<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><FONT SIZE=2>DATE: September 1, 2001
<BR>LOCATION: Spokane Teacher Base
<BR>TEACHERS: Paulo, Tomas, & a midwayer
<BR>TOPICS: Church, Rebelling,
<BR>T/R: Gerdean
<BR>PAULO: The winds of time move across the planetary landscape, altering the
<BR>view of your horizons, bringing new seasons, new epochal growth. I am Paulo.
<BR> I am glad to be here in your midst today. I call you helpers, assistants,
<BR>and fellows.
<BR>THOROAH: Nice to see you again.
<BR>PAULO: I have been very busy. I have been making hay while the sun shines.
<BR>This summer has been a vibrant exercise in starting and stopping brush fires.
<BR> We should have, therefore, a wondrous crop next spring. The wheat and the
<BR>tares together.
<BR>We've been putting out brush fires even in your home turf -- this culture
<BR>resulting from your association with celestials, your relationship with
<BR>spirit, your brotherly love among yourselves – and you're shifting gears into
<BR>the up-stepped pace as a result of a new plateau of spirit operation as a
<BR>natural result of Phase II. Getting along together is a challenge,
<BR>time-consuming adaptations to other personalities. One of the benefits you
<BR>have all enjoyed is the leisurely pace of assimilating associations by your
<BR>one-on-one contacts, enlarging the spirit perception you share. And how
<BR>frightening it must be, now, to find your civilization resembling "Trains,
<BR>Planes and Automobiles".
<BR>You who choose conservative, traditional approaches are rebelling against the
<BR>change in pace. Those of you motivated to act, to influence, to follow your
<BR>destiny path as it seems proffered, are rebelling against lethargy, apathy
<BR>and other obstructions. Oh, there are as many opportunities to rebel as
<BR>there are participants in the new age. And make no mistake, all of you who
<BR>hear my voice are in "the new age."
<BR>I'm reminded to tell you about your history but I think I'll let someone else
<BR>do that since I'm one of the new kids on the block.
<BR>TOMAS: I am speaking to the Teaching Mission participants, devotees,
<BR>reflectivators and lurkers on many fronts, but most particularly to the
<BR>founders. The history of this movement is hardly begun. In a hundred years
<BR>it will be more obvious -- and it well may be regarded as a mere plop in the
<BR>puddle of the living water stirred into action by a revelation – the
<BR>repercussions of which are going to be felt into your next epochal
<BR>revelation, which is somewhere in the future.
<BR>Larry Whelan recently prepared a chart indicating how quickly it could be,
<BR>logistically speaking, if two faithers exposed the spirit to two more, and
<BR>they then each told two more and so forth, how unimaginably quickly it
<BR>exponentially expands into a whole new paradigm in a very short time. In 50
<BR>years your lights have come on. In these same 50 years you have each been
<BR>brought forward in your life experience through your searching, your identity
<BR>recognition, personal spiritual experience, in time and in space, allowing a
<BR>certain pattern of reality to mold you and develop you in such a way as you
<BR>begin to perceive how you are being led and guided into experiences so that
<BR>your experiential wisdom can be contributed to the knowledge of the whole.
<BR>In this way the revelation of each child of God is made possible as a gift to
<BR>humanity. God himself has been exponentially multiplied by and through each
<BR>of you as you are enhanced in and through your mortal experiences. You
<BR>somehow, somewhere offered yourself or allowed the leading without so much
<BR>resistance as to stop your soul growth, and so today you stand at the door of
<BR>your neighbor and knock, and wonder what you will encounter – at the same
<BR>time they are wondering what they will encounter – when the door is opened.
<BR>There is more to this history lesson. However, I'm going to give the
<BR>platform back to Paulo to resume.
<BR>PAULO: Paulo here. I'm going to take Tomas' words about history and extend
<BR>them back, far back, all the way back into your early development as a
<BR>planetary race of people, and look at your cellular memory, your conditioning
<BR>- racial, cultural heritage - your spiritual roots also. When you
<BR>individually enter into a Correcting Time frame of mind, you open your
<BR>thought processes to be modified and upgraded by the ministrations of Spirit.
