[tmtranscripts] NET #05, Oct. 17, 2016

Roxanne Andrews urantian606 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 15:45:26 PDT 2016


*New Era Transition #05 – Turmoil in democracy; social evolution; Media and
Ethics – Oct. 17, 2016*

*Machiventa Melchizedek,* Planetary Manager and Planetary Prince


Working through options of development

Consciousness of participation

The turmoil’s of the world

The swing of the pendulum

The purpose of the Teaching Mission

Training individuals and groups in this work

Many are called to begin this work

The coordination of Thought Adjusters around the world

“Hands-On Democracy”

Cultural change will bring about social progress

Reconstruct the past or evolve something better?

“Partyism,” a political disease

Electoral reform and public input into decision-making

Need for greater participation by those receiving the Urantia Revelation

The dangers of democracy

Attend meetings and voice your opinions

Redesigning the democracy

Self-determinism and political sovereignty

Societal selfishness

Peace and goodwill is centuries away

Incorporating other cultures into nations


What is an “energy signature?”

Importance of media and ethics in journalism

Social creep

Christ Michael’s involvement in our world will succeed

TR: Daniel Raphael

Team members: Roxanne Andrews, Craig Carmichael, Michael McCray


*October 17, 2016*

*MACHIVENTA:* Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek and I greet you
once again from the celestial realm, to our fellow brothers and sisters on

(Group greetings.)

*Working through options of development*

We continue to work through the options of development for this Correcting
Time, this Teaching Mission and Magisterial Mission, to bring social
sustainability, peace and social stability to your world co-creatively with
you. Some of you, who have read history from the times before and after
Christ Michael’s appearance as Jesus, and through the centuries since that
time, might be aware of our influence occasionally in the material world
with individuals who have brought about new innovations socially,
technologically, scientifically, and so on. Our presence has been here
with you continuously and operationally since Christ Michael’s transition
back to his Headquarters in Salvington.

*Consciousness of participation*

Having brought about, with many individuals, the Age of Enlightenment, the
Renaissance and the Industrial Era, Scientific Era and so on, to the
present time, you know there has been a continuous and conscious effort and
participation by us in your world, albeit without much conscious awareness
on the part of individuals who assisted us in this endeavor. Even those
who had some psychic abilities and were able to “channel” our presence, few
did so or were able to consciously engage it as those who do now. This is
the major element of this era of your civilization that there is a
consciousness of our participation, and there is a consciousness on your
part and our part to bring about the conscious social evolution of this
world. Not just for one nation, but for all nations; not for one people,
but for all people, for all people are chosen and then, of course, we wait
for individuals to choose to do God’s Will in order for us to work
co-creatively with them. Releasing one’s ideas of what “ought” to be in
the world is perhaps the most unconscious driving force that obstructs our
work, whereas where individuals consciously release their careers and their
designs for what their careers “ought” to be, in order to co-create with
us, those individuals are most adept and adaptable and malleable to our
work, and we are greatly thankful for their co-creative participation.

*The turmoil’s of the world*

The turmoils of the world of present day, have been anticipated for many
centuries and many decades, now we see that the passage of years has
affected the passage of months, weeks and days, such that there is little
time now that does not have something significant occurring in them that
affects the outcomes of what is to be. If you take account of your
political situation in the United States at this current time, which is
less than one month away from its Presidential elections, (2016), you would
note some particular facets and characteristics to this era, and you might
come to the conclusion, as we have, that there is an immense moral, ethical
and social grace in great deficit in this nation at this time. If you
consider this as the furthest of the moral pendulum to the most immoral and
catastrophic swing of that pendulum, you are seeing the most difficult time
in your nation, which affects the rest of the world. There is great angst
here among foreign nations about the situation in America, for just and
good cause as well.

