[tmtranscripts] NET #60, Mar. 25, 2019

Roxanne Andrews urantian606 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 31 13:19:32 PDT 2019

*2019-3-25, Net #60, Machiventa*

*New Era Transition #60 – Eternal Rewards; Total Commitment; Celestials and
Machiventa – Mar. 25, 2019*

*Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Prince, Planetary Manager and


Multiple functions of a Planetary Manager’s team

The rewards of co-creativity are eternal

This process is a high risk enterprise

Many people will sit on the fence waiting for rapid results

Planning is a long process

The celestials are totally committed

Creating a world that will be enjoyable to live on

The contract between Divinity and humanity

A question about epigenetics

Are pessimism and optimism in our DNA or our epigenetic background?

Questions on sociopathy and psychopathic behavior

Will local economies lead the way during and after the cataclysms?

What are the best ways to achieve a well balanced personality?

A question on how our uniqueness is seen by our Creators

Transfer of knowledge to younger generations

Are mistakes made in the celestial realm?

How many celestials sit in on these meetings?

Machiventa’s destiny

Did Machiventa choose his own name?

How long ago did Machiventa come into existence?

The acquisition of knowledge and wisdom

Serving on Machiventa’s staff

Creating deeper bonds between us and you

This bond is eternal

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Team members present: Roxanne Andrews, Rick Brunson, Liz Cratty, Jeff
Cutler, Stéphane Labonteé and Sherille Raphael.

Invocation: Jeff

*March 25, 2019*

*Multiple functions of a Planetary Manager’s team*

*MACHIVENTA:* Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, your Planetary
Prince, your Planetary Manager and Administrator. You are all probably
well acquainted with those multi-function knives that first came out from a
firm in Switzerland, and have seen the updated versions as they have come
out in the United States made of stainless steel and have various tools in
them. Well, that pretty much describes the Planetary Manager’s staff and
team. We have many multiple functions, multiple capabilities and we have
combined those into a team working on Urantia, which is an extreme model
for those planets which may or may not fall into default and be in
quarantine for a similar length of time. It is not unknown to Creator Sons
that this is an eventuality or a high possibility, particularly on
experimental planets, and particularly where it occurs when there are
wayward rebellious individuals who have the influence they do and have in
their realm of management and administration.

*The rewards of co-creativity are eternal*

It is most unfortunate, but that is an aspect of experiential learning,
both for spirit, for the Creator and for us. You are helping us develop
this multi-function tool of management in a way that has not been seen
before. It is because of the incredible imagination of our Creator Son,
Christ Michael that we are able to participate co-creatively in this
enterprise. The rewards are eternal and you are a part of that. Even
those of you who are reading these words and take no action, you are a part
of that and you will always carry this with you through the duration of
your ascendant career. It is not necessary to be experiential in
expressing your faith and your co-creative participation in it. However as
always, first person accounts are always the most valuable experientially
and convey those lessons to your peers throughout the duration of your
ascendant career and as you enter into the Corps of Finality.

*This process is a high risk enterprise*

You, as mortals who are listening to this and reading these words and have
followed these transcripts for many years, know that our enterprise and
what we are proposing is high risk. It has a tremendous potential for
failure and would certainly fail if it were dominated and led solely by
mortals, and it would surely fail if it were not a co-creative enterprise,
considering the risk involved. It is because of the co-participation of
celestials with you that you will be successful, and in you being
successful we will become successful. When we are successful, then you are
successful as well; it is a win, win, win, win, win, win situation for all
concerned, for everyone who is a participant of this will be affected and
effected by the results from this experience. So, we are deeply grateful
to you for “hanging in there” with us now and through the years and the
times ahead.

