[tmtranscripts] NET #36, Mar. 12, 2018

Roxanne Andrews urantian606 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 18 14:52:20 PDT 2018


*New Era Transition #36 – Will-commands; 5 Levels of Spiritual Awareness;
Materialism – Mar. 12, 2018*

*Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager*


Self-will continued

350 Years to the early stages of Light and Life

It will take 2 generations of teaching the 7 core values

The meaning of the message of Christ Michael

Becoming balanced and in alignment with the flow of the universe

The 5 levels of spiritual awareness and the 7 psychic circles

Becoming an effective partner in the Correcting Time

Making will-commands

Commands made by Jesus

Your celestial entourage

Boldness in making commands

Care in sharing your commands with other humans

When to begin the research project about the family?

Sharing the 7 values with a leadership team

Contempt of mortals by Lucifer

More on the 5 levels and the 7 psychic circles

Mind-chatter and the 5 levels

Reaching out to some individuals

The celestials do not espouse evangelizing

Materialism and the lack of growth of social sustainability

Celestials assist in long term trends of social evolution

The growth of recognizing equality in our society

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Craig Carmichael, Liz Cratty, Jeff
Cutler, Stéphane Labontée

Invocation: Craig

*March 12, 2018*

*MACHIVENTA:* Good morning, this is Machiventa. I am here with an
entourage of other Melchizedeks who are here visiting and seeing what we
are doing. I wish you a good day and it surely is a beautiful day, is it

*Self-will continued*

We will continue our discussion of using your self-will that is in
alignment with Christ Michael’s will to command necessary things that need
to be completed and can only be completed through your willingness and
willfulness in appropriate definitions to bring about the co-creative
healing of your world. Through all of these years of the Teaching Mission
and Magisterial Mission and these lessons of the NEC and NET, we have
brought you along spiritually to become our co-creative partners. What we
have been doing is to teach you that co-creativity is the highest form of
empowerment you can attain as a mortal. Co-creativity to act in wholeness
and alignment with Christ Michael is the most empowered level of
co-creativity that you can bring about in your life and in this world
during your mortal experience here on this planet.

We have brought you along slowly, and now through teaching you concerning
the co-creative command to bring about the good of your world through the
insights and guidance from your Thought Adjuster and from your Celestial
Teachers and Melchizedeks, you will see that you have begun a journey that
started many years ago; and, if you were a new reader and student of these
practices and these texts then you will realize suddenly the responsibility
that you must fulfill to acquire the alignment with Christ Michael’s Will.

*350 Years to the early stages of Light and Life*

This is no small project; this is a project of great longitudinal
significance. We have begun 30 years ago to bring your world into the Days
of Light and Life through the decades and centuries and millennia ahead. We
feel that we will approach a significant portion of that fulfillment by the
time that 350 years have passed. We gave this projection almost a decade
ago or even longer, and it still holds that this world will be in its early
stages, very novice and initiative stages, of the Days of Light and Life at
that point. This is the place in time and evolution of your social and
spiritual maturation that you—meaning “you” as societies and whole
nations—see the futility of war, of negative thinking, of negative speech
and confrontation, and even the corrosive competitive traits of your
current societies.

*It will take 2 generations of teaching the 7 core values*

We have told you that even when we begin the teaching of individuals,
families, communities and whole societies of the 7 values, and how to
parent and rear your children and to understand the dynamics of families in
the most functional ways, that it will still take approximately 2
generations to see significant results. However, you as individuals and as
families would see almost immediate results in your personal lives and your
extended families lives when you begin to use these materials. Dropping
back a little farther in our discussion, we are at a point now where we are
almost ready to fund the proposition or the proposal to do research into
the best practices of families, child rearing, parenting and family
dynamics, and community integration. This is an essential part of the
cultural relevance that is necessary for people to accept these practices. If
you live in Azerbaijan, if you are living in the steppes of those plateaus
in the countryside, you would want these truths to be reflected with your
cultural preferences, something that is familiar to you, not of Manhattan
or of Western societies. This research must be extensive, and in fact it
will be quite repetitive in order to give it cultural relevance in the
hundreds of major cultures that exist in the world.