*The swing of the pendulum*

If you were a macro-observer of your history and of social change and the
long trends of nations socially, politically, and economically, you have
already come to the conclusion that once the pendulum reaches its farthest
extent, that it will soon begin its swing back to center and then past
center to the most conservative and as destructive era of arch-conservatism
and fundamentalism for social rightness, political rightness, and so on.
We have anticipated this; this has been a point of discussion for many
centuries among us about the process of bringing the pendulum to the
standing point at the bottom. What is typical of that bottom point are
peace, social stability, economic and political stability, and an
equanimity about all things social, which of course, is everything about
the human race.

What must occur to bring the pendulum to a standstill is the provision of
values; values that are as old as your species, values that have motivated
human behavior and decision-making that has sustained your species, and in
fact, have urged your species to “progress” to the point where there has
been much improvement technologically and to some degree socially in your
world. Only a value system that is embedded into the decision-making
processes of your social, political, and economic institutions and
organizations will be able to stop the pendulum from swinging to the
arch-conservative, fundamentalist point of view. That would be as
destructive as the immorality and unethical behavior of citizens and public
executives in the current time. Neither position assists in the
progressive social evolution of societies; particularly it is observable in
democratic nations and societies.

*The purpose of the Teaching Mission*

We do not want this revelation to come through some awestruck individual
who announces these changes as being an emissary of God and God’s appointed
individual to bring about this information. Rather, we have used the work
of the Teaching Mission to bring about the TRing process of channeling,
such that ordinary individuals can bring through parts and pieces of this
work, so that when the history of this work is observed, the readers will
find a matrix, a weaving of the warp and woof of logic and reason that
bring about the truth, beauty, and goodness of this message of the
Correcting Time. It is essential that the one individual not be pinpointed
as the “bringer of truth,” but that many dozens, hundreds and thousands be
acknowledged as capable of doing this. This allows this Correcting Time
and the revelation of these values—the 6 values of social sustainability,
as This One calls them—to become known to everyone and to be accepted as
part of the human life, human existence, that once this revelation becomes
known, that these values can be deeply embedded into the decision-making
processes from parenting to international relations, and so on.

*Training individuals and groups in this work*

This One has, with us, written two manuscripts, which are companion
documents: One is the book on “Progressive Politics,” and the other is on
“Organic Morality.” These are available upon request to any individual who
wishes to have a copy—either a hard copy, or a PDF. Yes, this is
Machiventa speaking about “protected format documents” as necessary for our
work. It is important that moral decision-making become a part of the
everyday decisions that people have—mothers and fathers, children in
learning, educators and religious leaders as well. We do not leave out
those in government , politics, or economics and finance, for these values
must guide the decision-making of all social institutions in order for
social sustainability and the Days of Light and Life to become achieved.
We have given this process a great deal of thought, and now we come down to
the months and weeks where we are exploring on the functional level with
individuals, the possibility of teaching and training individuals and
groups of individuals in workshops and classes and through reading
materials, how to take on this decision-making process to the good working
of individuals, families, communities and social institutions, whether they
are social, political, or economic.

*Many are called to begin this work*

If you have been following our work, you realize that it has moved from the
esoteric to the very pragmatic and socially functional levels of
operation. There are several opportunities left and remaining for us to
exercise before the great changes come upon this world. We will surely
exercise them as we have been mandated by Christ Michael not to leave any
practical stone unturned, or any option unexercised, for we must do all
that we can to engage mortals at the mortal, personal level with our work.
Some of course, are not aware of our participation in their lives. These
are unconscious members of the Reserve Corps of Destiny, and some are in
the Reserve Cosmic Corps of Destiny as well. Many have been called; many
are answering even unconsciously to this work, and again, in no case is our
work such that we override the will-decisions of individuals for that is
not a part of the work that we do. No one is forced to believe or to act
in any way which is contrary to their self-will. Then we say that those
who are open to receiving direction and guidance, we participate actively
in the option development for the decisions they do make, for the
will-decisions they enact in their lives.

*The coordination of Thought Adjusters around the world*

You must as well be insightful of the coordination of the Thought Adjusters
in mortals around the world that they are being guided by the Thought
Adjuster who is resident on this world, who has worked with Christ Michael
and myself. There is one representative of the First Source and Center who
is working to create a coordination of all Thought Adjusters in this work.
This is a pivotal time in the history of the future of Urantia, and no
spiritual option has been left to be idle, for all are active in this work.

