[tmtranscripts] NET #61, Apr. 8, 2019

Roxanne Andrews urantian606 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 15:31:54 PDT 2019

*2019-4-8, NET #61, Machiventa*

*New Era Transition #61 – Solutions Coming; Revelation; Psychic Circles;
Resistant Germs – Apr. 8, 2019*

*Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager*


Solutions for our world coming from different sources

Values that underlie democracy

Using parameters on submitting to doing God’s Will

Advancements are quick in minds of God believers

Revelation is experiential on Urantia

Will this revelation become public at some point?

Clarification of “light is on the horizon”

Is leaving an estate to one’s offspring a DNA trait?

Can the desire to collect wealth be controlled epigenetically by society?

Evolution of a new form of capitalism

What does it mean that “Man is created in God’s image?”

Have many people have mastered their Psychic Circles?

How would we recognize these masters?

Might Adjuster fusion be visible on media?

Are healings a part of higher circle holders?

Are drug resistant germs a serious danger to world health?

Healing properties of nano silver

Can revelatory means compensate us for lack of Adam & Eve’s knowledge?

Are some regions globally more susceptible to drug resistant germs?

How can we protect ourselves from these germs?

What is your opinion on vaccinations?

Use of fungicides on crops

Suggested size for cities and smaller communities

Question on presentation to community leaders

Question on Planetary Management

Is the data base like “Google Nebadon?”

What other types of beings are on your staff?

Closing statements by Machiventa

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Rick Brunson, Craig Carmichael, Liz
Cratty, Jeff Cutler, Stéphane Labonteé and Sherille Raphael.

Invocation: Liz

*April 8, 2019*

*Solutions for our world coming from different sources*

*MACHIVENTA:* Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, and I thank
you for your presence here today. If you are one of those people who
subscribes to a newspaper or article clipping service, or you do that by
yourself through reviewing the major headlines of different organizations
and publications and articles that come through various newspapers or other
news sources, you must obviously be coming to the recognition and
appreciation of the upliftment in consciousness on your world. There is
great concern among mortals about the unconscionable behavior of misogynist
individuals and those who perpetuate and use their wealth to create havoc
for those who are less wealthy or less able to support and sustain their
own livelihoods. You are beginning to appreciate and see that there are
solutions, that there are solutions coming from many different sources.

*Values that underlie democracy*

Finally, we see that there are open discussions about the values that
underlie democracy and how that plays out in the politics of your nation.
This One has read in an article today in the New York Times regarding the
values of United States Democracy and the word “democracy,” compared to the
word “republic” and “republican.” This is a good discussion; this is part
of our work to raise the consciousness of your world. As these are
contentious and much appreciated values in themselves, or topics in
themselves, this will get much attention across your nation and
internationally. This is evidence of the work of the Most Highs and of
Personal Guardians and Thought Adjusters offering options to those
individuals who can write articles as this. This is an important
ingredient in the discussion between what works and what does not work. It
is not about right and wrong; it is not about who is right and who is
wrong; it is not about political positions; it is about what works. The
discussion of values begins to open up the topic of what works and what
does not work. What must come next now is a discussion of these values—the
7 values of Homo sapiens and the subsequent ethics and morality that
emanate from those values—as being the most important to underlie
democracy, the family and all social institutions of democracies. Of all
the nations of this world, we do the most work to influence the rest of the
world, and that is one nation which includes Canada, United States and
Japan. Japan, as you know has not been a topic that we have been involved
in; they are deeply immersed in their own decision-making processes of
their democracy and in their economy. The God relationship is essential in
the nations I have mentioned to support the work of the Most Highs and the
7 Mind Adjutants.

*MACHIVENTA:* You will see this influence continue to grow. It is from
the realm of dialog discussion and argumentation that what works and what
does not work will come forward. It is essential in this scheme of Christ
Michael’s work of the Correcting Time that the concepts and philosophies
and ideologies that do not work are firmly trounced, that they are firmly
shown and illustrated not to work, that they do not contribute to the
sustainability of your world or of nations and of families and of
organizations. What works are those 7 values, and of course a personal and
intimate relationship with God, whether that is through a church that you
go to once a week, or whether you have daily conferencing with your Thought
Adjuster through the day, the week and the month and the rest of your
life. God is as near as you want to be to It, for It is already intimate
to your mind and is fully aware of what you are doing, what you are
thinking, and the decisions you make.

