[tmtranscripts] NET #49, Oct. 8, 2018

Roxanne Andrews urantian606 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 12:09:57 PDT 2018


*New Era Transition #49 – Human rights; Global Warming; Financial Markets –
Oct. 8, 2018*

*Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager*


Planned developments are now in place

Mercy and judgment

How are decisions made on Mansonia?

Is the tendency to forget negative experiences engrained in our DNA?

Answering a question about the 7 values embedded in our DNA

The self-healing affect of prayer

The closing of the Dark Circuits

Declaration of the Inalienable Rights of Man

The part Scots played in our American Constitution and Declaration of

Human rights

Something to consider

Weapons for defense

What to do with your wealth

Concerns about geology and sunspot activity

Global warming and the decline in financial markets

What is the next step for corporations?

Redefining shareholders

World is bound proactively by right and active morality and ethics

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Craig Carmichael, Jeff Cutler, Doug
Dodge, Stéphane Labonteé and Richard Mitchell.

Invocation: Craig

*October 8, 2018*

*MACHIVENTA:* Good Morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, and welcome to
a new
day, and we welcome our new member. Thank you for being here Richard.

*Planned developments are now in place*

Today my opening statement is very simple and very short. We are
exceptionally pleased to report that the last few bits of the developments
that we had been nurturing are now in place. What existed before was one
driving gear, it had all its teeth and it was striving to drive another
gear or cog which had many missing teeth. Once in a while it would catch
and one time and another it would not. Now that all the teeth are in place,
we are at full traction with developments that we have initiated so many
decades and years and months ago.
You can be pleased to see around you and among you those small but significant
personal interactions which seem to have spontaneously come into existence
- those developments that signal to you that “right and perfect order” is
now existent in these developments of the Correcting Time in spite of many
resistances and problems that exist on Urantia. Those have been known to us
for millennia and of course we have learned how to work around, through,
and over and under those problems in order to enhance the capability of
this social structure and civilization of Urantia to survive into the many
millennia ahead.

Urantia is of course destined to become a planet that is settled in Light
and Life. Knowing that, you also know that there is much work to do. This
report is simply a statement that our work has been done to engage the work
that can now produce the results that become visible to you and which are
now already very visible to us.

If you have questions you are welcome to raise them now.

*Jeff:* Liz sent me an e-mail with a question. And I would like to read it
to you if I may.

*Mercy and judgment*

She writes "Good morning Machiventa, this is *Liz*. I have been traveling
and am unable to be on the call. I miss you all. Last time we spoke we were
interrupted while talking about mercy and judgment. You advised me to read
the Urantia text for more research and I have done this.

Here is what I have discovered: When Americans talk about "judgment", we
envision a harsh, patriarchal, powerful person glowering down on us, ready
to smash us with all manner of terrible punishments for our sins. Whether
that is an outgrowth of our legal systems or our religions I don't know.
This is why I had "mercy" wrapped up with
"judgment," that people in trouble tend to "throw themselves on the mercy
of the court."

After your description of how long it takes (a fraction of a second of time)
for the Ancients of Days to review our fully complete transparent
life's records,
it occurs to me that judgment isn't about punishment at all. It is about
"sorting", if you will, each of us into where we should begin the next step
of our ascendant career. Should this one go to sleep? Should this one go to
Mansonia One? Etcetera. Would you care to comment on this please, and let
me know if I'm closer to understanding?

*MACHIVENTA:* Thank you. We are very pleased to hear your research results
Liz, and know that you have taken a good view and estimation of what the
text has said. Yes, it is definitely a sorting system. There is no punishment
involved. It is simply a system of making decisions about who has earned
the privilege of continuing and who does not; who has made the effort to
continue and who has not; and who has made no effort and in fact rejects
the message of largess that has been offered to them by your local Creator
Son and by the Creator Itself.

This is a most merciful process as there is no judgment. And in mercy we
can say that there is no judgment; that you have made your own judgment by
your own lives of where you are best sorted out to become what you have
chosen to become. When those who have chosen to disregard the mercy of
God's generosity have put themselves in a place which is of non-existence.
And this is a merciful thing for the
universe as the history of such callous disregard for God's mercy is best
resolved by their absence, but simply they are gone and so is any record of
their existence.