<BR>When you begin to engage in social intercourse, when you begin to build a
<BR>society, you will also need to apply these same Correcting Time techniques to
<BR>those relationships and institutions that comprise individuals, as do the
<BR>individuals themselves. In other words, all of you are a composite of ghost
<BR>cults, magic, ghost-soul concepts, sacrifice, habits, superstitions,
<BR>prejudices, and beliefs that have come down through the ages, some you have
<BR>become aware of and some you have no recognition of because you have not been
<BR>called upon to look and see what kind of baggage you have with you in terms
<BR>of your societal relationships.
<BR>The priceless period of time you had together in nurturing the politics,
<BR>parameters and protocols of your Teaching Mission culture has opened the door
<BR>and now you must develop relationships with those who pass by. And the
<BR>challenge is upon you and upon us to guide and direct these moves like the
<BR>winds of time that move through the landscape, altering the view of the
<BR>horizon, allowing the horizon to continue to promise the dawn of the
<BR>brotherhood of man and peace on earth.
<BR>I urge you to familiarize yourself with your cultural conditioning - all the
<BR>way back. Review it again in light of the recent developments, and in this
<BR>way you will provide yourself with a greater base of understanding your
<BR>predilections as they compare and relate to the patterns of others. It's one
<BR>of my techniques, you see, in stopping rebellion before it starts, to become
<BR>logical and rational and approach it as if it were indeed cosmic-problem
<BR>solving, which it is, and so I can't allow your mind to freeze up in fear or
<BR>in prejudice in favor or against any unnecessary concept.
<BR>Let's take a look at "church" since I know this is on your mind. Suddenly it
<BR>is an issue of interest and chagrin for all of you, truly, because it is a
<BR>part of your religious constitution, personally and as it is socialized in
<BR>the immediate family and in the extended family of all sons and daughters of
<BR>God. The truth is it, is essential to you all that you come together in
<BR>harmony, as children of God, people who can trust each other to share faith
<BR>principles, to enjoy the same spiritual language, to empathize with
<BR>philosophic concepts, to engage in rites, rituals and practices which satisfy
<BR>a need to serve as worshipful communion with divinity as you understand it.
<BR>And everyone understands it according to their own measure, and measure is a
<BR>personal matter. When two or more are gathered together in his name, there
<BR>he is in their midst, and so any time you have two, you have church, in the
<BR>purest sense of the word. As you reflect the fruits of the spirit therein,
<BR>this constitutes a sharing of the religious life, the inner life, in
<BR>recognition of the material actuality, and so you have unburdened yourselves
<BR>and have cause for rejoicing. As you love one another, it becomes essential
<BR>for you to enjoy these respites in company with Spirit reality, to the extent
<BR>that it permeate all of humanity.
<BR>I don't believe anyone has any problem with that. I think my predecessors,
<BR>the first phase of teachers, have been excellent teachers in pressing home
<BR>that fact, that the Father is in each of his children and as the son wills
<BR>and the Father agrees, it will be done. Now there are those who concern
<BR>themselves about self-aggrandizement. And I tell you it is a matter for
<BR>administration to deal with and not the Melchizedek University.
<BR>Administration is alive and well. The Most Highs rule in the kingdom of men
<BR>and women to bring about all manner of change, and this is where we also
<BR>stand today in attempting to bring about effects.
<BR>The entire planet seeks to serve, and it will indeed find ways to perpetuate
<BR>its own understanding of service, inasmuch as that is how the human being has
<BR>been trained. It has been programmed. It has been influenced. It has
<BR>decided. It has made will decisions. This is the first time we've had an
<BR>opportunity to really spend time on the topic of religion as an organized
<BR>body of workers.
<BR>Isn't it appropriate that you in Correcting Time, who have already begun to
<BR>understand the concept of personal correction, are going to be witness to the
<BR>correction of those fields of interest which impact upon your world, your
<BR>society at large, your planet, so that as you create the new social order,
<BR>you will be co-creating those meanings and values which will bring you the
<BR>most fulfillment because your perception of God's will for you is what is
<BR>leading you in this direction?
