[tmtranscripts] Lightline Teleconference 2011-02-24

warren smith warrencsmith at gmail.com
Sun Feb 27 08:23:32 PST 2011

Most refreshing concert here! Beautiful, exquisite and most concise....
Henry and (Henry's indwelling) TA.
I salute you, Henry, and that great Spirit that indwells you.......

On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 3:38 AM, Tom Newbill <t.oldbill at gmail.com> wrote:

> Subject: Lightline Teleconference 2011-02-24
> Teacher: Inner Voice
> T/R: Henry Zeringue
> Prayer: Father, connect us in this moment of the eternal now, that infinite
> space between our mind and your presence. Connect us in an attempt to come
> together within this soul space, this space where we are truly conscious,
> humble, compassionate, and eager to learn a bit more of your will.
> Inner Voice: Greetings to you this evening, I am the Inner Voice and I do
> come to you from infinite mind into this moment to share in an ever
> expanding understanding between human mind and divine consciousness. Last
> time, we discussed manifestation. We discussed a few things about
> manifestation and today we will continue in a similar vein discussing
> intention. When the primacy of the Father qualified an aspect of Himself to
> eventuate the worlds of time and space in an expression of incompleteness,
> the intention in the mind of God was that the whole of the expression would
> find completeness in the presence, the aspects, and the will of Deity. God's
> intention was such that it was designed to create a conscious animal,
> indwell it with a divine aspect, give it everything that it needed to
> survive, to grow, to prosper, to find the divine aspect within and in
> finding the divine aspect, slowly begin comprehending the will and the
> intention of this divine aspect.
> In this way, men would be able to find completeness, wholeness in life, and
> gradually grow from life to life into an aspect complimentary to the Indwelt
> Divine Presence, fuse with this aspect of Divine Presence and gradually
> gravitate homeward experiencing all there is in the present time and space
> reality. This is God's intention. You must discern what it is you intend for
> your life, your personal life, your relationships, and the social phenomenon
> of your brothers and sisters. On worlds of time and space, especially the
> world you live on, there is tremendous distraction, a competitiveness for
> your attention yet the awareness of His spiritual nature demands a
> responsibility to go within in an ever increasing effort to understand who
> you are, what you are doing here, and what is your responsibility in
> relationship to these questions.
> Intention is similar to an artist having an idea about creating an object.
> He manipulates material in a certain fashion to reveal the nature of
> something which goes beyond the mere material used to express the idea and
> the intention. Intention is like the process, a sculptor working with a
> piece of stone can actually see the form within the stone and diligently
> chips away the excess stone revealing a quality within the stone that was
> not immediately inherent in the raw nature of the stone. This same option
> applies to ones life. One can take life and live it never fully experiencing
> the sublime mystery, the complete satisfaction, the ultimate challenge, the
> possibility of happiness. It is possible to just react to life, to satiate
> your desires, to use everything you can for your own pleasure, your own
> need, and not really be bothered with the consciousness of anyone else's
> needs.
> Then again, such a fool is not even conscious of his own real needs. He is
> just buying time. A real intention begins to form out of the consciousness
> of experience. You may or may not make mistakes. Let us say that you do make
> mistakes. Count the cost of the mistakes and you become aware in
> consciousness of ways to avoid making those same mistakes. Once you become
> conscious it is like being in a circular river. No matter where you go in
> this circle you will eventually stop upon the bank of the river and as you
> get back into the river you will stop somewhere else and this will continue
> until you have experienced all that is necessary to bring you to greater
> consciousness and awareness as you go through this river of life.
> Inherent in the pattern of life is the education principle that what you
> are not willing to learn on your own, life is more than willing to
> accommodate you and show you what it is that you need to learn. Lessons in
> life adjust our intention. They help us to focus more consistently on what
> is pertinent and responsible in ones life. Mankind is born into an animal
> nature; it is the human and incomplete part of man. It is obvious that man
> will react to it, man will respond to it. But as you begin to question and
> see the unspoken within nature you begin to understand a greater design and
> pattern at work, you begin to understand intelligence, you begin to sense
> there is something greater within you that the mind shows. You become aware
> that within your mind there is an aspect of perfection. You can see, in a
> certain sense if you had control, how you could make things be.
> Eventually this leads and indicates that there is an aspect of perfection
> within the human mind and it is not necessarily there for you to control the
> external as much as it is there for you to begin to comprehend and to
> control the internal nature of your mind, of your thinking. The human
> phenomenon has always sought for quality. Quality for a primitive human
> being is plenty of food, warmth, a place to live, means to protect himself.
> Quality for an advanced civilized human being is an aspect of how he lives
> and the objects that helped make his life more agreeable. As man begins to
> stand upon the knowledge of preceding generations and does not insure the
> inner quality of consciousness to motivate and direct him, it is possible
> that men can end up in society similar to the one that exists in your
> present time, where the external nature of life has outgrown the internal
> nature and they have not developed hand in hand.
