[tmtranscripts] 'Who Am I?'

Warren Smith warrencsmith at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 19:29:16 PST 2018

* 'Who Am I?' *
* The most sought after question ever asked*

*has meaning, depth and grand significance,*

*this central question, 'Who Am I?' goes on,*

*throughout our short life here and well beyond;*

*the quest for self-identity begins*

*when one sincerely asks this great question-*

*sincere reflection further clarifies*

*a destiny of dreams un-realized,*

*allowing roots to firmly take their hold,*

*unfolding into fields of dreams untold-*

*beyond mere mind’s potential to embrace,*

*exquisite gardens of our Father’s grace;*

*within each personality are seeds,*

*unique seeds of potentiality-*

*‘thoughts’ planted by the Creator within,*

*awaiting self-hood actualization;*

*when nurtured through experience in time,*

*these seeds mature, becoming actualized-*

*as freewill is empowered to create,*

*in destiny we do participate;*

*beginning as a seedling from a seed,*

*developing into a mighty tree-*

*each branch is permanent and lives to grow,*

*each cherished limb producing precious growth;*

*and so it is as life continues on,*

*the question, 'Who Am I?' is pondered on-*

*regardless of realities achieved,*

*our quest for who we are will never cease;*

*as beauty flows from truth and righteousness,*

*new life springs forth from higher consciousness-*

*reflecting He who planted all our seeds,*

*as we express His love and grow our trees;*

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