Elyon and Lantarnek 01/26/97

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Tue Jan 28 08:39:34 PST 1997

-------------- next part --------------
January 26, 1997
*       Elyon (Mark TR):  Greetings, my fellow students and my dear
friends.  This is one among you, Elyon.  Once again I welcome
this opportunity to commune with you, to share lessons and
        In recent lessons I have offered I have touched on subjects
of faith, subjects of taking inventory of your accomplishments
and successes.  These are an attempt on my part to focus your
awareness on the many positive and good aspects you all have to
build upon, to work with in your lives.  The glass seen as all
the way half full is an attitude when adopted that will change
your outlook from one of reaction to one of positive action. 
This affirmation is what I wish to ask you to share among your
fellows.  This positive outlook will mean more to most
individuals than all the words you might choose to say.  It is
simply a reflection of the master's directive to be of good
        I hope that you all are cognizant of the many beneficial and
positive forces at work in your lives, that you attempt to
increase your awareness of the bounty that is all around you, and
that you then, therefore, go out among your brothers and sisters
and spread this good cheer.  You all in this room have so very
much to be thankful for, much of this you have earned through
your diligence and your dedication.  Nevertheless, it is freely
bestowed upon you, as all things are a gift.  When you encounter
those around you, seek always an opportunity to direct or
redirect the thought patterns towards the positive attributes of
the situation, for as in your discussion earlier, the affirmation
of positive attributes or desired positive attributes is a
powerful force in the coming about of these conditions.  You are
all familiar with the phrase, "that which the son desires and the
Father wills is."  You have an active role to play in this
regard; your desires and your wills are powerful forces to be
directed, and upon reflection I'm sure you all can recall times
in your lives when you have witnessed the effect of this powerful
        You all are as beacons in the dark; those around you will be
attracted as moths to the flame to the light, to the positive
attitude and nature you present.  If you do nothing else in your
life but simply lift the spirits of the downtrodden, comfort the
afflicted, then you have indeed done the will of the Father.  It
is a constant challenge to the human mind to return to the posi-
tive nature of all things, as so much around you seems to have
negative impact or adverse effect.  But it is indeed true that
every situation contains positive attributes which can be gleaned
and when focused on, will supply imminent growth.  
        I wish I could convey to you, I wish you could see, the
bright light energy emanating from each of you when you are
engaged in pursuit of the will of the Father and the aid and
assistance of helping those around you.  It is then that you are
truly at your most reflective of the Father's love and energy.  
        I am interested in any observations or comments you would
share at this time.  
        Jonathan:  I struggle with letting something bother me. 
Overall I am a fairly positive guy, but I need a good trick for
getting out of that downward spiral instead of being of good
cheer.  How can I catch myself at that instant and realize that I
can view this differently?
*       Elyon:  I would offer reflection on words spoken earlier
here today.  When in doubt, when in need, it is always a good
policy to return to the safe haven of the stillness and to
actively petition for guidance as well as that your particular
burden be shared.  We all know well the saying to turn over your
problems to Michael.  I would encourage that this is always
beneficial in that it opens up the channel of communication
between the Creator and yourself.  He is always there for all of
us to help shoulder our burdens as well as to provide insight on
how we may more comfortably shoulder our burdens.  Never hesitate
to take him up on his offer to be of assistance to you.  Michael
and the Father are always there, although at times it may be
difficult to pull yourself away, as it were, from your muck and
mire to retreat to the Father.  I encourage you to pursue this
avenue on a more frequent basis with your troubles and with your
joys and happiness.                        Jonathan:  I need to focus on, then,
seeking the stillness right then and there, not wait till the
next morning or my slotted time for quiet.  When I'm in a
negative space I don't tend to pursue meditation because it's
like bringing dirt into the house.  But you're saying go for it. 

