ask you now to consider letting go of both
diametrically opposing forces within you and find the rest and peace and
joy in the growth that you have achieved and celebrating that which you
have experienced.  For you know, my son, that your growth is progressive
and that you will achieve that which you achingly long to in your soul. 
But if you stand against the tide by only wishing to be unified with the
Father, how can you appreciate that which you are experiencing in the
moment and becoming—embodying that which is of love, of goodness, of
patience—and thereby giving (tape turned)..... within your consciousness
to lead you into greater soul expansion of that which you cherish.  This
is the more complete and steadfast way to grow.  Projecting yourself into
“I want to experience more” is the activation of the ego-nature—that
which you have come to define as your ego nature.  The soul nature is in
the more immediate sense of experiencing that which you feel in the
moment, and letting the Father and Mother and me add more into you.  Will
you consider this now more fully?

Student:  I see that real clear, and I see myself in that situation where
I feel frustrated because I desire more and I can see the ego in that,
instead of experiencing the fullness of who I am at that moment in my own
beauty.  I get frustrated and that is not being one with the Father.  I
see that very clearly.  And you mentioned the quandary of being
diametrically opposed between ego and soul.  I feel that quandary with my
roommate, whom I have asked to leave because he did not honor his word to
me.  I’m torn between my soul saying one thing and my mind saying
another.  It causes me great discomfort, because I know the relationship
I had with him had great spiritual significance.  

Michael:  But beyond that there is judgment on your part of yourself that
your desire to do the spiritized action with your roommate is actually
impeding your ability to move forward.  You must find within you that
place of honoring what it is that you want and standing firm upon that
ground without judgment of yourself or of him, and knowing that you are
doing your best in that moment.  This is all we ask of you, my son.  Why
do you ask more of yourself?  

Student:  I don’t know; that’s the quandary.  I don’t know what it is
that I want in this situation.  I don’t know what God wants of me.  

Michael:  The Father in Paradise only asks that you try your best for
where you are at this point in time.  Nothing more and nothing less.  You
have a great capacity to make decisions and stand firm with your
resolution.  Will this be the right decision?  You cannot assess it at
this moment.  But you must consider several factors.  This has to do with
the diminishment of yourself and the diminishment of your roommate in
this situation.  Ask the Father to help you understand that there is no
judgment placed upon you now if you feel that you have reached an apex in
your relationship with C and that it is now time for you and he to grow
in separate directions.  Can you do this now?

Student:  I will try.

Michael:  All that we ask is for you to be honest with yourself and
recognizing your limitations, and then being able to move forward in
confidence in knowing that you did your very best and allowing the Father
to continue to unfold the greater expression of His love in both of your
lives.  Can you do this, my son?

Student:  The question comes up: did I do my best?  Could I have done
more?  Did I do enough?

Michael:  I invite you now to go into that place of judgment within
yourself.  (Pause)  Sense the hold this judgment has upon you.  Now, ask
your Mother to untether this from you.  (Pause)  Now invite me into that
place and ask for my truth to fill you.  (Pause)  Rest in my truth, my
son.  You will receive your answer.  (Pause)

My children, the light of truth on this world is growing stronger.  But
there will be a price to pay as the evil of the legacy of the Lucifer
Rebellion releases its grip upon the hearts and minds of the men and
women of this world.  There will be turmoil and increased emotional
pressures brought to bear as these individuals begin to feel the
heaviness of the spiritual poisoning that has been a part of this planet
for so long.  This spiritual sickness contains within it the seeds of
rebirth and regeneration.  But those who feel the fullness of this spirit
poisoning will not necessarily see the seeds of healing within that.

This is what I ask of you, my children, to be their bastion of spiritual
sanity by allowing your Mother and me to bolster your faith; to create
within you that steadiness, that peace, that understanding and compassion
that the others will find to quell their souls and to feed their seeds of
healing within them.  As I depart this evening, invite your Mother to
blanket you in safety and comfort that will nourish your faith, keeping
you strong and spiritually healthy through the adversity to come.  I
withdraw and leave you to your Mother.  Good evening, my beloved ones.

Mother Spirit:  My children, this is Nebadonia, your Mother.  The truth
of Michael is upon you.  And whether or not you are able to consciously
experience it, I am building a greater infusion of His being within you. 
Receive, my beloveds, and be steadied in this truth.  (Pause)  I say to
you:  all of Urantia is being prepared to receive Michael and a new son
whose mission will take you to the shores of light and life.  Long have
we waiting for this time of healing on this beautiful world.  And so, it
is upon us.  And you are bringing this light of truth, among others, onto
this planet.  Receive His truth, my children, and carry this torch high
above you for your brothers and sisters to follow.  (Pause)  Sleep well
safety encircuited in my womb as I continue to rebuild within you
Michael’s foundation of Living Truth.  Good evening, my children.  

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