[tmtranscripts] Michael 7.4.05
nytrayn at msn.com
Fri Jul 8 13:14:13 PDT 2005
Dear Folks, Please bear with me this week; I haven't had the time to edit
this message of Michael's too closely to weed out the small typos and
grammatical faux-paux. But I wanted to get it out before the weekend, when
I'll be away. I hope His meaning will come beaming through anyway - it
usually does. Jerry.
Michael 7.4.05
Marin TM Group
Dear Spiritual Parents, this is our prayer. We, Your children, seek to know
Your thoughts and feel Your presence. So we invite and give permission For
You to use whatever means You in Your wisdom feel are appropriate. Also on
this day of celebrating our independence from political tyranny and
paternalism, we ask for your help in growing our spiritual freedom from the
tyranny of traditions and the paternalism of arrogant, condescending dogma.
We ask this in Your power and grace. Amen.
Michael: Good evening My sons, this is Michael. I echo your celebration of
independence and your desire to grow in your spiritual maturity. It’s a
noble and worthwhile, you could even say essential, ideal. For in a way you
are constantly spiritually picking yourselves up, dusting yourselves off,
and bracing yourselves to try again. And it takes courage to feel this
whole process and not skip over the more painful moments by trying not to be
here and know. This is the nerve it takes to really feel yourselves living.
There is an intrinsic inertia in physical life that is often referred to as
a kind of animal laziness, for animals tend to get rather sleepy when their
stomachs are full, and there are no courtship or other interests about. I
would have you appreciate this as a conserving of vital energies, and with
this appreciation try to really feel what it takes to get going. This, My
children, is sheer willpower - of which there is no substitute.
True enough, there are seeming substitutes. You call them stimulants and
there is no culture yet on earth which has come into existence without its
own favorite stimulants. This is the main purpose to which you put these
psychotropic or mind altering or enhancing chemicals. This is how you get
yourselves going. Even this wouldn’t be so bad if you could see them as a
temporary crutch, much as when you sprain your ankle or twist your knee.
But it’s as if you get used to moving around on crutches, and never aspire
to walk on your own, so to speak. Ironically these stimulants are
potentially too valuable to use so nonchalantly, day in and day out.
Some of your elders many centuries ago used these stimulants for ceremonial
or truth-discovering purposes. But I would ask you to consider them as
crutches that keep you from exercising and developing the healthy muscle of
your spirit called willpower. This is the old-fashioned notion of gumption,
of doing things simply because they should be done, or because of some
freely chosen ideal. Think of willpower as a kind of a bio-chemical
independence and see if you can’t welcome and celebrate this.
This echoes your prayer of being free from those enslaving past traditions
of social and cultural usage which have more negative impact than positive.
Some go back to being instigated during the Lucifer Rebellion where you had
a number of extra-human rebel beings here on Urantia deliberately, out of
the strivings of perverted minds, trying to thwart rather than encourage the
goodness developing in their human subjects. These were basic impulses of
loyalty and love and affection, even a God-implanted idealism so that
parents could visualize a kind of progressive evolution in which their
children would have more of the good things of life than what they knew.
Calagastia and his followers here on Urantia deliberately tried to thwart
these plans, not so much for self-aggrandizement, as initially, but after
they had made their fateful and terribly wrong decisions, for the
irrepressible need for self-justification - to persist in their folly. They
chose this rather than summoning the courage to open their minds to the
possibility they had made a terrible mistake. And as you have been
informed, here we are some two hundred thousand years later and many of
these rebel spirits right up to recently have kept refusing the mercy and
the rehabilitation I constantly offered them. This situation continued
until such a time as the matter was taken out of My hands and they were
obliterated by authorities greater than I.
This led to all these thousands and thousands of years of incessant warfare,
extending a phase of planetary evolution that is usually encompassed within
a much shorter and much less bloody period. As Mother Spirit taught you
last week, the only way to put an end to this is with a enormous growth of
individual spiritual freedom and courage so that, in a moral dimension,
every person begins to pull his or her own weight. This means individuals
being willing to expend the effort, sometimes the enormous effort required
to get to the bottom of things in his or her own life, and making decisions
relying on his or her own inner sense - in concert with Our help and with
the help their Father Fragment. In other words, individuals will need less
and less political or ecclesiastical authority as they grow in spirit
idealism, so that some still existing very large, monolithic, dogmatic
institutions of church and state can be allowed to pass away.