*Using parameters on submitting to doing God’s Will*

It is most essential to those people who do believe in God, who do believe
in a Thought Adjuster, who do believe in personal guidance from Spirit,
from God, for the Angelic Corps and others, to be willing to submit the
course of their life to doing God’s Will. For most of you, this may seem
to be very risky business, because it could lead you in a direction away
from your lifestyle, and so on. Yet, this need not be so; you can put
parameters—not conditions, but parameters—on your willingness to do God’s
Will in the pursuit of your life’s course. You may put a parameter on it
that you are willing to accept all that you can without having your life
disrupted immensely, or that it affect your family negatively. And as you
know, such parameters are most acceptable because it is in the highest
interest of all of us, and your Thought Adjuster that your children receive
the best upbringing they can and that you be there for them to do that.

*Advancements are quick in minds of God believers*

As we see your world, this nation and other nations, where the influence of
religion and discussion of God, liberty and democracy are on the forefront
of most people’s minds then we have an opportunity to make great
advancements quickly. You are—and we have told you, and we acknowledge
you—are the ones who maintain consciousness of this upliftment of your
civilization across the world. You are the ones who maintain this
consciousness and move that consciousness forward around the world. When
you blow a bubble out of a bubble pipe that children have, imagine that
bubble encompassing you and your house, and that the outside of this bubble
perimeter goes down through the world, across the nation so that the
outside of this bubble is formed complete and surrounding the earth. When
you see your consciousness as this, the energy, remarkably, is not
dissipated; it is as though you are speaking to an individual whom you love
very much, and whom you embrace in your mind’s eye and in your heart and in
your consciousness. You can do this same powerful effect upon the whole
earth; it is with you that we co-creatively embrace the earth and all
people in it with the spiritual enlightenment of Christ Michael and
Nebadonia. We are here for you; we are here for you in every possible way
and it is our intention to make your world more livable, more peaceful and
the relationships you have with others, and particularly with yourself are
loving, kind, generous and benevolent. Only in this way will the Days of
Light and Life and the spirituality of the whole civilization be uplifted.

*Stéphane:* Good morning and how are you today?

*MACHIVENTA:* I am very well, thank you. I have parted my hair and combed
it back and I look very nice today! (Much laughter.)

*Revelation is experiential on Urantia*

*Stéphane:* Very good. As you were giving us the introductory statement,
I kept being reminded about the pace of change that we are going through. *The
Urantia Book* is going through at length of stating the difference between
evolutionary religion and revelations of a religious perspective, and I
think we are living that today. We are the agent of change from those
revelations to implement the revelations into social sustainability. I
think this is very unusual in the universe, if you could comment on that.
I think we are one of the few planets where revelation is being instated at
such a high pace. Can you comment on this?

*MACHIVENTA:* Most willingly and gladly. You are exactly right that
Urantia is an experimental planet, and the fact that revelation being
experiential at this time on your planet is an immense undertaking. It is
essential that this living revelation also come to bear upon the discussion
between active living revelation and the formed state and crystallized
religions of the world that are based on the relationship with God the
Creator. The speed of this revelation is as you acknowledged very, very
rapid—it is not just quick, it is *very* rapid—and it is essentially so
because of the conjoined efforts of Christ Michael and Nebadonia to uplift
this planet rapidly. Christ Michael is deeply involved in the social,
political, economic balancing of those equations that support functional
societies through the Correcting Time; and, Nebadonia is intensely involved
in the upliftment of consciousness across the world and in groups of
individuals, as are the Most Highs. These two efforts are, as I said,
“conjoined,” they are personal efforts on the part of Christ Michael and
Nebadonia, and they are joined and linked without separation. It is
essential that this consciousness pervade all minds on your planet and
particularly those of influence for making decisions in organizations. As
I have said in past sessions, Urantia is a hotbed, a laboratory of infusing
more elevated spiritual influences to upstage it quickly on social,
political, economic and all social institutional levels so that your world
is able to recover after the forthcoming cataclysms, one of which has
already begun in the weather. It is essential to them and to myself that
there be large remnants of population who understand this undertaking.

