<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><FONT SIZE=2>DATE: July 14, 2001
<BR>T/R: Gerdean
<BR> TOMAS,: Our movement compared to a Nebulae
<BR> : Discussion of genetic lineage (Nephilim, Nodites)
<BR> PAULO: Responds to questions re:
<BR> (1) Lucifer being forgiven
<BR> (2) Satan as a cult leader,
<BR> (3) God in complicity with Lucifer
<BR> Recognizing rebellion vs childishness
<BR>TOMAS: Good afternoon, fishers of men.
<BR>We are here with you in grateful acknowledgment of the growth of our
<BR>movement, our spiritual reality, the conviction of faith wrought by your
<BR>association with like-minded believers. The strength of your community is
<BR>like a nebulae swirling in space. When the holy finger reached forth and
<BR>stirred the air, all matter therein was activated and set in motion. Once
<BR>this motion became actualized, it resulted in the formation of your world and
<BR>many other worlds of potential in time and space.
<BR>Thus the holy finger reached out and stirred the air bringing the potential
<BR>to Urantia that we see realizing itself today in the formation today of the
<BR>solid substance of your loyalty to that which is becoming real in a spiritual
<BR>sense and which will have permanent effects on Urantia as well as in your own
<BR>souls. This creative force is brought to you by those power directors which
<BR>provide the centrifugal force that throws off that which is unnecessary and
<BR>the centripetal force which forces together those which can join compatibly
<BR>as the basis of the world that you are creating.
<BR>That which will be throw off will be thrown off will be thrown off because it
<BR>is not intended to be a part of the becoming. Those of you who are forced
<BR>together by this cosmic centripetal force are often in a place where you are
<BR>unsure of how you connect with that piece or those pieces which you rub
<BR>against. And sometimes you say, "I'm not going to stay here where there is
<BR>friction against me," "I'm not going to stay here where there is something
<BR>poking me," "I'm not going to stay here where I have to listen to that." "I
<BR>am irritated and uncomfortable by that which is rubbing me the wrong way,"
<BR>but the cosmic centripetal force keeps you in check and in time it will come
<BR>to pass that the rough edges will be worn down and the homogeneity of spirit
<BR>will compose you such that you merge well with that which surrounds you.
<BR>This gives credence, over a period of time, over that force which connects
<BR>you, even when you feel disconnected and would prefer that some of the pieces
<BR>abutting you would go wafting off into outer space. But look at those with
<BR>whom you have found your niche. Recognize the easy flow of communion, humor,
<BR>and compassion that flashes back and forth between you, that connects you,
<BR>that helps you recognize that you are all part of that circuit that keeps you
<BR>together. That circuit is enlarging daily. The rough edges that you
<BR>encounter, the elbows that dig into your side and the irritating noises that
<BR>sound inharmonious to your ear, only indicate adjustments necessary in order
<BR>for the parts to fit within the whole. You are indeed creating a world, a
<BR>world of spiritual reality, and in the cosmic sense, the solidifying of your
<BR>faith and your friendship is as enduring and more so that the very ground you
<BR>walk upon.
<BR>We were joyed to participate this past weekend in the stirring, in the
<BR>cooling and the congealing of the swirling energies that comprise this
<BR>far-flung community. Like pudding in a pot, we all came together, mortal and
<BR>supernal, and allowed ourselves to be subjected to the heat that brought us
<BR>to a boil and that softened our edges so that we were able to harmonize with
<BR>each other in celebration of this sweet delight of our community. All of us
<BR>have come away, now, with a sense of rejuvenation and re-application to our
<BR>purpose, our united purpose to advance Urantia and its citizens in the
<BR>concepts of cosmic citizenry in the loving universe that we enjoy.
<BR>There were uncomfortable moments, there were irritating noises, and elbows
<BR>poked in your sides. There were concepts that grated your nerves and
<BR>personalities that jangled your complacency, but we advance in good faith.
<BR>Is there anything I can help you with now in terms of modulating your pitch
<BR>to appreciate the harmonics of our movement? Are there questions?
<BR>THOROAH: Personally I love the harmonics. I don't know that I have any
<BR>questions as regards the Conference.