*The meaning of the message of Christ Michael*

The message of Christ Michael is meant to be personal; it is meant to be
familial and it is meant to be civilizational, that it is relevant to the
civilization as much as it is relevant to the individual. In order for an
individual to ascend along their spiritual career their societies and
civilization must evolve to higher levels of performance to provide a
favorable, healthy, friendly and supportive environment for those
developments to occur in individuals and in families. The major work of
social sustainability is to create friendly environments that are
supportive of personal and familial growth and evolution, and ultimately
their spiritual unfoldment. Those are the end results we will eventually
achieve, and this is the beginning — the end results of our work that we
desire, and the beginning phases of the Days of Light and Life. There must
be an integration of societies just as there is an integration between all
the programs of the Correcting Time that lead to those ends.

*Becoming balanced and in alignment with the flow of the universe*

If you see the arc of the Teaching Mission and the lessons of the teachers,
you will see a course of personal spiritual, emotional and social
evolution, both at the intra-personal level and the inter-personal level. This
is essential for you to become balanced and in alignment with the flow of
the universe, and particularly as it is expressed by Christ Michael for
this planet and its cultures.

I alluded to the various levels of spiritual evolution in the last time we

The first one is where there is non-awareness by the individual that they
are a spiritual entity who is on a course of spiritual evolution.

The second level is one of religiosity, where the individual has recognized
that there is a God-Creator who is external to themselves, and who has
brought seeming order out of the chaos of the world around them. Those
religions still exist, and the significant ones have preceded the life of

Third, Christ Michael, as Jesus, came to present you with the fact of the
universe that God is here, that the presence of God is within you, and that
the world and the universe is a good place to live, because it is created
and governed by beings of light who have only the best for you to bring
into your life, and that it is essential to enjoy that, but only through
the growth of your inner personal being and through your spiritual

The fourth phase is to be aware that you have helpers, that you each
individually have an entourage of spiritual beings whose sole function is
to lead you through your problems and to overcome them in your personality
construction; and to overcome your personal impediments that you have which
must be overcome in order to grow into the spiritual being of who you are
capable to be and to ascend consistently well into your spiritual career.

The fifth level is the level where you have begun to have conversations
with your spiritual entourage, that would include your Guardian Angel,
Celestial Teachers, Midwayers, and of course ultimately and best of all,
your Thought Adjuster. This is the place where you will evolve to where
you are able to consciously and intentionally seek advice and guidance as
you become a willing co-creative partner with Christ Michael to bring about
the necessary co-creative programs and their fulfillment for this planet,
and your societies, your nations, your communities, your family and for

*The 5 levels of spiritual awareness and the 7 psychic circles*

Where are you along this level of awareness? Where are you now? You may
be far more advanced than you realize. Some of you have been approaching
your religiosity, your religious training and your spirituality as distinct
from each other. What we see, however, is that in the thinking individual
there is a conscious connection between the awareness that there is a God
and the awareness that there is a God within you, and the further awareness
that you have a desire to communicate with the God presence within you. All
of these levels are related, but only somewhat related to the 7 psychic
circles of human spiritual advancement. These are roughly the levels that
you go through at the innermost spiritual level that is recognized for
sentient beings on your planet.

*Becoming an effective partner in the Correcting Time*

You, however from a different perspective of the 5 steps I give you, see
this as the journey you will travel as you begin to become more and more
competent as a spiritual entity to make will-commands that are in agreement
and in alignment with the universe. This is where you become a highly
effective partner and participant in the Correcting Time that will span the
time until the Days of Light and Life are fulfilled. This process of
commanding is not a tedious or litigious process; it is one that must meet
certain criteria:

The first criteria is that it must not be ego based; it must not seek to
aggrandize you; it must not be something that you benefit from
specifically, or even locally, but that you benefit generally as others
would benefit as well from the will-command that you make.

