<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff"><FONT SIZE=2>DATE: September 15, 2001
<BR>LOCATION: Spokane, Washington
<BR>T/R: Gerdean
<BR> TOPIC: Thought Controller
<BR> DOLORES: Prayer
<BR>TOMAS: Tomas here. This is why we have a curriculum. If we depended on you to direct our program, we wouldn't teach much. We have learned to adapt our teachings to your needs, capacities, appetites, even preferences, but there are certain compromises that may not be made. There are areas where we draw the line. We are given certain parameters in which to work, based on the parameters of the human being and there are those human parameters which need to be taught, which brings us to our work in the field and our on-going Human Associations 101 lessons, for how do you promote your beliefs while at the same time not discarding the recognized restraints of your hearers. You who have grown have perspective on much of spirit value that has not been recognized by the spiritually hungry. You have a great deal of latitude, knowing that in the course of time that which is unreal will fall away, even that which you provide as scaffolding for your own preachments.
<BR>Let's talk a bit about the concept of a Thought Controller. Let me ask you to express what comes to your mind when you think of the phrase "thought controller," class.
<BR>GERDEAN: Okay. my first thought is Silva Mind Control, which I didn't ever take, so I don't know why my mind would automatically go there, except for the word "control". I don't deal with control very well. I mean I deal with my own control, I mean I like to be in control, but I don't want something controlling me so it's a phrase that is a lot more difficult to deal with than Thought Adjuster. I have come to appreciate a Thought Adjuster because my thoughts have to be adjusted a lot! I find myself adjusting my thoughts spirit-ward, you would think, more often than necessary. You'd think I'd have it pretty well "under control" by now. And maybe that's where the Thought Controller comes in. It's encouraging me and urging me to just quit adjusting my thoughts so much and get a grip on them in terms of what spirit's telling me, and run the risk that it might be my human ego doing that as compared to my spiritual nature doing that. I'm sure it will all come out in the wash. Or all over the Teaching Mission List or something. (Laughter) What do you think about ...
<BR>THOROAH: Oh, the first time I heard that phrase I was defensive. That was my first reaction to "Thought Controller" but it dawned on me, especially after that conversation which I talked about that, that's what it's all about - is thought controlling. I mean, it ends up being me in partnership controlling what I do. I want to control the things that I do. I want to have self-mastery. I want to say and be and do all the right things at the right times. And the only way you can do that is to be in control. What is that control? It has to be with the way you think, and I am out of control and my Thought Adjuster is trying to teach me how to Control my Thoughts, is what I'm seeing now. He's teaching me how to control my thoughts. Pretty soon I won't care if it's my Thought Adjuster or me controlling my thoughts because we'll be together. So it won't be like something came in and took over my thoughts. That's what I think of the phrase.
<BR>GERDEAN: So you see it as a cooperative?
<BR>THOROAH: It's the only way.
<BR>GERDEAN: Free will opting to –
<BR>THOROAH: About the only way I can control my thoughts is to allow the Father to control my thoughts. Which doesn't seem like then I would be in control of my thoughts then, does it not?
<BR>However, it's not an abdication. That's what I've discovered. It's not abdicating anything. It's a collaboration. But it doesn't happen instantly so it's not like you wake up in the morning surprised, "Whoa! I have thought controlled!"
<BR>TOMAS: It's not something you got for your 40th birthday.
<BR>TOMAS: Indeed, and some are slower to "grow up."
<BR>The problem with learning how to follow the direction of a Thought Controller is the troublesome task of sifting through the deep-seated conditioning and a life-time accumulation of prejudices in order to trust that which is of the divine in you and not that which is of the mind in you, which mind has been adjusted but has not met with the mechanics of thought control.
<BR>Thought control is really only a mind fixed on God. A mind who is habitually fixed on God is going to reflect aspects of God in all things, and is going to reach for God for rationalization and justification of all things.
