[tmtranscripts] Mother Spirit Lightline Complete 2.25.16

Jerry Lane nytrayn at msn.com
Thu Mar 10 09:51:03 PST 2016

Ho!--here we go again, this time with the complete Lightline teleconference with Mother Spirit on the 25th of February, 2016. Please excuse the overly-wildly spaced lines as I'm not sure why this happens, or how to prevent it. It's why I send both a text and attachment of the lesson. Enjoy!--Jerry.

Mother Spirit
Lightline - February 25, 2016.


your lives)

the prison of self)

blessing of curiosity)

mind-spirit of courage))

to welcome the unknown)

contra-distinct from fool-hardiness)


knowledge, understanding)

courage leads)

faith, and spontaneity)

a child’s spirit and autonomy)

Dear Mother Spirit and Michael, welcome. Welcome.
Come and be with us, although

we know deep in our hearts--as we open our
hearts and minds to you--that you are

always already here. Your presence is within
us and all around us.

Still and all, we do admit to ourselves that
your very nature is nigh incomprehensible in

spite of all the ways that the human race
has personified you, in all the goddesses of

all the religions and cultures of the world.
This is why we are very thankful for our

wonderful Urantia Book with its whole
chapters on you and Michael, giving us all of

your attributes.

Yet you are still nigh incomprehensible! We
can only imagine what it is having a

soul of experience of hundreds of billions
of years now, so many times more than what

our science tells us is the age of the
universe. We can only imagine what it is to be

spread out over so many thousands of cubic light
years of space, attending to your

children on nearly four million inhabited
worlds like ours--plus on all the architectural

spheres of our local universe.

You have invited us so often to go out on a
clear, star-lit night when there is no moon

to out-shine all the little ones, just see
and open our minds and hearts to the Milky Way

out there in the whole sky. We can imagine
you spread out across all of that. Then

to think you are right within us, part of
us, part of our minds, part of our own creative


So, dear personal being who is on the very
edge and beyond of our comprehension,

we do sincerely appreciate that you can talk
to us. You delight in transmitting to us,

and you have let us know so many times that
any of us—not just me and other

Transmitter-Receivers--but any of us with a
mind to do it, can receive you. Anyone can

open their little recorder and record what
you have to say. In this too you are truly

universal. For all of this we do thank you.

Nebadonia: Good evening, my children. This
is your Mother Spirit, and I thank you for

your kind and generous invitation. As
Michael and I have taught so often, it is a good

thing for you to be humble, for it is a
spiritual blessing to acknowledge that which is so

much greater than yourselves. It helps you
keep in touch with us, for Michael and I, like

any proud parents, delight when you address
yourselves to us and say hello. We really

enjoy that, so again, this is an open invitation
that just anytime, anytime it occurs

to you, day or night, we appreciate it when
you set aside a few minutes in your busy

lives to be quiet, and still, and say, “Hello
Michael. Hello Mother Spirit. Thank you

for me.”

(Companionship-sharing your lives)

Tonight I would like to talk about a few of
your attributes, a few of your dimensions

of being human. I think the greatest of
these is the way you are so much like our

universal Father, like God himself. It is
the way you can share your lives with others. It

is called companionship--your ability and
desire to have companions with whom to

share your days and your nights. This is
part of God’s great nature, this whole notion

of sharing oneself, or none of us would
exist. We can know that each of us shares a

little spark of his infinity.

As you have been told, and it is so true,
that your very personality, your

uniqueness coming right from him--as does
Michael’s and mine--cannot in any way

be finally or ultimately captured. In this
we are most like him, and we belong not only

to ourselves, but to him as well. We share our
inner lives with him.

Then you can choose to share your lives with
the others around you. This is that

magical one-and-one-makes-three because, first,
you have your unique personality like

no other. Second, your companion is like you
in this, in that he or she too is utterly

unique among all other people. When the two
of you get together, you both share

another third dimension that is equally
unique to just the two of you.

This is companionship--this friendship, this
shared soulful quality, because you are now

in each other forever. Your souls are as
open to yourselves and to each other as you

acquire the ability to tune in--tune into
yourself and tune in to each other. You can

share your histories, your actual living

(Escaping the prison of self)

True companionship gives you so much. Above
all it gives you a way of escaping what

we sometimes call the prison of self.
I am sure you all know some poor, unfortunate

soul who is so self-centered, so totally
insecure in themselves and in their life, they are

desperately clinging on to themselves and
can hardly be companionable at all. You try

to carry on a conversation with them and all
they are doing is waiting for you to

be quiet so they can express themselves. No
matter what you say to them, if it

doesn’t directly relate to them in some way
or another, it is meaningless to them.