*Roxie:* Thank you, Machiventa! Does anyone have any questions in regard
to this message?

*Craig:* I wrote down some questions, not specifically related to what was
just said, but this was an invitation to me to attend this session that
coincides with my developments in my long-term interests in political

*“Hands-On Democracy”*

As I wrote down the guiding principles and specific ideas on “Hands-On
Democracy” earlier this year, I started getting a real sense of how
adopting such techniques of governance, putting day-to-day decision-making
more directly into the hands of the citizens, how transformative that would
be, how we will change our politics and integrate it into daily society,
and that was said last session to be part of the advance toward Light and
Life. I don’t have the same sense of just where and how economic
institutions can be restructured to fit the picture, might there be others
who are seeing clearly now how to put together these insights and ideas we
will have for the future? http://www.HandsOnDemocracy.org

*Cultural change will bring about social progress*

*MACHIVENTA:* Thank you for your question; this is Machiventa: Yes, there
are individuals who have given this a great deal of thought. We are
operating on several levels, as you are aware, one of the great desires
that we have is to create with mortals, a cultural change, an acceptance of
the slow transitions of the archaic to the more effective forms of thinking
culturally about an individual’s life, individually and collectively. The
thought that economically the “have nots must have,” and culturally, how do
we begin the inception of this idea. You might recognize in the two Nobel
Laureates for Economics this year, that there is something significant
about their work, that this is a cultural change that will bring about
great progress socially, economically, politically and industrially. It
has to do with the contracts between employees and employers, how to win
for both parties in the outcomes of these contracts. You might think that
this is a small bit of trivia in the history of economic thought, but it is
not; it will have a significant influence on the future.

In order for the “have nots to have,” they must become part of the
responsibilities and work of corporate sharing at the employee level. The
ethos of corporate and organizational operation has been one of survival,
to exist or not to exist, and to do everything possible to continue
existence. This has been measured by the “bottom line,” as it is called
sometimes by the percentage of profitability, the decrease of expenses,
return on investment, and so on, and the amount of dividends from quarter
to quarter. It is important that these corporations move from a survival
basis of ethics to one of cooperative sharing ethics, that the best owners
are those who are doing the work. There is investment by executives,
incorporations that the decisions that they make renders them possible to
earn more money. This idea must as well be shared with the employees,
workers on production lines and on production floors, whether they are a
software industry, or manufacturing hard goods out of steel and metals.
Yes, you are quite right that this will take a cultural change.

*Reconstruct the past or evolve something better?*

In the meantime, we have also brought about the 6 core values of social
sustainability, which will be the coordinating value system for this new
cultural era. These are also offered as a backstop for improving
conditions currently, and also for a means of reorganizing future
conditions of society after the crises and cataclysms occur. The primary
question that must be answered by those in the re-construction era is
this: Do we want to reconstruct what has been lost? Do we want to move on
to something more evolved and better and fairer? This question is primary
to our work; we do not see an immediate fix for these existent problems,
other than the broad education of the world population in the 6 core values
for decision-making.

You are most welcome to expand on your question to include what I have just
shared with you.

*Craig:* Thank you. I may do that next time. Last session you said that
focusing on politics at this time provides the best or most social leverage
of projects that might be undertaken; it also seemed to me that the
overbearing demands of today’s politics and economics actually militate
against social progress in other areas. Would that be a reasonable

*MACHIVENTA:* That is an accurate conclusion.

