[tmtranscripts] 04-01-04 LIGHT LINE

Gerdean O Bowen zooidodell at juno.com
Fri Apr 9 19:58:06 PDT 2004

LIGHT LINE - April 1, 2004
T/R’s: Matthew & Gerdean

ANATOLIA: Welcome, friends, family and all who love and serve our Master
and our God. I am Anatolia and I bring you good tidings from the world of
love and light.
There is only one purpose and one being in which we all have our place.
It is this purpose and place that we all must find ourselves. Many of you
have endeavored for years to find that Stillness within that has the
reason for all of life and all of its purposes for which we share.
I encourage each and all of you, who despite your troubles, or perhaps
despite your newness to that which I and other Teachers speak, is to
invite within you a whole new world which is beyond your ordinary care
and beyond your ordinary experience. Let me frame this within the context
of "beyond your ordinary experience" to mean that it is the extraordinary
which can be ordinary, at times. I urge you to seek the extraordinary
within the ordinary means that you have at your disposal.
This is what I would stress with you, that it is the ordinary within your
means, currently, that will not require any amendment, any particular
need to undergo treatment, therapy, encouragement, or mental or spiritual
calisthenics, for you are fully engaged, geared, automated to be a
conduit between spirit and your consciousness. After all, you are spirit
within consciousness. You do not need introduction to that which is. It
would be [like] having to reorient you for a life or a function for which
you presently have no knowledge. While it may not be workable knowledge,
that you have, if this has gone unaided so far in your life experience.
It is capability that you have full function of and only need to
practice. Just as everyone has biceps would firm up and be a small mound
upon your upper arm, given the opportunity to exercise it and to
strengthen it. This is all that is required of you to be a fully
functioning communicant on the spiritual level.
All you need to do is to relax and let the spirit life within to
percolate to your level of consciousness so that you and Spirit are one.
This will enable you to be at peace within yourself first and foremost,
for not to be at peace within yourself is perhaps one of the most
difficult and grievous things that you can do. I realize that this may be
difficult, if not impossible, for most, if not all, to be able to do,
certainly, all of the time.
Nevertheless, when disruption or upset embarks upon your experience, when
you have an opportunity to settle and to regroup within yourself, it is
highly recommend. Even whether it be five minutes before your going to
bed at night, one to two to five minutes of relaxation and being centered
within yourself, has as much meaning and value as an entire hour or more
in absolute bliss, within the spheres.
I know that there are all levels of consciousness active and functioning
within your lives so that much of what I speak is elementary and perhaps
even insulting, but let me rest assure you that my purpose in speaking of
this is to reinforce that which you already know and to inaugurate that
which may be new and unprecedented to others.
So for this reason, I bring you good tidings of peace within, and when
you are in your states of peace and harmony -- for surely you cannot rest
within your being within disharmony – there certainly would be no rest
but, obviously, the disharmony which would result. I urge you to seek the
moments within your lives at least once daily, if and when you can, to
find the peace within.
This is what I invite and encourage. It is yours free and without
obligation. Is a desirable function and operation within individual and
group lives, so to is this desirable and helpful to complete this type of
worship within, as well. I encourage it highly.
In addition to the discussion of finding your peace within, I also wish
to invite you to consider (which I would imagine many already are) the
purpose and function of Holy Week as it will be beginning as of this
Sunday. I urge you to adapt to a change of heart if there is something
within your current state of being that keeps a closed door on a concept,
a thought, a person, a willingness to live and live. If there is anything
that you are holding onto or not letting come into your life or let go
through your life, it is urged that you consider Holy Week as a way to
adopt a new light into your life.
This I encourage you to do in a mindful, purposeful manner, inviting
Christ Michael to accompany you (or you to accompany him) in his walk
down the way to the cross. As this is not meant to be mournful or
tearful, it may be. If there is room for you and need for you to make
passage in your road of life, which has many times been correlated to
carrying a cross, I urge you to join in the heart and spirit of your
Creator/Savior to be at one with him, and all humanity, and the entire
universe during this spectacular season of believers.
It is in this way that you will find new relief and new opportunities for
opening the doors in your life which need to be opened, or allowing that
which has passed into or through your life to be accepted as the change
which has occurred. Openness is the main purpose and the main message
here that I wish for you to celebrate Sunday morning, Easter morning,
when Christ Jesus rose triumphant over anything that anyone has ever
considered "the ultimate in limitation."
This is the good news for which we all worship and honor our Master and
our Teacher and our Creator Son who graced us with his magnificent life
here in this world only 2000 years a go. It would be as if, in your
hourly clock, on a 12-hour day, that Jesus’ presence here in the world
was approximately 4:00 A.M. of a new day. I use that figuratively, of
course, but meaning that it was not all that long ago. We have more in
our evolutionary record that is alive and at synch with that period of
time and with human growth and development than one would ever consider,
so it is truly possible to be at one with him, with the disciples, and
with all who believe ... and do not believe ... for Christianity was not
a belief pattern that required full participation, for it is a universal
action, a universal love, that has no limit and no end.
I encourage this for your sake and likewise in no other way is it more
possible for you to join in, than to truly join in -- in mind body and
spirit – in the reminiscence, recurrence and worship of what happened
2000 years ago.
I leave you at this point with these thoughts and in later discussion
should anything else come to pass that might be able to shed further
light, let us talk about that now or ... is there anyone that has a
question or a statement at this point that is in need or desirous of
being stated?