Those who have not chosen but who have a willing heart are given the
to decide once they are in the Mansion Worlds and are giving that decision
with full knowledge that fills in the gaps of their ignorance about how to
make a right decision. It is their choice—always has been, always will be,
forever and ever more. You are the children of what the Ancients call the
"Most High." You are the children of God, and those who have chosen to be
with your God, your Local Creator, have the opportunity in the eventuality
of time to meet and be embraced by the First Source and Center.

*How are decisions made on Mansonia?*

*Jeff:* Machiventa, I have a follow-up question on that. So, for
those that did
not pursue the opportunities on Earth to follow the leadings of the spirit,
are given a second chance on Mansonia. How much do we remember from this
world? So my question is that certain circumstances and events might have
led people here to choose against the spirit but would those memories
linger on to Mansonia so that they'd be exposed to the same influences to
make their final decision?

*MACHIVENTA:* When each individual arrives on Mansonia and finish their
work in the Resurrection Hall, they are given in the Resurrection Hall the
full complement of their memories that are positive and contribute to
their future
career. Those individuals who have made no decision and were reticent to
make a decision are offered the same opportunity. They may not remember
that they made those decisions but with full knowledge they can once again
make that decision.

There is an inclination within the soul - and I say “inclination” very
intentionally because it is a tentative conclusion on the part of the
individual. They have an inclination to accept the advice and knowledge of
spirit to join the ranks of the Finaliters eventually, or to remain where
they are. The inclination gives them the opportunity to explore their true
nature, who they are, what they are, the purpose of their life and the
meaning of their life as it contributes to themselves and to the First
Source and Center and to God the Supreme and to the completion of Nebadon.
They make their decision with full knowledge of all those circumstances and
situations that would make them knowledgeable completely of their future
career if they so choose. Yet, that inclination also contains the
inclination to reject it out of the travail and turmoil and pain and agony
of their mortal existence. This is not removed from them, only the
memories of their positive decisions are included; the negative decisions
are excluded. However, the inclinations or the attitudes of the person do
remain. This is something that is residual and is given opportunity to be
resolved as they travel through the classes and class work of the morontial
realm and the status and the planet on which they are a participant. Does
this assist, or does this cloud the issue further for you?

*Is the tendency to forget negative experiences engrained in our DNA?*

*Jeff:* I think it assists, and I would like to follow up with another
question. Is that tendency to remember only the decisions that are
contributing to eternal life, rather than the ones that do not, are they
also ingrained in our DNA here as humans? Because I think that there is
evidence in research and places that humans have a tendency to forget
negative experiences and focus on the positive. Is that aligned?

*MACHIVENTA:* The work of the soul is to remember all that is good for
your next eventual life, whether that is in the Urantia Resurrection Halls
or otherwise. We do not wish to become too embroiled in the DNA aspect of
soul survival.

*Jeff:* I have several questions but I want to keep on your thread about
judgment. Is it fair to summarize what you’ve said that personal judgment
by the Ancients of Days is really self-judgment in its internal form? Is
that correct?

*MACHIVENTA:* I have already given you a very brief summary of the text,
which is in front of me, which is exhaustive. Please appreciate what I
have given you.

*Answering a question about the 7 values embedded in our DNA*

*Jeff:* I want to ask a question about DNA—this triggered this—is there
proof that the 7 core values are embedded in our DNA? What would you
suggest I answer to a student that asked that question?

*MACHIVENTA:* You, my friend, and your student are the living proof of
their existence. You ask them the question that is given in the text that
we have written with This One to test your ability to answer that
question. This is the proof of their existence; you are the living proof.
The 7 values are used as questions for the answers that come about. The
characteristics of those values provide the answers that you seek.

*The self-healing affect of prayer*

*Jeff:* Thank you. I’d like to ask you a question—last time I brought up
the statement of Xsamuel on his “Announcement of Monumental Significance.”
In that statement, he said “Soon the Distribution Centers will be
functioning in the greatest way for you to take advantage of this higher
stream of consciousness coming through the Trinity Teacher Nexus is to
first, heal and repair your physical and energetic systems for greater
reception. How do you do this? You are to restore and cleanse your
biological and energetic systems through healthy living.” My question is:
Can you comment further upon that and perhaps touch upon the self-healing
affect of prayer?

*MACHIVENTA:* We do not wish to respond to that question at this time.