Second, it must not be made out of fear. It must not be made to protect
you from something that is external to yourself. It must not be something
that protects you from others. It must be something that is free of fear
because fear is the corrosive of hope, of belief, of faith, and trust and
knowing. In the end, you want to be at the level of knowing to know that
you are making the right and correct will-commands.

This third criterion looks to the general position Christ Michael would
take concerning the topic of your will-command. Is this topic and your
will-command something that Christ Michael would want to have occur in the
world and contribute to the Correcting Time? Would it assist you on your
personal ascendant journey, and also would assist others on their own
ascendant journey?

*Making will-commands*

Yes, this may sound like it is very general in nature that you can only
make commands that have to do with the world situation. But to the
contrary this is intimately personal to yourself for making will-commands
that are in alignment with Christ Michael’s Will. When you do so, you are
in fact, becoming a co-partner with Christ Michael, standing at that level
of command and execution where you are partner with him, with his authority.
This is a tremendous leap. This is something that your life plan would
include. Even some of the most primitively evolved individuals spiritually
can aspire and achieve this level. It is not impossible for anyone to do
so — it has to do with giving up your egoism, your self-centeredness, your
will to protect yourself and your allegiances that hold you back from your
spiritual evolution. This is what your Thought Adjuster is bringing you
to; this is the level of achievement that is fulfilled by your partnership
under and with the authority of Christ Michael.

You cannot achieve a higher level of spiritual evolution than to be in
co-creative alignment with Christ Michael’s Will, and the flow of the
universe for the good of the whole planet and of all Nebadon. When you
make will-commands that are in alignment with Christ Michael, you are in
fact helping to bring about the Days of Light and Life for all of Nebadon
as well. You might say, “Oh this is too much responsibility for me; I am
not that kind of person; I am not capable of doing this: I am a worm of the
dust, and have been told that all of my life by my church and that I am
unworthy of such a relationship.” Well then, my friend, you must grow into
who you truly are for God is within you and God does not inhabit those who
are unworthy of Its presence. You are in fact, inhabited by the most
evolved spiritual being in all the universe that emanates from the Creator
itself, the Original Cause of all that exists. God did not create junk;
God did not create a person who is unworthy of Its presence. Yes, it is
truly a challenge for you to grow into who you truly are — one who is
growing into a Divine Being as you grow into partnership with the God
Presence within you. This is not the small self within you, but you, the
will-self, who aspires to come in alignment with God within you.

To recap these criteria: effective will-commands are not ego based; are is
not fear based; do not cause harm to anyone else or yourself, but are in
alignment with Christ Michael’s Will to bring about the Days of Light and
Life. And this my friends is part of your life plan that Christ Michael
supports, and now has *empowered* you to fulfill.

If you have questions, I would be glad to receive them.

*Commands made by Jesus*

*Stéphane:* I’d like to bring the command concept to the life of Jesus as
depicted in the *Urantia Book*. There were many examples of the
will-command exemplified in Jesus’ life. The ordination of the 12 comes to
mind, and every time he made a miracle it was always preceded with a
command for the celestial hosts to enable the miracles. Any comment on

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, I would be glad to. As you recall from the first
miracle of changing water to wine in the very large vases that were made
available, his will-command was made without being said aloud. It was
something that Christ Michael/Jesus desired to do as a complement to the
wedding. And he, at that time, in his consciousness as Jesus the mortal,
was unaware that he had issued a command. His thoughts were interpreted by
his spiritual entourage as a command to be fulfilled, an unspoken wish that
something would occur. His wish was sufficient as a will-command for them
to fulfill. This is where you as mortals must do a cleanup job within your
thinking. You may verbalize to others that you are having a really great
day, and that you have achieved much in your careers, but the inside
language, your mind-talk to yourself may be quite the opposite. This too
must go. In order for you to be effective will-commanders for the
spiritual realm to execute, you must cleanup that type of thinking. You
and I know—and I know you so well—that this is almost impossible to do
because of some of the indoctrination, enculturation, and socialization
that was given to you as children was erroneous. Some of it was harmful
and even abusive on occasion. Some of you, even when you approach the
transition of your life to the other side, will still have some of this
ideation in your minds.