This subtle revelation to you should signify that there is a direct effort
to work with many people to understand this current revelation of the
Teaching Mission, Magisterial Mission and all that encompasses under the
umbrella of the Correcting Time. It will not be odd that this becomes
known publicly. It is a fact to us that it is essential that the spiritual
influence on this world becomes known to many people, not as some esoteric,
fluffy-aired thinking, but something that is directly connected to the life
and living of individuals, families and nations and the civilization of
your world. It is important that this revelation be conducted in a way
that is meaningful, honest, forthright and authentic. The charlatans will
soon come out and want to emulate what we are doing; their trickery will
become known very soon. It is essential that the very core of that
revelation process, reveal that the management of this world, is a
conscious effort on the part on the management of the universe,
particularly the Local Universe. It is sufficient to have the civilization
of earth know that there is a Planetary Manager and there is an intention
for this world, and that the happenstance of difficulties and tragedies
that exist are also evolutionary in the development of this world and were
not caused directly by spirit, but are the consequence of the creation of
this world and all that evolved in its forthcoming development. In other
words, “God is not at fault!” God created the world and then came to watch
and see how it evolved.

Did I answer all facets of your question? And if I have not, please remind

*Stéphane:* Yes, it’s a good start, thank you very much. If you put this
in perspective and the corporation analyzes the markets or whatever, or
makes plans and then executes their plans—I think I want to put it in
context here—knowing that the Lucifer rebellion was going to be
adjudicated, there were plans put in place and these plans started
happening in the mid ‘80’s and now we are living through this. But clearly
the decisions from upwards, is that revelation is the way of the future and
as many people are willing to accept this and take part in this, then no
one is excluded. Correct?

*MACHIVENTA:* That is correct. As concerns the corporation, it would be
very foresightful for a corporation to have worst case scenarios already
made up for the survival of their corporation as a viable participant in
the global market. That would mean that there would be a tremendous loss
of personnel, hard infrastructure of the corporation, etc., etc., whether
that is making cars or producing petroleum products, fabrics or whatever it
may involve. That would also include agriculture and many of the basic
skills that sustain a viable community and population. Do you understand
what I am saying and its intention?

*Will this revelation become public at some point?*

*Stéphane:* Yes, I do. What I’m wondering though is you mentioned earlier
that this will become public at some point, and it’s okay, it’s part of the
plan, and it’s all about gaining momentum to a certain point and that once
enough people believe in the process, then it will exponentially grow. Is
that correct?

*MACHIVENTA:* That’s correct. In the meantime, you would probably not
want to discuss in public your association with this esoteric source of
information or of revelation as there is great skepticism in many markets.

*Stéphane:* Thank you.

*Clarification of “light is on the horizon”*

*Jeff:* Machiventa, I have two questions. One is about a conversation you
had with Michel Levasseur on Jan. 30th of this year, and Michel sent this
to me a while back. In your conversation you said, “My friends, the light
is on the horizon and truth, beauty and kindness will invade this beautiful
planet in a flash of light that will affect the hearts of all living
beings.” Is this a figurative or a literal statement?

*MACHIVENTA:* It is figurative.

*Jeff:* Figurative; okay. Is there anything about that that you wish to
elaborate for us?

*MACHIVENTA:* It is a good plan, do you not think? (Laughter from group.)

*Is leaving an estate to one’s offspring a DNA trait?*

*Jeff:* Yeah. Okay, I have a question on epigenetics. There is a human
desire to leave a legacy of wealth, property or real estate to one’s
offspring or family. Is this a DNA trait?

*MACHIVENTA:* At the outside, the answer is yes. It is a means by which
parents want to leave their children in better stead, or better situation,
than when they were born and they came into their adulthood. How it is
developed and how it is shared with the offspring is another matter. It
does not require that more than an acre be shared with the children; it
does not require that 5,000 acres be given to the children; neither does it
require that $200 billion be left to the children, but simply that the
children have the means by which they can improve the quality of their life
and unlock the potential that is inherent in who they are and what they
brought into their life. The extent of keeping such vast wealth from being
shared to the world for altruistic purposes is selfish, unethical, and
immoral. It is in many ways a personal decision that is not based on
personal ownership, but on the personal ego of who they are and what they
have done to leave a legacy from their own egos, as example. You must
surely have a following question to that?

*Can the desire to collect wealth be controlled epigenetically by society?*

*Jeff:* Yes, Sir, I do. Can this trait, or the trait of certain people
who seem to want to collect wealth for the sake of collecting wealth, can
this trait be controlled epigenetically by society at the macro level? By
what means do you think we will be able to change people’s hearts about the
pursuit of wealth for the joy of personal wealth?

