<div align="center"><font size=3>Arcadia Teaching Mission Group<br><br>
Monday, July 8, 2002, 8:15 pm<br>
Arcadia, California<br><br>
Prayer <br>
Lucille: Dear Father we thank you for this group. We look forward
to hearing from the Teacher JarEl, who has been so inspiring to our group
for quite a few years. Each time we learn something new and
different. The important thing is that we live the life we
believe. It is often hard to get rid of our old habits, but may we
truly love one another and be of service. This we ask in our love,
JarEl: TR, George. Good evening, it is I, your Teacher,
JarEl. It is good to see all of you once again. I am happy to
be in your presence again and to unite with you so we may share a common
desire and common goal; to achieve oneness with God. I am your
Teacher. I am here to help you in ways that transcend all other
instructional institutions here on earth. The knowledge that you
receive from the Teachers of the Teaching Mission is advanced knowledge
to be dispersed among progressive minds like yourself; those who
are willing to contemplate these new concepts and ideas and are willing
to make changes on this earth (which requires so much change and so much
love). There are people out there who would like to stop
progressive thinkers. They would like to undermine your minds so
that you have little effect on others. They cannot harm you, they
cannot stop you and they cannot deter you from your destiny. You
are protected by God. You are given strength by Michael.
Since the Spirit of Truth indwells you, when you speak others listen and
understand that what you say is true. So those who try to undermine
you are viewed only as false teachers. Your words, the message that
you give to these people, it is buried deep within their hearts and their
mind begins to change and begins to accept this new and better concept of
life, a new progressive life. That is the key for advancement to
Light and Life, a progressive way of thinking. <br><br>
At this moment, if you will, there are lots of hungry souls out there who
search for some light, for some living water, for some truth.
Inside of you is this truth. In your very being you have the
understanding of this new and powerful truth. Dispense all that you
want to these hungry souls who need it. Become the light givers,
the messengers, the brothers and sisters that you are. In such a
way you help bring this world into Light and Life. <br><br>
Two weeks ago, I talked about the search for God and finding God within
yourselves. The search for God wasn’t hard at all. This week
I would like to express upon the fact of finding God within you.
What do you do afterwards? Do you keep it to
yourselves? Do you keep this knowledge of finding God to
yourself; like a prize, like a treasure that you found in the sand,
something for you and nobody else? Is it this way? Or is God
like a lamp, like a candle, like a bright light or like a piece of wood
ablaze with fire and you’re the only one that carries this fire while all
others are cold and shivering in the dark. Do you keep this fire to
yourself so that only you can be warm? Even if you try to keep it
to yourself, the light from the fire will be seen by others and will
attract others to you, and they will come knocking. They will
gather around you, wanting to be near you so that they may share the
fire, this warmth that you have acquired. At this point do you deny
them the right to be next to you? Or do you say welcome, come sit
next to me so that you may share with me this wonderful and brilliant
fire. This is the way that God would have you proceed. As
something that, if you find it, must be shared with others so that they
may enjoy the Lord and a righteous God. You rightly do so by
organizing your various projects, publishing your various books, sharing
this among others, among your fellow men and sisters. <br><br>
Remember that God is for everyone. God is for all of your brothers
and sisters, all the children in the world, all the women and all the
men. God is not exclusive to one nation or one people. This
you must understand, to get beyond your differences that exist on your
world, that you are all brothers and sisters. You all deserve to
share in one destiny and you all deserve to share in the right for
life. At this moment on your world there are great discrepancies
between the rich and the poor. However, at this point more people
are aware that things can be much better than they are. These
voices are slowly but surely coming to the surface to speak out and
demand change. God gave you voices as well, unite your voices with
this progressive movement as well and you will see the great tidal wave
of change that you shall produce. <br><br>
Are there any comments or questions?<br><br>
Jerry: JarEl I have a question, it relates to the Buddhist
Religion. When I think about the ways of uniting the people of the
world and the major religions, the one that seems to lack a concept of
God or a Universal Father or anything about a Supreme Being, is the
Buddhist Religion. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions or
recommendations on how one would best approach a person from that belief
JarEl: TR, George. Certainly Jerry, it is not so important that you
think alike, but rather that you promote their highest ideals and their
highest concepts. The Buddhist Religion has very good ethical and
moral ideals that you must promote and you must nurture as
well. Let them decide. For you, try to unite with them
spiritually. This concept of God will not go well with them, for
they have a long tradition in believing otherwise. However, within
their traditions they have developed extremely ethical and moral
ideals. These are the basis and structure of their religion, which
holds everything they believe in together and keeps them moral and
ethical citizens. Simply support them and try to understand
them. The bridge that you build with them will be built within
their hearts not within their minds. Does this answer your
Jerry: Yes, a part of what you said resonates with me and what I
think. This is something that I have given quite a bit of thought
to as a project: to identifying the beliefs, principals, ethics and
moral codes of the mayor religions of the world, in order to identify how
they have so much in common and focus on their commonality. When
that is understood then ultimately it will likely lead to a common
perception of God.<br><br>
JarEl: TR, George. Just keep in mind all this will come to be in
the progressive, yet slow process. Eventually the people from the
Buddhist Religion will accept the Fatherhood of God concept and integrate
it into their own religion. However, this radical change will be
made by Buddhists who are progressive thinkers, not by
Jerry: I can certainly see that.<br><br>
Larry: JarEl, I have a question from Debralee who emailed me:
“</font><font size=2>There is a debate going on at UBRON about the book,
Jesus A New Revelation, this is a book containing only part IV of the UP.