<BR>It is going to seek God's counsel for the reason for all things. And while the mortal may be imperfect in its interpretation, it can be credited, even so, with motivation to be about the Father's business.
<BR>There is a lot of energy spent in misunderstanding this aspect of deity attainment, reflected in the "art form of argument." [See Mota #28]
<BR>Paulo, too, is here today and has a follow-up for you. One moment.
<BR>PAULO: Paulo here. On the heels of our recent conversation having to do with the maelstrom of the recent development, I cannot help but notice how it is that no one asked me what I meant when I undertook to point out that the subject of rebellion is a real course in study and we must pause to consider what value may be found in certain rebellious acts and why "the gods" allow certain actions, even if they run the risk of failing to portray His divine nature.
<BR>For as you know there will be many who will resume their relationship with God as an adversarial relationship for "How could God have allowed that terrorist attack to happen to America and to innocent people minding their own business, impacting on thousands!?"
<BR>What, beloved students, are you going to say to your brothers when they ask you, when they tell you, when they manifest to you their anger at God, at Jesus, at religion, at religionists, at the devil. How can this rebelliousness contribute to the revelation of truth, beauty and goodness?
<BR>What influence has your Thought Controller over you in this case?
<BR>Keep your mind fixed on God. Stayed on God. Always having a response from your Thought Controller. Allow yourself your own conviction. Exercise your will as it is in alignment with His will. It is better to err and learn than to stay safe and frozen in indecision and in fear.
<BR>Immediately the Thought Controller is in automatic alignment with God. It has ceased to question God's motives. It has ceased to find fault with God's methods, appreciating that God is the First Source and Center of all things and beings, and without the Father none of this would be able to exist, even that which is falling on deaf ears. And that affirmation, that deep conviction, that inherent devotion and common loyalty to divinity can not question God's innocence, but from a place of conjoint purpose, discuss WILL in such a way as your hearer is able to personally ascribe to reality a perception of confirmation in recognizing the infallibility of divinity, even while imperfection exists and incompleteness is inherent in the material realms of time and space.
<BR>Give yourself an opportunity to take heart and, in confidence of this liaison with your own Thought Controller, give substance to this reality; give girth to this slim reed of a thought so that it becomes a woven basket that can hold the living water, that your administering it to your fellows can quench their spiritual thirst, and thus redirect the focus of the moment on what can be done and what cannot be done by mere mortals, and what can be done and what cannot be done by God himself as a result of the parameters established in the upholding of a universe.
<BR>What do you think good will come from this tragedy? If it was not ascertained in advance that there would be more benefit derived than destruction, it would not have been permitted. Thus it would behoove you to have, in your arsenal of thoughts, artillery to direct at faulty thinking while you aim for the heart of truth, beauty and goodness.
<BR>Are there any questions this afternoon?
<BR>THOROAH: I would say that perhaps one of the positives that I see coming out of this is that perhaps mankind in general can unite around the simple concept of not allowing terrorists to exist in our global society. If we decided that terrorism was something that we would not tolerate, without firing a shot, basically, we could make that so by not allowing terrorism to operate. And maybe this is a cause we can come together around, because this is such a vivid, unbelievable demonstration of how far it could go! It has to have spoken to almost everybody on the planet!
<BR>PAULO: Terrorism is the science of inducing paralyzing fear. It is a desire to control. How do you draw the line between which fear will keep you in check? What right has anyone to control another through fear? Is this not the purpose of the current revelation, to provide an alternative to fear? The fear or faith of this matter will not be resolved religiously, but politically and socially, since without revelation and humility there persists the illusion that the mind of man can continue to control the will of others. Only through spiritual liberation is this freedom from fear attained and not only freedom from fear but freedom from the desire to inflict others or control others in order to feel superior or powerful or safe.