Student: I had a question about the Stillness, if I could? This is new to
me and I just started a few – a week ago. And I experienced something
that ... I’m not quite sure what it was ... during my stillness practice.
An energy came into me, that I welcomed. It felt good. It felt warm, it
felt loving. At the same time it was a physical feeling, and I was just
wondering if it was something that was really spiritual in origin or was
it maybe something that I was fooling myself. Is that a fair question?
Because there was a physical aspect to it, I don’t know if it was really
a spiritual thing I was feeling or if I was just, you know, like fooling
myself, thinking that I was experiencing something spiritual when I
really wasn’t. It’s hard to explain.
ANATOLIA: I will assure you that what you experienced, if it had
penetrated your consciousness to the point where it was an introduction
of a thought or feeling or even sensation beyond that which you were
feeling prior, it was the influence of an external presence within your
In this case, I would liken it to a relative or friend who feels
particularly close to you that would not be considered by you or by him
or her to be invading your privacy, believe it or not. This would more
relate to a parent, an aunt, an uncle, a grandparent that you are
particularly close to, which saw the opportunity to embrace you, which
you felt in a warm and loving way.
This would not be the case with just any entity who wished to invade your
space, for you are guided and protected by loved ones and spirit
protectors, including angels, seraphim, and the like, who would not
permit just anybody to invade your space, so I would consider it as an
endearing and intimate touch from those who know you and love you.
I hope this relates to the experience that you conveyed and your concern
for perhaps an invasion of privacy is not relevant but I wish to reassure
you of the positive nature, which simply raises a point that when you do
go into silence, pray for, directly relate to whom you may wish to have
protection from. Certainly our Eternal Parents or Jesus or, if you would
feel a particular affinity for one of the saints or a relative that you
fully trust, ask for protection and in that way you can be assured that
your space will not be invaded or sullied or adulterated, however you
wish to term it. Does this help at all?
Student: Yes, very much. Thank you.
ANATOLIA: You are welcome. Anyone else? Hearing none, I wish to invite my
colleague and teacher Tomas to be with us when Gerdean is ready. I will
sign off and I thank you for your time, your courtesy, most of all your
loving thoughts and presence. Peace be with you.

TOMAS: I greet you my cherished students and friends in this broadcast
Light Line.
You have been given a full repast and there is no need to overstuff
yourselves with more than you are able to absorb at any one time. There
are always, however, opportunities to have a taste here, a nibble there,
a whetting of the appetite for further food for thought. Therefore,
perhaps this evening I could offer you a tidbit or two as pertain to the
discourse above, from noble Anatolia, having to do with the practice of
finding inner peace -- and, to the extent possible, sustaining and
maintaining that peace as you go about your day into the world which is
your arena wherein the seeds are planted and the harvest is becoming
The truth remains that there are varying degrees of inherent capacity and
developed ability within you each as to how well you can and do comport
yourself in your travels and intercourse with humanity. But all of you
certainly have the ability to stop at some point and make the
reconnection that will remind you why it is you sometimes get into the
situations you find yourself, not necessarily of your own choosing, but
because you have been sent, or led, or guided, or lured to, for some
reason, and taking that moment to perhaps identify the reason, motive,
intent, purpose of your being where you are, in what ever emotional or
social or spiritual circumstance, grounds you as a mortal of the realm
and anchors you into the well of the infinite, which is your Source.
A drink from this well for only a moment will refresh the soul
sufficiently that you will be able to move on through your journey with a
greater understanding and resolve of your purpose, for having passed that
way, and having paused to look and see what it is that God has offered to
you to experience for that moment. What an opportunity to develop a
praiseworthy and praise-filled passage through even life’s vicissitudes!
By maintaining an attitude of looking in to see who you are, what you are
doing, for whom, and why, might put you in a position of finding your
life more amusing.
A lot of your difficulties are brought on by the tremendous seriousness
that you both see and refuse to see, and doubt not, there are some very
serious matters afoot on your world. And while many of these may be
observed objectively, many of them are subjectively felt and feared, and
therefore, go unaddressed. They lend seriousness even so, to the lives
you touch and to you yourself.
The fact of God’s indwelling is indeed enough to give you that personal
assurance of your own eternal nature and remind you of the promise of
immortality as a finaliter, but the joy in living is to be shared not
simply with God, but with all you meet – as much and as often as is
possible. And yet, with the seriousness of the situations at hand, this
is difficult ... and stressful for children who really want to laugh and
be lighthearted and have fun, as the children of God have every right to
anticipate and enjoy.
The season indeed is upon us that will bring about a tremendous and
powerful rebirth of consciousness and super-consciousness. You will feel
the Easter season -- perhaps everyone will feel the Easter season more
poignantly this year than ever before in your conscious lives -- because
of the war, yes, and because of the movie, "The Passion." These are two
pertinent and timely matters -- politics and religion together --
conspiring to bring a new level of meaning and value to the Easter
As you approach, as has been addressed by my associate, Anatolia, your
friend and teacher, you will invest yourself in its trappings, including
its emotional investment, and we will go through it with you. We all will
relish and bow to the resurrection of the spirit which will indubitably
be forthcoming many fold because of those selfsame reasons – not because
of anything out of the ordinary, such as a spaceship or a visitation, but
simply by humbly bowing yourself before the resurrection of the spirit in
the hearts and minds of the children of Urantia, including yourself,
simply because of the anniversary of this incredible and impactful event
on your enviable insignificant little orb in the universe of Nebadon. You
will be humbled and we will rejoice.
That gives you all something to look forward to and something to work
with. That being said, I think we professors have done our duty as far as
our assignment is concerned. Have we now the pleasure of your company in
terms of questions about your concerns and your growth and your duties as
you see them in this business of being about the Father’s business?