<BR>This entire paradigm is in the realm of administration. The hierarchy of
<BR>celestial helpers is thick with swarming hives of activity. The midwayers
<BR>are answering to the supervisors over them who take direction from angelic
<BR>corp who respond to counsels and administrators upholding God's universe.
<BR>The realization/ recognition of divine love is most essential as it is always
<BR>our foundation/ reality.
<BR>The business of love is our first order of business and then with love as our
<BR>guide, it is possible to investigate all manner of avenues of service fields
<BR>which will include religion, health, our galactic neighbors, broadcasting,
<BR>nutrition and horticulture, economics and all these things.
<BR>You are not in competition. This new social order is a cooperative. And
<BR>only as far as the divine will decrees such cooperation will it be possible.
<BR>What have you got there? Have you got a question or two there for me?
<BR>GERDEAN: Well, actually, Paulo, I had a question for you, which I thought was
<BR>why you came because you talked about it. I was wanting you to talk about
<BR>our recent developments in terms of rebellion. I suppose because I have had
<BR>so many rebellious feelings myself! And when I feel rebellious, it's
<BR>generally because I am rebelling against something that's regarded by myself
<BR>as something not good for me or not what I want to do, and therefore I think,
<BR>"Alright, am I being wilful? Am I being selfish? Or is this something to
<BR>pay attention to?" So that's where that question came from. I was just
<BR>looking for some insights into rebellion in terms of our recent developments.
<BR> I heard you say that you were doing a lot of work putting out brush fires,
<BR>even in our neighborhood so, was I one of the brush fires that you put out?
<BR>PAULO: It might appear as though you were on fire, however, you were just a
<BR>bit of a spark. A spark can cause a fire, and assuredly a rebellious
<BR>attitude is a method of making sparks so as to resolve the problem. You say
<BR>you rebel and feel justified. In other words you have thought about what
<BR>you're doing. Otherwise you would be in denial that you had rebelled. I
<BR>therefore have to assume you have an appreciation of what you are rebelling
<BR>against, and in your case, with your conditioning and cellular memory, and
<BR>even more particularly, based on your strong training in social reformation,
<BR>your rebellious attitude would be in support of what you intuited as being
<BR>anathema to a reconstruction of society rather than a lapse into a former
<BR>paradigm. So your reaction was political, essentially. Far more than
<BR>Again I refer you to your cultural background for a better understanding.
<BR>What else?
<BR>GERDEAN: There's a kind of a question here about a number of times a few
<BR>people have transmitted and it feels like it's a group of beings rather than
<BR>one individual, a group of people like a council perhaps, and we're thinking
<BR>perhaps maybe that's because the message comes from the Constellation level
<BR>rather than the universe level, that is to say that it might be an
<BR>administrative voice as compared to a spirit voice. Would you like to make a
<BR>comment about that?
<BR>PAULO: No, but I'm certain someone would. One moment.
<BR>MIDWAYER: A midwayer here. Don't worry about a name or number. I'm not
<BR>going to stay that long. But I am going to respond, since I'm in the process
<BR>of helping in this communication technique, this liaison between the spirit
<BR>and the finite vocal mechanism. (Long pause) You would perhaps rather have
<BR>a higher authority than a midwayer?
<BR>GERDEAN: (Laughing) Well, no. I mean, you're there.
<BR>THOROAH: (Laughing) Right in the middle of the process.
<BR>GERDEAN: Right in the middle of the process. I suppose you ought to have
<BR>some frame of reference. I'd be interested in your remarks.
<BR>MIDWAYER: Remarks I have plenty of. The deal is, you see, the sweet Teachers
<BR>are able to make such personal contact with you because they speak to your
<BR>soul, your spirit within, through the cooperation of the Father Fragment
<BR>within you. The God within you assimilates the value of the concepts the
<BR>Melchizedek Teachers are sending your way. Therefore it is heard, it is
<BR>felt, it is perceived, it is experienced by you as a very personal one-on-one
<BR>kind of communication. And indeed it is, as you understand the sound of your
<BR>own child or your spouse or your friend. The vibration of that personality
<BR>impacts you through the heart, and this again is made personal to you because
<BR>it is in the field of religion, it is related to the relationship of the
<BR>Father and his children.
