[tmtranscripts] Monjoronson 2-13-11

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 13:57:47 PST 2011

Conference Call with Monjoronson

Center for Christ Consciousness

<http://www.ctrforchristcon.org/> www.ctrforchristcon.org

February 13, 2011

Topic: Continuing to Build the Energy Circuit of MERCY on Urantia

Transmitter: Donna D'Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father we thank you for this opportunity to gather to
receive the ministrations of our Magisterial Son. We pledge our support and
loyalty to you and to him during this time of Correction on Urantia and we
eagerly await his coming time here in the flesh with us. In the interim, we
gather here to build ourselves in MERCY and ask for more MERCY to be imbued
within the planetary fabric of consciousness, that all people on this planet
may open their hearts to know the beauty and grandeur of your love for them
and feed upon it. We're here to labor with him and to increasingly give our
support to him and his staff. Thank you.

MONJORONSON: My brethren. May the peace of our Father in Paradise be upon
you. This is Monjoronson and I am very glad to be with you once again in
this manner of speaking. We will continue to focus on the construction of
the MERCY language and endowment into the fabric of your planet's
consciousness. The dawning of this awareness of MERCY will affect many
changes within the Urantian mindset. There are many areas now inclined to
accept this energetic change, you might call it. It is so important for you
to keep up this awareness from your hearts into the fabric of Urantian
thought so that these changes can take effect with a greater ease of
transition, for as you know, some transitions can be very uncomfortable,
difficult, and trying for the human heart. We would ensure that this
transition come about peacefully and with a gradual easing of the human
heart into the awakening of the love that is available for all humanity.

As you project this energy force field of MERCY from your heart into the
planet, I ask you to draw deeply upon the love that you feel for this world
and for your brothers and sisters. Allow yourselves to have an outpouring of
MERCY, of LOVE, of GRATEFULNESS for this world and all of its qualities of
uniqueness that it brings into the universe of Nebadon. As readers of the
Urantia revelation, you have somewhat of an understanding as to the unique
qualities of Urantia being an experimental planet. You've had the great
privilege of the Creator of the universe enact a human life here. Because of
the two calamitous events that occurred here on Urantia, this further
qualifies you for quite a unique standing in the universe, I assure you.

With all the gusto and fervor you can muster within your hearts, open them
and pour out your love as you project the word MERCY from your hearts to
envelop the world as we seed it where it will do the most good and create
the most beneficial planetary change for all humanity for the world itself
and all living forms of life. (Pause)

Ages upon ages stand behind you. In projecting this field of MERCY, we are
weaving this into a collective consciousness of humanity that has wielded
such domination and warfare. The evolutionary nature of humanity needs this
quality, this component of the Father's love to quell the beast within, to
create a more noble desire for peace and love to be the dominant operating
energies of Urantia. We go deep into the fabric of planetary consciousness
and seed the MERCY where it is needed. So let not the legacy of rebellion
and sin deter you from the love you feel for your world. Instead, let it
swell to such proportions that you feel as if your heart would burst with
love and joy, helping the fabric receive more of what it needs, for your
brothers and sisters to open their hearts, to awaken to the spirit which is
within them.

It is this spiritual pressure that will catalyze the great changes that you
desire. Political change, social reform, all of this must be built upon a
foundation of spirit. So in doing these exercises with us, you are creating
that pressure, that wave that can engulf the mindset here that operates in
unlovely ways. You are creating a great wave of spiritual pressure to bear
upon Urantian minds. Even though your numbers are small, the more love you
generate from your hearts, the greater the effects will be. Continue to
generate this as we continue to move in you and use this spirit where it is
most needed. (Pause)

MERCY creates a wound-binder. It brings in the components of forgiveness,
compassion, understanding, respect, and validation that your brothers and
sisters need. The legacy of the deprivation of love on Urantia is very long
and deep and the human heart has such tentativeness in trying to open. It
wants to open, but it is afraid. By this MERCY field growing upon Urantia,
it will soothe the human heart and begin to soften all of that defensiveness
that prevents it from fully awakening and blossoming in the Father's love.
The energies of judgment, prejudice, and intolerance here have created such
hardened mind field that it requires these superhuman efforts of MERCY to
expand itself into the current thought form that has long held sway here.

While we bring these ideas to bear upon your minds, this true desire to show
MERCY, to be merciful to your brothers and sisters will help your planet to
truly change. To shake off the foundations of the past and emerge new,
clear, clean and pure. What you are doing, my dear brethren, is creating a
change of heart, and this is of great service to your world.

Continue to project from your heart into the planetary consciousness and
know that what you are doing has real and lasting value, for it is an
eternal reality that you are co-creating with us. (Pause)

Now in your mind's eye, envision the word MERCY as an energy field all
around you. Feel the strong yearning of your heart to make this a permanent,
indelible place in your energy system. We will entrust this further into
your circuitry that you may carry a larger charge around you as you go about
your activities each day. Feel your need for this now, my brethren. Feel how
important and fundamental this is to your developing spirituality, your soul
growth and for greater Adjuster reception. You cannot have too much of this
at this time. So let your desires expand to see you walking in this field of
MERCY as you live your live each moment. We will move in you now. (Pause)

In the coming days, there will be activities which each of you can
undertake. I will be providing you with focusing exercises to attend to each
day for some time to come. I invite you to recreate this feeling of desiring
MERCY for this planet to be illuminated. Focus in your own heart connections
you have to MERCY and direct it to the places where you are instructed. Be
on the alert for those emails that come from the facilitator of this group
and share this with your brothers and sisters who you know to be active in
participating in focusing energy of this nature. The world needs MERCY now
more than ever, as emotions are heightened, as fear mentality continues to
break up and seemingly run rampant. Underneath this is a new foundation of
peace and security, but these energies of the past must run their course.
They do not have to wreak the havoc and destruction that they do when you
are focused on building a new structure to take root to light over these old
languages and operations of the past. So while your numbers are small, your
heart energy is mighty. You will be informed soon, where to focus, how to
focus and what to focus.

The MERCY circuit is well established and yet it will require more energy to
go deeper into the fabric of your consciousness so that the underlying
foundations of fear can truly be relinquished once and for all.

Celebrate what is coming, my brethren, and know that Michael and Nebadonia
have much joy in store for you as we celebrate with you the birth of Light
and Life on this beautiful world. I will leave you now. Bask in the glow of
our love for you and know that what you are doing is of great value, not
only for this world, but for the whole creation of the Father in Paradise.
Good afternoon.

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