Gloria: Well, thank you for the help. This is Gloria. And I noticed that
we have to keep working on finding things to help -- our goldfish or
whatever needs help -- but not to lose faith, I guess. Are you trying to
TOMAS: Understand that even as you falter – for you will falter – you
will still rise up. You will not fall. You will not fail. You may
stumble. No problem. You just get back up, wipe the dust off your feet,
and keep going.
There was a conversation recently in your social arena about how easily
toddlers get up after they have fallen down. Their bottom is so much
closer to the ground, you see, they don’t have far to fall. Their little
bodies are so fat, you see. Their bodies are so well padded with flesh.
What a wonder of creation -- wouldn’t you say? -- that these little ones,
who fall so often, are built for the activity. It is not as easy for you
to fall. You are not as well equipped, physically. Nor is it expected of
you to fall as often. But there is no one who does not stumble now and
then. That’s just part of being homo sapiens.
However, when all systems are going well, all the limbs are limbered up,
isn’t it a wonder and a joy to feel the invigoration of physical
activity? The way the muscles operate and the sinews together with the
skin and all., What a powerful creation is the human body! And what
complimentary creations are the animals of the realm, the birds in the
air, the fish in the sea. What a plaid blanket you are, in my observation
-- a quilt, if you will -- with such a variegated design, I sometimes
wish I could fall and land upon it, just to enjoy myself that closely
with you, but I will not be falling and landing on my bottom on your
quilt. I will just be reminding you how wonderful it is to behold. Don’t
let the goats eat the quilt.
Are there questions?

Marshall: I have a question, Tomas. What are some of the conscious
recognitions or indications that we as mortals are growing in our levels
of faith and reaching into actual levels of certainty and knowingness as
a personal experience?
TOMAS: Are you asking me for guideposts?
Marshall: Yes. That’s a good way of putting it.
TOMAS: You will find them, my friend, in reflectivity. I don’t mean in
hindsight. Hindsight is something else. Reflectivity, however, will give
you the occasion to review situations that you have experienced. As a cow
chews its cud at leisure, when you are at leisure, you can bring up those
conversations or exchanges of energy and communication that, if offered
to the Father in reflectivity, will be returned to you as an indication
of value. Its value, then, is what you can use as a guidepost as to your
capacity at that time to function as a self-acting, God-conscious
You will be able to ascertain, from a review like this of the varying
situations in your life, such that you will then be able to begin to
discern through comparison, which ones give you more satisfaction than
others. You will be given clues or contributions from the Divine as to
how you might improve upon it. This is merely an exercise in stretching
your faith and your capacity to function in the field, to be the
ambassador you seek to be, to allow your will to adjust itself such that
your personality is able to act on behalf of the divine will. This comes
as a result of reflectivity.
There are very few people that you will be able to reflectivate with, but
there are those who do understand this exercise who would be willing to
garner your wisdom and share their own, for in this way your beliefs are
socialized and your entire social structure will evolve. Yes, of course,
that is a great expansion on the initial concept, but nonetheless it is
just a bigger representation of that selfsame concept, for this is how
eternity grows.
You become aware of how God works in your life, the effect of His work,
and then you stretch yourself to attain greater and greater heights of
capacity for service, so that then your social arena will reflect the
flavor of that realization of deity in its pungency, aroma, and
atmosphere. And you certainly all know what that is like, and you know
which ones need work and which do not.
There is not much to be done with a face full of apple blossoms but to
inhale and delight in the experience. This is how I perceive of you when
you are all getting along so well – a face full of apple blossoms. Sweet,
refreshing and worth taking in. But then there are those other areas that
need dealt with and we must return to the work at hand.
But when we have opportunities like this, to come together to reinforce
the truth of our being, the worthy work that we are undertaking and
passing on to others, we know we live a good life, noble and full, worth
doing again tomorrow, worth getting up for and anticipating with a smile
on our face, not merely a set jaw as to that which has to be done for
survival, no, the Father’s business is a righteous and joyful cause. Let
us be about the Father’s business.
Are there any other questions before we retire for the evening?

