[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 02/21/04
rickgiles at icehouse.net
Thu Feb 26 08:26:13 PST 2004
North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Personal Teachers - Their Presence, Companionship,
Encouragement, Liason with Michael; Classroom of Preperation,
Propagation; Ambassadors of Michael
Teachers: Jansel, Evanson, Stephen, Timothy, Elyon, Michael
February 21, 2004
* Jansel (Kirk TR): This is Jansel. My subject is scared to
death, but I wanted to just let you know I am present and let
him know I am present.
Group: Welcome.
* Evanson (Jonathan): Greetings to you, this is Evanson.
I am aware of your comprehension and experience of the
family of God, your belonging, the ever-presence of the Spirit
of Truth that Michael has bestowed upon you. We who are classed
as your personal teachers are pledged to be with you as
companions and make every effort to conspire with the divine
spirit in bringing forth in your awareness, not only the broad
sense of spirit presence, but also the concrete specific sense
of individual presence of ones like myself and your guardians.
You are becoming aware of the opportunity of clear channel,
and while you are very familiar with the technique of
transmission reception, I desire to encourage you to not
translate transmission reception into clear channel
connectivity, for clear channel is an expansion of sensitivity
to spirit presence, to truth orientation, that breaks beyond the
boundaries of the reception of word and concept. There will be
instances wherein you will feel that proximity presence of a
celestial without informational transfer. We are excited to be
granted permission to approach you in this more direct manner,
for we know from our years of being with you that you have
matured and are better able to reckon with our increased
You can be told when you experience fear by another that you
are able to dismiss that fear, and intellectual reasons are
offered to convince the mind that fear is unfounded. Yet
nothing displaces fear better than the experience that the fear
was unnecessary. However, when alone difficulty is encountered
in facing fear. When accompanied by a friend you are far
stronger in your feeling that you may face that fear. You may,
as example, in a travel find a cave. Curiosity may lead you to
wish to explore that cave, but the darkness causes you to
hesitate shortly after entering. With a friend you are far more
likely to override your fear and pursue it a little more deeply.
Spiritual reality to a material creature seems vague and hazy,
so ethereal as to appear as background behind and invisible to
that concrete, tangible factuality of your material existence.
It appears unknown when in reality, to those of us who have
moved from your position in life to the position we have as
post-human, this spiritual reality is of such a nature that what
you consider easier of contact through your senses is only a
compilation in temporary form of the truth of spirit realms.
All personal teachers pledge to go with you into that dark
arena, to accompany you when you are uncertain, to strike up the
lantern that will help you see and to help you realize that what
seems invisible has been present at all times. A simple shift
in perception is all you need to do to make that reality your
* Stephen (Mark): I would step forward to greet you in this
format. This is Stephen. In a show of unity and a display of
uniformity of purpose, I greet you today as one of the lesser
known teachers available. I am here to represent the
authenticity of those who are directed by Michaels service.
In this familiar setting you may come to expect a hierarchy
of qualified individuals, ones clearly elevated over others in
your reference frame, but I come to call to mind that all are
qualified to represent cosmic principles when in the service of
Michael. This extends beyond my level of operations, even to
your level of operations. When one finds oneself in the
proximity of the service project of the spreading of cosmic
truths, then is one empowered to speak of the highest principles
they are aware of in service to Michael and all those he
appoints to facilitate this mission. There are clearly levels
of achievement whereon spiritual realities are quantified, but
the reality of this hierarchy extends all the way in linear
fashion from top to bottom. When I find myself being called to
bat as even now, I step forward in the knowledge that I act in
liaison with Michael and therefore act according to his will.
Likewise when you find yourselves called to bat in proximity of
those who are in need of your service should you function as in
liaison with Michael for the fulfillment of his mission. Then
you are granted the sense of being in the right place at the
right time and having universal truths flow through you as they
would from cosmic elders. In this way we are all qualified to
speak these truths when we are called upon to do so.
That is the message I would leave with you today. Thank
Kirk: Stephen, I dont know if this is your first time
transmitting today, but did you have feelings of fear or anxiety
before you spoke?
* Stephen: Feelings of fear and anxiety are predominately in
the realm of our human consorts. We simply await our signal,
our moment, to step into the stream of cosmic consciousness and
allow it to flow through us. I am this TRs personal teacher
for quite some time and have enjoyed very much a backseat role
in the development of my skills as an audible teacher.
Nevertheless there are many different wavelengths on which we
may function. It is not necessary to be made audible to the
human ear to have significant impact and positive results.
I do recognize from my exposure with the human partner that
there does arise an animalistic trepidation, a nervous response,
if you will, to the accommodation of this spirit influence
within the realms of your humanness. This tension that you feel
is diminished over time as repeated contacts with these external
presences prove to be non-threatening and, in fact, soothing
when the fear is released and the flow is established. You will
discover that this avenue is available to you individually to
access a stream of peace from on high. Once you are familiar
enough to routinely accommodate this it may become quite
beneficial in your life journey.
