<div align="center"><font size=3>Arcadia Teaching Mission Group<br><br>
Thursday, January 29, 2003, 7:00 pm<br>
Arcadia, California<br>
Larry: Dear Father thank you for this gathering this evening.
We love you very much Father, Michael we love you, Nebadonia we love
you. We are so grateful for our creation and the personality which
you have endowed each one of us and the fact that you indwell each one of
us. Open our minds and our hearts and our eyes to the wisdom which
you would have us to know and as we now go into the stillness, let those
who would hear the words you would want us to hear so speak them.
In Christ Michael’s name Amen.<br><br>
JarEl: TR George. Good evening. It is I, your teacher
JarEl. I welcome all of you who have come to this special meeting
tonight. The proclamation that you are about to hear is intended
for those who are willing to listen and willing to see the new
light. We have come very far in the Teaching Mission. Many of
you have advanced to a superior level<br>
of understanding and spirituality. We are very pleased with our
students and their progress. <br><br>
The Teaching Mission, however, needs to be taken up a notch. Up
until this point all of you have been prepared in mind, body and soul to
receive the messages that we are about to dispel on you. In order
for you to fully understand our clear message that we send to you, we
must open up new channels of communication so that you may fully
understand and realize the concepts and values that we send to you.
Over the next couple of months you will notice that the messages that
come through will be taken up a notch, will come through with clearer and
sharper imagery to which everyone can relate. Our goal is to
facilitate the process between the teacher and the transmitter.
Thus far, each transmitter has volunteered his or her time to participate
in TRing and we greatly appreciate this effort. However, from now
on participation will only be part of the experience. For the
channels that we shall open from now on will allow you, the TR, and those
who are willing to TR as well, to not only visualize concepts mentally,
but you will also experience these concepts emotionally and
intellectually. This experiential level will allow you to describe
the imagery that you are experiencing to your fellow Urantians. This
experiential level shall also be dispersed to the entire group. So
when a communication comes through a certain concept is put
forth the TR will act as a conduit which will allow all others in
the same room to instantly visualize and recognize <br>
this concept. <br><br>
We are speeding up our efforts in this emergency Teaching Mission
for the purpose of the coming of the Magisterial Son. It is
perfectly clear that his coming will be sometime soon. Therefore we
urgently need all of you to prepare for such an event and we urgently
need all of you to practice the silence and allow for the communication
to come through into your hearts and minds. I shall stress it again
that it is all up to you to create changes. We are only here to
help you and to make your transition easier. But, ultimately, it is
your participation in this whole historic event that will bring changes
to this world. Our efforts in the Teaching Mission have been very
successful but we are aware that there is <br>
a need to further this Teaching Mission. Therefore, the decision
was handed down by the Most Highs that new channels of communication
shall be opened to your planet. You have proven yourselves worthy
and therefore the channels shall be opened to all who are willing
to communicate and who are ready to receive messages. These
channels shall not be limited to those who are involved in the Teaching
Mission, but shall be there for all who are willing to listen.