As the Correcting Time program becomes more and more experiential, you will
see the high risk quotient of what we are engaged in. It will be as though
we are standing on a beach with just the normal waves coming in and we are
striving to push them back. You know and we know it is impossible for you
to do that alone. Yet, if you take the old scene of Moses parting the Red
Sea, and you take that literally, then it is literally true that we can do
this together and push back the tides around the world when they rise.
That is not the point of this discussion, or that example; the point is
that all things are possible when you believe. What you hold in mind
expresses in your lives outwardly, in your lives and in the lives of
others, and in this case from this small group of individuals, we
anticipate, we look forward to, affecting the lives of all people on
Urantia. We have that potential with you to do so, for when we begin to
experience the Correcting Time in experiential forms, you will see that
this is possible as more and more people come on board and participate with
us in this endeavor.

*Many people will sit on the fence waiting for rapid results*

There will be many, many, the vast majority of people, who will sit on the
fence waiting to see what will occur, and of course those people who are
expecting rapid results will be the first to fall on the side of cynicism,
bitterness and negative inclinations. Those of you who accept this will
fall on the side of us and will become co-creatively active in your world
as you participate in our experiential efforts. I use the word
experiential intentionally, as this must become experiential in your world
in one form or another, and as you know there will be no miracles.
Therefore this is not a *fait accompli* Correcting Time process; it is
something that is in process that is affected by your attitudes, your
thinking, your emotions, your beliefs, your values; this is something that
will take time to enact, but the results will be sustainable and sustaining
into the centuries ahead. This has never occurred on your world before; it
has never been seen before. It has been attempted, of course, as you know
through the utopian projects of the 1700’s and 1800’s, and so on by many
individuals who had the means to initiate communities with the funds that
they had on hand. What was missing were the beliefs, attitudes, emotions,
thoughts, values and particularly the engrained beliefs and high values
that are necessary for changing, for transforming a traditional community
into a socially self-sustaining community. Though we say socially self-
sustaining, that includes being politically self-sustaining, economically
self-sustaining, culturally and so on, that all belief systems contribute
to that sustaining process.

Many of you have been impatient, and many of the impatient have left this
project. It is a long-term project one that has begun with the Correcting
Time approximately 25-35 years ago and will continue into the millennia
ahead. We are totally committed to this project. The reasons for its
taking so long are that each segment of the Correcting Time had to be
developed unto itself before we could begin another segment. And so, what
you are experiencing are training segments, training modules that begin
with the Teaching Mission where we were in the attempting process to
recruit you to the Correcting Time, recruit you to the possibility of
having open conscious discussions with celestials, to accept the fact of
clair-audient channeling as possible and as the way we connect with you and
you with us. The modules of training have moved forward; one included that
of Monjoronson who is a permanent member of the Correcting Time on this
planet and in this region. You began to learn about the social programs
that Monjoronson would be working on, and so we are now deeply involved in

*Planning is a long process*

You who are managers and you who are City Planners and managers and
planners at different levels of organizations—particularly for planners—you
realize that planning is a long process; it is in fact very tedious, it is
very monotonous, it deals with the minutia of the outcomes that are
desired. In this case, the desired outcomes are those which will last for
centuries and millennia. We are in the process of preparing for the
establishment of the Days of Light and Life. That requires a corps of
individuals, individuals who will become the cadre of our experiential
programs, those individuals who have shown through their faith and their
commitment, their steadfastness to persevere even through great opposition,
through cynical approaches from others and from the tedious, time consuming
process that it simply takes to make plans that will last for centuries and
millennia. You are deeply appreciated!

*The celestials are totally committed*

I make this long opening statement for several reasons, one of which is to
let you know that we are totally committed, and one that there is no going
back; there is absolutely no going back on the Correcting Time program on
this planet or the other planets that were in quarantine. We are committed
and we are staying; now we are staying to see the implementation of these
programs on experiential planes of experience for you that you will know
that something is afoot, something is happening, something is in place that
was not before. You may exclaim to yourself that this is a new way of
thinking, “I’ve never had these values before, have you?” and so you will
discuss this with other people and you will say, “Well, how is this
possible? It seems impossible to do these things,” and you have said those
phrases already. We know that we have heard them many times.