I wonder if I could have you ask a question for me at your next TeaM
meeting? (just for my personal satisfaction) Many seem to think that
publishing part IV is a terrible mistake, I wonder if this could be
JarEl: TR, George. There are certainly very different opinions on
this and everyone has a right to their own opinion. Maybe many
within her circle think that just publishing Part IV is a bad idea.
However, there are hundreds and thousands who would differ, for they have
discovered The Urantia Book by reading Part IV only, which is the Jesus
Papers. That in itself is a great service to humanity. So in
my personal opinion, I think everything which is done with good intent is
worthwhile and correct. I hope this answers her question.<br><br>
Larry: Thank you.<br><br>
Lucille: JarEl you spoke about the great difference between the
very wealthy and the extremely poor people on the planet. I know
there are many groups that we can contribute to, but that is a small drop
in the bucket. What are some of the ways as an individual we can
help the very poor?<br><br>
JarEl: TR, George. You are correct Lucille when you say that a lot
of causes that you may support will probably produce little
benefit. What must be done, what must change is the thought
patterns within the rich and the elite. The thought patterns of
consuming, of looting, of hoarding, greed, self-preservation. This
thought pattern has been consistent for many, many years. A thought
pattern which unfortunately has left many people in misery. What
you must do is try to reach these people whose minds are so thwarted and
warped with greed. Try to reach their hearts, try to change their
souls for the better. Everyone has a soul and everyone is a part of
God. There are just some who have separated themselves so far that
it may seem impossible to reach, but you can reach these people because
they are human and they cry and they laugh just like you. So try to
make them understand that others in this world deserve a happy life as
well, a life of abundance, not just them. As far as your question
Lucille, what you can do to help? Just pray, pray that these people
change in their hearts, in their minds and when you run across one of
these people show that you can love them unconditionally. This
might throw them back a little and make them think. That is all
that is necessary, a seed in their mind to flourish and once this seed
has been planted, it will grow and grow until the change becomes
inevitable and this person has realized all the wrong that he has caused
in this world and will rectify every wrong decision that he has ever
made. Pray and love your fellow men and women. <br><br>
Lucille: Thank you. I have been trying to use that universal
energy that you told us about. I don’t know if one person has the
effect as a group has, but I have certainly been trying to use it in a
situation that is very close to me and it seems to be working. I
have been sending energy of love and healing to people and I thank
JarEl: TR, George. Thank you Lucille for learning your lesson
well. Now there is someone who would like to speak a couple of
words to you. <br><br>
Michael: TR, George. Good evening my children. It is I, your
Father/brother Michael. I come to you in peace. I come to
bathe you with my light and bring you close in my arms and to love
you. I would like to take you, so that you may see the wonders of
the Universe that await you. I would like to show you the beauty of
this Universe that I have built. For you my loved ones, for you my
children, this is all for you. This world that you stand on this
moment is for you. This is my gift as a father. It is my
birthday present to you. Enjoy every aspect of this beautiful
planet that I have given you. Learn to appreciate while you are
still on it and then when you reach the Morontia Realm everything will
change and life will become sharper, more beautiful, more colors, more
sensations, more feelings. That will also be my gift to you.
The schools of the Morontia is a destination where I shall send my
children to learn, to get the best education anywhere in the
Universe. I will be there to guide you and to help you with your
home work. From there you will graduate and you will leave. I
shall be present on that glorious day. You are so precious to me my
dear ones, my loved ones. You mean so much and you love so
much. You have so much great potential in your hearts and in your
lives. I know how you feel. I know this great desire in your
hearts, ready to burst, ready to go out into the world and create
change. I know, because I felt that myself. I want you to
take my hand and walk with me for awhile, until you are strong.
This whole time for now, until you decide to let go, I will be with you,
by your side. I am ready to take on any challenge with you.
Don’t be afraid to confront the world and it’s problems, because I will
be there with you. I leave you with my love and with all of my
energy. Have a safe and pleasant night my loved ones.
JarEl: TR, George. This is JarEl, again. I too want to wish
you good night, until next time.<br><br>