[tmtranscripts] N. Idaho TeaM 11/06/05

rickgiles rickgiles at icehouse.net
Wed Nov 16 09:25:42 PST 2005

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group
Topics: Primary Purpose-Spiritual Growth, You are a Reality Transformer, Purpose, Values,
and Service.
Teachers: Elyon, Cromek, Monjoronson

November 6, 2005

* Elyon (Mark TR): Greetings, this is your friend Elyon, [letting you know] that I
was in attendance. I was hesitant to join your conversation until all had had time to
express, but I would take up some valuable aspects of your conversation and perhaps
combine certain elements.
This question you raised of finding one’s purpose, finding your own individual
purpose, is of paramount importance, as it determines an individual’s focus and
subsequent action. I would ask you to consider, of all the purposes you are aware, is
there any purpose you are aware of in your individual lives that is greater than the
purpose you each have to build of yourselves the best daughter or son of God that you
can? This purpose of becoming the best child of God through your active choices and
devotions of your personal energy is the most supreme choice that you can make, not only
for your individual benefit, but as well for the benefit of the team you are on, the race
of individuals you are a part of, the planet as a whole, and as a gift to both your
divine parents and the First Source and Center of all.
The purpose of becoming more and more perfect, of realizing more and more of your
divine nature serves to direct you towards ideas of the proper manifestation for your
individual orientation. This desire to manifest your internal spiritual gains into the
real world is the focus of service, but it is important to realize that the manifestation
of service to others and to your divine parents as well as to the First Source and Center
are all reflections of your primary purpose, this attention to your personal spiritual
You have grown in realization that you are more and more effective at service when
you are more and more centered as a result of your personal growth effort. It is good to
keep in mind, even though it may seem as though you are focusing on the self and thereby
appearing self centered in your devotions, that by so doing you are serving the good of
all when you grow your individual self. It is a difficult concept for beings of your
nature to consider that you are actually helping others by helping yourself, but it is in
fact a universal principle that you must come to embrace as you fulfill your desires to
be effective servants.
If you are too distracted or too tired or simply off balance or uncentered you find
yourselves less and less effective in fulfilling your desires to be of service.
Therefore to help yourself is in fact to help others around you. To simply be an island
of stablity provides great service to those who are in uncertainty, and you must trust
that your heart’s desire to be of service will be given ample opportunities to manifest
as the occasions are appropriate.
When considering one’s ultimate purpose always consider first homebase and how
stable and secure that island of self is and remember that it is a constant service
opportunity to provide for the maintenance and well-being of self. Promote the
enlargement of spiritual capacity for self that you may be more effective in reflecting
that position out to the world in the form of service.
I hope this discussion helps to focus the connection between self and service of
purpose and subsequent manifestation, the connection between desire of the heart and
potential of the individual. All the external manifestations of service are as a result
of all the internal workings of spiritual progress. You must have the solid foundation
first and then your opportunities for service arise naturally as a result of the effort
you have spent in preparation. I understand that this notion of working for others by
working for yourself is a difficult one to grasp, but there are many difficult universal
principles which are difficult to grasp for ones of your nature, but you are finding the
ability to do so. I’m sure you will embrace these principles in your lives as you have
so many others and use them to your ultimate benefit.
This is my contribution to our discussion here this morning. I am quite certain
there are others who will add as well, so I withdraw to allow room for more. Thank you.