*The closing of the Dark Circuits*

*Stéphane:* Machiventa, along the same lines, I have noted since this
announcement, which is about 40 days ago that the Dark Circuits were
closed, I have noticed tendencies in people changing. For instance, people
with a tendency for negative thinking seemed to be much more positive.
Young people seem to be much more motivated towards the spirit. Another
example is the alpha male that I am exposed to, who has a tendency to be
bullying, seems to be much more reflective on things, rather than defaults
to the bullying behavior. Am I right in thinking that the closing of the
Dark Circuits can be seen in those types of behaviors?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, exactly.

*Declaration of the Inalienable Rights of Man*

*Jeff:* I have one more question for Machiventa. My approval rating must
be sinking, because he doesn’t want to answer most of them, but I’ll ask
this one. There was a group that got started in the 80s, the Schiller
Institute, and they made in November of 1984 a “Declaration of the
Inalienable Rights of Man,” and it was based upon our Declaration of
Independence, and it was signed by 1500 people around the world, and my
question is: Is this something that would be profitably put into our
syllabus for Planetary Management?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, as long as you can fill in the blanks of the
correlation between the two with the values.

*Daniel:* Richard, do you have any questions or comments?

*The part Scots played in our American Constitution and Declaration of

*Richard:* No, thank you for inviting me, and I have no questions at this
time. I’m an observer of light as much as I am an inquirer. If anyone has
any questions, or you have any questions for me, I’m grateful and pleased
to answer. I’ve spent about 25 years looking into where the idea of human
rights came from, after I first read “Life on a Neighboring Planet.” One
piece of history I excavated when I lived in Scotland for a few years was a
great number of the architects of the American Constitution and Declaration
of Independence were Scots. A lot of those ideas came from something known
as the Treaty of Arbroath in 1320 and the history of the ideas is what I
have dedicated my journey to, and those ideas have sourced throughout
antiquity. The 7 values have been manifest and there is evidence
throughout antiquity well before the Europeans came to the North American
Continent and displaced the Red Race. These ideas were prevalent in little
pockets here and there throughout the globe. So I would just comment on
the idea of the Constitution being pre-eminent globally or step back a wee
bit in history and see where the 7 values have actually been evidenced.

*MACHIVENTA:* Thank you. That is wonderful because that demonstrates the
universality of the 7 values, that they live within us and they are ideals
that we want to actualize in our daily lives.

*Stéphane:* Richard, would you care to comment in which form you found the
seven values in these excavations?

*Human rights*

*Richard:* Thank you again. I use this in my teaching where I talk about
the source of the ideas around human rights. In the Christian text there
is a Psalm, and I can’t tell you the number—I’ve lost that—but the
beginning of that says, “By the rivers of Babylon, we hung up our harps and
wept.” And interestingly, a Bob Marley tune was called “Rivers of Babylon”
and some people about 20 years ago made it into a Rap song. What it
records in that song is a bill of human rights from 576 BC that the Son of
Cyrus promulgated, and the reason that the Jews hung up their harps and
wept was because the day Cyrus came out—it’s in Iraq somewhere or Iran,
it’s in Persia— wherever those geographies have been relocated into
different nation states, but this event occurred and the Bill of Rights is
a physical thing in our day. It’s called the Cylinder of Cyrus and it let
the Jewish people go back to their homeland after 7 hundred years of
slavery. Now, there is one place we can go—only one place that I was able
to excavate that we can go and find many of those values manifest in a
piece of clay tablet that is available now that is at least 2500 years old,
which is just the other day in terms of our Urantian friends. So thank you
again; I don’t want to spend a great deal of time, but I am grateful and
humbled to be able to throw some new ideas into this discussion and see
where they might go.

*Daniel:* Thank you! Wonderful! Stéphane, you were about to ask a

*Something to consider*

*Stéphane:* Thank you, Richard for sharing. What I was going to ask is,
Daniel you shared with us since the last meeting something that Machiventa
asked you to share with the group regarding, “What would you do if the
Stock Market crashed by 65 %, and the way I read this it is a call for
action—not necessarily a prophesy, but a call for action. And I would ask
Machiventa to expand on that and ask him, along the same lines, was this
comment meant to motivate us to see how we would go to work with respect to
the 7 core values in the event that a cataclysm was on our doorstep?