When you look at societies as they have existed in history, there was a
balanced total psychology occurring where the slaves needed the pharaoh and
his chief priests everywhere as much as this ruling class needed the more
enslaved lower classes. Each needed the other in a kind of social contract
that could only be superseded ever so gradually as each individual took on
for himself or herself the full responsibility for all the aspects of human
being - physical, mental, and spiritual. It has been very rare that either
political or ecclesiastical rulers voluntarily gave up their power, for they
were indoctrinated into a feeling of righteousness in their position as much
as their subjects half-unconsciously worshiped and venerated them. So it’s
taken these many, many centuries, and this was one of My great teachings
when I was on earth: the fact that society is comprised of individuals, and
it is only by encouraging each individual to assume this full responsibility
for themselves does the state and the church slowly evolve in freedom of
response. This is still going on, on your world, My children, and I ask you
to keep this general trend of planetary evolution in mind as you weigh your
necessary evaluations of world events taking place.
This is the ideal of the evolution of individual freedom that is necessarily
a part of your evaluation. This is the trend of the ages, and it still has
a long way to go. This is one of the goals of the Teaching Mission, and
this accelerated pace is possible now that the spiritual quarantine of the
planet has been lifted and the remedy for so many of the fallacies - the
faulty thinking, the useless and sometimes deliberately enslaving traditions
– is at hand. So rejoice with Us. This glory in our Father’s gift of
freedom is going so wonderfully.
Someday the planet will celebrate a day of general independence from its own
past and, ever so ironically, this freedom from the past by taking up your
residence in the power of spirit in the present moment, will give you a
larger ability to appreciate the past and all the sacrifices your parents,
and grandparents, and those before them have made for you.
So let us welcome a Happy Earth Day of Freedom, someday certain to come.
If you have any questions or comments this evening, we have the freedom to
share these too.
Student: Father Michael, I thank You for the freedom You’ve given me. I
had most of my question answered in the meeting before Your message started,
unless You have some more to say about accessing my soul.
Michael: Yes, My son, I appreciate that your question shows you have
understood what We have been saying about the human soul. You fully credit
Our assurance that you do have this part of you, this living part of your
being that is not your personality, nor your present consciousness. It’s
almost a kind of parallel reality to the one you know. It is fully you and
yours insofar as it depends upon your moment-to-moment decisions of what you
do - that is, those parts of the events you experience which are not just
handed to you by the world you live in, nor the other aspects of your day to
day life over which you have no control. But insofar as you have the
spiritual freedom to choose, and this too is a growing thing, you determine
what your soul will contain.
Yet the co-author of your soul, this pre-personal Fragment of God who takes
on the activities of your personality, does so from a viewpoint so much
larger than yours. So your spiritual growth is necessary to the way in
which you gain access to your soul. Seeing that it is a spiritual
construct, contact is dependant upon your spiritual sensitivity much as your
vision is dependent upon the sensitivity of your eyes.
Since you do exist in the present, but your mind may not be focused here, We
have informed you that it takes creative spiritual power to relive moments
of your past. So this spiritual ability is also your doorway to your soul.
Your stillness is a growing spiritual ability and focus, I might say
un-focus of present concerns. Since your soul is in a Morontia advanced
spiritual state, the most you can do is make room for it and invite it to
come join you.
You can deliberately, consciously pick out some past event you might want to
revisit. In addition to the memories of your personal mind, make room and
make time for your soul to supply that exquisite essence, singular to that
particular moment, to help you enjoy that in this river of time, each moment
is somewhat unique. Because in the largest way of looking at it, God
doesn’t have to repeat Himself. God is the bubbling fountainhead of that
river, suspended in the middle of Himself. He includes you. Does this help
you, My son?
Student: Yes, Father, it does. It will get more clear than it was. It
looks to me as though stillness is the key to accessing ones soul.
Michael: Very much so, especially in your little mini-meditations all
through the day. It’s like giving some other part of yourself permission to
pop up when it wants. You make room for it by consciously inviting it to do
so. This allows your present moment to expand in meaning, in relationships
which allow the spiritual values to be more apparent - with everything and
everyone surrounding you. But just as your Thought Adjuster is difficult to
perceive as an independent entity because it is so much a part of your life
and so close to you, so too My son, your soul is in this same position.
This truly is who you have been, and are. Rest assured your soul is
constantly informing your consciousness of spiritual values. Does this
fulfill your curiosity?
Student: Yes, Father, it does. Stillness looks to be the key, and that’s
what I need to practice…is stillness.
Michael: Yes. This will also enhance your ability to perceive the soul in
others. This is what you recognize as character. There are some deep values
there in another person that are hard to put your finger on perhaps, but you
feel it, you feel it from inside you because your own Thought Adjuster is
letting you know: Yes! - here is another person who has really lived. Rest
now and be in My peace.
Student: Thank You, Father. Once more, thank You.