<BR>The council you – some of you -- hear/ have heard, have no less spirit
<BR>value, but they have less spirit substance and are therefore less personal,
<BR>more social, more organizational. Governing bodies will speak as one voice
<BR>when they are unanimous. And a unanimous opinion, as you all well know, is
<BR>attained only after a great deal of practice. That is to say, teamwork in
<BR>administration is a tedious, painstaking, time consuming process to learn.
<BR>By the time the members of the board or the council speak as one, they have
<BR>attained a true level of mastery, and in it they are fully appreciative of
<BR>other voices in creating the reality of the working group.
<BR>It is, however, not unheard of for a member of a council to speak
<BR>individually, and it is often at times like these that individuals (humans,
<BR>that is) begin to place epochal importance to such a voice because it is
<BR>going to be personal as well as administrative. It's almost a commission to
<BR>go forth and do something specific. And this can destabilize an individual
<BR>for a period of time and allow them to appear as though they are "beside
<BR>themself" even while they are simply assimilating the instructions and
<BR>counsel from that aspect of hierarchy which has dominion over the field of
<BR>effort the individual is assigned to or gravitating toward. in response to
<BR>the innate desire to be about the Father's business, to do His will as they
<BR>understand it, as they perceive He is directing them.
<BR>Just because they have got their orders doesn't mean you are expected to
<BR>follow them. In the course of time, everyone will receive their own personal
<BR>orders, and they will be assimilated into the life of the evolving soul.
<BR>Also, administrative matters may hail from the Melchizedek schools as well.
<BR>And so in answer to your question, no.
<BR>GERDEAN: Okay. Thank you.
<BR>PAULO: I have one more paragraph. Perhaps we could call it "P.S." Although
<BR>I'm not fond of a boomerang, I am aware of a form of rebellion as a catalyst
<BR>for action. I don't promote action as a response to anger, and yet sometimes
<BR>an intense feeling is able to launch action or creativity in ways that
<BR>complacency and compatibility cannot. So, if you don't like it, do something
<BR>about it. Do your own thing. Be your own authority. Find out what God
<BR>would have you do, how you fit into the divine plan. What classes have you
<BR>been attending? What experientials have given you knowledge and wisdom to
<BR>reveal to others?
<BR>If you have given your heart to God, follow your heart. It is in God's
<BR>hands. And in the end, it is a matter of the intimacy in the relationship in
<BR>and between you and the Indwelling Adjuster, God within, that is the
<BR>essential contract. Most holy place. Busyest market and thoroughfare of
<BR>on-going, on-coming concepts, goods, services, ideas, modalities, solutions,
<BR>processes and results.
<BR>Anything else?
<BR>THOROAH: Just a burning desire to understand the crop circles better. It
<BR>seems the display of the corp circles, this latest one series, is just
<BR>awesome. It's amazing to me that they aren't more publicized from the
<BR>dominating media seem to avoid it like the plague and leave it for a few
<BR>pieces of the media that aren't given all that much credibility to cover
<BR>these things.
<BR>PAULO: Well, once again, you'll need to look at the conditioning of those in
<BR>authority, and be about the business of tilting the scale. Make your voice
<BR>heard. Rise up against the darkness, defy ignorance, rebel against fear.
<BR>The old way is passing; behold all things are becoming new, and I can't help
<BR>but wonder about the fact that job security lies in the system, the eternal
<BR>career is outside those constraints, can afford to be magnanimous and
<BR>adventurous, can act on faith and know that the worker will be taken care of
<BR>in doing the work the Father has set out for him to do. Remember the
<BR>exponential increase and continue to promote that which reveals truth, beauty
<BR>and goodness.
<BR>Say what you want. The customer is always right.
<BR>THOROAH: Thank you.
<BR>PAULO: Thanks for missing me. I'll see you around.