* Timothy (Ginnie): Good morning, this is Timothy. As you
can see, teachers are making themselves known at this time so
they can further encourage you to continue your willingness to
be a conduit for your daily and millennial challenges. The fear
and trepidation that has been expressed this morning is a small
example of what you will be facing in the future when the full
blast appears, excuse my expression. This is exactly an example
of what happens to humans of your kind when this kind of energy
is experienced. You can practice dealing with these small
increments in your awareness as has been demonstrated already in
this group. Because of your practice daily of your stillness
times, you can gain courage and enlightenment and understanding
that this phenomenon is benign and life giving. You will not
crash, I assure you.
It is encouraging to me and to all of us who have been
working with you for a while now to see you be so brave and firm
in your willingness and in your trepidations to continue to
believe and offer your services. Each of you can experience
this with your own personal teachers who have been assigned to
work with you individually with your talents and with your
abilities to use them in the best way possible.
In these times of preparation and correction you will
increasingly witness more frequent transmissions, new
transmitters, and clearer transmissions. This is a result of
the higher circuits being open. Take notice in your daily lives
of changes around you, changes in attitude, changes in results,
changes in your energy, changes in your health. They will be
manifesting more frequently and more clearly. You have shown in
these past few years that we can indeed trust you.
It is a pleasure for me to work with you and with this TR in
your preparations for clear reception and undaunted courage and
a solid trust that what is occurring is for the good of all.
Thank you for your attention, and I hope that you will continue
with your steadfastness and your generous contributions to this
most astounding event. Thank you.
* Elyon (Jonathan): Greetings to you, this is Elyon.
We have spent many years in the Melchizedek classroom of
Preparation 101, and you have exceeded my expectations of your
grasp of the lessons given by our team of teachers. We are
slowly changing the curriculum into the classroom of
propagation. I choose that word because, as you reach to your
fellows in the spread of truth and opening eyes to light and
hearts to love, that you will not be converting anyone strictly
speaking into your orientation to spirit reality. You
understand horticulturally that different species of plants have
different methods for propagation and that utilizing the right
technique makes that plant species benefit and flourish. As you
are extending your hand in conjunction with the hand of spirit,
we will coordinate our program of training to aid you in
broadening your abilities in fostering the growth of diverse
personality orientations.
You each cherish your personal relationship with God. It
answers many questions of mind and meets and fills the longing
of each soul. While it is natural to encourage the same
approach in another because it has worked well for you, we are
going to increase your abilities to minister in ways in which
even you are unfamiliar, for it is the turning of the souls
eyes of the individual to the Father that is our goal, just as
you would rotate your house plants that they may receive more
sun rather than turn them that they may face more of you. This
will expand your abilities at ministry and bless you in untold
ways, although it will bring to you some discomfort due to the
unfamiliarity of that different approach to spirit. It will,
however, reward you, for you will come to appreciate the wide
range, the vast expanse, of personality orientation to God.
Far too often the easy road is sought wherein the hope
falsely applied is projected that if all could see as I or we
see our troubles would end and harmony would ensue. This is not
true. Real lasting harmony is the recognition of differences
and the development of the ability to foster each others
welfare for the sake of that other. As that is shared you are
uplifted in your pursuit of God by others, albeit they are on a
path dissimilar.
We will continue to offer lessons that will aid and assist
you in developing this approach. I encourage you to ever be
alert to your daily situations that will provide the testing
grounds, or rather the practicing grounds, for you. Your
personal assistants are ready and willing to engage, and that
dynamic exchange will not be lessons; it will be interaction.
Your study and your stillness will strengthen you, and you will
perform according to your preparation. Others will be blessed
by it, and you will be rewarded as you expand yourself in skill
and in a compassionate understanding of another child of God
seeking the heavenly Parent.
I have finished my comments.
* Michael (Mark): This is your brother Michael.
I close this meeting of my faithful siblings in time and
space with the imagery that, as you have come to witness, I have
appointed and commissioned those who are above you in spiritual
stature to be ambassadors to you in bridging the gap between the
spiritual and the material. You have enjoyed the company and
the direction of more of my faithful children as you grow in
understanding spiritual concepts because of their volunteer
efforts as they fulfill their commission of duty to you. I
would further extend this chain of command and would appoint
you, each one, as my ambassadors to those of the material realm,
your brothers and sisters, my children. This opportunity for
each one of you to join the flow of universal understanding in
being present to those around you to operate as a commissioned
officer with what you have been trained about in these years we
have studied together.
Think not ever that you are unqualified for this task,
because I have commissioned you to speak these truths. I have
requested that you function in the capacity of ambassador, and
you each have volunteered to do so. Therefore you have my full
support and the support of all those before you who are ever
willing to assist you in the final delivery. I hope that this
sense of support that this chain of command offers you emboldens
you to be about this task with increased vigor. I pledge my
support and look forward to the many positive effects that our
partnership will provide.
I leave you with my peace today as well as my appreciation
for your contribution to this latest undertaking, this mission
we share. Thank you.
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