*MACHIVENTA:* This is a matter of exercising the 3 secondary values of
empathy, compassion and love for humanity. It is an extension when one can
see themselves as the guardian of great wealth and in compassion share this
with the world in a way that is constructive and it truly aids the
individuals who receive this in one form or another to develop their lives
to produce, to sustain their own life and living in a more comfortable way,
and their standard of living and their quality of life. There are many
mechanisms that can be done to fulfill that, and these have been shared
with you most recently.

*Evolution of a new form of capitalism*

*Jeff:* I have a last question, if I may. You alluded to the evolution of
a new form, or a modified form of capitalism in a recent past session. My
question as a follow-up to that is that the “friendly society model of
Great Britain and the friendly societies that were built in the United
States in the 18th Century,” are they worth revisiting as a partial
solution to the aftermath of calamities?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, they are as we have always suggested in all our
recommendations is that do not throw out the model in total, but rather
select the parts of a working model that are most beneficial and then
modify them for use in the current era. The discussion of doing away with
a model and totally replacing it is not worthy of much consideration. This
does not lead to social progress and social evolution in the many social
institutions that are affected by these models. Do you understand?

*Jeff:* I think so. I would like to spend some time contemplating this
and come back to you with a more poignant question, if I may.

*MACHIVENTA:* You are most welcome to.

*What does it mean that “Man is created in God’s image?”*

*Stéphane:* I have another question. Machiventa, the greatest revelation
to me in the UB and what has been coming through this group is the fact
that “Man is created in God’s image,” but what does that really mean? It
means that man can make decisions and if these decisions are aligned with
universe or realities and God centeredness then these decisions can be
created and can eventually end up into commands to have help from the
universe to execute these decisions. Am I correct in aligning “Man being
created in God’s image” to these concepts?

*MACHIVENTA:* Most definitely, but do not forget that God carries with It
the values that support and sustain the universe, and God has also embedded
these same values in the hearts and minds and the DNA of your species.
When one wills to do God’s Will and express that in their life in whatever
medium that they are living in, then that means to fulfill those 7 values
in their lives and for their lives and others. God not only gave you a
life with an eternal potential, but gave you the means to make independent
decisions with the values that underlie those decisions. The choice then
is to recognize those values, your decision-making and the potential for
the ascendant career. One of the aspects of the Teaching Mission is to
share this wisdom and knowledge with all other people.

*Have many people have mastered their Psychic Circles?*

*Stéphane:* Okay then, so in doing this, then one advances through the
Psychic Circles and through soul growth, etc. And if I was to look at a
cross-section of the population today, I would not notice many people who
have mastered this? Would you agree?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, I would definitely agree. The percentage of population
that is in conformance with this is far less than 10%.

*How would we recognize these masters?*

*Stéphane:* So, if we had somebody that had truly mastered this, such as
Jesus when he was living here 2,000 years ago, how would we recognize this,
such an advanced person living on this earth today?

*MACHIVENTA:* I chuckle because it is the same process that Jesus used to
become acquainted with the friends and people around him. He spent time
getting to know them. He talked with them and they talked with him. He
was a master at this because he could understand the mind and working of
the individual before him, and he always engaged individuals who had an
openness to them and be willing to discuss their lives and the manner that
would benefit them, whether that is practically on how to farm, or build a
boat, or how to have a good relationship in the family. He is the prime
example for this process. Once you begin to practice this consciously and
intentionally you will become more acquainted with how Jesus did this.
When you come into a room and you see an individual that you would like to
have a discussion with, there is already within you the recognition of this
person as being open. It is only rare that you would approach that
individual and they would shun you or disregard you or show indifference to
what you are saying.

You have this innate antenna that homes in on individuals who are open and
ready to do this. And it is that individual that you would go to to
discuss. Knowing that you have this “antenna,” the first thing when
walking into a room is to have awareness. You come into a room, or to a
meeting that you have with someone, and you have the awareness that you are
conscious of their presence and that you and the alter ego of your
will-self/observer-self are present there too. It becomes an almost out of
body experience as the observer-self observes you interacting with that
individual and you in contact with your observer-self in its wisdom will
engage that person with a purpose, meaning and intention that unlocks the
secrets that you seek.

*Stéphane:* This is a very personal situation, face-to-face. I’m thinking
with the advent of media and the way that we interact over devices these
days, that process is much less effective through a device than on a
one-to-one basis.