*“Partyism,” a political disease*

*Craig:* So, I’ve been seeing political parties—“partyism” being a
political disease that has been brought about, that came about
inadvertently by unforeseen and so far unevolved factors in our political
systems, that move political power from elected individuals in the
legislatures where it supposedly resides, into party backrooms, out of
public view where it is subject to all kinds of influences that have
nothing to do with the public good. And now we hear of political parties
in a new light with new types of parties as agencies of political learning
and evolution. So, might we think of these new parties as being composed
of design team groups with common political focus on evolving political

*MACHIVENTA:* Excellent idea! There is a larger good to be had by this
type of thinking, that rather than partyism “us against them.” There is a
partyism of “us with us,” that eventually the public sees themselves as
co-participants with their public executives in much more real ways. You
mentioned earlier about decision-making far more frequently than on
Election Day. This is essential to changing the backroom politics to the
front-room politics, where citizens are more directly involved and more
directly responsible for the outcomes of those decisions.

*Electoral reform and public input into decision-making*

*Craig:* Okay, and one last thing I thought hopefully might be worthy of
your comments: I recently attended the Victoria B.C. public meeting of the
Canadian Parliamentary Committee on Voting Reform. It seems to me, sort of
a historic event, that there hasn’t been anything like this before. It
seems to me that the committee constitutes sort of a design team focusing
on one piece of a puzzle that actually has a number of interlocking
pieces. It sounds like the Canadian Government may in fact, adopt new
voting measures, or at least the committee will recommend them, and perhaps
those proposed by the B.C. Citizen’s Committee on electoral reform in 2004.
The committee asked a spokesman from the BC group about that, and heard a
lot about that at the meeting. What are your views on this process and
perhaps the results that might be expected?

*MACHIVENTA:* This is a good cultural shift. It is a very slow process to
have the political wheels change, and it is unfortunate that the changes
that are needed will not be able to take place before the cataclysms occur
and the disruption of economies and societies. However, we recognize that
this type of thinking is advanced for many in politics. It means that
there is something that is not working right and there could be a better
option for voting. We would suggest that at least a 3-tiered means of
decision-making be involved: One is voting for public executives and
particular ballot options where the public is involved, such as in
referendum issues, and that there be another at least two different levels
of decision-making recognized where citizen input is necessary. It would
not be called voting, but it would be recognized as participation by the
public without decision-making as a result. It would be input by the
public into the decision-making process by public executives whether they
are elected or appointed. The other one would be a local community of
political participation where the grassroots level individuals participate
in solution creation on their own, which would impact the other two
decision-making levels. It should be recognized that voting is
decision-making, and when decision-making begins to be examined, that then
the greater innovative work can be accomplished through this reframing of
voting. Do you see my points?

*Craig:* Yes, I think so.

*Need for greater participation by those receiving the Urantia Revelation *

*MACHIVENTA:* Your questions and your thoughts lead me into the other part
of my presentation today, and that is the need for greater participation of
individuals from our core, whether you call it the Teaching Mission core of
individuals, the Magisterial Mission, Urantia Book core of individuals, but
you have been educated; you have been informed; you have gained new
knowledge and ideas from us about the evolution of society, which involves
politics, economics and the social structures that support societies. It
is important that individuals, such as yourself, not hold back from sharing
your ideas. Even those who are shy and socially reticent must develop the
courage to stand in a group of people and make suggestions. It is from you
representing the most intelligent of the grassroots individuals of the
society, whether it is you as an individual of spiritual persuasions, which
we are involved in, or whether an individual is totally secular. The
individual must stand up and share their ideas and thoughts. This avoids
regret in years to come when you know your ideas could have been useful at
a pivotal time, and this is, in a way, doing God’s Will, the work of Christ
Michael through a mortal in your social realm.

*Craig:* Thank you; that’s all I had.

*MACHIVENTA:* I appreciate your participation and appreciate the
spontaneous questions that you develop in each session. You might note
that we do move forward rather rapidly at times where subjects change
rapidly from week to week, and questions which would be recognized and
appropriate immediately come later and may be forgotten and put in the dust
bin. You are most welcome to resurrect those questions, however, and ask
them again when needed.

