[tmtranscripts] NET #04, Oct. 3, 2016

Roxanne Andrews urantian606 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 21:52:44 PDT 2016


*New Era Transition #04 – **Evolution of Democracies – Oct. 3, 2016*

*Machiventa Melchizedek*, Planetary Manager


Political evolution of democracies

Revolt, rebellion and revolution

Monjoronson’s insights

Overpopulation as a generator of problems

Problems evolving the democratic process

Using design teams to reform democracies

Political parties

Evolution of social institutions and organizations

The transition era

Library of wisdom

Problem of self-interest in economics and financial realm

New political parties already in development

Having hope of constructively changing the political system

Being actively involved

*The Urantia Book* speaks of the ideal democracies

Becoming political, social and economic activists

TR: Daniel Raphael PhD

Team members: Roxanne Andrews, Michael Lanier, Michael McCray


*October 3, 2016*

*Political evolution of democracies*

*MACHIVENTA:* Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek. It is a
pleasure to be here once again. It is some time ago, that I mentioned that
the sequence of developments had to be amended, and that we had put on hold
the social evolution projects in order to begin a more active role in the
political evolution of democracies on this world. Since then, we have
learned a great deal and know now that our actions were appropriate and

Second, our programs are always oriented towards social evolution—social
evolution, political evolution, economic evolution—these are all social
institutions of one type or another, and they are all related. There is a
system of social institutions that awaits a world that is on its march
toward the Days of Light and Life and social peace, political peace, and
economic peace. We have become more active in these developments such that
individuals and others have begun to come forward with their own ideas
about how to proceed. They are the seeds that are germinating under the
light of God; under the light of Christ Michael and Nebadonia, and with a
plan in mind.

*Revolt, rebellion and revolution*

Social evolution is important; it is the means, the “modus operandi” for
Creator Sons to bring about the Days of Light and Life. Without social
evolution there will become no days of settlement as that. In the case of
the evolution of democracies politically, it is important that the
inhabitants, the citizens within a democracy, realize that a democracy is
rather delicate. Where revolt, rebellion, and revolution brought about
political evolution up to the time of some early form of democracy, those
types of behaviors within a democratic nation in fact retard and begin the
process of social and political devolution, so that society and the economy
suffers from those forceful efforts of citizens.

As you can see, it is important that there is a cadre, a seed group of
individuals who see the evolution of democracies as a process where they
personally can have some influence. It is important that within groups
that have discussed and are disgusted with the behavior of their
politicians and government officials that they not take an aggressive,
violent orientation towards amending the problem. Doing so only aggravates
the problem and eliminates the possibility of peaceful solutions within a
democratic society.

*Monjoronson’s insights*

Hopefully, with that thought in mind, you can see the reasons why we have
begun with Monjoronson’s presentation of his thoughts about the necessity
of sustainability, which have evolved over the months and years. Since the
time of those first thoughts, many insights and concepts and truths about
social evolution in the form of sustainability have developed. The obvious
element of sustainability is material sustainability, as everyone who has a
good lifestyle and a prosperous way of living sees that their own
acquisitiveness has brought about a tremendous amount of disparities
between “those who have and those who have not.”

*Overpopulation as a generator of problems*

The fact of overpopulation should be evident to you, though many have not
really thought about overpopulation as a generator of problems concerning
material sustainability. Those who evidence traits of empathy often reach
out in compassion to help those around the world who have less than they
do, less than their society, and seek to improve the condition of
individuals. This is how social sustainability comes into the
consciousness of millions of people — through the observation of those who
have not, and the observation of their own lives which have been so
benefitted by the material and social evolution and generosity of the world
to assist them to attain tremendous levels of self-fulfillment and the
development of their innate potential.

*Problems evolving the democratic process*

As you can realize our efforts of social sustainability begins at the
levels where the most leverage can be brought to bear upon social problems
and the difficulties of the times. Currently, mature democracies are
suffering a great deal because they are not able to transition to a more
evolved form of democratic process. Their founding documents, which are
hallowed and respected and highly regarded, are in themselves crystallized,
binding citizens to their old form of doing business, They do not
inherently have the capacity or capability to allow citizens to make
adjustments to democratic political processes, so that your societies can
evolve to more effective levels. Because democracies are founded on the
authority of the public of citizens, it is therefore necessary for citizens
to improve their relationship with their democratic government.

