[tmtranscripts] New CDA Class session #4
cwithin at cet.cet.com
Thu Dec 30 14:01:27 PST 1999
New CDA Class - Session #4
(This week, both Jill and I were pretty sick with the flu on Monday---
which is our regular class day. Tonight [Wednesday] we felt somewhat
better so decided to see if our teachers would hold class tonight
instead. Before we began recording, Jill invited the teachers to join us
if they were able to get here on such short notice. At that point, I
felt Solonia chuckle and say, “We are very, very Fast.”)
After a very few moments of stillness...
***Solonia (T/R Daniel): Good evening Dear Ones. This is your Teacher
and Friend Solonia.
One thing you fail to recognize about those of our Order, is that we are
very, very fast. Traveling from one side of this globe to another would,
to you, seem almost instantaneous. So when you feel well enough to come
to class, we can always accommodate you.
There are many here as teachers, angel helpers, who are here for the
duration. I myself will remain here through Light and Life. It is a
special mission of mine that I have told you about somewhat, before. I
am quite pleased to be here at this particular time in history, at this
particular time in manifestation, because it is the beginning of a major
turning point. These times are the times we have for so long dreamed
about---that we have all along been working so diligently towards.
Within the generation of humanity that is alive today, are the seeds for
Great Spiritual accomplishment. Long have we awaited your technological
growth to reach a point of well nigh universal communication among the
peoples of your planet. The significance of this accomplishment is
inestimable from your viewpoint. We, having many, many more years of
experience, are able to foresee the sociological changes toward which
your planet is approaching. Indeed they must painstakingly work
themselves out by human volition, but having those now who can
consciously and willfully cooperate on the human level with those of us
who have been so long working towards it on the Spiritual level, allows a
Sudden new experiential partnership between the higher and lower Children
of God. We will work in heretofore unrecognized channels. Those of you
who consciously work with us, will do much towards the transformation and
growth of higher culture on this world.
You each will need to Live the lessons that we are sharing with you.
You will need to experiencially Own the understanding, and even though
you may feel transformed Now, even moreso will you be transformed in the
days and years to come. We will be here to teach new concepts
immediately as you begin Living the last ones.
It is valuable to understand these lessons also on an intellectual
level. You must be convinced of the value of it before you will indeed
take the step to make it a part of how you live your life. But, the more
you begin to incorporate these teachings into your daily life, into your
practice, the easier it will ultimately become for you to be in that
place of Soul at All times.
When there are many of you in many different places working actively in
concerted effort, there will be far more seekers who will be attracted to
what it is that you have to teach. This is not overly far in your
future. You are indeed already working towards this.
Tonight there is another teacher who will be joining us. And so for that
reason I will give to you my Love and say goodnight
***Levona (T/R Jill): Good evening. I am pleased to be here tonight
with you, and what with going through your long bout with the flu, and
also the world consciousness with the new millennium close at hand, I was
pleased to hear the two of you discussing counseling consciousness before
this session. For that is truly the main theme of this new group---
becoming living counselors for Light and Life in this next Millennium.
I would like to utilize Jill’s illness as an example of understanding
some basics of counseling, and a common error than can occur with
counseling as it is done today. Your human sciences have learned a great
deal about the human psyche in a relatively short period of time--- 40-50
years---and when that much information comes in, in order to utilize it,
they find it necessary, as a science, to categorize it. And sometimes
the understanding becomes over simplified about just what is going on
within a person. Jill came down with a flu bug. Daniel came down with
the same flu bug. Jill’s fever continued day in and day out. Jill went
to the doctor, and they checked for pneumonia. They checked all of the
obvious things and there was no pneumonia and it appeared to be flu with
probable infection, so she was treated with an antibiotic and an inhalant
for the asthma. And the fever continued. It went down a little bit, so
obviously the medication was working to a degree. But her illness was
not cut and dried. It was not simple. When she went back five days
later, the antibiotics---through blood tests---it was determined had
pretty well gotten rid of the infection. Yet, Jill was still wheezing
badly, coughing uncontrollably. It was then determined that not only was
she suffering from the flu, but this was complicated from severe
allergies she has. So, what appeared to be simple and easily addressed
on the surface, turns out to have underlying complications that one
cannot always see at first glance, or with the first tests that one takes
to determine an individual’s well-being. And the same is true in
counseling. Too many counselors have learned the pat descriptions of
this illness and that mental illness, and this and that; and they want to
apply standard procedures and go no further. And when it comes time for
re-check, they don’t look for anything underlying to make sure that the
illness is totally cleared up.