<BR>TOMAS: You are amiable and malleable. Your mind has set off in the direction
<BR>of antiquities and a study of racial origins. You see how we all begin to
<BR>feather our nests with that which is essential to our comfort, our instincts,
<BR>and our civilization - that being our personal civilization.
<BR>THOROAH: Well, I have lots of questions as far as origins.
<BR>TOMAS: Perhaps I can shed some light; perhaps not. What do you seek to know?
<BR>THOROAH: A case in point would be the reference in the Urantia Book to the
<BR>Nephilim -- who are referred to as the Nodites, parenthetically, one time, in
<BR>the Urantia Book -- and I'm also reading about the Nephilim in other sources.
<BR> They were a recognized race – I guess I could say anthropologically as well
<BR>as speculatively -- as being from someplace else, their origins being
<BR>someplace else in the universe, such as another evolving race or another
<BR>world, but specifically I'm thinking of the Anunnaki, the Nibiruans, and the
<BR>Nephilim who are said to be the same race, which makes the Nodites unique
<BR>and it captured my interest. I'm wondering about our off-world origins. I
<BR>know that with the Prince's staff that there were obviously off-world
<BR>influences on our human race. The Urantia Book does not go into detail as to
<BR>where that staff came from and so I guess that's the mystery that I'm looking
<BR>at right now.
<BR>TOMAS: Well, you will not be surprised to learn that I am not authorized to
<BR>discuss that element of your planetary history. However, I am not going to
<BR>discourage your investigations either. The descendants of Nod indeed
<BR>presented a race of people that were infused with the genetic influence of a
<BR>life form not originating on Urantia and while their progeny are certainly a
<BR>part of your composition, it remains true that your essential ancestors are
<BR>well known throughout the universe as Andon and Fonta, the first two human
<BR>beings to have been indwelt by a fragment of God and they were your true
<BR>ancestors although the influence of the Planetary Prince's staff did affect a
<BR>strain of genetic lineage which has been amalgamated into the basic
<BR>evolutionary strains originating in the life pattern as was planted here by
<BR>the Life Carriers so many millennia ago.
<BR>A study of the blending of the races, dispersion of the races, has much to
<BR>offer in terms of under-standing much of your planetary history, its
<BR>development/ evolution as creatures ascending/ evolving into beings capable
<BR>of self-mastery and yet none of their influences are so dominant as to
<BR>interfere with your own personal repleteness as a man among men.
<BR>THOROAH: That's why I was rather hesitant to bring it up because it really
<BR>has more to do with research and curiosity than it does with spiritual growth
<BR>and ministry.
<BR>TOMAS: Yes, indeed, which is why I won't spend overmuch time there except to
<BR>offer that the pages of the revelation provide great stimuli for thought.
<BR>And if studied with an open mind, can provide you with many insights to
<BR>contribute to the understanding of those who have developed theories along
<BR>the lines you mentioned in such a way as to augment their theories by
<BR>revelation; thus the overall history of the planet is gradually refined and
<BR>understood from a broader perspective and your peoples become interwoven
<BR>again in and through the spirit fibers that create the tapestry of humanity.
<BR>Honest intellectual study is a good expansion of consciousness in that it
<BR>will honor the efforts of those who have before studied and presented
<BR>information, be it true or false or speculative. If you were in fact to
<BR>regard your contemporaries with the fascination and intrigue that you give
<BR>your forebearers, you would get along much better and find far more delight
<BR>in each other. Every one brings something to the table. Rather than say,
<BR>"Well, I've never partaken of that before; I don't think I'll have any,"
<BR>expand your palate and accept the offering and having chewed and savored the
<BR>morsel you will be able to better determine whether or not it is nutritious
<BR>for you.
<BR>At any rate it may give you a better understanding of your neighbor and a
<BR>greater tolerance of human differences, cultural differences, even religious
<BR>differences, which can give rise to theologic discussions that enhance and
<BR>enlarge and further the minds' appreciation of how great an extent humanity
<BR>has gone to grasp deity and how mysteriously deity works in the minds of
<BR>humanity in introducing itself in ways that can be understood or utilized in
<BR>the march toward enlightenment and subsequent loving service.
<BR>Yes, Paulo is here and he has received a question about Lucifer that he is
<BR>willing to take on. One moment, please.