*The dangers of democracy*

*Roxie:* I have a couple of questions on voting that you discussed. The
Urantia Book says that, “The dangers of democracy are:

1. Glorification of mediocrity

2. Choice of base and ignorant rulers.

3. Failure to recognize the basic facts of social evolution.

4. Danger of universal suffrage in the hands of uneducated and indolent

5. Slavery to public opinion; the majority is not always right.”

We are already off on the wrong foot in all 5 of these. How do we reverse
course, for example, taking suffrage away from the uneducated after we have
worked so hard to get everyone registered to vote?

*MACHIVENTA:* First of all, let me comment about those points that you
made, and as you see and observe your situation in the United States at
this time, that all of those points are at a critical point, at a critical
stage in their existence now. You are seeing the worst of democracy in
operation around you, that these polls that continue to operate sway
opinion and it shows that media has lost its function as the critical
conscience of a democracy, that the media has become just another industry
with another bottom line with dividends to be made to its investors. How
this is turned around is “very slowly,” and we are consciously doing that
with individuals, such as you and our new member and This One and many
thousands of others who read these papers. It is the inception that change
is possible, that you do not have to adhere to the popular thoughts and
opinions of the mass majority, for it is true that the majority is often
wrong. There has been much discussion about the majorities and ways of
making-decisions in the past by your social scientists and we recommend
that you review these.

*Attend meetings and voice your opinions*

It is the open thought, such as the voting conference in Victoria, B.C.
Canada that gives individuals thoughts of flexibility of other options. It
is the work of others in foreign nations in their democratic situations
that gives those here in this American homeland, ideas that this can change
too. Democratic institutions and citizens must not adhere to the “us
against them” morality, but must include everyone in the decision-making.
Your “how” question, (please put “how” in quotes,) is most difficult, as it
is rather a “what” question: What must we do to change this process? And
we have given you instructions even today, how to do this, and that is to
attend meetings, to voice your opinions, to begin to share your ideas with
innovative groups of individuals who are dissatisfied with the status quo.
Mediocrity is so boring, as many of you know; that it does not avail itself
of creative ideas that are so productive by many magnitudes of difference
in benefits. You have been given the way and the direction, and it is now
time to bring those to bear.

A good idea being manifest in the media, or in your local community, please
attend; please comment; please show your support and give your attention to
these beneficial factors and improvements, or social movements that begin
by one idea attracting another, and more individuals who know that they can
change the status quo. When people say they are *powerless*, then they
surely are. When people say they are *powerful*, then they surely are. It
is up to the individual to participate and provide their power to those
ideas, which are beneficial, rather than negative and harmful. When you
see the uneducated and the culturally illiterate participate with their
anger and vengeance and their outward violence, then you see that their
decision-making does not contribute to the good of the whole. And we say,
as one of your wise philosophers (Edmund Burke), said, “The only thing
necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

*Redesigning democracy*

*Roxie:* Another question on *universal suffrage* from the Urantia Book:
“Representative government presupposes an intelligent, efficient, and
universal electorate. The character of such a government will ever be
determined by the character and caliber of those who compose it. As
civilization progresses, suffrage, while remaining universal for both
sexes, will be effectively modified, regrouped, and otherwise
differentiated.” (UB 71:2.12)

Do you think that the design teams will be able to incorporate this into
the legislative body of our government? They seem to be so welded to our
original documents and not receptive to such sweeping changes.

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, most definitely.

[This is *Daniel:* You just opened a big warehouse to a huge
training program!

*Craig:* I could actually think of a bit of a perspective on that myself.]

*MACHIVENTA:* One moment. We have done a great deal of work in the
conceptual thinking to answer the question that you have in mind. One, it
must be recognized that the design of your democracy was conceived of 240
years ago and has not taken into account the immense social change that has
occurred in those decades and centuries. It is an ossified, calcified and
crystallized design that did not incorporate the means for it to adapt to
new and improved ways of operating. It did not recognize that social
evolution is caused by social change, and that there are new needs of
citizens at the individual and collective level that must be addressed by
the social institutions in politics and economically to address these
changing needs. It is important that it be recognized and brought to the
awareness of those who are making decisions that there is a need for a new
design for your democratic process, just as in software, institutional
documents and processes must be updated and improved as changes occur and
the need requires.