> It is useless to seek something to blame for lack of personal cognition,
> personal respect and responsibility to the altruistic thoughts which occur
> within the human mind, because all minds indwelt with an aspect of God are
> minds which are constantly being bombarded with thoughts not of the minds
> own. It is a choice. It is possible to totally disregard the greater part of
> what the mind is saying, to only listen to how the ego needs to be satiated.
> Therefore, intention, intention is the continuous thread, it is what
> connects and reinforces experience, the tasks at hand, and the qualities
> which exist in the mind that you are trying to bring into fruition in your
> life.
> This is why revealed religion is important, revelation brings into
> consciousness specific actualities, truths that when the mind is ready the
> mind can use this revelation as a tool to complete the work which the
> revelation initiates. You soon learn to have faith. You soon learn to
> control animal fear to a caution. You begin to trust in unseen guidance and
> little by little and slowly you begin to notice aspects of your life which
> indicate how you hold the quality of the space within your mind. The things
> I speak of are not magical, they are not easy, you are not going to find
> them in a package for sale yet they are aspects of reality that the mind
> grasps as a scaffolding which it uses to reveal the intention, the intention
> which compliments the will of the Father.
> Evermore so on a world of Agondonter status is a challenging, to see with
> the eyes of the mind, to sense and feel with the touch of the mind, to
> understand through collective counsel with other minds, evermore so to hold
> oneself responsible for his and her own behavior. As you begin to undertake
> and walking a spiritual path, the rewards begin to reveal themselves subtly,
> sometimes dramatically, but for the most part gradually and subtly, that you
> begin to see the necessity of holding true to a greater intention whose
> source is not external, whose source springs from the human consciousness of
> the divine element within. Intention is the language of the soul. This
> language uses pictures, images, feelings, knowledge, and it foresees the
> future in that it brings an aspect of the present now into the next present
> now and its continuum in the future.
> Quieting the mind, contemplation, begins to reveal the tasks at hand. They
> are not so complicated that you cannot understand them; they are not a
> mystery. Everything that you need and need to do stands very near to you,
> you are in the midst of it. The greater effort to hold this intention for
> all life as your own begins to manifest in life. It begins to affect others,
> other mind on a subconscious level. It is something that another mind
> detects, feels. This person feels good. People socially feeling good and
> feeling strong begin to create an aspect of greater awareness within
> society. Society begins to yearn to truly worship the Father. Everyone
> begins to benefit through intention.
> In a certain sense, intention is similar to agenda except that presently in
> your society, agenda has come to reflect something from the selfish
> egocentric personal, therefore not always tremendously positive. Yet as the
> Father is concerned, His agenda is certain. Be you perfect as I Am perfect.
> The primal utterance set forth as an agenda and intention for mankind.
> Beyond yourselves and beyond the life on this earth, it is the quality of
> divine experience which expresses to the myriads of personalities that are
> not indwelt with the divine presence. It expresses to them the reality of
> the divine presence, that their work and effort is not is vain, that they
> also begin to see results. Everyone wants results but not everyone wants to
> take responsibility to engender those results. It is therefore to the mind
> poised with intelligent effort, a sense of urgency and beauty to which is
> revealed more and more.
> When you begin to honor what it is you have learned and gained in life, you
> begin to receive a greater awareness and sense of the direction in which all
> of this learning is guiding you. When it becomes fixed and certain within
> your mind is when you have truly embarked on becoming perfect even as the
> Father in heaven is perfect. Eventually, without the Father, all things fall
> short, dreams, intention, needs, wants. All of life is designed to
> accommodate the Father, the guidance within, the awareness presented within
> your mind, the aspect of quality which is revealed to you. And as the Master
> said, "Amongst you who would be the greatest, let him be the first to
> serve," for it truly is within the realm of service in which the greater
> essence of reality lies. It does not lie in the ecstatic thought patterns
> for those are meant to stimulate you and to motivate you. The true essence
> of reality lies within the grit of life, the challenge of life, the idea
> that little by little you can help make it better for someone else.
> This is the story of the Buddha of compassion. One day the Buddha goes to
> God and says, there is too much to do here, there is so much need and I only
> have two hands. God said, we will take care of that so He broke the Buddha
> into pieces and rebuilt him with four hands. After a while Buddha comes back
> to God and says, there is so much need, there is not enough time, I have no
> helpers and all I have is four hands. Again, God disassembles Buddha and
> remakes him with six hands. The ancient story eventually goes to the point
> where God has created the thousand armed Buddha. At this point God is not
> demanding more than you can perform. He is just intending for you to perform
> to your capacity. To go beyond your capacity as a human is to dip into the
> divine.
> I thank you for your patience and diligence to hear my words this evening.
> I wish all of you a blessed week, good intentions, peace and happiness.
> Until next time, may my love enfold you, may my love empower you to well up
> with love yourself and to love others. Thank you this evening.
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