[tmtranscripts] Michael 11/7/05

JERRY LANE nytrayn at msn.com
Mon Nov 14 06:28:28 PST 2005

Dear Folks, Here's another great lesson from Michael on hope and

Michael—November 7, 2005

Marin TM Group—Mill Valley, California—U.S.A.


(What is spirit)
(Spirit as value)
(The spiritual cosmos)
(Spirit never compels)
(Repression and denial)
(The gaps in your life)
(You are never separate from spirit)

Dear Michael and Mother Spirit, We want to thank You for visiting us in
this particular way. We enjoy so much hearing your insights and
understandings because we realize at the same time, this does not affect our
own communication with You; does substitute for our own inner connection.
There has been voiced some question about the Teaching Mission interfering
with our own personal prayers, but You have assured us they are
complementary, not in any way whatsoever in contention. So we thank You once
again for these very special visits. Amen.

MICHAEL: Good evening, My sons, this is Michael. Just relax yourselves for
a few minutes and soak in My peace. (pause) Just pretend you are lowering
yourselves into a hot-tub of spirit. (long pause)

(What is spirit)

Lately We have been trying to help you realize just what spirit is. Once
you accept that this is a very natural part of human life, and you are
surrounded by personal spirit beings who have your welfare very much at
heart, you naturally wonder, perhaps, why you have not noticed this before.
And so a good part of Our lessons and even your textbook, the Urantia book,
is designed to help you realize what this dimension of reality is.

We can call it the realm of spirit, if you want to think about it somewhat
spatially, but with your modern, post-Einstein minds, the dimension of
spirit can suggest something not only filling space and being everywhere,
but transcending space and being instantaneous in certain ways that have
nothing to do with the physical universe, the speed of light and so forth.
So spirit is not only everywhere as in Mother’s Adjutants of Mind and,
literally, Her presence, but it is very extra-dimensional and transcends
space/time as well.

So how do these very real dimensions impinge upon your life? How do they
affect you? And then very personally, how are you yourself a spiritual
being? What part do you play in this spiritual community? What are your
own spiritual strengths and limitations? You’ve no doubt noticed, because
We’ve used it often as a teaching tool, Our mantra of: physical facts,
mental meanings or relationships, and spiritual values.

For a simple illustration, let Me suggest that just as you know immediately
if you physically stub your toe, or mentally lose your train of thought, so
too most of you have had the experience of picking up an old favorite object
and noticing how it has changed from several years before. Once it held
great interest or fascination for you, and now appears to be somehow just a
physical object. Obviously something has very radically changed and it isn’t
the molecules that make up this physical thing. You reason correctly that
your own inner values have changed.

In our discussions on the relationship between objectivity and subjectivity
and how you are at least a small part of all your seemingly objective
observations, We mentioned two people looking at the same painting. The
physical object is there in front of them and they are seeing the same
thing. It can even have somewhat the same meaning to each of them. But
each can value it very differently. To one it can be of no value
whatsoever, while to the other this painting can touch them deeply and
affect them even beyond their own ability to express.

And so in this way your spirit is right within your space with you,
surrounding you in everything and everyone you perceive. There is this
value, even to the point where, if you have experienced moments of nothing
seeming of value, you know how painful this can be. This for most of you
would be equivalent to insanity, everywhere as much as if things lost their
meaning and their relationships. If you were to suddenly lose the value of
things, and people especially, about you, very shortly life would not be
worth living. The pain would be too great.

(Spirit as value)

Are you getting a sense now of what We mean by value? It is something which
separates you from the whole animal kingdom, which in their own way have
bodies and experience meaning. An animal can learn from its trial and error
how to accomplish a certain goal, and you are ever more delighted in
discovering just how intelligent animals are this way. But no animal can
evaluate the goal itself. This whole dimension is missing in their
experience. This experience of spirit marks you as a human being, a
spiritual being. This sense, or perception if you will, is part of your
personality, it’s part of you. It’s a dimension you enjoy as much as those
of space, and all your mental powers of reasoning, memory, association, and
so forth.