Adaptation was not recognized as necessary in the originating documents.
The founders were simply happy that they had established an operational,
functional democracy regardless of its deficits that they were unaware of;
that this was such a huge improvement over the monarchy and totalitarianism
of the times that they were joyful of what they had done. Now, you must be
joyful in the capacity and capability that a democracy is flexible enough
to include improvements in its operation to take into account social
change, which emanates from a changing hierarchy of needs and
interpretation of those values, which are innate to all humans. If this is
recognized then mediocrity will go by the wayside and improvements and
excellence will come about. You are at the bottom rung of the ladder of
social evolution and that step in that ladder must include the recognition
of social evolution, social change and the necessity of adapting, or
declining and collapsing as a society.

*Self-determinism and political sovereignty*

*Roxie:* The Urantia Book also says, “Political sovereignty is created out
of the surrender of self-determinism . . .,” therefore in building a new
Progressive Party, are we taking back our self-determinism, but destroying
political sovereignty?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, to both questions, and both are good. As Richard
Buckminster Fuller said, “Desovereignization is an important step in the
progress of human civilization. It is the sovereign boundaries of nations,
and of organizations which hold back social progress. The progress of your
societies is dependent upon people taking on more sovereignty of their
decisions; self-determination which is ameliorated by the necessity of
liberty, which is taking on the responsibility of shared governance with
others for their own good, as well as that of the individual.

*Roxie:* If the new Progressive Party consists of more people taking an
active part in their democracy, how does this differ from the “fallacy of
self-determinism” that the Urantia Book talks about?

*MACHIVENTA:* Self-determination is individual, while progressive work
with groups of people is collective. It is necessary that the selfishness
of self-determination give way to the fully operational liberty where
freedom is held in check by the responsibilities of shared governance by
the many.

*Roxie:* The Urantia Book says that, “Political sovereignty is innate with
the peoples of the world.” Does this mean it is built into our DNA? (UB

*Societal selfishness*

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, if you take the politics of sovereignty meaning the
individual. Individuals are hereditarily selfish, but also have empathy
and compassion to balance the selfishness. When social institutions do not
reflect these values, then that selfishness becomes societal, which is very

*Peace and goodwill is centuries away*

*Roxie:* (UB 134:5.12) The Urantia Book also says, “When all the peoples
of Urantia create a world government, they have the right and power to make
such a government sovereign; and when such a representative or democratic
world power controls the world’s land, air, and naval forces, peace on
earth and good will among men can prevail—but not until then.” This seems
so impossibly distant to me! Your comments, please.

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, you are correct; it is impossibly distant; it is
centuries away.

*Craig:* We need to evolve the democracies to the point where such a world
government would be a safe and progressive thing to do, rather than a
worldwide tyranny.

*MACHIVENTA:* You are correct.

*Roxie:* Another quote from the Urantia Book: (UB 134:5.14) “These 48
states, having abandoned the twin sophistries of sovereignty and
self-determination, enjoy interstate peace and tranquility. So will the
nations of Urantia begin to enjoy peace when they freely surrender their
respective sovereignties into the hands of a global government—the
sovereignty of the brotherhood of men.” Are there still plans, eventually,
of a global government?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, of course.

*Roxie:* (UB 134:6.4) “Global wars will go on until the government of
mankind is created. Global sovereignty will prevent global wars—nothing
else can.” Are we in danger of a third World War, and will it be racially
suicidal to citizens in the Middle East if it occurs?

*MACHIVENTA:* I defer answering that question.

*Incorporating other cultures into nations*

*Roxie:* As our nation becomes more literate in the Spanish language, how
will this affect our nation becoming a better democracy?

*MACHIVENTA:* It will be more in touch with the cultural roots of other
Spanish speaking cultures. It will be more influenced by women and family
as factors to take into consideration for policy decisions and policy
formation. You do recognize there is a certain machismo in the Latin
cultures, as well as there is in the European cultures of North America,
yet there is a more equitable balance within the home, between energies of
the male and the female—mother and the father, wife and the husband. This
is a wonderful facet to be emulated in a more thoughtful and rational way
in government and in social institutions.