Anyone with the Thought Adjuster shall receive new insight into his or
her life. Your job will become much easier from now on for there
shall be open ears and open hearts ready and willing to receive your
message of love. If we are to open these new channels, it is for
one purpose and one purpose alone, and that is to expand communication
throughout and that includes you participating in this communication and
allowing this information to flow through you. It is time to share
this message with the whole world. For too long have you guarded
The Urantia Book. It is time to allow it to free itself and to go
freely through the hearts and minds of everyone. But the focus is
not the book itself, it is in the words and ideas that you spread
This world has reached its all time low of decadence. It is at an
apex in which it is about to turn a new leaf (?) in which the next page
shall be the return and renaissance of a new age in which all of you will
participate. If for your whole life you have felt that you have
been prepared, it is for this moment. You have all been chosen and
you have all been prepared to receive this information and to disseminate
it and to pass it on through and allow others to view it. There is
a great thirst in which all of you will bring forth urns of water to the
population and give them the water of life that flows through the
universe. Do not worry about where this spring shall come forth,
for it is already flowing in you. There is a great rush of water about to
come forth in which all of you shall be stewards. I shall open it
up for others to transmit now.<br><br>
Floreena: TR Stella. This is Floreena, one of the assistants to the
Most Highs. We have been anxious to contact you Stella and we have
good news. As you have heard JarEl say, the Magisterial Son will
arrive soon soon in your terms does not mean tomorrow, next month,
but soon in celestial terms, which could be a year, two years and even
ten. But you are all being prepared with this news so that you can
arrange your lives to be ready when that great day comes. The
change will be instantly observed. The world will be breathless
with all the wonder of what this means. The Magisterial Son will
appear on your TV. We have long waited for the day when we can use
your technology for public appearances. Your world is ready
technologically but it is not ready spiritually. Because of things
lagging spiritually, the Most Highs feel that something must be done to
bring about a change in human hearts and to know that there is a God who
is working for you and with you. Your wars have been a terrible
hindrance to the dissemination of this news. However, because you
have lagged spiritually, your growth needs this help more than
ever. <br><br>
When he comes there will be a new spirit in the world which will urge the
human spirit to be open to this new force. We look forward to this
change in your world and we sincerely hope that all of you will be
prepared to explain to the people what is happening. This is the
most profound event in the history of your world. Nothing like it
has been seen throughout the other worlds. Your world has been
chosen as it was chosen by Jesus, by Michael, to bring about the Spirit
of Truth throughout the world. The spirit that the Magisterial Son
will bring will be something like the Spirit of Truth, however, it will
be more. The change will be so profound that it will affect the
rulers of the country as well as the rulers of other countries, who will
no longer be able to oppress their people, because the power
of God in the Magisterial Son is much stronger than the feeble plans of
mortal men. We welcome this change because we know you will
also. <br><br>
So be not discouraged if you think you see no progress for the
moment. But there is progress that we see from the other
side. This, of course, for spiritual effect, will be most
pronounced on those who are in power in your world and will also raise
the hopes and desires of millions of people on your planet. Your planet
has been in the dark ages, so to speak. However, that is about to
change. <br><br>
We greet you all with great love and great admiration for the fact that
you have been so faithful to the Teaching Mission. We see your
progress and we rejoice. You are not alone in your small
group. We are reaching all of the people in the Teaching Missions
throughout the world. Many are stunned that this could be happening
in a time of their lives but indeed it is so. <br><br>
Michael sends his greetings and urges you to wait for the coming of the
Magisterial Son as the prophets had predicted Jesus’ arrival. This
time has been short by all reckoning but we will be here to help as much
as we can. (I see your technology has interrupted our
discourse cell phone was ringing.) But nevertheless, we are
happy that you all came tonight to accept our greetings and our great
news. Goodbye for now. There may be other people who may want
to reach you but for me, Floreena, I bid you goodnight. Thank
Machiventa: TR George. Good evening, I am Machiventa and I bring
you greetings. I wish you peace and I am very pleased with what I
see and hear. We are very busy organizing this event and we greatly
appreciate any assistance that you can offer. I am very
enthusiastic and looking forward to the coming months where I can foresee
that there will be great change on your world. And this change will
be good. I have been involved in your world for many years and have
seen much change and, overall, I am very pleased. However, in the
coming months I foresee a great change one that has never been seen
on this world and one that should rightly be so. My heart is filled
with joy when I preview this era and I know how greatly all of you will
benefit. I know because I have seen it. The reason I
communicate with you is to remind you that we aren’t here at your
disposal. We are willing and able to aid you in whatever means
necessary. Allow us to know your intentions and help you realize
your goals and dreams. Many of you have noticed recently that you
have been urged in certain directions. Many of you have already
been prepared to realize a particular project that you’ve had in mind for
quite sometime. Many of you are beginning to barely receive ideas
and concepts and ways that can help you help others. For all of
you, everyone has different means of communication and expression, and we
are here to facilitate your forms of expression. We are here to
energize your love, your arts and your dialog. So be aware of these
new opportunities that are available to you and when you feel that urge
to go a particular way or to do something particular, know that it is
partly due to this new energy that is flowing through the universe and is
coming here to Urantia. I so greatly look forward to this new day
and age. <br><br>
Monjoronson: TR, George. Thank you for coming tonight. Hopefully
this new energy that will spring forth from the universe allows you to
communicate with God more peacefully, more fully. Hopefully this
energy allows you to communicate with your brothers and sisters and to
communicate to them with love and the utmost respect. Hopefully
this new energy will allow your world to heal and the healing
process is already on the way. We love you and more than anything
we wish for all of you the love that you deserve. We hurt just as
you hurt and we know that once you realize what love really is, it shall
embellish you and surround you forever, always creating a deeper and more
worthwhile sense. <br><br>
This entire Teaching Mission has been commissioned because of the
love of not only Michael, but that the entire universe has for you.