There has been so much of what you call spiritualist phenomena, with a bad
reputation for being associated with various con-artists, that for many the
word spirit still has a alien connotation, something wholly other. So while
they may have very deep feelings that God is spirit, and He certainly exists
as an inner fact they enjoy, still they put Him and all His subordinate
spiritual Sons and Daughters—such as Us—off at a distance. Ironically
enough they spiritually value their physical bodies and mental capabilities
so greatly they unconsciously assume spirit is something else, it is not an
intrinsic part of them. And of course this is their freedom, this
orientation or identification strictly with their physical/mental aspects.
This is possible because they value them so greatly; spirit is there too,
and always has been. It is just unrecognized as such.

So what does it mean to grow in spirit? What does it mean to have more
value in your life as a conscious perception? Think about this. What would
it mean if your dearest, closest friend suddenly had more value to you?
Here you can glimpse how spirit is the primal antecedent to both mind and
matter/energy. As another person grows in value to you, this will be
immediately reflected in both their physical appearance and your mental
understanding and sharing with them. When you think of a friendship truly
growing, this is what is growing. This is one way in which spirit
transcends time, when two old friends get together and see each other not
only as they are instantaneously in the present, but they can literally
visualize with the eye of spirit each others’ soul—all those years of all
the experiences they’ve shared. As all these personalities go hurtling
through space on all the billions and trillions of worlds, the spiritual
record is what is growing for every single one, and for God himself—that
aspect of our Father we call the Deity Supreme, the Supreme Being, the soul
of the universe. If you cannot yet perceive this directly, My children, do
your best to imagine it. Imagine: nothing of true spiritual value is ever
lost. This is the nature of reality, as our absolute and infinite Father
creates it.

(The spiritual cosmos)

But enough for this evening, for there is no exhausting all the different
meanings and values of spirit. For so many people the surprising aspect of
the Urantia book is not the cosmology, or the history, but the delineation
of so many orders of spiritual beings, the concept that the whole physical
universe of millions of galaxies—all this material/energetic creation is
being administered by personal spiritual beings who are antecedent to, and
directly creating and administering all this “stuff.” This is probably the
biggest surprise of all. So as you go out and look up into a clear night’s
sky, and experience the reality of the cosmos, now you can see it as the
home of an enormous, nigh incomprehensibly infinite family. And be
reassured that though a few of the spiritual personalities of your local
System, and your own dear planet, went astray in the exercise of Their
personal freedom, with dire consequences for all of you ever since, still
you can be reassured--for here is where your faith and your knowledge can
actually ease your heart--that that whole starry realm out there—your
future--is in good hands. And so are you. You are spiritual beings.
Welcome home.

If you have any questions or comments this evening, let’s do that again.

Student: Father Michael, thank You for Your support this last month, and
thank Mother also for Her support. I notice that I’m not doing things alone
any more. And I also thank all those who have supported me that I’m not
fully aware of. So thank You very much.

(Spirit never compels)

MICHAEL: You are very welcome, My son. And it is We who thank you. We
thank you for your faith. We thank you for opening yourself and asking for
help. We thank you for acknowledging Us. This, My son, is very literally
how you add to Us, when you give to Us what only your free will is capable
of giving. The value of this gift—your trust in Us—is so great in its
nature; this is why spirit in no way ever—whatsoever--compels. The gift of
freedom and the exercise of it are too precious. So again, My son, We thank
you for your faith and your trust, and We trust in turn, We truly have been
of help to you . Thank you for all the loving help you’ve given your friend
through these very trying times. Your prayers have helped you stay very
clear in our mind in analyzing and understanding what should be done, what
is helpful and what is not. So rest in My peace.

STUDENT: Dear Michael, earlier we were all talking about becoming more
serviceable by learning what the great masters have achieved in the Far
East. It reminded me of one of Your favorite Old Testament quotes, “Create
in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” And then
You add, “Purge me of secret sins”. And I’d to ask You to elaborate on that
a little bit. I know by becoming a little bit more self-understanding, we’d
become more serviceable to Your program, and a more stable platform of
service. So help us with having a little more insight into being “purged of
secret sins” and of course the “presumptuous transgressions” that You
mention as well.

(Repression and denial)

MICHAEL: Yes V, this is more understandable to you in terms of modern
psychology as repression’s. These are your secret sins that you indulge in
generally with a sense of guilt, and so are somewhat torn inside.
Essentially you do not yet want to face an ultimate decision of ending these
secret sins and so you try not to think about them. This is very much to
what that specific passage was alluding.

It is very similar to the psychological phenomena of denial, which is a more
serious extension of the same process where you are able to remove this
behavior from your consciousness entirely, even to the point of denying you
are doing some physical activity right at the time, either by giving it some
other name, or bogus motivation.