*Cleaning up your mind-talk*

What is significant and important in overcoming this detrimental deficit is
that you form a will-command for your Thought Adjuster and for your own
will-self to fulfill. This begins with a definite intention for the
cleanup of your mind-talk. And when you do this, you will surely receive
the assistance of your Thought Adjuster and your will-self who is so much
in contact with your Thought Adjuster, unconsciously to you. Your Guardian
Angel will be most useful to you in this process as she brings to you those
situations which will assist you to overcome negative mind-talk. All
expressions of prejudice, bias, and bigotry, and even harsh opinions
emanate from erroneous mind-talk. It is part of your inner-self that needs
correcting, and best of all elimination. It is important that you have the
intention to aspire to the consciousness of Christ Michael, to become with
your Thought Adjuster in alignment with Christ Michael. Then at that
point, you will be healed to a great extent, even though you may have
wrongful inner-dialog and ideation. Thank you for your question.

*Stéphane:* Thank you.

*Jeff:* I issued my first command at the end of last week. Is it fair to
ask for a critique? Is it fair to ask about too much detail, bold enough
the wording? Or is this just something that every individual has to work
out for themselves?

*Your celestial entourage*

*MACHIVENTA:* I would be glad to help you with that, but it is something
that you have to work out for yourself. Remember that in your
will-commands you are not dealing with a bunch of dolts who do not
understand your intention or the purpose of your will-command. They are
fully aware of your thinking, and your intention, and the outcome that you
are seeking to fulfill. Therefore, much detail is not necessary. Making
will-commands is not about micro-management of your unseen friends and your
spiritual entourage. It is about your spiritual evolution and your courage
and your inner “chutzpah,” so to speak, of your capability to command. You
may know those who are far too humble to ever make a will-command, to bring
these things into existence. This is most unfortunate for they are holding
themselves back from their empowerment of who they truly are. Is this a
sufficient answer for your question?

*Boldness in making commands*

*Jeff:* Yes, Sir. I’d like to add on to that, I read book 4 of Emma
Curtis Hopkins and she seems to try to emphasize being exceptionally bold
in what you ask for. Am I reading that correctly?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, you are reading that correctly; you must be bold; even
to make a minor will-command takes a great deal of boldness. You as a
co-creative partner of Christ Michael and Nebadonia are dealing with
planetary issues. Timidity and meekness do not serve you or the planet
well to fulfill the desires for the outcomes of the Correcting Time. Boldness
does not equate to egotistical, being egotistical or demanding from a
position of arrogance. It simply means that you are up to the challenge to
see the problem that needs to be resolved, and that you are seeking the
assistance of spirit to fulfill your command. When you are bold, one of
the conditions that I mentioned last time is to have your command specific
enough so that it addresses a particular problem that can be addressed. If
you want to heal all the grief in Syria, that may take a little bit more
work and more interpretation. You must have an idea within your own mind
of the specificity that may be required to fulfill your command. If you do
not know, then you are making a hollow command, even though it may be most
sincere. I do not want to present this with any ambiguity. It is
necessary that you be bold, to think largely, but that the specifics of
your command are able to be addressed.

If you commanded your Platoon Warrant Officer for example, who was the
Administrator of the Motor Pool, you would not say, “I want you to have all
the vehicles washed.” You would say, “I want the 2nd Platoon of tanks
cleaned up for the parade,” and your Motor Pool Warrant Officer would know
exactly what you mean. It is a great task, but it is doable and it can be
addressed. Do you understand?