Student: Yes, Father. It seems like…at this moment I want to curl up and
fall asleep. I’ve felt a lot of times when I’ve come here, when it seemed
the day had caught up with me and I felt extremely tired, but still I was
able to experience Mothers’ and Your presence even with this tiredness. And
lately I’ve been trying to break away more from any tiresome familiarity and
do the things I enjoyed doing, like hiking, rediscovering the trails that I
used to walk many years ago. When I’m on the trails there’s this quietness
where I’m able to speak with God and just think about things in my life. I
think more and more I desire to come from this place of silence, of
quietness - if I’m able to do that.
Today I was contemplating the idea of a statement I had heard in the past,
about things being perfect the way they are. In the past I had a hard time
with this statement because of: look at the world! It doesn’t seem so
perfect. But then as I went deeper into this idea of perfection; in a
sense things are perfect the way they are because we are experiencing our
own understanding of that perfection. So I gave the example to (Student)
and (Student) about if you keep on focusing on poverty and lack, then you
create perfect poverty. You create perfect imperfection.
So you reach a point where, I know how I want to live - how I do not want
to live; that there is a deeper perfection of God’s vision for us; and
completeness. So I just know that I want to change and desire greater
silence within my being. Then I can appreciate the change into the unknown
of who I am to become, and have the patience to honor the change in others
around me.
I guess I do have a question, and this is something I talked to You about
privately - about this one capacity. You talked about the freedom even to
stop oneself from growing spiritually. Does that mean that one can be so
encased in fear and their bubble of familiarity that they can stop growing
Michael: My son, I congratulate you on your desire for growth and wisdom.
I encourage you to keep on loving that quietness, and also what I feel you
are re-discovering out there on your beloved trails. It may not have
occurred to you that out in the woods you’re in timeless realm. Some of
those hillsides you are looking upon have been that same way for thousands
of years. Even your path you are jogging along, you can imagine has been
there for a long time, going back to your Native Americans; and maybe it
has. You are in a much more timeless realm than, say, walking down a city
block where you can spot one particular house made about 1910 or so, and
this other one made in the 1950’s; where everything is timed right down to a
decade, by style.
Now I encourage you to reconsider your concepts of completeness and
perfection. Completeness is a moment to moment fulfillment of all the past.
As one of your wise philosophers said, All the past is but prologue to
now. Whereas perfection is a way of stating or grasping the concept of
God’s general trend out here in time and space. There is a total, overall
evolution taking place - the growth in the physical, mental, and spiritual
dimensions of the Supreme Being. In other words, the physical universe, the
Mind of the Infinite Spirit, and the personalization of this whole time and
space realm known as the Supreme Being, are all growing towards an ever
larger completeness. And this is only part of what We can put into human
words like perfection.
We inform you in The Urantia Book that when the existing seven
super-universes with their potential of some seven trillion inhabited
worlds, are physically exhausted in their potential for further material
growth, and spiritually settled in what We call Light and Life, this is what
We mean by perfection - as contra-distinct from completeness. Perfection is
intrinsic in the ability to continue growing, as the goal. Total perfection
means that growth is no longer possible, it has been finished within a
certain realm. Yet even in some far distant future, hundreds of billions of
years from now when the seven super-universes of the Grand Universe are
settled in Light and Life, that will be just the prelude for the expansion
into the First Outer Space Level.
And what will be your opportunities and adventures then? I can’t at your
present stage of development even suggest what will be - so far beyond your
human comprehension now. But this is more or less what Mother Nebadonia and
I, in concert with the teachings of The Urantia Book, mean by perfection.
As for your tiredness and sleepiness, My son; you’ll note this is what I
started out this evening encouraging you to feel, especially as contrasted
to taking stimulants so you don’t have to feel these. You know of some of
your fellows who had gotten into a very deadly habit of taking stimulants to
wake up, and then depressants to get a little rest from time to time. It’s
what you call burning the candle at both ends. And they did find out it
lead to a rather short-lived way of life. So yes, you do have the freedom
to chose to stop growing, to stop feeling the effort of living, right into
insanity or death.
Student: It’s true - in my sense of tiredness it feels like, I feel like
I’m being nourished. It’s like I give myself permission to be tired, to
relax, to slow my pace down. It’s interesting. I was on a hike with my
friend a week or so ago, and she likes to hike up these steep hills, and I’m
not really in the best of shape for that kind of hiking. But I did it and I
enjoyed it. Then I noticed as we were coming down my body seemed to want to
slow down and just feel where I was at.
So I found it interesting watching that, while allowing my friend to go at
her own pace. Before I used to go up all the stairs real fast, or go all
out in basketball, and push myself, but it seems like I no longer want to do
that as I change and evolve. My mind wants to nourish itself and really be
in the moment.
Michael: This is partly wisdom as you get older. It is also part of this
appreciation I invite you to feel about your animal nature, the wise
conservation of energies. It may difficult to feel, and then get yourself
going again, but I assure you this is growing in spiritual power. If you
can feel this need to conserve your energies, and make those hard decisions
of what is worth spending your energy on, you realize you do not have an
unlimited amount of either physical, or mental, or spiritual energy. New
decisions are required as to how you will spend these precious qualities of
your life.