So how do you become conscious of what you may be denying or repressing?
Ten points for the person who said or thought “stillness.” (laughter) This
is that inner opening we’ve been talking about. I hope it has not been seen
as a contradiction where at one and the same time We advise you not to live
in the past, yet at the same time be totally open to it. What’s the
difference? It’s a matter of consciousness, of consciously establishing
yourself in the present moment.

Living in the past means that these repression’s, or denials--the secret
sins--are still being relived, are still having a great influence on your
behavior, by their very nature, unconsciously so. You can literally be
doing things you will not admit you are doing, either to yourself or others.
It is only by opening yourself to the original events that gave rise to
these secret sins can you in all consciousness become aware of them, and
accept them. This is the essence of catharsis, where the reliving of
certain repressed experiences, and accepting them fully-consciously as part
of your genuine past, can rob them of their power over you.

Here the process of maturity is one of seeing yourself not in purely
black-and-white terms as being some kind of Prince or Princess of Goodness,
or innately evil, but a person of strengths and weaknesses. The strengths
you can enjoy; the weaknesses you can accept and go to work on if you decide
to, in your highly-consciously liberated present moment.

This can give you such a footing in genuine reality--seeing yourself at
least somewhat as others see you--some genuine objectivity--that you can
then suspend your “pretentious transgressions,” (laughter) as you loose your
need to pretend--first to yourself, then to others.

This pretentiousness is that “pride that goes before the fall.” For it
takes only a simple flight of stairs to show a stiff-necked person the error
of his ways, as he goes tumbling down them. Does this answer your question,
My son?

STUDENT: Yes, I’m glad I asked it. My older boy will be glad I did. And I
feel better already!

But the word I mentioned was “presumptuous” transgression, that was
mentioned in the Urantia book, and I think J must have heard “pretentious.”
I’m glad it came out, but the second part of the Urantia book quote is,
“Purge me of secret sins, and keep back your servant from presumptuous
transgression.” And I guess that means the bigger ones? Thanks, though.

MICHAEL: Well it’s implicit here that “presumptuousness” cannot help but
transgress on your poor fellows who have to put up with it. (laughter) So
this trimming your own “pretentiousness,” and refusing so to transgress on
your friends, is just another kind of spiritual generosity. This is a gift
you make others by truly, spiritually behaving yourself. And be in My
peace. (Thank You Michael.) (a very long pause…)

It’s very peaceful here, is it not, My sons? You notice this peace is a
kind of home base you can return to. It is nothing you need fear loosing,
because there is no way you can hang on to it. There is no way you can
directly create it, except by allowing it to be.

And so you step off again, and again, off into another adventure. And away
you go! Because for that adventure to be fully real, you let go of this
moment and trust that your own inner desire and wisdom will remind you to
take a break again—sometime--and just enjoy My peace again. (the pause
continued for another long time; then there was a ripple…)

Did you have something, D?

STUDENT: Yes. Earlier last week as I went more and more into stillness
with the desire to be more quiet, I also noticed how at times my life seems
so, in a sense, hanging by a thread--so tenuous, and I realized that thread
is my faith. And the more my faith is enhanced and grows, the thread
becomes stronger and wider, and like becomes a rope I am able to climb up.
And as I climb up, I’m able to experience, as You have mentioned, new
adventures, new challenges. And as I climb up this rope of faith, there are
new dimensions I encounter, and my capacity to love grows and grows. And so
does my desire to be quieter and more still, and to be ready for the next
adventure—the next moment. And it’s really quite interesting watching
myself go through this (laughs) and to drop things that once were important
to me, and familiar, then noticing the gaps to …find other things, or in a
sense be more still. So it’s interesting watching when those gaps appear as
a habit has disappeared…of who I am, and what I do, in those gaps. I notice
what pulls me, and what doesn’t…interest me, except this being in communion,
and to be in stillness, and to be creative, and to feel life…

MICHAEL: Yes, My son. I congratulate you on your growing perception.
Everything you just mentioned is in the realm of spirit.

True enough, your life is hanging on a thread physically, yet I’m sure
you’ve all read amazing stories of just how tough and resilient those human
bodies you have, have at times survived the most amazing challenges. And
your minds too can become ever more tough and in their flexibility and
adaptability. The more you read, and talk about, and experience, the more
lively and tenacious your mental facilities can become.