You have heard the ways of the Father of God and Spirit are inscrutable and
that is true; that is simply because you have very, very brief lives of
anywhere from a few days of life to 80-100 years of life, which to us is
very, very brief. For us to have this level of experience with you is
*intense*—I underline the word *intense*—because we are providing so much
activity, so much thought into such a brief period of time with you. It is
as though we are watching a slow motion movie that has now gone into
hyper-speed; that we are seeing scenes rapidly develop before us with
people who question what is happening, yet we stay here because we have
been trained to do so. We accept this; we are committed to it; our
intention for our eternal career is to learn more and to become perfect as
a Creator, both as an experiential Creator as Christ Michael and as the
First Source and Center that provided all the energy to the universe to
become what it is and what it will become.

*Creating a world that will be enjoyable to live on*

So we are here as that bridge between the Creators and you to create a
world which will be enjoyable to live on, where there is peace that is
stable and societies that are stable, and that there is a means by which
you can raise your children, knowing full well that they will live in peace
and they will be happy, and they can have lives of meaningful existence
with purpose and depth through them to also cross the transition from
mortal life to the morontial life and on to the spiritual life eternal with
greater and greater wisdom as they go along having come from a society from
parents who raised them to accept these values and this intentional
development of their life into the infinity of time and onto eternity. You
see this is no small project; it does take time and you are a part of it.
We thank you for your patience.

*The contract between Divinity and humanity*

*Liz:* This question may dovetail with your opening statement. In the
Urantia text it says that there is the great Urantian agreement between
Divinity and humanity, whereby “God agrees to *everything*, man only agrees
to believe God’s promises and follows His instructions.” Is this literally
true? Could you expound on that a bit?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes, certainly. Where to begin? Yes, this is the
contract. You simply have to believe that this is so. When you accept
that, you realize that the union between you and the Creator is
intimate—deeply, deeply intimate—that you are in effect taking on the
beliefs and values of the Creator and that you *will* your life to become
an expression of the Creator’s expression of that Will. This agreement was
acknowledged in many ways, paraphrased by many great and grand historic
philosophers and spiritual beings. Those would include the Ancients of
Buddha, Lao tzu, and many others. This does not leave out the branches of
the Hindu or the other systems of belief that began so long ago. You have
learned from your recent philosophers, such as Wayne Dyer, that “What you
believe becomes expressed in your life.”

You are in fact an expression of your life’s thoughts and what you
believe. If you truly believe that you are in an active co-creating union
with God, the First Source and Center through your Thought Adjuster and
doing the work of Christ Michael in this world, you become that
expression. The gross difference that is so unacceptable to most people is
that this way of life is so vastly different from what is the typical 21st
Century lifestyle in most developed nations that it seems untenable, seems
impossible and it is improbable and unlikely to be followed by anyone else,
besides yourself. Whereas “the fact is” that every person on this world
now is living the expressions of their beliefs. The difference for you is
that you believe that you want to be the living expression and living
expression of God’s Will in your life and are willing to—literally *willing*—to
become a part of that. It does not mean that you have to take vows of
impoverishment, certainly not, for there are people of great wealth who
follow this type of lifestyle and way of belief and thinking as those who
are deeply impoverished and who follow God’s Will. It is simply that
sometimes people come into great wealth in a different means than others.
Some people are born into impoverishment and that becomes their lifestyle;
so too for those who are wealthy.

The challenge for mortals is to then train their mind with your Thought
Adjuster’s assistance and your Guardian’s assistance to become more attuned
to that belief and that will-expression that is inherent in this contract.
It is fortunate that the *Urantia Book* does state this contract very
succinctly and very bluntly. It is blunt because it requires you to
understand what it is about. Living that out, however, is very difficult
for most people, and so to *will* to do God’s Will and to release their
life to doing God’s Will with a *total* *belief *that they are in agreement
with God’s Will, and God’s Will for them is their greatest good, is beyond
their capacity to believe. For those who can believe this and have
accepted this and have vowed to follow this route, we are deeply
appreciative because you are the moral, ethical and spiritual leaders of
your world.

*Liz:* Wow! Thank you very much for that answer.