*MACHIVENTA:* I would be glad to address your statement and question.
First of all, my statement was that this is simply a notice to think about,
something to consider. It is to awaken you to be more attentive to the
signs, symbols and omens of what is to come. You realize that the Stock
Market in many ways is similar to what occurred in 2007 and 2008, that
there are many similarities, but there are differences as well. There are
also differences concerning the global economy and the military jousting
that is going on between nations and very powerful nations with very large
armies and military might. There are many destabilizing factors to open
your eyes to, and your consciousness to be aware of that are occurring
which would precede that economic collapse.

It is important that you ask your Celestial helpers to open your mind to
these possibilities. Remember, you have a resource that far exceeds
anything that Google ever thought about. It is the wisdom of the ages and
the sages, and the insight and thoughtfulness of your Spiritual Helpers who
can help you see the possibilities of what can occur—and no, they will not
give you sure-form answers on what will occur; they will only assist you to
open your eyes and turn your head in a direction to see what is going on.
You must ask them to do this. Remember that spirit is generally very
passive, except in situations that are highly critical to your own survival
and particularly survival to the social context and continuity of your
world and your civilization. Know that it is no prophesy at all, but one
of advisement, something that your grandfather might have told you if he
were a financier who had gone through the many tragedies of global

*Stéphane:* Thank you, that was useful.

*Weapons for defense*

*Doug:* A follow-up to that, in my mind there are some simple preparations
that I can do for survival in that sort of situation, but the one that I
have a query of trouble with is about owning a weapon for defense. It
seems like that is a failure of the values that I try to espouse, but yet
it seems like to defend myself in the situation that we are talking about,
it would be necessary to have a weapon for defense. Could Machiventa
comment on that?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, I will gladly comment on that and then return to do an
overall statement regarding that. First of all, you must appreciate that
you are animals, animals that have a very limited intelligence. And many
of you have less intelligence than others, and some of you have far more
animalistic tendencies and inclinations than others. You are in many ways
facing the difficulty of the transition between being an intelligent and
spiritually infused animal, and opposing those who are not. As such, you
will be confronted with many times in the future with individuals who want
what you have and are willing to kill you for it. So how would you defend
yourself regarding that? That is a personal choice; if you are a pacifist
and a martyr then you would be willing to die for the car keys to your car,
and many have with carjackers.

*What to do with your wealth*

Now, back to the generalized answer: The advice and insight that was given
to you by myself and my team is that you are considering what to do with
your wealth. Your wealth is relevant to you, and to what you have and not
what you do not have. If you have a large amount of financial support in
your life, then how do you retain that when a collapse occurs? Do you put
it in banks? Do you put it in Government Bonds? Do you put it in some
safe source that would give you access to it when others have lost their
own? It is important that the resources of your earnings, your work, your
life’s energy, your sweat and blood that you have put into your life be
retained for you, be held for you in safety, so that you have access to it
in times of great need. You have various sources for this wisdom. This
was recently shared with your team mate, Jeff, who had great wisdom as to
this situation. He provided answers to that question in many regards for
you to consider.

There are other places besides banks to hold your money. As you know that
during the recession following 2008, that many local banks folded and that
they were dissolved, and that those individuals then had to rely upon the
government that had insured the accounts up to $250,000 to fulfill that
obligation to the amount that they had deposited at the bank. Therefore,
banks are “yes and no” suitable for your money, and some are not. You have
the options and must have the need now to inquire what the safest places to
put your money are. Whereas if you have less than $250,000 in your bank,
then you will probably be fairly well assured that the government would
fulfill that for you. But remember, that the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation is funded by premiums paid by the bank, and when those premiums
are exhausted, then the government must step in to fulfill that obligation
or renege on its obligations to that Corporation. You have in your world
many financial managers who can answer that question more diligently than
what I have given you.

*Concerns about geology and sunspot activity*

*Jeff:* Thank you for your kindness. One of the things that I suggested
in my note to the others on this team in response to “What would you do?”
was the statement that it depends upon the cause and I mentioned loss of
confidence, which is really the only thing that is of value when you are
talking about abstract wealth like pieces of paper.