By their example you can know in your own
self, in your own soul, what a terrible

prison this is. Your own companionship and
your own delight in sharing yourself and

enjoying other folks can be the most
precious experiences of your life. Because if you

can let go, if you do have the wonderful
quality of self-forgetfulness, you can take in

another totally. Then if they too have this
wonderful quality of self-forgetfulness, this

third dimension of the-two-of-you, the
companionship, becomes a very lively dance all

by itself, does it not? Who knows where it
will go? Who knows what it can encompass?-

-because you are both bringing your own
unfathomable souls to the present moment.

For remember: you are both somewhat infinite
to yourselves. This is the state of

your existence, my children: you can only know
your own souls kind-of moment-by-

moment. You await that magical
transformation, sometime in the future, you will have

that promised moment of becoming one with
your own soul and the presence of its co-

author, God himself. This will be the fusion
of all that you are and have been, wrapped

up in this unfathomable soul of yours.

But until that transformation, what a wonderful
thing to let your soul come forth

and remind you of all you’ve been. This humility
of realizing all that you are and

have been gives you the ability to
acknowledge all that your companion is too.

This is the promise and the actual reward of
companionship, of having real, honest-to-

God, living and breathing companions with
whom to share your life.

(The blessing of curiosity)

All this comes about with the help of
another great quality I’d like to talk about

tonight, and that is curiosity. Let’s pause a moment to wonder: what is it? (I must

confess I am teasing you with the very thing)
What is curiosity? What is it that

catches your attention, sometimes even in
spite of yourself--especially when you

were younger and didn’t have that much
control over yourself. What is it that captures

you and says, “Look here! What is this?”

It could be whole world all around you,
strange and new and maybe even a little scary.

Think of your delightful little furry creatures
and the nursery-rhyme notation that

curiosity kills the cat. Of course as you
grow older, you realize that curiosity is just part

of their nature to examine everything,
though perhaps the more cynical among you

would say that it is just their hunting
instinct, looking for some other little furry thing to

pounce on and eat. Or maybe you have seen
cats prowling around and standing up to

look out the windows like some nervous gun-fighter,
wondering about some bigger cat

that might eat them.

But in human beings, curiosity is an innate soul-hunger
to know what is out there. What

is all around you? Even at a very young age
it includes wondering: what am I? What

are these little wiggling things on the end
of my arms; then exploring and finding

you have hands and feet and even a stomach
that gets hungry. All this curiosity leads

you to discover everything you know,
everything you contact to understand.

It is a wonderful hunger because it can be
satiated. It can be fulfilled. It can lead you to

a kind of ease for a while as you sit there
with all you have come into contact, and

know, and understand. You can let it all go
in a good-night’s sleep and even dream of

it all in all its mystery.

Curiosity led you to the others all around
you. As you let go of your family, your

mother and father, and maybe brothers and sisters,
and headed out there to school—

your first, second, and third grade, your
class room; remember all the others you met

your own age, and the curiosity. Who were
they? What was this sex thing? What

were boys? What were girls? Why were you and
they the way you were?

What a wonderful blessing curiosity is. And
what a terrible tragedy it is with those who

feel they are cursed with curiosity, that
some way or another they have to numb out

to shut it off. They just want to close in
upon themselves and not be curious about

others because, perhaps, they never acquired
the social skills to satisfy, to share

in joy with others and satisfy their curiosity.
So think of the satisfaction, my dear ones,

that has led you to know so much.

(The mind-spirit of courage))

I would like to mention one other attribute
that I actually help increase right within

you. If you will, I augment another real
ability of yours. As I mentioned companionship-

-what your Urantia Book calls my Mind/Spirit
of Counsel—helping you enjoy each other

as you counsel together and share your
experience—this is the mind/creative spirit

quality of courage.

What is courage? If new experience it is one
of the most crucial, welcome, and

valuable of attributes, the ability that
enables you to do difficult things is itself so

precious. Seen in this light, you can never
have too much of it--not the real stuff.

Instead you might have a kind of fake
courage you call fool-hardiness, a lack of

acknowledgement and respect for the
situation where you just charge blindly into

something, and perhaps get wiped out for
that very reason.

Genuine courage is not being fool-hardy. It
is exactly the opposite. It means with all

the fear and trembling that fills your soul,
your mind, your spirit, even your whole body,

you are still able to act. You still to have
the determination to do the right thing.

Think how this necessary attribute feeds and
supports your curiosity, to not only be

curious, but to have the courage to explore
it. For that exploration can extend to all the

aspects of you. Physical courage is needed to
get out there and do whatever it is,

perhaps even risk your life and limb--as you

Then to follow your curiosity about “what
if…” or “wouldn’t it be nice to…”—you can fill

in the blank—it takes mental courage to be
open-minded and not just cling to what you

have already known and experienced, but to
let all that go, put it all on the line because

something new suggests itself. Or you are
simply in an honest experiment and you

have to find the courage to be open-minded
to whatever comes out.