*Care in sharing your commands with other humans*

*Jeff:* Yes, I do and that leads me to ask, what is the value of sharing
our commands with others in our groups that we are working with?

*MACHIVENTA:* It is of great value when it is done with humility and
meekness. Remember the phrase from Emma Curtis Hopkins, “meek and
commanding, looking always to God.” That is the empowerment for your
commands that you do in meekness. It is most difficult for the individual
who states their will-command and share it with other it not to involve
comparisons between each other. The one who hears your statement of
command may feel that you are being arrogant. Well, that is a judgment, is
it not? And you may be unaware of it that you are seeking acceptance from
your friends that you are capable of making will-commands. You must always
seek to share your statements in great humility knowing that they may be
received wrongly or inappropriately, both to the deficit of yourself and
individual who is listening. We advise much care in this practice on your
part. You would be well advised to check with your Thought Adjuster and
your Guardian and Celestial Teacher, even if that affirmation is only
through a kinesthetic acknowledgement of “yes” or “no” that your command
was appropriate.

*Jeff:* Thank you.

*When to begin the research project about the family?*

*Roxie:* You mentioned in your beginning remarks that it was time to begin
the research project about the family. So far, I have not heard of anyone
amongst our readers who is interested or willing to take on that project. Are
you aware of anyone who is thinking along those lines and would be capable
of beginning this?

*MACHIVENTA:* We have not released a request for individuals to do this. If
an individual would wish to do that, they may proceed, but the specifics of
our request are not known to you; therefore the efforts that the individual
may make to be of assistance may in fact be unproductive and we do not wish
anyone to proceed without the awareness that their efforts would be
productive to assist us. We have proposals in mind that have been
suggested by Melchizedeks and Teachers who are aware of the situation and
who have knowledge of what needs to be done. When this becomes viable at
our level to engage your level, we will state our request very clearly.

*Sharing the 7 values with a leadership team*

*Stéphane:* I wanted to bring an example of where I was able to implement
and command the 7 values at work. We had a 2 day retreat with the
leadership team and one of the sessions was on “Care.’ My corporation the
last year has put a lot of emphasis on Care of its Employees to reduce
safety incidents, improve productivity and improve work-life balance. Along
the Care discussion, nobody was really focusing on empathy and compassion
and I was able to intervene in that conversation and mention that improving
caring for employees means to show empathy and compassion in behaviours of
leaders, and as such being able to steer the conversation towards the 7
core values. I had commanded myself ahead of the meeting to use any
opportunity for turning the conversation into the 7 core values if there
was a good opportunity to intervene.

*MACHVENTA:* Wonderful! Congratulations. This is exactly what we desire
people to do when the situation allows it to occur. When you make your
will-command, even for yourself before such a meeting, conference or
workshop, then your celestial entourage will leap into action to help
prepare the scenario so that you can make your opening statements. This is
how it works; it is command and execution. The command must be appropriate
and at the level where it can be executed and fulfilled. This is the level
of accomplishment for yourself and for those who follow, and those who
fulfill. It is something that you can delight in and everyone who has
assisted you, unseen and seen, to revel in and appreciate. Thank you!

*Contempt of mortals by Lucifer*

*Stéphane:* Machiventa, I have another comment about the will-command
revelation. My understanding of your teaching is that only mortals
indwelled with Adjusters are able to command and this excludes celestials. I’m
wondering if this was a point of contention in the Lucifer Rebellion, in
that these rulers were looking in contempt to the mortals having this great
ability. This is not mentioned in the *Urantia Book*. I’m wondering if
that was part of the momentous rebellion at the time; that this ability of
mortals to command was being held in contention by the rulers, the