*MACHIVENTA:* Before the arrival of cell phones and personal video screens
in front of the individual, there was old fashioned television, and people
would be glued to their television watching what was going on, and this is
how many television evangelists have gathered their followers; they were
convincing, they were persuasive, and so on. The God conscious individual
can also do this in front of the camera to project their presence through
that visual means to each individual of that audience. It is something
that we have practiced with others and that other mortals have done this on
their own with great results. The difficulty in such a situation of mass
media is that it is often highly detrimental to the speakers, personality
and ego structure. It rather overwhelms them. What is required is a
tremendous sense of humility as one of the audience as they sit or stand
before the camera and speak to the audience. This is most—I would not say
“rare,” but it is not a frequent factor in many people who are in front of
television cameras, and so on.

*Might Adjuster fusion be visible on media?*

*Stéphane:* So, would you say there are people living on Urantia today
that have achieved the higher circles and are close to Adjuster fusion, or
is there a possibility within their lifetime that could express and
influence in some aspects that might become visible on media?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, there are a number of people who are approaching fusion
and who have ascended through the circles and who have a oneness with their
God presence within them that is immediate and personal, intimate, and that
it is simply a matter of joint decision of the Planetary Thought Adjuster
and the personal Thought Adjuster to have this fusion come into existence
as an experiential happening. These people are oftentimes reticent to be
public; they are oftentimes very what you might call holy and reserved, and
who are not seeking fame or fortune or ego embellishment. These
individuals are very quiet about who they are and what they are doing.
They are the quiet mystics in the closets of their religions who know God
as one and they are one with that God, and that almost all of them are not
even conscious of the possibility of fusion with the God presence within
them. I wish to hear an agreement from Stéphane that I answered his

*Stéphane:* Yes you have, but my follow-up would be: If one person were
to fuse and it would become a public event, would that be considered as
favorable for the movement we are in?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, it would be very highly favorable, and of course it
must be recorded by several different types of cameras and the sensitive
mediums that they would record on, whether it is from gamma-ray radiation,
light radiation, infra-red, ultra-violet and so on, as to help those
scientists understand what occurred in the recordings. And yes, it would
be very helpful for this to occur.

*Are healings a part of higher circle holders?*

*Stéphane:* So I’m thinking of this as an event such as Jesus was trying
to do in his lifetime, such as his public baptism with the apparition above
his head at the time and with the public miracles or healings that he was
doing throughout his lifetime. About the healings, as one ascends the
circles, does the healings become part of an expression for the higher
circle holders?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, it does, but it is a latent capability that would need
to be awakened by the individual and in discussion with their Thought
Adjuster and Celestial Helpers to develop this skill into an active
practice. That is the most arduous path to accomplish that; it can be
accomplished by the simple will-decision of the individual to extend their
hand to another and say, “You are healed.” This is in the keeping of
Christ Michael as Jesus, and it is a capability that evolved individuals
can express.

*Stéphane:* So, following up, it’s not necessary to be a high circle
achiever to start having healing capabilities?

*MACHIVENTA:* That is correct.

*Are drug resistant germs a serious danger to world health?*

*Roxie:* I have some questions submitted from *Rick.* “How serious to
world health is the rise of drug resistant germs?”

*MACHIVENTA:* It is very high. This is the realm in which the medical
services of your world Health Organization and all the volunteer and
helpful supportive medical teams will be confronted with the possibility
that they do not have the medical weaponry to thwart or stop the onslaught
of these pathogens.

*Healing properties of nano silver*

*Craig:* We’ve heard from a few Celestials about the healing or
antibacterial properties of nano silver and I was wondering, compared to
antibiotics, it seems to me it must be a fairly subdued effect for healing
and elimination of harmful bacteria. Would you care to comment on that?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes. When you begin dealing with nano structures, those
structures have the capability of becoming embedded in cells, and if they
are nano-small enough they can actually embed in the nuclei of the cell and
have an effect upon the health of the individual. There must be great care
taken in the size of the nano structures that they do not enter into the
chromosomal genetic structures themselves and become disruptive to the
organization and sequencing of the development of the organism. Silver has
a latent potential for great harm, as well a great good. You might take
the opposite structure of copper, which is highly abrasive to the human
structure, but it is necessary yet for human metabolism and the development
of the individual. A little bit is good, but too much is dangerous. Do
you understand?

*Craig:* Yes, thank you, and so the silver nano structures, there are
apparently some that would be more healthful and others that might be

*MACHIVENTA:* That is correct.

*Craig:* So it is up to us to find out, probably by experience which
things help more and which don’t.

