[tmtranscripts] Michael 3-27-16

Donna D'ingillo donnadingillo at gmail.com
Wed Mar 30 08:30:12 PDT 2016

Michael―Magisterial Mission Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

<http://www.ctrforchristcon.org> www.ctrforchristcon.org

March 27, 2016


T/R: Donna D'Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, thank you for this time of being together
gathering as one in our family of LOVE. As we settle into our hearts for
our focusing today, let us be mindful of the presence of our beloved
Jesus-your human life experience-Father that you so magnificently
demonstrated to us. We are especially grateful that the timing of this call
has coincided with our Easter celebration, and we ask that the energies that
we generate from our hearts be amplified through our celestial helpers and
distributed to the planet where many, many individuals are celebrating this
day of the Resurrection in remembrance of your life, Father. Thank you so
much. May your WILL be done.

MICHAEL: A joyous Happy Easter to one and all, my children! This is
Michael. I am very pleased to join you today in this forum wherein you
remember this day and what was accomplished through my human life
experience. This truly is a day to celebrate the victory of life over

While many children of this world remember my human life and the
resurrection of this day and what it means in terms of Christian theology,
there are more wide-spread implications of what the resurrection contains.
You know that you have the potential to live eternally. You move through
various levels of universe reality from the material realm through the
morontia phases and then to achieve the spiritual status that is your
destiny. What I demonstrated on Easter Sunday many years ago was this
expression of how life moves through this continuum, and it was an act of
great love and faith that I could lay down my material life and be
resurrected in the morontia form.

There are many morontia life currents streaming into Urantian consciousness.
This has been designed to help you outwork the energies of the
rebellion-those influences that are destructive and do lead to what you call
physical death. But in my plans of correction, there is a component
designed to help you receive and become more of a composite
material-morontia life form. This has been experiential and experimental on
your world, and today I invite you to receive more of the energies of
RESURRECTION that these morontia frequencies may indeed be imparted more
into your energy systems. You might say that you are being resurrected in
the POWER OF LOVE, in the energies of LIFE itself that stream from the
Source of Life-the Father and His Paradise Associates and the Isle of
Paradise itself.

We will use the format that you are familiar with to imprint upon this for
yourselves and then to focus this out into the circuits of the planet's
consciousness, wherein these energies may be infused and distributed into
those areas where the most good can be accomplished. I invite you to simply
open your hearts. Place your internal gaze there. Allow my LOVE to fill
you as you focus on the words and imprint upon the energies of the POWER OF

Let us begin. Breathe deeply. Let your mind become infused with these words
and let your bodies relax and expand in these energies imparted to you
through your beloved Mother. (Pause)

Life is a gift, my children. It is beautiful. It is sacred. It is meant
to be conserved and used co-creatively in alignment with the Father's plans
for the development of all creation. This world has suffered from a sense
of devaluation of the life currents-of its workings. It is all changing
now, and in this infusion today your Mother and I are desirous of you
becoming more enhanced with these circuits of LIFE, especially streaming in
from the system level that supports this bonding and blending of your
material life frequencies with those of morontia.

There is nothing you need to do other than to receive this through the
open-hearted desire and to trust you are being reformed in something quite
lovely that will render you more spiritually fragrant. This is all a part
of my MERCY ministry as part of the Correcting Time, and you may drink
deeply of what we are imparting to you now. Allow the cells of your bodies
to imprint upon these life currents streaming from the heart of your Mother.
Continue to receive. (Pause)

Invite the POWER OF RESURRECTION to move deeper into those places in your
energy beings. You have received infusions of my SOVEREIGNTY. Now allow
these energies to mingle. Feel your desire for this to occur within. It is
not necessary to engage your thoughts as to what this will mean. The Father
within you will provide you with the insights that will be most meaningful
to you over time. Simply stay in this very receptive place of desiring my
presence to take deeper root in you through these infusions. (Pause)

Let us join together now, my children, in bringing these energies into the
collective circuitry of this planet's system of consciousness. As you have
done in the past, envision the world as a globe in your mind's eye. From
your heart, allow these energies of the POWER OF RESURRECTION combined with
the SOVEREIGNTY OF CHRIST MICHAEL to spiral around the world
counter-clockwise, north to south poles as you desire for these energies to
be seeded and nourish the circuitry of your system of planetary
consciousness at all levels. Allow my LOVE and my SOVEREIGNTY to flow
through you and to flow out your hearts into my beloved Urantia. (Pause)

System-wide order is being restored, my children. This has many
implications for Urantia. Over time, you will understand more of what this
means as more of my PRESENCE and SOVEREIGNTY restores order to those worlds
caught up in the tide of rebellion and destruction. I invite you, as
awakened sons and daughters, to allow these currents of my being to take
deeper root and expand in you that you may learn more, experience better the
POWER OF LOVE. This is a power long suppressed in Urantian consciousness.
Yes, you know many types of love-parental affection, relationship affection
and loyalty. The power of the Father's LOVE is still in the early stages of
being fully employed upon this world and to be used by its inhabitants to
create the heavenly culture which will one day culminate in the era of Light
and Life.

You are now on your way, and we ask you as, not only children of this world,
but as cosmic citizens to become more aware and attuned to your duty. You
are growing, participating in the development of the evolutionary Deity you
know as the Supreme Being. This is part of your planetary consciousness,
and I encourage you to be mindful each day that you are now creating in this
energy infusion of RESURRECTION and my SOVEREIGNTY the POWER OF LOVE. The
Father within you will skillfully, patiently guide you that you may
demonstrate this more through the unique and beautiful expressions of your
personalities. And all of what I provide to you gives you more of that
internal environment to act in accordance with the WILL of our Paradise

Let these words settle in. Let them feed your thoughts. Let them bathe
your souls that your own indwelling Mystery Monitors may use this to till
the fertile soils of your minds, that these energies may be applied and
transform you. Continue to focus the POWER OF RESURRECTION and my
SOVEREIGNTY into the planet as we continue to minister to you and through
you that this world may indeed be transformed. (Pause)

My beloved children, let us join our hearts as one, elevating our gaze to
Paradise in worship of the One in whom we all exist.

My Father, I lift my children to you now, as I lift this world to you in
joyful appreciation for the gift of LIFE you have given me to be a Creator
Son. I share these gifts with my human children-creator sons and daughters
in the making. And as they present themselves to you now in worship, I ask
for your blessing upon them to steady and secure them that they may be
deeply rooted in your LOVE. I thank you for this opportunity to share my
gifts of personality with my sons and daughters who have demonstrated great
faith in spite of their world's tumultuous transition. May they be secured
in courageous faith, sincere wisdom, compassionate forgiveness, as they
receive your tender mercies. (Pause)

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