My other concern is about geology. We see increased earthquake activity,
and we know from history that when ash goes up into the air, it can make
the earth colder and on occasions we have history where there were entire
summers that were lost in the Northern Hemisphere, crops did not
regenerate, insects lost their life cycle, etc. We are seeing some of that
and you have told us in the past that that was cyclical but not highly

But there is a source that is cyclical and somewhat predictable and that is
the sunspot cycle. We seem to be in an unusual sunspot cycle here in cycle
24 where the sunspots have disappeared rather quickly and we are going into
a minimum rather rapidly into the cycle which is not overly common. Is
there any way that we could find out or predict with help, whether we are
going into another long-term minimum like we did with the Maunder Minimum
that was so destructive in Europe?

*MACHIVENTA:* We have answered this question before; it is worthy of being
given attention again. You are aware of global warming, Jeff? (*Jeff:*
Yes.) And you must realize that in part global warming will counteract
global cooling due to the lack of sunspot activity? (*Jeff:* Yes.) Then
you have your answer.

*Craig:* I guess we are lucky it’s a solar minimum, so that the global
warming isn’t as manifest as it would be otherwise.

*MACHIVENTA:* Exactly so. It is a way of ameliorating global warming.
This will affect the next generation more significantly than this
generation; both developments are mutually corrective, though there will be
exceptions in some areas of your planet which will suffer immensely from
cold or from excess heat. Those areas which are moderate will continue to
be “moderated” in the future, though the swings into heat and to coldness
will be present as well. Look at it this way: We look out for you!

*Craig:* Maybe I could ask one follow-up: I had concluded that some of
these climate engineering programs have disrupted the vertical circulation
in the earth’s atmosphere, which in turn has disrupted the jet streams and
caused cold weather to come out of the Arctic in the winter, making the
Arctic warmer and the temperate zone cooler. Would those surmises be in
any sense bearing on reality?

*MACHIVENTA:* We validate to a degree what you have said.

*Global warming and the decline in financial markets*

*Jeff:* I want to ask one last follow-up question: If there is a
balance—which I presume is temporary—between solar minimum and the global
warming trend, that would lead me to conclude that the issues that would
cause a semi-catastrophic decline in the financial markets would be led
more by political confidence in leadership and the confidence that the
society that we have in the developed world, can continue to deliver on the
promises that they have made to people in regard to safety of deposits,
safety of pension payments, etc., and that the crisis we may face is more
man-made than made by geophysics or earth effects that we cannot handle.
Is that a correct assumption or deduction from what was said today?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes. There are two thing in which you have said: One, is
that there is not enough wisdom or the courage of leadership to give people
confidence that the political leaders know what they are doing and know how
to do what needs to be done. The second part is that yes, those problems
are man-made and that is why the Correcting Time has begun. Almost all the
problems of your planet currently are all totally man-made. As regards to
the tectonics and meteorological problems of your planet, those are in the
process of becoming cataclysms. The weather situation with extreme
flooding and more violent tornadoes and hurricanes is evidence of the
increase of temperatures on your planet due to global warming.

This is also cyclical from events and developments which you are unaware
of, which we decline to specify. The interests for us is to coordinate all
the vectors of destruction on your planet, those cataclysms of weather and
your planet tectonics, and so on, so that those occur naturally and they
will be violent; they will be destructive; they will destroy many lives and
through leadership—courageous, ethical, moral leadership—with the
knowledges that you have of the 7 values, that you cannot just maintain the
social structures of your nations, but that you are also able to remove
those causes of social destruction due to human decisions by individuals
and groups of individuals and by leaders.

*What is the next step for corporations?*

*Stéphane:* Thank you. Machiventa, along those same lines, I was given
the opportunity by Spirit and your team to expose the 7 core values to my
Corporation’s leadership and I thank you for that 2 weeks ago at the time
of this call. I was able to portray the 7 core values to senior leaders
and it was really well received and I think it was a step in the right
direction. Now, in light of what you have just said, two questions: 1)
What would be the next step beyond this, and 2) Is the Corporation better
suited to assess the repercussions, or to predict the black swan scenario
than individuals or governments are?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, you are correct that corporations are better suited
because of their profit motive. What they need to answer is what does it
take to sustain their survival; the survival of corporations will
definitely be in question when the black swan economic collapse occurs.
Those who survive will then be able to continue on. One is financial
security—striving to maintain that—and the second is to make decisions for
the survival of the corporation that use the 7 values, and not only the
values but the morality and ethics that evolve or emanate out of those
values. In the long-term of a corporation’s survival they are dependent
upon the confidence and trustworthiness of those leaders in corporations to
make decisions that do not jeopardize the public and do not jeopardize
individuals, either individually or collectively, or as a society or as a