*A question about epigenetics*

*Jeff:* I have several questions, Machiventa; most of them are off topic.
I have two questions about epigenetics I have been trying to read about it
and I was listening to a Harvard Professor talk about it, and he was
describing epigenetics. He was using an analogy where our DNA is a compact
disc with zeros and ones and data upon it, and his interpretation was that
epigenetics acts or is a CD reader that reads off that disc and then writes
another disc for the cell, and sometimes it doesn’t make an exact copy. Is
this a correct analogy?

*MACHIVENTA:* Not exactly, no. The DVD or CD disc that is being read
could be seen as parallel with your DNA and gene structures, chromosomes
and so on, that these are read by your—there are concepts which are not
available in your vocabulary at this time to express the DNA “reader”.
What reads the DNA? There you must be aware of other dimensions of this
epigenetic process. There was one error in your question that I would like
to raise, is that something reads your DNA. And that develops into your
body and all the structures of your body and your brain, and so on.

Now, you jumped in your question to state about writing onto the DNA, which
is a totally different process. This is where the analogy, the parallel
between the read and write process on the CD disc does not express deeply
enough what goes on in the read/write process of your epigenetic question.
The primary purpose in the first read of DNA is to grow you into a mature
individual who has the capability of producing offspring. The second
process of the epigenetic process is to write onto your DNA those
experiences which are extraordinary, which are significant, which are life
consuming, or life destroying, or life saving that you will never forget in
your lifetime and thus is written into a temporary memory cache, which is
then transferred to your offspring. Your offspring then receives copies of
two sets of information: One is the DNA of your species and the other is
the DNA cache recording of the experiences of that person’s ancestry, which
was significant.

I’ll give you an example. When you stick your finger into boiling hot
water you will probably never do that again, and it is a reminder of some
of the past experiences that your ancestors learned, that fire is
wonderful, it is helpful, it is a good friend of humanity, but it can
destroy you. That is a quick refresh of those past experiences. The
epigenetic process that we are promoting in this Correcting Time program is
to establish within families a process of intentional epigenetic learning
and imprinting that will carry forward to the children and their offspring;
and, because parental and child-rearing are learned behaviors and they are
not hereditary—not permanently hereditary as is the genetic memory for the
structure of your body and all its organs until you mature—it needs to be
refreshed in each generation, thus the imprint becomes deeper and deeper
with following generations of these children who are raised in families
that consistently use this refresh process to instruct their children and
themselves, how to raise children and how to be raised as a child by
parents who love and care for them. Your scientist missed this second
part—he missed several parts that are critical to this read/write process.
I hope this will cause you to develop more questions.

*Are pessimism and optimism in our DNA or our epigenetic background?*

*Jeff:* Thank you. A second question about this, quite related is some
people seem to be naturally optimistic and some people seem to be naturally
pessimistic. Is this a DNA process, or is this a result of the epigenetic
background that people have found themselves growing up in?

*MACHIVENTA:* Again, your question has several layers to it. One is that
of the predestination of pessimism or positive attitudes is epigenetic and
it is also reflective of the immediate behavior of parents who raised the
children and is typical of the family environment. It is also due to the
child’s early interpretation of what is going on around them. Children
below the age of nine are not stupid, they are very observant, they are
witnessing the process of life around them and what is going on and they
interpret those scenes and those situations on their own, independent of
parental guidance or parental interpretations. There are a number of
combinations that are going on simultaneously in the aspects of pessimism
and of hopefulness. The question you raise is one that has many answers.

*Questions on sociopathy and psychopathic behavior*

*Jeff:* My last question on epigenetics is this: In NET #57, you
mentioned positive epigenetics to breed our “meanness.” You were talking
about how Homo sapiens are kind of “cranky.” My question here is, can
sociopathy and psychopathic behavior be overcome by epigenetics as well?
Can this be solved with social media?

*MACHIVENTA:* Separate those topics, please.

*Jeff:* Can sociopathy and psychopathic behavior be overcome with


*Jeff:* Can the tendency for “meanness” be somewhat ameliorated or solved
through social media?


*Jeff:* Thank you very much for that.

*Will local economies lead the way during and after the cataclysms?*

*Roxie:* I have a few questions that *Stéphane* sent in. He’s not able to
be with us today.