(Courage to welcome the unknown)

Some of your famous scientists have said
that they suddenly encountered some new

fact that challenged everything they
believed up to that point. They had to have the

courage to let all that investment in time
and energy go in order to follow this new

thing that appeared to be negating
everything they had known up to that point, and

simply, but profoundly, step off into the
unknown. So this is another dimension of mine

that I share with you, this thing of
courage, of determination, of the ability to do what

your heart, your mind, and your soul

Now, my dear ones, if you have any questions
or comments on these attributes of

being human, or anything else, let us both
open our minds and welcome them. Come

forth, if you will.

Student #1: I have an idea on courage that
seems to involve a lot of faith. You just

can’t know everything so you have to have
the courage of your faith to jump into

something and do it. But I also like the
idea of fool-hardy, actually, because after a

kind of spontaneous thing you have to have
the courage to go out there and

try something new. If you can’t know
everything, you can think to yourself it is

fool-hardy. I was wondering if you could
talk a little more about the difference of being

fool-hardy, and courage.

(Courage contra-distinct from

Nebadonia: Yes, my son. Courage--to me—is
the human ability to act or to do, the

determination to do what you feel is right--all
the while admitting and feeling all the

fear that might be keeping you from doing
that! It means staying open, moment by

moment. You have a commitment, a
determination, to understand moment by moment

that your fear that can be a righteous caution.

Think about traveling a very dark, winding
road at night with only that oncoming

road dancing in your headlights. You are determined to go somewhere and you

you have to be very attentive moment by
moment. You can feel, not just the fear, but

the caution that keeps you from going too
fast and throwing your life away by ignoring

the present situation and all the threat
that it contains.

Whereas fool-hardiness is saying “Well, to
hell with this caution, I’m just going to rush

into whatever it is. Whatever scary thing it
is, whatever threat is coming at me, I’m

just going to let myself go.”

It’s called fool-hardy because yes, you may be very hardy,
but you’re a fool because

you’re throwing your life away. You’re refusing
to acknowledge the genuine fear and

threat in the situation. You’re refusing to
feel. You have a saying about your alcoholic

drinks that “courage comes in a bottle,” but
it doesn’t always take some strong booze.

Some folks haven’t the courage or nerve to
stay with the situation moment by moment,

but can only throw themselves into it. The
reason fool-hardiness has such a negative

connotation is because of the result.

(Foolish impatience)

Impatience often leads to this kind of
fool-hardiness, whereas courage means the ability

to not just react right within that feeling.
Fear may sometimes be overwhelming, but it

can be a wisdom coming from your whole self,
your whole sense of past experience and

your soul--all your deeper knowledge and understanding.
These can give rise to a fear

that is simply caution. You need to do your
best to feel it, acknowledge it, and respect

it. And still act!

That takes courage. Does this give you some
notion? It’s not being a fool, but the exact


Student: Yes, a little bit. Still… I guess
I’m kind of impatient and spontaneous, and I

kind of rely on… I get myself in trouble,
but I kind-of rely on your spirit of intuition. I

just jump into things and hope my spirit and
intuition are going to guide me through. It

is kind of an adventure, and I do feel kind
of a fool because sometimes I end up in

something I wasn’t expecting. But I am
always learning.

Could you talk a little bit more about the
spirit of intuition and how it guides our


(Intuition, knowledge, understanding)

Nebadonia: Yes, my son. Intuition has a lot
of different connotations, but we mean it

as your very most basic, direct, immediate
perception, your experience of life itself in

all of its dimensions. It’s your ability to
know both yourself and others--the essence of

experience itself. You store that living
experience as knowledge; you know something

because you’ve done it. And of course you
have vicarious experience, the way your

intuition can give you an experience because
you’ve read it in a book.

Yet even that is a creative, learned art
because, as you know, some folks can get an

enormous amount of experience from reading,
while others who have not learned that

particular art cannot.

Sometimes intuition can be led by curiosity
to an openness, a wondering about what

something is, that leads you to more
experience. Also sometimes, the intuition of your

whole being can present you with certain
feelings, such as fear. All of a sudden, you

don’t even know where it is coming from, but
you hesitate or stop because you have

this feeling. It may take you a few moments
to realize what is causing it. As I said

before, it’s wonderful to be open to caution,
where to be fool-hardy is to deny any kind

of fear.

It does not take courage to feel impatient,
or the inability to experience fear. But my

son, the very fact that we are here, talking
together, means that most of your fool-

hardiness has been genuine courage, or you
simply would not be here. Every person in

their life--especially in your highly
mechanical age now—has experienced more than

one time the impulse to throw their life
away; yet here you are. Does this give you a

deeper notion?