<BR>An era of the mind stretches before us. The frontier of the mind is being approached as worthy of exploring. There will be a lot of thinking and a lot of attempts to control other people's thinking and belief systems, and only as we emerge on the other side of the veil, as we emerge harmonious with the loving nature of the Divine Indweller, as It is controlling our thoughts such that our lives are fixed on Him, are we able to proceed, even into the next revelation and the next phase of light and life. Therefore there will be much work to do in the realms of the mind.
<BR>It is the mind arena wherein the choices are made. Spirit is developed as it's worked with through the human intellect. Be mindful of the skills of coercion, propaganda, public relations that want you to think as they think, as the power players pull the strings. You have the tools to pull strings as well. You have the power within you to maintain your mind on mota thought to advance, uplift, enhance, appease, appetize, nourish, stimulate, comfort and respond to the mental agitations of your fellows who look for the assurance of the still, small voice, who listen for the Spirit of Truth to say, "This is the way."
<BR>Help lead them into the presence of this Spirit, which spirit awaits their acknowledgment, which awaits the acknowledgment of all mortality, and in this moment of acknowledgment there are instants of pure appreciation of Life that allows for the differences to be swept away in the gratitude of being a part of the whole, and of being a product of God.
<BR>(After a pause) You'll need to get your footing on higher ground. Everyone has fallen into the hole of the travesty, has become enmeshed and covered in ashes of the destruction. Wash yourself of this rubble and in compassion stand on solid foundation such that you will be better able to focus on the farther view, thus affording insight and consolation and comfort and guidance as you pass by.
<BR>Keep your mind fixed on God. Stayed on God. Always having a response from your Thought Controller. Allow yourself your own conviction. Exercise your will as it is in alignment with His will. It is better to err and learn than to stay safe and frozen in indecision and in fear.
<BR>Dolores is eager to engage us in communal prayer.
<BR>DOLORES: I am also eager to hear your prayer. I am eager to hear and feel and sense the added strength acquired by your faith when you yourselves are courageous in lifting your voice to be heard On High and throughout the spheres in search of the heart and mind of Paradise Trinity, that you may come before Our Eternal Parents in praise and in supplication of their embrace.
<BR>"Universal Father and Infinite Mother, we, your far-flung creations, are among the many potentials which lie in your unlimited expression. We come to you today with our hearts and minds wide open to embrace the opportunity you give us in this organism of living love, that can train us even as we are to become for you in eternity a reliable and dependable extension of Yourself.
<BR>Come into our beings and control our thoughts such that we are continually amazed, astounded, and blessed by the wonders that emit from your expression, even as they emit through us in our willingness to be of service to You and to Your fields.
<BR>Teach us what you would have us learn. Take us into those areas of learning that will enable us to better know You and better serve Your purpose. Help us as we go forth this week in service to the many who are afraid and who look to You, in fear of You, and seek Your comfort.
<BR>Loosen the tongues of these, your mortal children, your workers in the mortal fields. Grant that these many soulful lessons, which have been propagated as seeds, spring to life in their souls and spill forth from their lips as living water to quench the thirst and sustain the lives of those who seek for You.
<BR>I am going to add, I want to encourage you to learn to pray. I want you to get accustomed to feeling the words in your mouth. I want you to learn to reach for the Spirit wherever it is that it draws you and spill forth those psalms and hymns of joy and yearning that help you become greater by your consecration as you bear witness to yourself and your fellows and the celestial hosts of your dependence upon and your love for the Creator and His Parents, our own Universal Parents on Paradise.
<BR>As little children, learn to pray.
<BR>TOMAS: This is Tomas again. I will see you in Sandpoint tomorrow. We have much to do. Let us be on our way. I'm going to make a point of also being in attendance in Monterey, Massachusetts for the children there who seek the assistance of the Teacher Corp. The earnestness of that group is an inspiration as are all of you who set your minds to the task of learning to hear the voice of God as it is given in his many ministers. Listen for the voice of God and acknowledge him, no matter how feeble or faint the sound. As truth beauty and goodness is acknowledged and fostered, it will grow. Blessed be art thou. Farewell.</FONT></HTML>