*MACHIVENTA:* I am advised that this can be done in an experimental
situation in the laboratory at the cellular level, without having to
subject a living organism as a mouse or bird or human to that examination
and that trial by error and trial by success process.

*Craig:* Ah! So we need to study this on a more formal level in
scientific laboratories than is being done at the moment.

*Can revelatory means compensate us for lack of Adam & Eve’s knowledge?*

*Stephane:* Machiventa, we know that Adam and Eve when they came here had
lots of knowledge about healing from the major nature or otherwise, and of
course all that knowledge is perhaps all gone now, but can all of that be
compensated through revelatory means that are now available to us?

*MACHIVENTA:* The answer is a yes and a no. It is more readily accessible
by those individuals who have been infused with the blue race, that they
are remnants of those genetic structures that have this capability that is
latent within them. The “no” is that it is not available to all people
because it is not part of their gene structure.

*Are some regions globally more susceptible to drug resistant germs?*

*Roxie:* I’ll ask *Rick’s* second question: “Are there certain areas or
regions globally that are especially susceptible to drug resistant germs
related to diseases?”

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, most definitely there are. Those are the areas where
there has been promiscuous use of antibiotics and that there are now areas
in tropical areas which have many indigenous diseases and viruses,
pathogens that can be very highly detrimental to human life. The overuse
of antibiotics is a prime example of that and most recently you can find
areas where the use of antibiotics have been dispensed as non-prescription
drugs, meaning that if you have the money, you can buy the drugs and
dispense it yourself. When this happens in areas and geographic regions
where this is possible it becomes a highly effective developmental area for
the production of pathogens that are resistant to all antibiotics. And
yes, there are pathogens that do exist which will not succumb to existing

*How can we protect ourselves from these germs?*

*Roxie:* *Rick’s* third question is: “Are there specific measures we can
take individually to protect ourselves and loved ones?”

*MACHIVENTA:* The question is ambiguous as it seems to be assumed that the
topic remains on antibiotics and resistant pathogens, and I will answer it
in that way. Yes, there is; there are definite measures for doing so.
One, to raise children who are used to being acquainted with local
indigenous pathogens through the soil, and that they are not exposed to
pathogens in hospitals and in regions where there are many people
gathered. The human body can gain tremendous resistance to all types of
pathogens through mother’s milk in nursing and from playing on the floor,
and so on. It has been proven even by your own scientists that over-care
and over-cleanliness of children has led to the development of allergies to
substances which have not raised allergenic problems in the past.

The ideal situation is to raise children naturally and authentically where
they live to accept and to be resistant to the local pathogens. This in
itself helps to boost the immune system within the person. When they
become adults, they will be traveling, they will be in many areas, and they
will be among large groups and so on, seeing many people in passing. The
necessity of remaining apart from those who are carrying those pathogens is
important. You have already had discussions and directions and
instructions how to care for yourself when you are traveling via public
mass transportation for protecting yourself from the transmission of
diseases, etc. It is not that we are trying to develop a bunch of “clean
freaks” or those who are bio-phobic in any way, but the natural good sense
of washing your hands when you have been in public will serve you in good
stead. Is this too fundamental to your question?

*What is your opinion on vaccinations?*

*Roxie:* That was Rick’s question, but I do have some follow-ups. I know
that there are quite a few people who are very resistant to or negative
towards vaccinations. What is your opinion on that?

*MACHIVENTA:* It is a morally obligatory action to take. It is moral
because it is far better to vaccinate and lose one person who is intolerant
to vaccinations than to not vaccinate and have hundreds or tens of
thousands of people who will die because of transmission from a person who
did not vaccinate. It is a moral issue to us. It is a fundamental aspect
of Planetary Management and the social evolution of your societies and the
maintenance and sustainability of your societies.

*Use of fungicides on crops*

*Roxie:* You addressed the overuse of antibiotics. What about the use or
overuse of fungicides on crops? Do you see that as a problem?

*MACHIVENTA:* It is one of those borderline situations where overuse,
similar as overuse of antibiotics can lead to greater and greater
problems. Minimal use is advantageous to the industry and to the
preservation of grains and stocks and so on. I provide this minimal answer
rather than not answering at all.

*Suggested size for cities and smaller communities*

*Roxie:* Some of your answers today seem to point toward the reason why it
has been suggested that we not have cities over 50,000 I think. Is that
related to your answers?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, it is advantageous to have cities of less than half a
million, which would be a collection of clusters of smaller communities of
50,000, and within those would be clusters of 500. Such a design offers
the possibility that communities that are developed that are highly useful
to families and to common values of personal life, family life and to
societal life.