*MACHIVENTA:* You are absolutely correct. The sophistries of the rebels
were such that they wanted to chide the mortals for not using their command
capacity, and in other words for them to become Gods themselves. Of course
this is blasphemy and it is the worst type of rebellion that can occur when
individuals in their arrogance of ego usurp the position of the Creator in
themselves, rather than aspiring to work through their spiritually
ascendant career to achieve that status. There are no shortcuts to this,
and even if it takes 200,000 years to adjudicate the wrongdoers with their
sophisticated sophistries and appeals to mortals who were weaker and less
discerning at that time, then so be it. So, it has taken that much time to
show all of Nebadon that the sophistries of those misguided personalities
can bring about the ruin of individuals even at their own level of

Now, there are individuals who are in rebellion, who have used the same
position without saying so, and you have seen this particularly in the
personality of Adolph Hitler, who was seeking to become god-like and
actually believed in his own god-self being. This is most unfortunate
because it is almost without reclamation by the individual to see the error
of their ways. Your statement is truly correct and we wish those who have
thought of this to be aware of that. When you see such levels of egotism
among you, among your peers and at social gatherings, and at political
gatherings and religious gatherings, you will see that you are looking
face-to-face with one who denies the reality of the ascendant spiritual
career, which is highly dangerous.

*Stéphane:* Thank you.

*More on the 5 levels and the 7 psychic circles*

You mentioned the 5 levels of spiritual awareness. We live in a world where
all 5 levels can be encountered on a day-to-day basis with the people that
we meet, and in fact we can have family members that are on different
levels. You also related those to the psychic circles of human achievement.
My question is that one may think that they are not believing in God, but
yet have personality traits that are loving. They may be a very caring
person for their family and children, and still refuse, or have the
mind-chatter that, they do not believe in God, or believe in religiosity. In
linking the 5 levels and with the psychic circles and actual human
achievement, one may be a much more loving person than they are willing to
admit to themselves.

*MACHIVENTA:* That is correct.

*Mind-chatter and the 5 levels*

*Stéphane:* It makes the human experience even more complex because of
this mind-chatter and our ability to live up to the 5 levels is much higher
than we are willing to accept to ourselves. My question is: What it is
that matters the most? Is it the mind-chatter, our ability to understand
the 5 levels and live up to them, or is it the day-to-day being able to
handle any situation from a spiritual mindset?

*MACHIVENTA:* The mind-chatter is usually of the conscious mind that was
formed early in your life and it can be a wayward child for sure, and be
incredibly unproductive in most people’s lives. The mind-chatter is not
the necessary equivalent of the acceptance or the deep understanding of
one’s place in relationship to others. Yes, there are many individuals on
your world who are loving, kind, generous, capable, empathic and
compassionate who have a generalized level of humanity, and who wished that
everyone would have a higher quality of life and to grow into their
potential equally as anyone else, but still not believe in God. These
individuals are really quite wonderful candidates upon their transition to
enter into the realm of awareness of the larger reality of the universe
that is always and only positive and ascendant. They will see that their
position was really not so much of being recalcitrant or objecting to the
spirituality, but really a matter of ignorance, that they were unaware of
the larger parameters of their existence as a continuous process that ends
in eternity.

Further, there is no bias against such an individual; these individuals are
expressing the deepest facets of agreement between themselves and their
Thought Adjuster. This is agreement which is beyond the individual’s own
comprehension. They see it is not necessary to love and be like God to
have these wonderful attributes of their existence. What you are seeing is
in their Thought Adjuster having been immensely successful in Its work, and
that the capstone connecting that life and those beliefs to the existence
of God and Creation and the purpose of their ascendant career will come
later. There is no bias or judgment against this individual whatsoever by
us, but only encouragement in a life to be of benefit to their life and to
that of others. Did this answer your question, Sir?

*Stéphane:* Yes, thank you; it was a complicated question. I’m not sure I
have more related in my mind 100%, but you have done a good job of
answering it.