*       Elyon:  I encourage anyone at any time to bring their dirty
problems into the arena of Michael and the Father and the
stillness.  There is no mess that cannot be eradicated through
this communion.  
        Perhaps all of you might benefit from attaching in your own
mind a red flag to situations of this nature.  The next time or
subsequent times when you find yourself spiraling downward, as
you mentioned, attach a mental red flag to this condition, make
note of this condition, and attempt to make a habit out of seeing
this red flag and realizing that the proper course when one sees
a red flag is to seek communion, is to bring your condition, your
problems, your discomfort, to the Father, to Michael for assis-
tance in sharing the burden as well as determining the proper
course of action to be taken.  So, each of you might benefit from
learning when you are in a red flag condition, when you are emo-
tionally spiralling downward and seek to catch yourself at as
early a stage in this as possible and redirect and rechannel this
energy through your stillness and through your communion. 
        Jonathan:  The Urantia Book tells us that Jesus would spend
an entire night in communion.  I've wondered at that, how much
bliss can one take?  Or how heavy could his problems have been? 
Yet from what I hear you say, he went through all sorts of things
in his worshipful times.  I'll try that when I hit a conflict to
give it thirty seconds at the minimum to tune in and look for
*       Elyon:  As you well know, any attempt on your part at any
time in any condition is welcomed and worked with by those forces
available to help you at any time.  This communion we speak of is
a definite two-way street in that you are able to share your
burdens and in a sense unload your baggage to be shared by
Michael and the Father.  At the same time you are also presenting
yourself available for direction as to how best to proceed
further.  This double duty really serves to lighten the soul and
prepare you for the next steps ahead.  It is the rest between
marathons, the refreshment between arduous activities.  
        Tom:  In reference to preaching the gospel, in the
transcripts from August 21st last year, the master admonished us
to live each moment to the full and become the embodiment of the
gospel, so you don't have to preach.  Yet Gabriel has said we are
commissioned to preach the gospel.  Then Nebadonia had a beauti-
ful insight when she said that, in the admonition to love your
brother as yourself, is the admonition to love yourself.  I
realize all the teachings you give us provide a broader base to
preach this gospel.  Could you drop another little pearl on us on
how we can be effective in understanding this gospel?  Just
something to work on this week.
*       Elyon:  As you are on the inside so you are on the outside. 
As you assimilate the teachings, as you grow to love yourself, as
you grow to benefit from your spiritual growth, so you exude
these qualities in your life, you shine forth from your efforts
at growth.  It is, as has been suggested, not as important to
talk the talk as it is to walk the walk.  On the other hand it is
true that if you can walk the walk, you are also empowered to
talk the talk.  Therefore, these several instances you sighted
all harmoniously tie together in that the first stages are of
personal growth, are of internalization of the truths.  The next
stages are of shining forth of its own accord these wonderful
qualities.  Finally, once having learned and internalized the
process, it is then a natural progressive part of the process to
reach out to others in ways that may be helpful to them.  
        As you mentioned, love is the desire to do good to others. 
It is the natural course of your learning, your desire to share,
to do good to others.  This is the evolutionary process.  At
times the sequence of these events happens almost simultaneously
so as to make the lines between growing, learning, and teaching
very vague, but these phases are always there with you.  You will
always transcend through these phases.  At times you will seem to
transcend through these very rapidly, and other times you will
take greater amounts of time at any one of these phases.  But the
cycle is not completely complete until all the phases have been
transcended in the cycle.  
        Is this helpful to you?
        Tom:  Yes.  
*       Elyon:  It is important to realize that the admonition to
spread the truths among those around you is not a mandate.  We
are not in the position of giving mandates.  The desire for you
to spread that which has been helpful to you to others is a
spontaneous feeling and desire on your part, not to be mandated
by any external force outside of yourself.  But we offer
encouragement and empowerment to proceed forth with this desire
of your own.  
        Tom:  Thank you.  
        Were you or Jessona with me last night during break at the
bar when the individual came in who was not alright in the head? 
Did I blow an assignment?  I felt an urge to offer healing, yet
there was something about his countenance that made me back off. 