*Roxie:* Thank you.

*Question on presentation to community leaders*

*Liz:* I’m speaking to a small group of community leaders next week about
the 7 core values and the design team process. And then Jeff sent me a
lovely and inspired vision of the 7 core value community, he has a kind of
expansive vision— and this made me wonder. My understanding of the design
team process is that it starts with the tiniest most basic small decisions
that interlock, this process interlocks with this process, and interlocks
with the next process, which eventually becomes a system upon which other
things build. So, would an over-arching vision be prejudicial to the
design team process as it starts out with these very basic building blocks?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, it would be prejudicial. Our emphasis is on the
individual who sits in front of you, and they are concerned or are thinking
about “How can I make this relevant to me?” If your audience is
overwhelmed by the over-arching concept and design and such and such, then
you will lose them. They want to know how they can resolve a difference or
find agreement with a neighbor over a simple problem. It is incredible
that people can argue about building fences between houses, and whether to
resolve that difference because the open space behind the houses is highly
useful to everyone. That simple question could be resolved and that
problem could be resolved through the design team process involving several
people on a team, and perhaps if there was greater concern, there could
develop several teams, and then conferring with all the teams present about
their findings. Does this make sense?

*Liz:* Yes it does; I understand completely what you are saying. “We”
have an understanding that the eventual goal is Light and Life, and that is
an over-arching idea that we can work toward with our little tiny building
blocks that is headed in that direction. But I’m thinking when we are
starting out with introducing the design team process. I think you and I
are in agreement about the vision for the future with regards to community.

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, you are correct. It is important that you advise or
promote common values that are common to everyone as a means of finding
common understanding about the values for making decisions. If there is a
difference of values, then there will be a difference in interpretation of
the values that people will have. Remember, in the schematic that there
are the 7 ultimate values, and then there are a number of interpreted
values. Oftentimes people will rely upon their interpreted values as “the”
values that they rely upon to make their decisions, and when you would ask
them about those interpreted values, what underlies the decision to act out
those decisions, based on the interpreted values. It is not complex;
semantically it may be confusing, but it is a simple process of getting
down to the values that guide all human beings to survive.

*Liz:* Thank you for that answer; yes, I am sure there will always be
people who disagree with these values, and have to through trial and error
have to learn that in fact, these are the appropriate values that need to
be used when working in a design team. But I am sure there will be trial
and error.

*MACHIVENTA:* I am advised to ask you whether you have a handout that they
can take with them to go home and use.

*Liz:* I do. (*Machiventa:* Wonderful.) So, then I have a couple of
personal questions if you would entertain those?

*MACHIVENTA:* I would be glad to.

*Question on Planetary Management*

*Liz:* As Planetary Manager, you surely have people who report directly to
you and others who report directly to them? Could you tell us a little bit
about the hierarchy of your staff and what their areas of responsibility
are? I ask because I think this could be a model of hierarchies of
responsibility here on the planet.

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, we do have hierarchies of duties and responsibilities.
The missing factor between my staffing process and their responsibilities
and duties and that of humans is that we have common access to the data
base that is common to all of us, meaning that we are aware of what the
other person has been working on and what is relevant to their tasks and
responsibilities and how they have been accomplished. And yes, we have
individuals who have very firm opinions and options that they think must be
exercised to fulfill their duties. It is part of my responsibilities to
assist them in resolving these differences of opinions or options for
problem resolution working with mortals. This is an area of facilitation,
much as a team leader facilitates the growth of team members. It is a
means by which I assist both individuals, or more than one, to come to an
understanding of the higher meaning and interpretation of these options,
and then offering them the positive, constructive side and the detrimental
side, or questionable side, or the down-slope of those options. This is a
very intimate part of my work as a Planetary Manager, so that everyone has
a common knowledge of that data base and the options that have been