Student: Tomas, can you shed any light on the challenge that many of us
face in breaking old patterns. I sometimes find myself desiring to
improve upon habits or patterns that I am facing, but find it difficult
and challenging and it’s clear to me that I am an animal, or a creature,
loyal to these patterns. Can you shed any light on those?
TOMAS: Well, yes I can, only because I have studied it. I would suggest
that you identify one aspect of your nature that you are concerned about,
and focus on that one -- let’s call it a quality, or a characteristic, a
trait, a bad habit, a flaw, a quirk -- but whatever it is, put your
finger on it. Don’t be afraid of it. Don’t hide from it. Don’t gloss over
it. Simply identify it. If you have had the courage to finally identify
it accurately, you are already half way there.
As you identify it you, you have amused yourself, indulged yourself, and
given it an opportunity to play games with you such that it will know it
has been identified. It knows it’s in trouble. It is already preparing
itself to be dealt with. It is already eyeing you up as the enemy, and
you are identifying it as the foe. Someone is going to win and someone is
going to lose.
Well, rather than have such an attitude, the appropriate attitude would
be to understand that the mutuality of existence is allowed in God’s
universe. It is a matter of priority, prioritizing your values. And so,
find where the value is in that quality, characteristic, trait, quirk,
etc., and allow it
and take the rest for yourself and your
Higher Nature. Develop a relationship with it so you know where it is.
It’s like a fish. You know you have to feed it once a day. That’s all.
You don’t have to pay homage to it; you don’t have to chase it around in
circles; you don’t have to make it bigger than it is. Just identify it
and deal with it and move on. Easy for me to say? Well, it is, because I
have. I did not deal with all my mortal foibles. I was absolved of having
to deal with many of them because I left the flesh, but the weakness to
succumbing to the lures of the flesh are the same frailties as I deal
with today. I have studied them, you see.
Is this helpful?
Student: Yes. Thank you.

Marty: That’s very interesting, Teacher Tomas. I just think that when you
were speaking about the apple blossoms, and now you are speaking
partially about the experience you had in the flesh, and then these
things in your life now
it just makes me wonder what the difference is
between life as we experience it in the material living and the way you
experience it there. I guess it’s not something I could understand.
TOMAS: In a part of your outpouring, my dear friend, I think I
can hear the nature of your heart and your curiosity. Remember that in
the Father’s house there are many mansions, and none of us are without a
roof over our head. The wonders of my realm, where I live now, are as
replete and divine, as your world is for you. Even on Edentia and on
Salvington there are beauties of nature that are appropriate for the
exalted state of those spheres. In all of creation, in all of the
material worlds, are wonders for the senses, delights for the eye,
soothing for the senses, and music for the soul.
There is truth to the phrase "living water" and while it may vary in the
architectural sphere of our indwelling, it washes us nonetheless and we
respond to its trickle and its babble and its gushing, rushing force.
Just because we evolve does not mean we lose connection with those things
of beauty which you are identifying now as those treasures of your
existing. That which has lasting value, will last eternally.
Remember that when you take the sap from the maple trees and make the
syrup, the same process will occur in some form, in some way, even unto
Paradise. You will be enabling the life that flows within to release
itself into a sweetness to be consumed, for all, one way or another.
Marty: It’s a marvel to hear you say these things, Teacher Tomas. I am
being introduced to life in your realm from here, and the marvel of it is
just unspeakable, to be a part of the universe while here in the flesh,
and I thank you all for reaching out to us like this.
TOMAS: As you reach for the Father, the Father reaches for you, and we
begin to see the effects of this coming together and we rejoice.
Marty: The other day I said to Father, "We had a great time today, didn’t
we?" and I could feel him revel in the experience we had, and it is a
TOMAS: Yes, you have good reflection, and He spoke to you. This is
walking with God. Well done.
Wonderful children, it has been our pleasure once again to be in your
company and to share our selves with you as we know you so ably and well
share your selves with those you meet, spreading good cheer as you go.
Blessed be art thou, little ones, Sons of God in becoming. Amen and
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