“With the trend for *global economies* being guided by corporate greed, are
we to expect *local economies* to lead the way in adapting social
sustainability before, during and after the cataclysms?”

*MACHIVENTA:* The short answer is yes. The longer answer involves those
individuals at the local level who see what is going on and see the
destruction of the declining global economy as an opportunity to expand
their own operation and its stability, in that there will be a more
immediate need in their communities for their services that cannot be
served any longer by the global economy.

*What are the best ways to achieve a well balanced personality?*

*Stéphane:* “What are the best ways to achieve a well balanced personality
in today’s world. I understand striving for God centeredness and a daily
center practice is primordial, but assuming this, what other daily or
weekly practice or activities would you recommend striving for or recommend

*MACHIVENTA:* Thank you for your question. As you know, and have probably
heard and read, that the Dalai Lama has recommended to people that they
travel to somewhere they have not been before at least once a year. Travel
is a wonderful process by opening a person’s mind to the varieties of
lifestyle, the varieties of cultures, ethnic groups, dress, cuisine,
behaviors, etiquettes and so on. To become a well-rounded individual truly
must begin with curiosity, to be curious to wonder and think, “Well, what
makes this tick? What makes this work? How does this happen? Why do
people believe these things? What happens now after such and such no
longer exists?” And so it is being open to new experiences. The opposite
of that is being closed to live solely in their own closeted or closed
belief systems or religious belief systems.

It is the willingness to think that there are other options to a person’s
life that exist with others who are happy with what they are doing. It is
being curious to explore that. A well-balanced individual is one who sees
themselves as one of many, that they are a unique individual, but a common
entity of the world. You each are unique in yourselves, but you are
typical of other people around the world. To accept this fact is essential
to opening your mind to become well-balanced. You may think that “I don’t
run,” but on the other hand you have a capable body that could walk or jog
or trudge ahead to experience that process. It is the willingness to
explore the capability of your mind and your body and the life around you
as a social creature, to explore the possibilities of relationships in vast
dimensions, types and colors, and so on.

How to decrease that is most difficult because it requires a willingness to
accept that others are in the same situation as you are, that to change
your behavior you must be willing to accept that change is possible, and
that change is beneficial. The great trauma of such a closeted life is
that when trauma comes along and forces you to change your ways of life and
living, it becomes psychologically, socially and even physically
debilitating, that your retreat has put you in a place where recovery is
most difficult. Recovery requires the transformation of your thoughts,
your beliefs, your values and your perspectives of yourself and your
relation to others. This is the process of living on an experiential
planet; this is the process of soul growth.

*A question on how our uniqueness is seen by our Creators*

*Roxie:* Thank you, Machiventa. I have some questions from previous
sessions. When you say, “Christ Michael is your Creator and the First
Source and Center; you are all equal and seen no differently from one
another.” How does unique personality, unique talents, unique desires for
growth and advancement, and so on, fit in?

*MACHIVENTA:* They are essential. Without this essential ingredient of
knowing that you are unique, you have no means by which you can appreciate
who you are and what you can become. It is important that you see yourself
as individually loved by God, the Infinite Spirit, the Creator Son and by
Christ Michael and Nebadonia; they love you personally; they care about you
individually; they know you are unique. And when you accept this
uniqueness and the love that they send to you, you can explore and grow in
many ways. Yet you are the same as billions of other people on your
planet. This allows for the possibility of social organization,
development of nations and a global civilization. This social aspect of
your existence is an essential means for your individual expression and
participation in the larger constructs of your world, in your society, in
your community and your family. Your uniqueness is your own possession; you
are loved because of this and oftentimes this is your greatest challenge to

*Transfer of knowledge to younger generations*

*Roxie:* Machiventa, you keep stressing that parents and grandparents need
to be teaching children of all ages about the 7 values, morals and ethics,
however in my own experience with my own children and grandchildren, they
aren’t always interested in hearing about it. They are so independent that
they will make all their own decisions based on the thoughts of themselves
and their peers and do not care what the older generation have to offer in
the way of transfer of knowledge and experience. It is very frustrating to
those of us who have so much to offer them. Any suggestions?