It comes down to for the future of material and social sustainability in
the future is being a good neighbor. What is a good neighbor? That is a
good question to ask. A good neighbor does not throw their trash over the
fence onto your property; they do not let their children run wild
throughout your house at will. They have discipline and they have purpose
in what they are doing, and in the end they will survive and sustain
themselves. The old exploitive model of business is defunct; it is
immoral; exploitation in the future can only be done with the concurrence
and the participation of those individuals who would suffer if the
exploitation were done against their will. That, too, is not sufficient in
itself; there must be an ethical regard for the welfare of all humanity
beyond the confines and borders of their nation and where they exist. The
realization comes about eventually that you are part of the whole as the
whole is a part of you and you are responsible for the care of the whole as
the whole is responsible for its care of you. Therefore, the model of
being a good neighbor, one who is ethical, moral, and has a social
conscience is essential to a corporation’s sustainability.

The “rub,” so to speak for corporations now is how to make that transition
to becoming a moral, ethical and environmentally conscious organization for
the benefit of themselves and for their future. It will come about
eventually that the shareholders of a corporation far exceed those who have
invested their money in the shares of that corporation, for the
shareholders are everyone who is dependent upon the goods that the
corporation shares, sells and for their conscientious operation among them
so that they do not “kill the goose that laid the golden eggs.” It is
important that this relationship be made aware to everyone in the
corporation and to their audience or their customers, that there is an
ongoing moral and ethical symbiosis between them. This far exceeds the
consciousness that is involved in commerce today in organizations. This is
the next step.

*Redefining shareholders*

*Stéphane:* So, Machiventa, are we viewing the day where corporations will
define their shareholders, not only as the people who hold their stock, but
also all the people and individuals that use their product?

*MACHIVENTA: * When that happens then you will see that the commons of the
planet are shared with everyone and everyone is a stockholder or
shareholder in that common ground.

*Jeff:* I have a question about that: Many corporations and organizations
that are not for profit and just groups refer to a larger community of
people with those concerns as “stake-holders.” Are the current
definitions of “stakeholders,” sufficient, or is this something that needs
re-defining as we go into a different period of our social history?

*MACHIVENTA:* It needs a refining. Stake-holders are the same as we had
just discussed with Stéphane; stake-holders need to be redefined to include
all future generations that are not represented in the processes that go on
here today, for surely, your children and grandchildren, great-great-great
grandchildren will be here to inherit what you give them. As Bonhoeffer

The ultimate test of a moral society

is the kind of world it leaves

to its children.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The emphasis of Bonhoeffer’s quote is that you, this generation, will be
judged by what you leave your next generations. If you leave a world of
distress, a world that is destroyed, a world that has no resources, no
natural flora or fauna that is enjoyable in a park for your
great-great-grandchildren, then you are to blame for it. It is essential
for the moral sustainability of your world physically and socially that you
bear conscience upon your decisions today. There are people that you
represent that should hear what Native Americans have said, “Your decisions
will repercuss for over 7 generations.” It is important that you
incorporate this type of stake-holder consciousness into your decisions
today. For corporations that wish to stay in business, this makes life a
little difficult. For you who are on the fence about this, you will soon
be knocked off the fence due to the cataclysms which will erupt in the
financial holocaust that will engulf your world.

*Stéphane:* Thank you, that is most helpful to know, absolutely.

*World is bound proactively by right and active morality and ethics*

*MACHIVENTA:* I wish today to bring our session to a close. In closing, I
wish you to bear this in mind, that your world materially and socially is
bound together by right and active morality and ethics, morality and ethics
that are proactive, not reactive. Morality and ethics that bear in mind
the consciousness of those who are not here, those who you will beget who
will enjoy or regret that you existed. They will know of your footsteps by
what you leave behind. Know that your world is being cared for by Christ
Michael and Nebadonia; they have an abiding faith and love for you that
exceeds what I can express today. They are concerned for your future; they
are concerned for the future of Nebadon, of Urantia and they are most
concerned for your future civilization of which you have now engaged. You
have the consciousness now to make decisions that contribute to your world,
or not; it is upon the consciousness of your good faith to those future
generations that your world survives. We thank you for your time and your
attention. Good day.

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