*Using design teams to reform democracies*

If citizens are not to use violence, then how must they proceed? We have
proposed what is called “design teams.” These can be formed by local
citizens with 5-11 members, with 7-9 being optimal. You have been provided
with a procedural format, that This One calls the “Schematic for Validating
Social Sustainability,” for discussing topics. As well in this team, there
are assigned roles, so that through the need of inventing new social
processes, policies and statutes—and even campaign promises—you will be
able to have an influence on your government to amend itself. The
evolution of democracies requires that citizens to take on more active and
effective responsibility, rather than ineffective, violent, and inefficient
activity. We have given you the formats and the means to do so. It now is
incumbent upon you to begin the process of beginning to work on the
processes and programs and public issues, which disgust you, which there
seem to be no solutions for you at this time.

*Political parties*

Next, when it comes to political formation, this is a means of moving the
lever to make changes within your democratic process. We observe that many
small political parties compete by calling themselves by different names,
with different missions. However, they continue to operate in the same way
as other political parties with different names. They are competing within
the same milieu. It is important that you see new political parties as
operating outside of the realm of contemporary, old fashioned politics,
political parties, and “politics as usual.” What this means is that we are
seeking those who would form a political party, particularly one particular
party, rather than competing with political parties of similar natures,
such that would empower local citizens at their community level, to engage
the political process by providing rational, consistent, integrated public
policies and discussion of issues in a rational means. We are seeking to
have this develop within the timeframe before the current elections in the
United States. As you know, the world has its eye upon the maelstrom of
politics in the United States at this time. We do not need to go into
greater detail concerning the difficulties and the rather silliness of the
politics that you experience through your news media.

*Evolution of social institutions and organizations*

What I am striving to assist you to see in today’s presentation is that the
efforts of Christ Michael, Nebadonia, Monjoronson and myself, have been
through a long lens. We have been striving to bring about the healing of
this world through the social processes of social evolution by bringing
forward the values that have sustained your species for so many tens of
thousands of years. We have striven to point out that social institutions
and organizations will not be able to survive until they adopt the values
of the dominant species, which is Homo sapiens. The intent of that is to
bring about the evolution of your social institutions and organizations so
that they are able to adapt to changing social conditions. Your societies
are not the same as those 240 years ago; they are vastly different and they
would be unrecognizable by those who lived in that earlier era, just as you
would not be able to accept without difficulty, if you were transported
back in time to live there as well.

Therefore, what we are striving to do is to assist you and empower you with
these mechanisms to change or amend your social institutions and
organizations so that they are able to adapt to changing social
conditions. They need to grow into their potential, just as you, as a
species, always seek to improve the quality of your life. So too, must
social institutions seek to improve the quality of their life. They must
seek to grow—and the operative word is “grow”—into their innate potential.
They must evolve from the novice, early forms of democracy and social
institutions into more mature, flexible, adaptive social institutions and
organizations. We are not seeking to create another crystallized set of
founding documents for your democracies at the social level, political
level, or the economic level. We are seeking to assist you as citizens in
a democracy to bring about the peaceful evolution of your democratic
institutions, so that they are flexible and adaptive to changes.

Further, we have said that the structures of the hierarchies of the social,
political, and economic hierarchies are not designed or capable of amending
themselves simply because those mechanisms were not embedded in the
founding documents of their existence. We are not criticizing what the
founders of these social, political, and economic institutions did. Truly
they were incredibly innovative, creative, challenging, and radical to the
times of their initiation, but they have remained the same in operation
since their founding.

*The transition era*

You have been in a transition era of your democracy, socially, politically,
and economically since the 1960s, and this transition era continues.
Always a transition era anticipates what is coming next. We believe that
we have provided you with sufficient information that most of you will be
able to project what will be coming next. What comes next is an
evolutionary development of your staid and archaic forms of democratic
process, so that the best is retained of the past, and that new, innovative
processes embellish and improve the effectiveness of what was begun long
ago, and do this all without revolution, revolt, or rebellion.

As I have said this morning this era now that has begun so many months ago,
politically is an opportune time to gather the attention of local citizens
who might form a political party that has the rational means of improving
the processes of democracy, which must include the greater responsibility
of citizens and their greater ongoing participation—ongoing participation
that is far more regular and frequent than every two years at election
day—but a political process that includes citizens on a daily basis, not
weekly or monthly, but on a daily basis, so that the responsibilities of
democracy are a 24/7/365 process for everyone who wishes to participate.