*MACHIVENTA:* Most certainly! It is a process of dropping seeds, much as
birds eat the seeds from trees and through their flight and excrement, new
trees are planted throughout the realm around them in their flight
territory. So too, these ideas of holistic living—ethical, moral living
and these values—are seeds that can be dropped at any time. You are often
too cautious to wait “until the right time” to share these things with your
children. These are better served up during the day through ordinary
experiences without preaching about the values or preaching about the
ethics that someone else wrote about in a book. It is simply that you use
life’s experiences to share this information with these children. It is
your moral responsibility to do so, and as soon as children have language
they are capable of learning words with deeper value and more sophisticated

Right and wrong are very simple, but why are they right? Why are they
wrong? These are the explanations that children desperately need and are
incredibly in search of. It is important for children to know why not to
hurt another person; why do this, why do that, what makes it right, what
makes it wrong. Many of your contemporaries today have never had that
explained to them. Now, through our work with ethics and morality and the
7 values, you can explain this very clearly to them. What makes it right
and what makes it wrong is defined by who you are, because you are unique,
but you are also one of many people. If you begin to stunt other people’s
growth, that means you are open to having your growth stunted as well—that
is immoral; it is immoral to stunt another person’s growth or deny them the
possibility to grow into the potential of their life that they brought with
them at birth.

*Roxie:* Thank you very much.

*Are mistakes made in the celestial realm?*

*Liz:* I have a few personal questions, if you would entertain those? (
*Machiventa:* Certainly.) I assume that mistakes are made, even in the
celestial realms. Is this true?

*MACHIVENTA:* This is true.

*Liz:* Are these mistakes generally those of interpersonal communications?

*MACHIVENTA:* Yes. It is also a product of incomplete planning. When you
say, “mistake,” you should be careful how you use that word. We oftentimes
make plans and develop them and we put them into place in your world with
individuals, and so on, but the plan does not produce fruitful results. Is
that a mistake? No, that is not a mistake; that is part of the learning
curve. This is an experiential planet, it is an experimental planet, and
it is a process of discovering what works and what does not work here.
Yes, interpersonal communication errors between morontial and spiritual
beings is definitely a possibility and does occur more frequently the lower
the level, or immediately after the person makes their transition from the
mortal realm to the morontial. And yes, these will continue to occur even
in the spiritual realm, as it is a process of learning.

You are to become a “Citizen of the Universe,” or a “Cosmic Citizen”; then
you will be learning the ways of the universe. There is yes, an ethic, a
morality, a social etiquette that is useful throughout the universe, and
yes, you will make a mistake often due to ignorance rather than through

Mistakes made with knowledge beforehand are what you would call a mistake
of high nature; you would use the word “sin” on your world to describe
that. Intentional mistakes will affect the course of your spiritual
ascendency and whether you too one day are held in detention, which is a
personal form of quarantine. However, this is a real possibility of living
in a Creator Son’s universe that is totally experiential for mortals and
those who are in the ascendant career.

*Liz:* Thank you for that. We deal with a very inadequate language and so
I was curious about that. Whatever language that you use, I am sure is
more superior and more complete, so I appreciate that answer.

*How many celestials sit in on these meetings?*

How many celestials sit in on these meetings, these discussions that we are
having now?

*MACHIVENTA:* They are very similar to the ebb and flow of celestial
participants; that comes and goes with the times and necessities, their
duties and schedules, and so on. Yet the number who participate with us,
and that may be someone who is listening in via celestial channels of
communication that are open across this world, numbers into the hundreds of
thousands, millions, and on separate occasions into the billions, depending
on who is speaking through a mortal. Christ Michael draws great crowds!

*Machiventa’s destiny*

*Liz:* I’m sure he does! How does your destiny fulfill itself?