Feel the genuine tiredness in all these respects, and develop the will power
to get yourself going, for that is truly what you want to do. This requires
that freedom from the chemical means that are so available to you in your
present culture.
Student: I’ve never been one to partake of that, even alcohol, because I
learned at a young age my body wouldn’t tolerate that substance so well.
Plus I don’t like the feeling of being out of control, of being vulnerable
in that way. I know people can be stimulated in other ways too, through
television and computers, so a big time can be wasted - intoxicated by that.
I just know for myself I desire silence more in my life - for change.
Michael: Certainly, quiet and stillness and a deep peacefulness in your
heart and in your feelings all combine to form the doorway We are inviting
you to open and enter. So It is My delight to see you doing so and growing
in your appreciation, your actual use of these spiritual values in your
life. As you are beginning to experience, they are self rewarding. This
can be very immediate; as well as developing over time. Often, like
learning a musical instrument, you have to pour energy into your spirit, but
there comes a day when this new heart you have discovered begins to sustain
itself; then yet another wonderful moment when it begins to sustain and
encourage you. Then you know you are really tuning into powers greater than
yourself and allowing yourself to use these.
Student: Yes, there seems to be an underlying momentum, a current that’s
propelling me forward, and I can feel it really strongly when I go off
course in my thoughts.
Michael: Well, My son, you are getting addicted to goodness. (Laughter)
Your being won’t tolerate various little sins anymore. This is good and
healthy. This is how you not only have a greater chance of living to a ripe
old age, but are enjoying life more as you go along. This is as it should
be. It’s possible if you are open to the constant feedback from your
encompassing reality, if you can be sensitive to it and allow yourself to
Student: I have been thinking about that lately. I’m fifty years old and
it’s like I sometimes wonder what it would be like to just…die - how people
would be affected if I was no longer around. I know it would affect my
children, obviously. A lot because of my kids I’m still here on Urantia.
But I have been thinking about death and there is even a part of me that
relishes it, that looks forward to it.
But I also understand I’m experiencing death everyday - letting go of old
beliefs and past perceptions as I open up to a new life. One of the things
I’m experiencing with my relationships, especially with my mother and my
daughter, is that they see me as I was, and don’t see me as I am. And I’ve
changed so much - even with (Name), the same thing. I’m not the same person
I was three years ago, two years ago, yesterday; and it’s hard to relate to
people because I am dying and being reborn every day. Maybe that’s what I
want, and I guess that’s the price one has to pay in dying.
Michael: I suggest this is not necessarily so, if you mean that this
estrangement from your mother and your daughter is the price you have to pay
for growing. Rather you are going to have to come up with some interesting,
teasing ways to invite them to realize this new you. If you feel a
discomfort at their lack of perception, it’s up to you, My son, to initiate
the remedy, simply because they can’t. It’s similar to when someone
mentioned to Mother Spirit once that She had poured several years of
encouragement into you, in you group, before She began to ask you to extend
this to others. But Her reply was that, of course, it doesn’t work the
other way.
Sometimes you simply have to give to others in order to encourage them to
see you anew. You can keep it light-hearted. Keep your teasing playful.
Put in a few moves they haven’t seen before. Let them know there is a new
man in the house.
Student: Yes, I can see the wisdom in that.
Michael: You might consider being downright frisky. (Laughter) Help them
come awake and renew themselves. Invite them into the party, so to speak.
Keep in mind what We talked about recently, how your Thought Adjuster can
inform theirs that things are changing, how on the borderline between
conscious and unconscious levels there is a great communication going on.
So it is possible to be conscious of this, of how you affect others. You
can take some control of this effect you are having. You can direct it in
to more joyous and playful modalities.
Student: Thank You.
Michael: You are welcome, My son. It’s good to see you looking forward to
whatever may come. For some poor folks a fear of death keeps driving them
along in their life. Assuaging this fear is so much a part of the
reassurance of Our teaching now – following, and as an adjunct to the Fifth
Epical Revelation, the enormous detail the book provides of the next coming
phases of your eternal life.
By reflection you’re enabled to feel this soulful, Morontia reality already
in existence, and growing with your experience, preserving your experience
so that this deathless personality that you are will reawaken with the
ultimate gift of your Thought Adjuster - your soul. So much larger than
what you know now as the memories of your life, you can grow in the
recognition of how much your soul is influencing your life, is adding value
to all the circumstances and events and people that are your life. Believe
Me, our Father feels your thankfulness and He wishes you to know, My
children, you are truly welcome. These gifts are His great delight.
Go ahead in My peace. Good evening.
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