*Roxie:* Does multiculturalism within a nation help or hinder the
necessary changes in democracies?

*MACHIVENTA:* It is one phase in the development and social evolution of a
democracy. The first step is to recognize multiculturalism as existing and
as a part of the social reality that exists within a nation. This
situation can lead to opposition of minority cultures and the dominance of
majority cultures, or it can be recognized as a cultural diversity, which
is beneficial to all positions in all cultures. There is more than one way
of viewing cultural life in a democratic nation.


*Roxie:* Our national unity in America is at an all-time split—almost
50:50 in many matters, not just in politics. Will making the necessary
changes in our democracy heal this division?

*MACHIVENTA:* Recognition of social evolution as being a motivating factor
for cultural change is important for all groups.

*Craig:* I think if we do evolve politics, there will be a lot less
polarization in everything.

*MACHIVENTA:* That is correct. You see, in democratic nations currently
that politics and the political environment acts as a lever, the leverage
necessary for you to use to change your laws and to change the direction of
a society. It is the place where we in the Correcting Time, necessarily
must place ourselves to be able to move that lever in the direction that is
useful for the progressive social evolution, rather than the devolution of

*What is an “energy signature?”*

*Roxie:* I have only one more question from one of our readers: He asks,
“Energy Signature—what is it? What comes to my energy signature and how
does it cause one to be attracted or rejected to another? How does one
improve one’s energy signature, or raise the frequency or speed of
vibration so as to be much more attractive?”

*MACHIVENTA:* Energy signature is simply the identification of one
individual’s presence whether they are physically with you or not. The
signature is much like your own written signature—this is who I am, this is
my name, this is my vibration, this is what people call me—you can find my
origins through this signature. So too, with your signature, you are
known. You, however, can change your signature by changing your
vibration. This is best done consciously and intentionally with a view of
what you want to accomplish. When you set your mind, your willful mind, to
make will-decisions that fulfill the vision you have for the life you want
to live, then you are changing your signature decision by decision. That
becomes imprinted in your “signature block” when you live out these
decisions over and over again, repeatedly, with the same intent and the
same outcome for those decisions. Then your signature changes to what you
have become. As you progress through your morontial lives, you will change
your signature many, many times through the course of your morontial
career, before moving on to a spiritual realm.

*Roxie:* Thank you. I’m sure he will be very happy with that answer.
That’s all the questions I have.

*MACHIVENTA:* Any last offers for questions or comments?

*Importance of media and ethics in journalism*

*MMc:* Yes, I have one. As you say, the media is tremendously important
in our democracy. Can you steer us in the right direction, or provide
suggestions as examples of how we can improve the profession of journalism?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, certainly. Your question has been answered very
capably by a past ethicist in journalism. Ethics in journalism is well
known and well practiced; it is simply that media now considers itself as a
profit-making enterprise. Media is best held as a utility would be held,
something for the common good, or in the common good for the public, and
that it is supported because it is a necessary element of an effective
democracy. Just as the original foundation of the British Broadcasting
Corporation (BBC) was devised for that subject and that message; it has
slowly become Americanized in its function and its presence, which is most
unfortunate. It is necessary that the media not become a politically
correct organ or mouthpiece of political organizations and political
parties, but that it remains, as I said, a critical conscience of the
public good, and of the public behavior of politics, society and
economics. As you can see, its function has become tremendously disabled
by profit-making and the necessity of share holders in these media
corporations. Several media organizations are held by an individual who
has a tremendous influence on the slant and the tilt and the voice of its
media outlets. Your question is vitally important to the function and the
social evolution of a democratic society, its government and its economics
and finances. Without this independence and ability to be politically
antagonistic, rather than politically correct, your democracy will have
greater difficulty.