I emphasize “those who wish to participate” simply because though everyone
is invited, few will attend a party or this process. We know that many of
your population, your public, are irresponsible and asocial or even
anti-social and will not come forward to participate. The process must as
well become educational; it must inform the public and educate the public
such that they are aware of the issues that are involved and know the
background to the development of those political, social, and economic
problems, so that they are able to make wise decisions based on their
experience and what works and what does not work as proven in the past.

*Library of wisdom*

As we have said as well, we hope that eventually there would one day be a
library of sustaining human wisdom, so that what works is retained, and
what does not work is also set aside to show and demonstrate to the readers
and patrons of this library what does not work. We know that what does not
work is often forgotten, similarly as the pangs of birth are forgotten by
the mother in her great joy for her new child. So too, must this reality
remain with you, but not agonize you; it must in fact, give you hope that
through the positive and constructive wisdom that is retained, you have
confidence that you can make improvements on a daily, weekly, monthly,
yearly and decade basis to improve your societies. When hope is gone, then
confidence becomes vacant; it is essential that you have confidence in the
knowledge of what works from the past to begin the inception of new
dimensions of inventiveness, socially, politically and economically.

*Problem of self-interest in economics and financial realm*

I hope I have given you enough food for thought to develop some questions
for this session and in following sessions. As I have said, it is
important first of all that we come to assist you to develop the levers of
social change, which seems to only come about politically in your world.
We find that economics and the financial realm are last to come about and
come into a more mature state of being, simply because self-interest is so
central to its hierarchies and institutions. Socially, you are in angst;
you see great difficulty in your society. You see the immense disparity of
wealth where 1% of the world owns over half of the financial and material
assets of your nations. There is something definitely wrong with this,
don’t you think?

How would you go about developing solutions to this, beginning at the local
level? I hope this is food for thought; our questions are meant to stir
your thinking and your creative, imaginative solutions that you may have
with your neighbors and fellow citizens. Thank you.

*Roxie:* Machiventa, I’m not sure I heard you correctly: Did you say that
we need to start a new political party before this coming election, which
is only one month away?

*New political parties already in development*

*MACHIVENTA:* You could interpret my comments that way, but that is not
what I said. There have already begun by conscientious individuals, the
development of political parties that wish not to be a part of the old
political processes. They wish to bring about innovative evolutionary
changes to the political scene and to the political hierarchies. You
surely must be aware of the efforts of the followers of the candidate,
Bernie Sanders, and that the development of the Progressive Party has been
on a state-by-state basis. There is in Colorado the “Colorado Progressive


that was initiated in March and April of this year, which seeks not to
follow the course of traditional political parties, and wishes not to
compete with them, but to bring about innovative processes to the public in
local communities. This was developed totally independently of the work of
This One, and their union was brought about by us through the “conspiracy
of angels,” as you might say, so that the best of them is engaged with the
best that we have developed through This One and others in similar ways.

*Roxie:* Because of the Internet, people are beginning to take a lot more
interest in politics and there are ideas for change, but a good portion of
them work contrary to the good of a system as a whole. They can be pretty
cantankerous, judgmental, and difficult. Do you have any comments on how
we can get more people to work toward the good, rather than just starting
more conflicts?

*Having hope of constructively changing the political system*

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, you have seen our work already, have you not? I had
hoped that what I said today would make this explicit. We only wish that
those who listen to us, and read these words would participate with those
who have hope of constructively amending and changing your political
system. This is not an easy process. We have used the Internet and all
means to broadcast this work to the greatest extent. It is our hope that
the connection between the Progressive Party of Colorado and the
Progressive Parties of each state that has a similar party, would come into
connection and that they would begin to confer with each other about how to
approach this work. There is a National Organization of Progressive
Parties; it is our hope that the founders of the Colorado Progressive Party
would have an influence with those individuals and bring forward the 6 core
values of social sustainability and the process of developing hundreds, if
not thousands of local community design teams that would use the schematic
format procedure using the 6 core values and the roles of the team to
create a dynamic of imaginative change.

*Roxie:* Thank you. Does anyone else have questions on today’s lesson?

*ML:* My comment would be this comes across as a very positive endorsement
of what this local Progressive Party is undertaking, and your encouragement
with respect to them, if I read that correctly, seems to be very
motivating. So many of us—I’ve talked about it myself—sit back and bemoan
the current state of affairs in government, the lack of cooperation, the
infighting, the self-serving nature of the parties, and their loss of
recognition of who their constituencies are, so this gives us a step out of
that morass and actually potentially to take action. So, am I reading this
correctly? We are being encouraged to investigate and potentially join
with the new Progressive Party here in Colorado?