It is very similar to a design team process in which you come to findings
that are workable and constructive and findings that are detrimental and
not working. You are looking for results that are positive and meet the
criteria of those values and the ethics and morality. We are looking for
the commonality of solutions that contribute to our work to uplift your
world socially, so that the vast majority of people can grow spiritually in
the positive ways. It is a means by which we can use the capacities for
option development that are available to us on a much grander scale than
your scientists use with your supercomputers. It may be analogous to using
algorithms and variables in a supercomputer considering maybe a basic 100
variables. We, however have the option through our own—this would be a
faculty of the Most Highs that we have access to—is to run option
developments through their—not a computer, but a “living being”—that has
capacity to run several algorithms simultaneously involving 10,000
variables, and so if need be we can run through these differences of
options through this process. It is rare that this occurs, but it is a
faculty of this living entity that we have access to and which is highly
effective. It, too, is a means for “proofing” the options that are
available and individuals have come to. The forward thinking of Christ
Michael and who has access to reflectivity on all these matters, but his
proposal in the Correcting Time is that we learn by doing, so that all the
celestial realm learns as well as the mortals learn so that we can be most
effective in the social and spiritual evolution of individuals and whole
societies. Your question is very insightful; it is intuitive and we
appreciate it. There is much more to be said about this, but this will
keep you scratching your heads for a while. (Laughter.)

*Is the data base like “Google Nebadon?”*

*Liz:* Yes, indeed! So, this data base you speak of that you all have
access to, what is the nature of this? Is this like “Google Nebadon?”
(Laughter from all.)

*MACHIVENTA:* That too, is a very intuitive question, which we respect
very highly. The answer is that in the living and past living memory banks
of individuals who are on Urantia now and those who have passed have
relevant information to the subject matter that is of the subject of
inquiry. The nature of this being is such that it has access to the
archives of all human past living individuals, and particularly to the
living memories of and current thinking of individuals on any planet. On a
normal planet, this would not even be a question that need be asked, but
for a planet such as Urantia, which is a decimal planet and in the
conditions it now lives in, and living with the past legacy, horrific
legacy of the rebellion, that the need for this being’s computational
skills comes into effect fairly frequently. It is not that we are opting
out of making decisions ourselves, but it is a matter of opting to the best
possible solutions for current problems that are very transient on your
world as cultural and social change is very rapid. And thank you for your

*Liz:* Thank you for that. So, when we ask you a question and you say,
“One moment,” you are accessing this data base to inform your answer?

*MACHIVENTA:* No, I do not access that grand facility. I am accessing my
own team to begin with. They are present here in my advisements to this
team and other teams around the world, as I have access to the immediate
information that they have available. This too is the positive side of
selective thinking, that when I access the “Grand Google,” as you say of
Nebadon, that it immediately has access to all relevant information, and
with my advisory staff, they provide this information through me

*Liz:* It’s very interesting and I think beneficial for us to have a
window behind the curtain, so to speak, so thank you very much for your
willingness to entertain these questions.

*What other types of beings are on your staff?*

*Stéphane:* Machiventa, besides the Midwayers, the Angelic Corps and the
Melchizedeks, what other types of beings on your staff are helping you in
Planetary Management?

*MACHIVENTA:* Also a very good question. There are those who are present
with us who are volunteers. They have voluntarily come here to observe and
advise. They are those who are without Name or Number; there are those
individuals who travel the universe and who have a nascent or immediate
awareness of situations in the Grand Universe that they are attracted to,
and so they go there and they are of assistance. We are aware of their
presence and knowing that, we ask them for any advisements that they have
concerning the contemporary situation we are dealing with, whereupon they
will either give us their advisements or not. They are individuals who
volunteer to come here, who have been attracted here, come here because
they know they can be of assistance. And as you know, service is the
highest reward for one who has already learned the lessons of life.

*Closing statements by Machiventa*

Hearing no further questions, let us go to our closing then. We thank you
for your presence here today; we thank you for drawing closer and closer to
who we are, and what we are about. You are in many ways taking on the mind
of Christ; you are taking on the mind of Christ Michael himself; with his
presence you have the presence of Nebadonia as well. When you open
yourself even to this what you might call frivolous speculation and light
hearted questions, you are in a way opening yourself to the Mind of Christ
Michael. He, as Jesus, was also very playful and as a teacher would ask
questions as you are asking of others, and he in turn by doing so, was also
open to receiving those questions to answer. So, you are in turn beginning
the ascent of asking meaningful questions which is the way of learning
great wisdom. You too, have great wisdom and as you do so, you have the
capacity and are gaining the ability to enter deeper into the Psychic
Circles and your inner potential for fusion. This is not an enticement;
this is not a means of drawing you closer; it is a means to tell you of
your own self-awareness to think about your thinking, about what you are
doing and how you are doing it, how you are living your life and of course
this leads you into being a person who is engaging more meaningful service
to yourself, your future eternal life, and that of others in your world.
For this we give great thanks and we salute you. Good day.

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