[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 6/15/03

rickgiles rickgiles at icehouse.net
Sat Jun 21 20:38:26 PDT 2003

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Growth of the Gospel
Teachers: Michael

June 15, 2003

*	Michael (Jonathan TR):  I bring you greetings from 
Salvington from my associates at the headquarters.  We each 
extend love and acknowledgment of your sincerity and devotion to 
the promotion of truth, the enhancement of beauty, and living in 
goodness.  This is Michael.
	My message to this world given many centuries ago then was 
simple and today remains simple: to love one another, to love 
God, to do good to one another, to spread this love far and 
wide.  While busy at this task of fulfilling my mission you are 
to tend to the needy, to help the infirm, to educate the 
ignorant, to promote goodness, and not to battle evil.  This 
message, this manner of uplifted human living, is finding root, 
is establishing itself on this planet.
	Much turmoil abounds; hatred does exist, but in the hearts 
of many individuals there are now the prized ideals of love, of 
compassion, and the sense of duty to be of service, to minister, 
to put aside self in order that a brother or sister may be 
blessed with improved conditions physically, psychologically, 
and most importantly spiritually.
	The message, my gospel, is growing.  This growth is not in 
the manner of philosophical details; it does not grow in 
complexity.  It needs no refinement.  The simple statements I 
left with you when I dwelt upon this world are sufficient in 
themselves to greatly uplift civilization on Urantia.  The 
growth I speak of is the enlarging of this gospel message in all 
my disciples.  This enlargement is the transformation of your 
comprehension of the truth into your being, your presence, your 
embodiment of this very gospel.
	My early apostles soon discovered what you each have also 
likewise discovered, and that is the knowledge of my message, 
your understanding.  Your ability to repeat the words, while 
initially vitally important to your mission of being about the 
work I commanded you all to do, was soon followed by the 
discovery of its reality, the vital nutritious quality that it 
has for your soul, the transforming power of placing my gospel 
into action.  I came to fulfill a mission mandated by the Father 
in heaven.  Having fulfilled that requirement I left with my 
apostles and all who followed in their footsteps requirements, 
simple in statement, all-consuming in application.
	To this world I was born as yet unrecognized as sovereign 
ruler of Nebadon.  Subsequent to this bestowal life I became all 
that many, many ages taught and trained me to be.  Each one of 
you undertakes this same pattern of personality attainment and 
development, and you do so when you follow me, when you apply my 
simple message to your life.  You become in your sphere a 
sovereign son, accomplished in the reception of and return to 
the love of God from Him, to Him and subsequently to all that 
you encounter each day at any moment.  Your ability to do this 
makes you a king of kings within your personality arena.
	I understand human life well, and I know that each one of 
you encounters chameleon-like shifts in your orientation, your 
priorities, your emotions, your attitudes, your behaviors.  
These are the little kings in your lives, the small dictators 
who attempt to steal the throne of thrones.  Slowly but 
certainly you are mastering the truth that is the slogan of 
Nebadon, love for Creator and love for all, love that is not 
static, love applied and mercy and service.  When you, as you 
will, fully master this, fully possess it, you become the king 
of kings, a sovereign son in your own right.  You can stand and 
say, “I am he, son of God.”
	I recognize your adoration of me as master.  I receive your 
love and your devotion.  I acknowledge you calling me “the Son 
of God”.  But remember I said “follow me”.  While you may adore 
me, you I likewise challenge to become a son of God, fully 
mature, ripened, and whole.  I can hear my apostles of long ago 
one time asking, “But master, how can we live your message when 
we are so weak and frail, when we have not yet really learned 
how to do so?”  I respond to you this day that when I came to 
this world I too was short of sovereignty attainment; I too was 
not Master Son.  I was an undergraduate in the tasks I needed to 
fulfill.  Therefore do not hesitate because you feel you are 
short of your goal; the goal is the end.  This gospel is meant 
to be lived while reaching the goal, not demonstrated subsequent 
to attaining the goal.  Self mastery is only attained through 
the living of this truth.  Your ministry, your outreach to 
others, is not weaker or less efficient because you have not 
reached the highest of your potential.   It is a critical 
ingredient to your full attainment and is relevant and 
applicable to those you touch in your life at your current level 
of development.
	You have grasped through insight your destiny and the 
attainment of Paradise.  When you are likewise received by the 
Father, as I was at the fulfillment of my bestowal missions, you 
will then realize that, while you are fully capable of great 
tasks in service to God, you have long left behind many 
opportunities of service that only a young ascending creature 
can fulfill.  Recognize those opportunities today, each day.  Be 
not burdened by adopting amendments and additions to this simple 
message.  Insights will accumulate; definitions do not need to 
be applied.  The gospel grows as you expand in your ability as a 
child of God to live truth, to be truth.
	I give you my peace.

*	Elyon:  This is Elyon.  I am grateful for the message of 
Michael today and will not add to or detract from the content 
given.  So I offer to you a period of discussion.  I will gladly 
address questions.

	Kirk:  It’s hard to come up with questions after hearing 
from Michael.

	Elyon:  I will comment that I observe that you are each 
deepening your sincerity and desire to spend time in stillness.  
You are meeting with reasonable successes.  The reward of such 
undertaking is not often immediately realized.  Just as an 
opening flower does not reveal its fruit for many months, so are 
the rewards of stillness.  As you open in silence you receive 
spirit power, spiritual insight, and a connection.  This 
connection is what Jesus spoke of in his parable of the vine and 
the branches.  I applaud you for your efforts and encourage you 
to continue.

	Evelyn:  I liked in the message how we were encouraged to 
promote goodness and not distract by trying to fight evil.  That 
seems a more positive and realistic approach to improving 

*	Elyon:  Fighting evil often undermines its own purpose, for 
it ends up fostering evil in the very conflict it creates.  
Promoting goodness may be likened to sounding a horn in a silent 
room.  Immediately the silence is removed.  This is how goodness 
overcomes evil.  It is attractive and anyone who may discover 
its potency will readily adopt it.  But if one is only taught to 
battle against evil then many of the qualities inherent in that 
evil are reproduced in the actions of the contrary force, and 
that is not goodness.

	Kirk:  I just want to thank you for driving home the 
importance of stillness.  In my life without your help I 
wouldn’t have seen the importance of it.  I’m grateful.

*	Elyon:  I value your appreciation highly.
	I will draw close to our contact today.  I acknowledge your 
holiday of Father’s Day.  Let this day magnify in implication as 
you contemplate the Father of all.

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