*Social creep*

MACHIVENTA: Now, I will make a closing statement for our session today,
and it is this: As you look through the questions and the answers and the
broad field of subjects that we have covered today, and as you look at that
over the spectrum, the horizon, the distance of 240 years, you must be
seeing something that has changed dramatically, and that is what you might
call, “social creep.” This comes about through small incremental decisions
that change the end result over decades and centuries. Your democratic
society, government, politics and your economy are now a very greatly
deformed social infant. It is growing to be crippled and unable to walk
steadily and thoroughly and stably into the future. These small
incremental changes are again the result of not having a consistent set of
values for decision-making. If we have said this once, we will say it
again thousands of times in the future: *You must have a value system that
is consistent, and is included in all decisions, small and large, whether
made by individuals, families, community organizations or grand
international corporations and associations of associations at the
planetary and global level*. Without a stably and consistent
decision-making base of values, you will continue to have social creep that
aggrandizes the lesser nature of individuals. Those who are aggressive
become powerful and warp the social institutions and the value systems to
their own ends, which is in the end the destruction of the societies on
which they have become parasitic.

It is not that individuals are intentionally predatory on the goodness of
society, though those individuals surely do exist, even today in your
political realm, as you were seeing in your daily television and your media
reporting, but it is the unintentional creep of decisions made slowly by
individuals whether they are in informal social situations or in high
political positions. The slow creep of watering down decisions so that the
immorality and unethical behaviors are acceptable is the anathema and the
death of democracies throughout the world, and will become just another
aggressive player in the world scheme of things.

*Christ Michael’s involvement in our world will succeed*

This portrays a rather dismal picture, does it not? And Christ Michael
will not let this happen. He came to your world on his seventh bestowal to
begin the healing of the planets and civilizations that were in
quarantine. He will not let this occur because he is involved; it is
because you are involved and you are consciously involved with your Thought
Adjuster. It will not occur because you are making conscious decisions.
This era of spiraling immorality and unethical social behavior by
individuals and organizations will not continue. It is, as alluded to
earlier, with the moral pendulum going to swing back because people cannot
stand this immoral behavior, that they will begin making decisions that
will bring your world into balance once again. As we have said before,
people are innately good. They were created with the values to make good
decisions. It will not occur because of the values that have supported the
survival and thriving existence of your species have supported your
sustainability, the values that make you and identify you as humane, that
you do have empathy, you do have compassion and you do have a love of
humanity as you love yourself.

This era of greater immoral difficulty will not continue because of Christ
Michael’s influence and his personal engagement with you as an individual.
It is upon the individual level that your world will be healed and saved,
and will resurrect itself into the Days of Light and Life as a world that
is healed, that is whole, that is contiguous and complemental to itself and
to its individuals. This will occur because of that spiritual influence
which is pervasive around your world, which is now becoming palpable and
recognizable. It too, has an energetic signature; you can tap into it,
just as you in America now feel the energy of millions of people in
tremendous angst over your election that is coming forth, and the revulsion
of the behavior of the candidates. So too, does your world have a
signature of peace and order and kindness and fairness. It emanates from
the best of you who are the cultural, social, political, economic, and
financial leaders. It is you who are willing to take risks on the goodness
that is inherent in people, rather than capitalizing on the immorality and
the evil that they do, whether they are conscious of it or not.

You are in the elite forward movement of those who are in the legion of
light that Christ Michael has formed by you joining forces with us. We
know that you will succeed as we will succeed, co-creatively. We will all
succeed, even those who know us not, who ignore the light that is within
them. You know this is to be true, and we rely upon you to make willful
decisions that guide your world in the right action, right outcomes, right
attitudes and right demeanor. You will do this through yourself, your
children, your grandchildren, and so on, that you will teach them that they
are responsible as you are responsible for your mortal and your immortal
career. You have begun the eternal journey, the ascent. Part of your
responsibilities is to think and act responsibly toward yourself, to your
career, to God, and to your fellow brothers and sisters of this world. We
see the light! Do you see the light? Good day and thank you.

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