*Reaching out to some individuals*

*Liz:* So, when we encounter an individual who has these traits of
compassion and love and empathy and yet does not believe in God, is this an
opportunity… I don’t know how to approach these people… would this be an
opportunity to issue a command to employ our spiritual team to help us in

*MACHIVENTA:* The situation you present is truly one for your Thought
Adjuster and the Thought Adjuster of the individual to engage. This is one
that at the deepest level can be addressed by your Thought Adjusters. Your
will-command would be seen as less than a command by your entourage and the
entourage of the other person, but more as something like, “Well of course!
Thank you for the suggestion. We will proceed immediately.” And so you
have only to suggest to your entourage and to their entourage to assist
that individual to come to the awareness that the universe is larger than
they have conceived and that their desire for harmony and peace in the
world coincides with the same wishes of the God presence within them. This,
of course, may be quite a leap for the individual to accept, and it would
require that Divine Order, Divine Development and right circumstance and
coincidence occur between the individual to be open at a particular moment
in time to be receptive to instruction that seems to come from another
mortal who is their friend, and would give them pause to think about what
they had done with their life and that they may actually be open to being
led to believe in God and the ascendant career. The individual you are
speaking about, on the other hand, does not have a repugnance to things
that are spiritual or religious, but that they are simply unaware of the
coincidence and agreement between their beliefs and their behavior and that
of the larger universe.

*Liz:* Thank you.

*The celestials do not espouse evangelizing*

*MACHIVENTA:* I might add to your question is that we do not espouse
evangelizing. Our process is much more sophisticated and subtle than that,
as open evangelizing and Bible thumping and Blue Book thumping can be seen
as offensive and repugnant by individuals who might otherwise be open and
receptive to more subtle means.

*Liz:* Yes, I understand.

*Materialism and the lack of growth of social sustainability*

*Stéphane:* I’d like to put the command concept in light of the
materialism that has been allowed to happen in the last 100+ years since
the Industrial Revolution. Why was materialism allowed to happen without
the parallel growth of social sustainability? I’m thinking the Angels of
Progress and others had a lot to do with the events leading to and since
the industrial revolution. Was that purely because man commanded the
material progress and did not understand and commanded social progress? Was
material progress recognized and allowed to happen because it would raise
global consciousness with the means of improving communications globally? Or
am I completely off track here?

*MACHIVENTA:* You are not off track; I will state that openly to begin
with. You have asked for answers to historical progress that are to the
benefit and the detriment of human consciousness. First of all, human
social evolution is not dealt with overt actions; it is dealt with
subtlety; it is through group decisions that we can make great progress in
the social evolution of your world.

Two forces have undermined the social/spiritual evolution of your societies.
One was the egregious sense of avarice and sense of opportunity by those
who had the means to exploit those situations; and second by without
avarice such that at the time that they saw immense material opportunities
to make progress materially without thinking about the social consequences.
What has happened is that your mechanized civilizations have developed to
the point where they have entered the phase of detrimental progress. They
are progressing technologically and materially, but they are not doing so
to the advantage of the social and spiritual existence of individuals. Thank
you, Stéphane for your question.

Your question is many layered and has immense depth and complexity to it. I
will state this in simple terms that will leave many more questions open to
you, which we must leave to another time. First of all, the “progress of
your societies politically and economically and materially” would not be
stopped by us to progress, to progress in its development and unfoldment as
it is meant in the large scale to improve the quality of life of
individuals and of societies to make them more hospitable, friendly
environments to live in and to grow into your spiritual, personal evolution
and growth. They however have gotten to the point where it has come to the
termination of the nexus of the quality of life and social progress.
has become the symbol of acceptance for individuals and it is no longer a
useful tool. What has occurred, to the detriment of many hundreds of
millions and billions of people, is that as so many people aspire to
achieve the same material level as those who are wealthy and who are
materially invested. This is immediately obvious when the focus changes
from improving their quality of life to earning money, even committing
crimes to get money, to achieve that growth and that level. This is
inappropriate and it is wrong and it works against the individual and
families, and begins to corrupt the function of the family to become a
contributor to the individual’s personal social, political and economic
growth. In many cases the family has become a contributor to that
detrimental situation.