There is a time when it was realized that you greatly and truly needed us
to guide you; whereas our guidance was an answer, perhaps, that your
deepest, most horrible nightmare, would not come true. But we are
here to guide you and to protect you and to love you. We are here
to hold your hand and take you out of this adolescence. We hold you
truly and deeply in our hearts and we shall avail ourselves to guide you.
So fear not and do not allow others to instill fear in you.
We do not bring to you any fear or doubt for it is not our intention to
do so. In all our thoughts and intentions our number one priority
is to show you that we love you and we deeply care for you. We
would never try to scare you into anything. If we have called this
meeting, it is to announce to you that something urgent and exciting is
about to happen. It was never our intention to scare you into
anything. And, no, the world is not coming to an end.
The world will change into something more beautiful and powerful.
The world will bring new hope to those who have not. Those of you
in this room have been very fortunate in the lives that you lead with
many opportunities having convinced you (?) There is a reason why
and that reason you shall find on your own time when you begin to take
action in what you were destined to be. There are no accidents in
this universe and every opportunity that has been handed to you was
purposeful and had some long term effect. <br><br>
We are all part of an orchestra in which God is our conductor. We
all create a unique tune and when we organize ourselves we begin to
create a beautiful melody. This is a moment of reorganization in
which strains are being corrected and put into place. This is a
moment in which great change shall come to the world, but it is not to be
feared. It is an exciting time, a beautiful time, in which you will
see many beautiful and extraordinary people rise and then their voices
and the messages that we bring here tonight were all intended to
facilitate and help you lend your voice and your thoughts.
For ultimately that is our goal, to bring the message to you personally
and to invite you to participate in this great adventure.
Ultimately it will always be personal and it will always come down to us
asking you and by all means this, perhaps, is the greatest opportunity
ever offered to any one generation and for you to be a part of will make
your lives rich and extraordinary. If ever you’ve felt your lives
filled with mediocrity, this is the opportunity to climb out of that
mediocrity and join the ranks in bringing this new age of Life and
Light. The world is ready and we are willing and we thank you all
for coming here tonight and allowing us to communicate this message to
you. We know that you lead busy lives. Thank you,
Corelli: TR Stella. I have a message from Corelli: This is
Corelli, you have been wondering who Floreena is. She is of a much
higher order than I. She is a created being on the staff of the
Most Highs who has been trying to reach you. She is glad that you
were able to receive her message, which is valid, and I also concur with
her message that the Magisterial Son will arrive. There will be
great changes in your world. We hope we can communicate again as we
tell you of the progress that you are making and that the world is
making. We love you all. We send greetings from all of
us. We will talk again soon. Goodnight and we love
JarEl: TR George. This is JarEl. For those of you who just
listen to the messages, I would like to clarify who is speaking through
the TR named George. Immediately after Machiaventa it was the
Magisterial Son who spoke to you giving you his beautiful message.
It was not made clear for he did not introduce himself and it was a
beautiful message and I thank you all for coming here tonight. <br><br>
This will allow you to talk to the leader and those that see someone
leading them will always follow no matter what decision they’re in
and you are a natural leader. Do not let the doubts and fears strip
away this gift. Be decisive and be courageous and allow yourselves
to make mistakes. Those are the qualities of a good leader.
Does that help?<br><br>
Tonight’s message that I brought to you had a lot to do with
encouragement and reassurance. This is something that you can give
to one another and it is not hard to do. In fact it is very easy to
encourage one another and to reassure one another. So I will leave
you with that and allow you to take that into your hearts. Until
next time, good night.<br><br>
All: Thank you, good night.<br>