(The gaps in your life)

Noticing the gaps left by your suspended habits is very much a spiritual
appraisal. You accept the challenge that so many small habits--like smoking
cigarettes, or drinking coffee--are used like little dabs of glue to hold
your day together. They are small connecting links without which you at
first feel lost, because all of a sudden you notice all the separate pieces.
And so We suggest a little mini-stillness meditation whenever you seem to
be suffering a gap. Accept it into your consciousness. Seize the
opportunity to re-evaluate what ordinarily-familiarly comes next. Something
more interesting and valuable might suggest itself, if you give it a chance.

Your perception of a growing stillness is a realization of a new continuity
now entering your life. This home base We speak about, that you find in
your stillness--so very tenuous and fleeting at first—it’s the continuity,
the thread that you are feeling, more and more connecting all the separate

And so you’re also discovering that in its deeper essence, stillness is not
just another habit, but rather a way of stopping habituation. And in this
you are, even while in your present mind/body vehicle, you are putting a toe
into the Morontia realms. You are becoming aware of your own soul as
contra-distinct from your memories--which may or may not faithfully recall
an event. You’re discovering the true spiritual cord, the connection that
is your spiritual record. And in doing so, you are experiencing a Morontia

This is great! This is what We have been inspiring you towards. So keep up
the good work, yet never be too surprised if the road ahead still has a few
major bumps, from time to time. Are you content now, My son?
STUDENT: Yes, Yes I am. It’s great because I feel, I feel the spirit
coursing through me. When I wake up in the morning, I feel it so intensely.
It wants me to be quiet, and to be still, and to feel it. And I do have
those moments, those gaps where I simply don’t know what to do; and I just
sit in it. And as You said, see where it takes me.

We’re in such a society where we think we have to keep doing something, and
our identities are so wrapped up in this doing something. It’s like I
mentioned last week, and another time, where I’m constantly un-defining
myself, and re-defining my God-self, or re-acquainting my God-self. So
thank You.

MICHAEL: You’re very welcome. You see now how the key is that quality of
recognition to simply realize, Here I am in another gap again. And so the
thing to do is to enjoy it—a little respite. Nothing’s happening for a
moment or two. What might this be? And be in My Peace.

STUDENT R.: Michael, I guess it’s my turn. I’d hate to leave here tonight
without an opportunity to converse with You in this way.

As you know we’re approaching what we call the Holiday Season, and in the
spirit of this, I would like to come and sit on Your lap, and I’d like to
tell You what I’d like for Christmas. (laughter) For Christmas, Michael, I
ask for the gift of Union with Spirit. And that’s what my heart desires.
That’s what it’s always desired, even when I was a young boy. I simply want
union with You and my Father within. That’s what I ask for, for Christmas
this year.

MICHAEL: O, My son, why wait! (hearty laughter) You have it now! Just
take a few moments and feel My presence within you. (long pause)

(You are never separate from spirit)

So you see, it is ever thus. We never really separate, though it is more
Mother Spirit’s lap you are sitting in. Yet I’m always standing close
beside; and We do form a beautiful family, if I might say so.

You do not leave Us when you forget Us for a few moments, even completely,
as you enter into your next adventure, or duty, or desire.

The superficial parts of your being, your momentary--and as D. just
mentioned--your very busy and goal-oriented thoughts, do not really separate
you from spirit. You have a human life to live; and you’ve only to live it
fully. And all Our suggestions are only designed to help you be ever more.
Because this is your own potential nature. So keep reaching My son! Keep
initiating our contact. Keep asking for help. Continue to pause in your
busy life, with your family and friends, your very serious duties and what
you owe others, and especially in your moments of freedom—free time.

It all exists inside a package called spirit. But this particular package
has no outer boundaries. And so you will keep reaching for them forever!
You will touch something real, but that will be Us. Your spiritual
boundaries are like the horizon. As you are already discovering, My son,
the horizon gets larger.

So here’s your Christmas package, this evening. Open it whenever you wish.
And be in My peace. (Thank You, Michael, it’s a beautiful gift!) This is
one gift that exists completely in the appreciation of it, so you’re very

The evening goes late, My children. Yet there is a fullness here I hesitate
to disturb. Let us bid each other a Good Evening, in this encompassing of
love. Rest tonight in My Peace. (All humbly say thanks.)

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