Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Fri Aug 27 01:20:57 PDT 2004


DATE: 8-13-04


Prayer: Invite the life breath of our Mother to enter into our being, to
soften and relax our minds. Mother, we invite you in. Help us to feel your
presense, your sweetness and softness, your tranquility. Activate our truth
sensors so our souls internally receive the impressions on our minds of our
teachers, our beloved celestial friends that you have bestowed to us to help
us grow. Sit in the life breath of our Mother for a few moments to prepare
to receive our teachers.

Welmek: Good morning. This is your friend and teacher, Welmek. How delighted
I am to be here with you this beautiful morning to celebrate with you the
joy of family. You cannot fathom the excitement that we as your elder
brothers and sisters feel at what we see happening at this conference. The
reverberations of the love energy that you are manifesting here have such
far reaching repercussions.

One day you will know and realize all the good that is being sown here as
you share heart to heart, voice to voice, the wonders and the beauties of
being in this divine family. Today I would wish to offer you a brief
exhortation to become more fully cognizant and embodying your status as this
family member and I would wish to leave you in an experience to feel a
deeper sense of your divine birthright, who you really are.

The world of the cross has a particular resonance in this universe and you
will carry with you, over the long course of your ascension career, this
infringing upon you as a part of your soul. Is a mark of distinction, and I
would wish to help you access that deep energetic quality of who you are as
a member in our family coming from this much loved world. Truly the eyes of
the universe are upon you.

So focus for a moment in your heart center. Say these words internally. I am
a vibrant member of my Mother and Fathers' family, and allow yourself to
feel what this means. I am a vibrant member of my Mother and Fathers'
family. Sense these words. Invite our parents in, into their place where
your soul is growing and though you may not see it or know exactly where
that is, they know and they will impress upon you, a deeper awareness of
your true self.

This self is multi-faceted. This self has potentials unrevealed to you. Your
potentials will be allowed to come forth in this co-creative adventure of
bringing light and life to Urantia. The part of you yet to be activated is
being who you are in offering yourself in service. This is an invitation to
ask for those potentials in you to awaken, awakened and realized into
beautiful expression of our Fathers glory and diversity,  uniqely voiced by

Feel your desire for this. This world needs every soul awake, alive, joyous.
Feel the vibrancy of who you are. Know that as the correction time unfolds
the pace of change accelerates. Some of you will feel this pace acceleration
in you as an excitation in your body. This is the vibrancy of our Mother as
she fills her living energies in you through her breath. Invite her in.
Allow her to fully enter your being. Let her resonate deep within your core.
There are many changes coming in to your mind and body now as all this may
not always be a place of great comfortableness.

The potentials that are being seeded in you now will surely bring you great
satisfaction and fulfillment in time. So we as your elder brothers who have
undergone a transformational process similar to yours, we encouraage you to
turn to us with your questions and concerns and while many of us have not
had the agondonter experience that you are now undergoing, surely we can
give you the benefit of our years of life experience in numerous places in
the universe for your use.

As Mother is opening many more circuits within you, you will have access to
greater information, will be more sensitively attuned to us if you ask for
this, and so we only pray to serve you, and to deepen our partnership and
friendship with you, for we are your  brothers and sisters. We are a part of
your family. In closing I would ask you now just to allow our [pleasure??]
of our brothers and sisters, to descend upon you in a very large embrace. To
feel us close to you, to feel our love for you, to know that we are
available to you. We enjoy watching you grow, celebrating your steps,
helping you when you stumble, patting you on the back when you need
encouragement, and celebrating with you at times like this. Feel the
closeness of our family and rejoice that it is ever growing in the universe
of our parents. Good morning my dear brothers and sisters. 

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