*       Elyon:  Rest assured that on the one hand there is always
something there.  On the other hand, by opting not to immerse
yourself in any given situation, you have not blown it, as you
said.  You may simply at any time not gain access to the growth
potential involved in that situation.  This is simply freewill
choice in action.  It is not a strike against you in any regard,
the choice you make at any time.  It is simply another direction
taken.  However, realize, you and everyone in this room, that no
situation will present itself to you that does not have something
there, as you said, potential to be activated, to be accessed
upon your freewill choice.  You are, in a sense, bombarded with
potentials around you at all times.  Sometimes you are even
cognizant of these latent potentials, but always they are there
for your challenge.  It is not helpful, however, to be engaged in
any activity of feeling as though one has missed the boat or
struck out.  Rather, take this energy and seek out the next
growth opportunity to be presented to you, and maybe next time
run with the ball.  
        Tom:  I have in mind that you set up tests for us during the
day, but actually.... (Tape flipped)
*       Elyon:  You give me too much credit.  Life bombards you with
potentials and opportunities.  These are the gifts from the
Father.  I am simply hovering around at times in observation and
also ready to assist when petitioned to do so.   
        Tom:  I'll be asking.  Thank you.
*       Lantarnek (Jonathan):  I am another one among you.  I am
Lantarnek.  Having come to this planet to uplift it, our project
entails encouraging humankind to make changes that will bring
planetary growth.  You know that uplifting does not mean changing
its orbit around the sun but rather transformation of the
consciousness and spirit awareness of mankind.  But this we
cannot do.  Your personal transformation in partnership with God
incrementally uplifts this world.  If all were to uplift
themselves, this world would still be short of the upliftment we
seek to establish here.  One more step is necessary.  I would
illustrate this step this way:  You know the phrase, "The eyes
are the window to the soul."  It has been rightly interpreted in
the understanding that you can perceive the soul of another.  But
I would like to magnify this phrase, for looking through the eyes
to the soul of another is like looking the wrong way through
binoculars.  It is the smaller end of the tube.  Let us
reconsider the word "to".  It is "to" the soul that the eyes are
windows.  In relation to religious legalism, the master said it
is not what goes in that defiles but what comes out, referring to
the orientation of the personality, not contamination from your
environment.  Since we require your growth individually to lift
this planet, the completing step is for you to express your souls
mutually, conjointly with one another, establishing the family. 
This superimposition of individual growth is the planetary
upliftment we seek.  Stillness is closing the curtains on your
windows and perceiving within.  So I encourage each of you to
grow as you do so well.  But I also encourage you to share, to
spread the results of this growth, to talk the talk, for it is in
the enriching of one another that this planet will blossom. 
        That is all.
*       Elyon (Mark):  My friends, by way of inspiration I will
share one more thought with you before I take my leave today.  
        If you could but picture the seemingly endless support crew
that you have access to, if you could but picture the magnitude
of how far you could go in your spiritual ascent, it would be as
though your horizons were just expanded, your limits were just
lifted.  Indeed, you, through your efforts and with the help of
myself and those myriad of beings accompanying me, indeed, Mi-
chael and the Father, you have a limitless path before you.  How
high do you want to get?  What are your limitations?  What are
your priorities?  The sky is the limit.  Everyone in this room
has the tools to elevate them-selves to a spiritual plateau your
mind cannot even fathom.  It is there at your feet.  It is up to
you to command your feet to step forward.  I simply share this as
inspiration that, as much as you have and as much as you are
thankful for, there is many-fold that awaiting you at your
beckoning call, at your simple freewill choice to take it.  It is
offered to you; you will indeed take it all in your existence. 
It is simply at what rate you traverse down the path.  I and
those around me are there for you to aid you in whatever ways we
can.  It is however entirely up to you.  
        We walk a fine line between pushing and pulling.  Every once
in a while I get the urge to do a little pulling.  I would wave
the carrot in front of you, and I will joyfully work with
whatever level of commitment you offer me to work with.  Perhaps
reflect on this in the next week; toy with this in your mind as
well as spread the beautiful light that you are to those around
        I thank you for your attention.  I will be with you through-
out the week and at our appointed time next week.  My love to you
        Group:  Thanks, Elyon.  
-------------- next part --------------
Rick Giles

"When you wrestle with beliefs and the doubts and convictions that go with
them, pause in stillness to experience your faith." - Evanson

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