[tmtranscripts] 2011-08-10-Monmacion

Rob Davis rdavis at daynal.org
Tue Aug 16 11:24:27 PDT 2011

Subject: Monmacion Series

Date: August 10, 2011

Teachers: Monmacion

T/R: Tiahuan

Good evening my friends! Again, this is Monmacion, and how happy I am to
witness you sharing amidst these summer nights, nearing the end of this term
of your season of warmth in which so much is exploding in growth, vibrant in
its manifestation of our Father’s life transmitted in and through every form
of Creation.

You dwell, of course as you know, in this realm undergoing a season of
turmoil, a season of transition from one phase of living to another, and
each of you this evening have shared some of the ordeals that are your
particular personal share of this turbulence experienced in the course of
this transition. We rely upon you to be for us, in lieu of our presence
physically upon your planet, to be the actual hand extending mercy and
understanding to those who would lose their equilibrium, and who might
surrender to fear and panic. You know these difficulties are but Father’s
way of redirecting and reconfiguring the life of any one person, and as
well, any one world.

Of course, these worlds recovering from rebellion and the ensuing isolation
are moving forward now as a group and in greater tandem with all other
worlds, and in part this accounts for the turbulence. You have indeed
stepped onto a more rapidly moving pace, and you are being brought up to
speed as it were, and the adjustment is one you can appreciate; it is
difficult. And yet all efforts are being extended. Myself, in this context
of preparation for the Magisterial Mission, engaging you and any others
along with my colleagues who would be preparing the soil of the hearts of
human beings throughout your world to embrace the truth wherever it is to be
found, to rest in the knowledge of the truth of who we are as beloved
children of God that transcends any apparent indifference that Nature or the
works of Man, that may seem indifferent if not actually hostile to your very
being, or your continued existence upon this planet.

These cataclysms of time; these are the things with which you have grown
familiar, for over the span of your lifetimes, you have incorporated more
change than could be imagined by many that preceded you, and as well, many
of those who will succeed you. For this transition phase is just that. It is
a time of creative destruction when those things that no longer serve are
falling away. And yet, here you are, standing firm in faith amidst all of
the uncertainties, as confident as your faith will afford, knowing that you
are being supported by many others. And so, we can only ask and confidently
trust that you will likewise extend this sense of support, this sense of
compassion and understanding, whereas without such, the harshness of
apparent cruelty is only exacerbated. But what a great ministry for
individuals to be a source of encouragement and upliftment, to extend this
effort that has been ongoing for some time to lift you and your fellows up
in spirit so as to be able to tread the turbulent waters through which we
pass. These are the emblems of the children of God, and these are the fruits
of the spirit that are the treasures of life. It is incumbent upon each of
us to nurture these, to foster them wherever we can, under any circumstance.

And so, where there is fear, let us cultivate the confidence of faith, and
where there is injury such as you have absorbed yourselves in your personal
lives, in your workplaces, we can acknowledge the reality that we are
absorbing and sharing it with Father knowing it is absorbed in his vast
resources of limitless love. It is this treasure that your world is seeking
amidst the turbulence. It is this treasure of character, this presence of
mind that is what makes the children of God so valuable in this moment. In
every workstation upon every location throughout your world, this is what
will lift the world and will lead the way.

For as I mentioned in our last session, as these bridges so called are
burning all around you, what will be left standing are those of you who
stand upon the foundation of faith. No; not a faith that is just blind
acquiescence to some tradition or some notion of convention or culture, or
of any religion. It is the actual source of religion as it is understood in
your world. You exhibit this quality in your confidence, and should you fall
short, should you find yourselves extended beyond your capacity, you know
where the reserve is to be found, and you know the practice of returning to
this space where such reserves are without limit.

Forgive yourselves when you exhibit your humanity. It is just such a human
face that we seek to show the world, one acutely conscious of the human
limitation and simultaneously confident in the limitless presence of our
Father within you. It is this conjoined action of your spirit and your
personality, your divine identity and your human person that is the union
that we seek to build and build upon.

So my friends, let me keep short our session this evening, for again, I
observe your signs of weariness having labored throughout the day in
earnest, assisting so many others in carrying their own burden, teaching
others, encouraging others, counseling others, and contending with others at
times. You know that you have many who work with you, and I would encourage
you to get to know each of these spirit personalities who are part of your
personal team, and when we gather together as we do now, all of these
personalities are present. It is quite a composite, even with small groups,
configurations of just a few human beings on the ground. So, go in faith and
be confident that many walk with you, and will be working with you ever more
closely as we proceed through this phase of transition.

Good night my friends.

Students: Good night and thank you!
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