Student: Thank you for exploring that with

(Where courage leads)

Nebadonia: Thank you. Again, my son, I
congratulate you on your courage, especially

with those things that were a total surprise
and you could not anticipate. That is the

very purpose of courage--to lead you to
things that you have not yet encountered.

Consider what happens after this human life
of yours. Go out on a starry sky at night

and entertain the notion that that is where
you are headed. That is where your curiosity

will be leading you, and all the courage,
all this ability you will have acquired, will stand

you in good stead. So be in my Love.

Student: Thank you. (long pause) If there is
not another question, I have another one

for you.

Nebadonia: Of course. Go ahead.

Student: Imagine two people coming together
in a third dimension. I got an idea that

as two people come together, there is always
a medium between the two, kind-of like a

quantum affect in the sense that Paradise is
the center. So any interaction between two

people always goes through Paradise first,
then goes to the other person, which gives it

that one-plus-one-equals-three. Can you
explore that a little bit?

(Where one and one make three)

Nebadonia: Well, yes, my son. You definitely
have your finger on it insofar as each of

you is unique, right from God. That means
that any time two of you get together, that

combination, that living dynamic, is also

But believe me, it doesn’t have to go
through Paradise. It is right down here on earth,

and im-mediate—no intermediary--because each
of you has your own intuition of

each other. Obviously your intuition of each
other is enormously complex, depending on

how long you have known each other. Are you
brand new? What prejudices—pre-

judging--are each of you bringing to the
meeting? But because the meeting is itself

unique, it’s why I called it a “third party”—the shared
companionship that can arise.

And of course you can have more than two. You can have
three, or four, or a whole

group that is unique to themselves.

Think of religion mainly as your personal
relationship to God. Yet this can be socialized

in what you normally called “religion” as a
group of people coming together to share

and enjoy their religious and spiritual
experiences. The different religions of the world

vary according to the different cultures
that people are raised in. So this is the extra

something that comes about when people get

What we call companionship concerns the
dearest true companions that you’ve had in

your life—what you call your closest
friends--those with whom you’ve shared the

broadest and deepest experience. This is what
I mean by that “third something,” that

living companionship that arises that is
just as unique as the two of you are. Does that

fill the bill?

Student: Yes, that is pretty good. I feel it
seems that always when people interact

they are transcending the frame or
background--sort of what you are saying. I was

thinking: there is always a background
there. You are saying we transcend the frame

we are working in--and our
circumstances—when we are into pure communication.

(Trust, faith, and spontaneity)

Nebadonia: Yes! When each person is open-minded
and sufficiently curious, the third

thing, the relationship, can be very
spontaneous. It can transcend what either one can

anticipate. That is really the delight! Two
friends who have known each other for fifty

years or more, can still get together and have
something spring up all by itself. It’s

that very “something else” that is actually
holding them together. It’s something that

spontaneous arises which is beyond what
either one can create by themselves alone.

It comes about when each lets themselves go,
not controlling the situation, but with an

earned deep trust and faith in their basic
humanity, this basic incomprehensible part of

another person you can never throw a loop
around. Rather, you can simply respect it

and have a humble, delightful attitude
toward another person. You appreciate them so

much you let them be. And they let you be. Then
something spontaneous arises. We

call this spirit because it is alive and
creative. It is capturing the aspect of now that has

not happened before and will never happen

I pointed out poor souls that cannot let go
of themselves and actually know this. It is

tragic indeed when they have to control everything
to be sure that nothing spontaneous

does arise, they are so afraid of others. So
it does take courage to really enjoy

spontaneity and let it come about.

Student: Thank you.

Nebadonia: Thank you, my son. These are fun
things to explore are they not? Be in

my love.

Student: One more comment I have, and that
is: one beauty of personality is that it is

made to interact with other personalities.
That is its purpose; and that is a kind of


(Respecting a child’s spirit and autonomy)

Nebadonia: That interaction is the great
ability of those who were fortunate enough to

have had wonderful parents. If the parents
are this way with each other, and with their

children, it is the way they give their
children autonomy right from the very beginning.

They can recognize that yes, although this
little creature, this little boy or girl definitely

came from all their efforts, his or her personality
is coming from God. What a gift to

enjoy and acknowledge this even to a very
young child, and respect that this little

creature of theirs has his or her own
autonomy: and relate that way!

What a blessing. What a total blessing for a
child to have this kind of parents who

can enjoy and enter into a spontaneous
exchange, encouraging and acknowledging

their child’s creativity.

Well, my dears, if there are no further
questions or comments, this has been a long

lesson--getting together this evening. I’ll
go ahead and wrap things up with my blessing

upon you all.

Thank you so much for attending these sessions,
and creating what you call the gestalt-

-the shared mind that we have during these
lessons, with these marvelous

technological inventions of yours--these

So bid you all Good Night. Be in my love.

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