* Cromek (Jonathan): I am Cromek. I have been with this mission awhile and am
taking this opportunity to interface with you. It is a wonderful project. We are
reestablishing direct relationship with our human brothers and sisters, and it is a
joyful experience to see Urantia returning to its original purpose, that being a planet
destined to reach a height of attainment that radiates the glory of God through the
evolution of civilization and through the awakening of human consciousness.
God does not stand off afar and put forth requirements which you must fulfill in
order to be worthy of being in His presence. Rather does God enter into your presence
not merely by your side but into you, present. This seeding of your very being triggers
the transformation regardless and in spite of any requirements of attainment, and
organically. You grow and become that idealized worth to be in God’s presence in the
holy Paradise. This model, this behavior, we Melchizedeks approach in our service.
Why would a world like Urantia receive such attention? A world torn by conflict,
one darkened by rebellion, one which appears to not meet the standards of a divinely
inspired world. We do not stand back and require that you adhere to our universe ideals;
we flock to you to tend to you. Know that thereby you undergo transformation.
So, it is observed that you who are sensitive to the power and the work of spirit
likewise do not stand back from situations and require of those situations that they be
more along the lines of your approval before you interact, that you willingly instead
approach and enter those situations, those conditions, those reality subsets, and through
your involvement transformation begins. That scenario develops toward light. It is a
pattern we all can apply; it is the divine technique to engage in and bring
transformation of rather than to stand afar and demand adherence to. So, as Elyon has
indicated, your diligence in mastering yourself becomes a service and a gift to your
fellows in need.
Indeed, I find such pleasure in the fellowship of my friends and my coworkers on
this world. You who stand upon the earth are the reality transformers. You will not do
so through force; you will do so by exemplification. The greater your attention to your
abilities to impact the more noticed will the spirit luminosity be to those who interact
with you. You will not need to shout for attention, for the sublime vibration will be
captured by the spirit presence within the other and amplified. From within will come
the recognition of what you are representing from without.
As you recognize limitations of self in function, always remember that you are not
alone but in a team. Present is the Father within; present is the Father among your
fellows, and present are many of the angels, and even we of the order of melchizedek, all
of us prepared to transform all willing souls into higher realities, the levels of love,
the awakening of insight, the attainment of divinity. You have the power for we all have
I sense your welcome and I thank you for receiving me.

* Monjoronson (Mark): I greet you as well. I am Monjoronson, and once again I avail
myself of the opportunity to demonstrate further to you my commitment to be with you as
we ready ourselves for the great ascensions ahead. I would make a couple of brief
observations, as you have been provided with ample lessons today. I would simply share
my energy with you as you all have all committed to share yours with me. I would point
to the miracle of what has transpired today once again and witness with you that as a
result of your desire for deeper understanding and as a result for your materializing
this desire into questions and statements you were then provided with an expansion of
comprehension, and augmentation of appreciation as a result of perspectives endowed by
higher universe principles.
Today’s lesson on purpose and values and service was in fact provided by you in
your quest to understand and your subsequent bringing into realization your desires.
Then were you provided with real response to your inquiries. Heed well all that these
ambassadors of truth would bring to you, as they are responding not only to your desires
to be made aware but to the Father’s desire that you be made aware.
I know that each of you takes quite seriously the matters discussed in this forum,
and I appreciate all the attention given to gain further understanding on such valuable
topics. I would simply by way of underlining the importance of this lesson draw the
analogy that we have used before of the climber and how important it is to be
individually prepared. This responsibility for individual preparation is borne solely by
each and every one of you. That part of preparation for our group journey is the
responsibility of each of you individually so that you may be of maximum benefit to the
group as a whole. Therefore we must gain the perspective and adopt our priorities
accordingly that it is a necessary component of our preparedness as a group to be
prepared as individuals.
I would ask for you to take that desire of service that so fervently burns in your
hearts and to redirect such a noble desire to be of assistance and turn it back upon
yourself and provide to yourself that which you would so willingly provide to others, to
see yourselves as worthy recipients for that which you would so willingly provide for
those outside yourselves. Perhaps an exercise such as this will help to balance in your
lives the priorities of service to self and service to others. I sense among you all
such a great eagerness to be about your purpose, to be about your service, to heed the
calling in your lives, and I tell you plainly that you are, that you have, and that you
will. It may be difficult for you to see that all your actions are building that which
you so desire, but it is true, and one day you will appreciate all the gains you have
made while seemingly just doing what came natural to you. The more that you respond to
these callings the more will be gained by you as individuals and by this world as a
Thank you for paying attention to even these seemingly unimportant details, as they
too are required in the total of that which must be gained, learned, possessed, and
shared. I thank you each one, my steadfast students, even comrades, even friends, and I
take my leave now but look forward to all the work we have before us. Thank you.

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