You, as counselors for the next millennium, are going to be receiving
minute educational steps of how to look from your God Self into the God
Self of your brother or sister, and be able to see the hints of the
complexities that are causing the pain; the psychological pain, the
emotional pain. In some cases there are organic disorders going on
within the brain cells and those do respond to the increasing, and
continually increasing, methods of medication being discovered. And that
is good, and should be utilized. But the error of the ways is in
believing that that is all that is necessary. We need the awakened
spirit brothers and sisters on Earth to be the counselors to balance the
medical growths that take place. We need you to be able to see the
complexities of one little “ouch” that occurs when a child falls down and
scrapes his or her knee while playing. The experience was not simply a
scrape on the concrete. It involved a sense of falling; fear of falling;
the sense of hitting; fear of what the result would be of hitting the
concrete; untold fears that raced through the mind before that split-
second accident was over. So, putting a band-aid on the scrape does not
heal the entire wound of the individual.
This is going to be the focus of our training in the months to come:
new awarenesses of how each of you can be a healer of the other, and vice
versa. I am really looking forward to the number of brothers and sisters
we will reach with this new group, and the enthusiasm that already I can
feel because the desire of so many in your world is now directed toward
healing, and there is a great deal of hope for the New Millennium. You
have the potential to all be healers, to all be counselors, and I look
forward to sharing with each and every one of you who desires to
participate. Thank you. This is your teacher, Levona.
Daniel: Thank you, Levona. That was marvelous.
***Levona (T/R Jill): You’re welcome. It’s really a joy to be here as
part of this new group. The time IS now, and many of you are now ready.
***Tomas (T/R Daniel): Greetings. I would like to say that I certainly
am ready. This is Tomas. I will be becoming more active in the teaching
of this group, also. It is a pleasure to be here teaching with this
particular faculty, and indeed teaching this particular class. An
indispensable tool that each of you will need to use consistently in your
Light and Life counseling is the recognition and understanding of body
language. Body language to a morontia personality, indeed your very own
Souls, is every bit as telling of a person’s true neediness and true
wants; true inner cravings. When you are with your brothers and sisters
and you are acting entirely from your Soul Self, your own body language
exudes love to them. Your own body language at these times shows self-
confidence, self-respect, and indeed a high level of Father’s Love
shining through you. When You are in this Light and Life place with
another, they feel more comfortable to join you in that place. Indeed,
many of your brothers and sisters are terribly frightened of that place.
But your love and your caring is well nigh irresistible. Whether or not
any of your brothers and sisters ever benefit observably from your
teaching, be assured that they each benefit significantly from your love
and your caring. For many it may be one of few times they have ever
truly felt loved and cared about for who they are. But it is a virus
that once caught cannot help but spread, albeit often ever so slowly.
Watch the eyes and the demeanor and the body language of others when you
are with them. Make note of it, because quite often it will be that body
language which leads you to a higher understanding of the things in their
life which are causing them pain. When you see this apply love, apply
compassion, and understanding. And then watch the significant difference
in their body language. Become Masters at recognizing the Soul deep
within others. Become Masters at interpreting the unconscious language
of the body. Through these two acquirements you will learn vast new
techniques for helping and healing those who are in such desperate need.
Be your highest understanding of Light and Life. Do not wait for it to
come. Be in it now, yourselves.
I am glad to have been here with you tonight. Now you know one more of
your teachers. This is actually kind of fun for us. I can assure you
there will always be surprises in store. I will head back to my regular
stomping grounds for now. I will say “Good night,” and again, it is a
great pleasure to be an active part in this class.
Jill: This is a strange sensation I am having. I am sitting here and
with my lips I am making different shapes, like enunciating words, and
doing it in an exaggerated fashion, and I am hearing that it ties in with
the message tonight of body language, and that there are some spirit
students who have to learn the sensation—I guess you might say—of our
speaking with our lips, with our mouth. I don’t know more than that, but
that’s what it feels like. Very strange—that they are experiencing
something through; they have to adjust to us in order to be good teachers
down the road, and they’re learning—so they have to learn our body
language. And so I was sitting here with these exaggerated lip motions
(Jill and Daniel laugh) and just practicing away, knowing that it was
just practice but that it was for a reason that I did not need to
understand too clearly.
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