*MACHIVENTA:* My destiny will fulfill itself as I will to do God’s Will,
as I will to do Christ Michael’s Will, and to become the total living
expression of all potential possibilities of expressing Christ Michael’s
Will, Nebadonia’s Will and the First Source and Center’s Will throughout my
life. I am not so much concerned about by destiny, as I am about how I do

*Did Machiventa choose his own name?*

*Liz:* Lovely answer. Did you choose your own name? Does it have a
particular significance?

*MACHIVENTA:* (Laughing) I chuckle because, sweet mortal child, this
takes me way, way back—not thousands of years, not tens of thousands of
years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, to the origins of my
beginning. The naming of my entity was both an expression of the potential
that had lain dormant within the potential of my becoming of my being, and
that which I would become. It was inherent that my name would be thus
because it was already known.

*Liz:* Can you tell us how long ago that was?

*MACHIVENTA:* I chuckle again because human curiosity is such a
fascinating topic, and that even in the celestial realm, it is in dearth
supply. Your curiosity is play-like and it is much appreciated. It
provides a freshness to interpersonal relationships no matter the status or
station of the two people involved in the discussion. Your question again,

*How long ago did Machiventa come into existence?*

*Liz:* How long ago did you come into existence?

*MACHIVENTA:* One moment. In earth terms, it’s chronology of its
revolutions around your sun it would be over a billion years. [Later
stated as 1.3 billion years.]

*Liz:* Oh my!

*The acquisition of knowledge and wisdom*

*MACHIVENTA:* You see, in the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom, you can
acquire knowledge vicariously from others; you can acquire knowledge from
sources of history of what others have learned, but wisdom comes from the
possibility of reflecting upon that knowledge and those experiences of
others, but is particularly attuned and achieves a certain level of
functional acuity as wisdom that becomes operational when you have
experienced it yourself. When you think of the possibilities of this Local
Universe coming into existence billions, upon billions, upon billions,
hundreds of billions, thousands of billions of years ago then you realize
that to gain the experience of all that is going on and has gone on and
will go on, and what is needed becomes personal to you. Though there are
billions of Melchizedeks, we each have had our own experience and wisdom
gathering. I have been particularly fortunate throughout my career to
become more and more attuned to the mortal level of experience; that means
becoming comfortable with having experienced the mortal life, though brief
in extent compared to my previous existence. The duration of one’s life
must add to the potential, to the possibility and the functional
possibility of unlocking and exploring the potential of individuals of
whole worlds and systems of growth. Such a long life offers a possibility
of exploring hundreds of thousands of relationships, not superficially but
at depth. How would you like to be a Melchizedek Assistant to the Most

*Serving on Machiventa’s staff*

*Liz:* Well, that is my next question! Is there a chance that someday I
could serve on your staff?

*MACHIVENTA:* (Laughing) You are already.

*Liz:* I appreciate your good humor and the fact that you indulge me with
these questions.

*MACHIVENTA:* Most certainly. I wish you good day. Shall we close?

* Creating deeper bonds between us and you*

It has taken us so long, so many hundreds of sessions to create a much
deeper bond between us and you, and you with us, and you with me. It is
this bond that is so essential to humanity among and between yourself and
intra-personally with your own self, to bond with yourself, with confidence
in yourself, to know that what you are doing is fully capable of expressing
itself in great ways. To bond with your family is essential, for many
people do not bond with their family and that makes for a difficult life
for that individual to find their way into bonded relationships with
others. So when you have come to this point where you have humor with us,
and come to know our personal experiences in greater depth and meaning, it
is essential to us to capitalize on that bond, for this bond is one that
will stand in your stead for your lifetime and as you go forward into the
morontial realm.

*This bond is eternal*

This bond is eternal; in this bond you find the oneness of yourself with
all humanity and with the celestial realm and with your Thought Adjuster,
your Guardian and your Celestial Teacher as well. We are not distant and
removed from you; we are intimately connected to your life and know you far
better than you even than you know yourself. For you to be willing to bond
with us is essential for your career and essential to the success of the
Correcting Time that Christ Michael has initiated. You see, this is a
deeper extension of the co-creative relationship; when a co-creative
relationship is bonded, then the potential becomes a reality as you live
your lives together. Good day.

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