[Note: Three members of our team just happen to live in Colorado, thus the
emphasis on what is going on in Colorado.]

*Being actively involved*

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes. Thank you for your summation of what I have said this
morning; it is much appreciated. Yes, there is a necessity that those who
have been a part of our conversation and dialog for so many years become
actively involved in their local state Progressive Party and begin to
become an influence and encourage your local party to look at the one that
was founded in Colorado. They need direction; they need leadership. You
are our cadre of trainers for idea investment into the local community
political scheme where you live. You recognize, as we do, that the
traditional political parties are incapable of changing themselves to
reframe themselves with these new values and to redesign and to remake
themselves, to reinvent themselves in a way that is constructive. They are
highly competitive. What we wish to point out to our readers is that the
development of this political party in Colorado occurred by two young men
in their 20s and 30s, who have not been a part of the Teaching Mission,
Magisterial Mission, or *The Urantia Book*. These are individuals who are
open and receptive to meditation and to being guided from within. We hope
that you realize, Dear Friends, that this is occurring all over the world,
that there are individuals who are spontaneously coming into higher social
evolution and recognition of the need for your social institutions to
evolve and progress and become more effective in serving those of their
audience. Yes, you have a very accurate take on this.

*ML:* Thank you.

*The Urantia Book** speaks of the ideal democracies*

*Roxie:* In *The Urantia Book* it says that, *“Social evolution should be
encouraged by governmental supervision which exercises a minimum of
regulative control. That state is best which coordinates most while
governing least.” *(UB 71:3.9) Does this apply no matter how large the

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, it most certainly does. There must be a caveat though
to the statement from *The Urantia Book*, and that your government must see
itself as a facilitative change agent, to assist its citizens to move
forward in social evolution. However, when your social institutions have
not evolved to a more mature state of existence to become self-regulating
within themselves, then what the book advocates is not possible. That
situation is an “ideal” which will come about when democracies move from
their novice state to the mature state and become more reflective upon the
influence of government upon their citizens and how detrimental and
controlling those effects can have on the citizenry and the public as a
whole. Thank you for bringing that forward.

*Roxie:* Thank you. That’s all I have on democracy for today, and there
are no questions from readers.

*ML:* It would seem to me that the quotation from Urantia is quite
applicable as a fundamental approach to be considered by the Progressive
Party. I would have to admit little confidence that the existing
institutions of government would ever be oriented towards that approach; it
simply defies their sense of self-service and inward look at things, but I
think it would be healthy, obviously, when we connect with the Colorado
Progressive Party that we find the time and means to bring this guiding
principle to their attention, and hope that it would become a part of their
movement forward. Does this make sense?

*MACHIVENTA:* It most definitely makes good sense, and as we said, it is
an ideal to strive toward. That occurrence is dependent upon the public
accepting more responsibility to participate more regularly. We believe
that when the means are provided to the public that they will attend to
their responsibilities. The authority with the corrupting elements of
positions of authority is what brings about control and then power. And
when there are self-serving individuals involved in positions of authority,
then begins the self-serving of those in power. If the power has always
resided with the public in every democracy, there simply needs to be the
means for citizens to exercise their authority and wrest control of the
political, social, and economic processes by participating co-creatively
with their public executives. In time, public executives will see their
positions as one to be of concurrence with the public. When the public is
upset, then the politicos must respond. This will become more and more
evident as the influences of local citizens, through the political
mechanisms that are currently being invented become effective.

*Becoming political, social and economic activists*

Hearing no further comments or questions, let us bring this session to a
close. We appreciate your attendance to this session today. After you
have read through this session, you will realize that there has been an
incredible and big change in our relationship: We are now asking you to
become political, social and economic activists, having given you a
rational means for your activities, that you may become involved in
presenting your ideas to your public forums, whether they are political,
social, or economic. It is now time for you to come out of your caves and
into the light and now speak to those before you, those who are in your
community. If you were shy to participate before, we ask you to come
forward in courage as you will find a ready and receptive audience for
these values, for this process and for the hope that you will provide to
everyone. The rational processes we have given you will give your local
community confidence to engage that hope in a constructive and positive
way. Know that in your processes that you must as well be attendant to the
guidance from within, and that you are being prompted by your Thought
Adjuster to be courageous, to come forward where you have been shy or
receding socially, politically, and economically. Yes, this is a
challenge, but it is a challenge far less serious than the challenge that
was presented to the Apostles who followed Jesus in the days after his
passing and his resurrection. Thank you and good day. ##
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