*Celestials assist in long term trends of social evolution*

The action of us is to assist in those long term trends of social
evolution, which includes all facets of your social, political and economic
and cultural existence, to bend the culture of your societies towards peace
and towards acceptance of the individual as they are, where they are and as
they have the capability to become. You are now seeing openly our work as
you see the trend of exposing sexual predators in your society who predate
victims no matter how much wealth they have, and how much they have power
to do good. This is a direct outcome of our work to influence your
societies. There are perfect times, perfect situations in which the
individual has that particular moment in their lives to choose to express
their unwillingness to become a willing victim any more, and this ascent to
higher values is exactly what we aspire to achieve. From this, there will
be further exhibitions of revolt against other forms of abuse, whether it
is in the family, whether it is in a corporation, a company, within social
groups and so on. The individual is becoming aware that they have a
greater value, that there is something that connects them to other people,
other victims — and that is their oneness in life.

Now, enter social sustainability, its concepts, its morality and the 7
values that underpin the survival of your species over the course of
200,000 years. It is now time to tie the knot between the individual and
the oneness that they have within themselves with the oneness of others,
and the oneness of you as societies and its political entities, for when
you understand this oneness between your selves, and connect it to your
economic power and to your political power, then you can promote
legislation that acts in your contemporary societies for the good of all
people, whether they are believers or not. And this is the beginning of
social programs that you will see in the near future that will assist
individuals and families to grow into who they truly are. The goal is to
develop the family as the functional, social dynamo that begets children
who are socially well adjusted, competent and socially responsible, and who
in turn raise their own children with the same capability and capacity.

What you have brought to the open light of our discussion is the process
that we are working with and the Most Highs are working with, that we are
helping you as individuals to make *decisions* and to *take action* to
command right actions where individuals can make a difference. When you
see this with your friends and others who have been victims, you can make
appropriate will-commands that have actually no value to you as a return,
but in fact may cause you even further difficulty in life as you then
become an activist in conscience to assist others to come to the level of
awareness that they are one among many and the many accept the oneness of
the individual as part of that one. Thank you so much for your question.

*Stéphane:* Thank you for the answer!

[This is *Daniel:* I can come to appreciate through his answers the
dynamics and the depth and the breadth of Planetary Management and what it
means to the individual and to whole societies and to the whole world. Wow!
Is there another question?]

*The growth of recognizing equality in our society*

*Craig:* I didn’t have a question; it was just a comment that it would be
so great to see the value of equality being held out to everyone.

*MACHIVENTA:* When individuals are trained and educated in the 7 values,
they will see that the recognition of equality is an innate criterion for
being human, and that anything less than that is inhuman and inhumane
treatment is always unequal; it is now a matter of overcoming ignorance by
teaching those values to others. Eventually you will see on campuses and
universities great movements of social equality becoming open with an open
confrontation to old ways that do not acknowledge that equality. They will
be very similar as the peace marches during the 60’s against the Viet Nam
War and against corporations that participated in that. You will see
demonstrations for equality at all levels of being and to be recognized as
an individual of self-worth as much as those who are wealthy and well
positioned in society.

I thank you for your attendance today. I know there will be more questions
and statements to be made and we wish you to carry those over to the next
session, please. As closing, please realize that we see you as equals;
that you are equal to us; that we have the same regard for you and the same
value for you as we do for our own existence, and in fact, our respect for
you is even higher because our work dealing with you requires such a high
level of performance on our level to execute the will-commands of Christ
Michael to make you “gods of creation” in great humility and meekness, with
the capability and the power to make will-commands that the universe will
seek to fulfill. You truly are “gods in creation,” and you will become
those in time and with your performance and your capability to make
yourself part of the flow of the universe that flows with all the good of
eternity. We wish you good day.

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