[tmtranscripts] Abraham--11/06/00 Spiritual Strength

MckeeCalvin at aol.com MckeeCalvin at aol.com
Thu Nov 9 22:24:24 PST 2000

Meeting at Simon's home.
Present: Nina, Calvin, Mark (Simon), Carol (Saruna), Robert (Harrison), 
Deborah (Miriam), Mike (Anthony), Sandy Porter (just moved here from 
Indianapolis group), Kerrie (Claireesa), George Barnard (visiting from 
Australia),  Lance (first time with us-Simon’s friend), Tetra (just returned 
after many months out on the road), Mark (Anthony’s friend, returned)

November 6, 2000 
Abraham Meeting -- SPIRITUAL STRENGTH   
Woods Cross Group

I am Abraham. Greetings to you my friends. What a full week you have spent
enlarging your capacity to receive new spiritual seeds. Your contact with
one another and the unseen friends as well, has made your universe more
user friendly. Father's works are awesome in that He covers so many areas,
most of which you do not see but most certainly play a part in.

Michael’s work is firmly planted and we are witnessing the new shoots of
growth. The time has come where not even the unbeliever can say there is 
not some higher power or energy at work.

My friends, you have stepped forth in faith and trust and you will not be
disappointed. Your willingness to work in Father’s kingdom has excellent
benefits. You may not always be aware of the fruits produced, but as time
goes by you will begin to see that there really is more good that bad, more
positive that negative, more love than hate.

You are becoming more aware of your spiritual strength; meaning that your
fear lessens and your confidence expands. You know what you know, and if 
you don't know, certainly you know the answer is forthcoming. You worry 
not about spiritual weakness, like a tightrope walker who grips his small 
umbrella and prays to keep his balance and confidence that the net below is 
securely fastened.

As you gain spiritual strength there is a release of fear and you move in
Father’s kingdom as if you have every right to be here. Without stepping
forth with the faith/trust factor the spiritual muscles are not exercised,
you lose confidence in God as well as yourself. Many who dare not to step
out in faith and trust are overcome by the world’s pressures and build
skills in fleeing valuable spiritual experience, or hiding from life

As Mother said, she knows this is her place in the universe and she fulfills
her place in the universe. She fulfills her duties as if Father himself
bestowed them upon her. She feels at home and with purpose. She lives 
to greet each challenge as if it were a newly born child. She can become 
one with the challenge and receive insight on how to take care of it.

This week ponder your spiritual strength. What do you dare to do now 
that you did not before? How do you treat your fellows now? Do you feel 
at home in the world and walk with confidence in Father as well as yourself? 
I understand we have business. Our lesson is shortened to make time for
questions. Proceed.

CALVIN: For the record Abraham, we welcome George from Australia and 
Simon’s friend Lance-here for the first time. And welcome back, 
friend, and Tectra with us this evening.

ABRAHAM: Greetings gentleman. (Greetings Abraham) It is wonderful to have 
you with us. Have you questions?

GEORGE: Abraham, warrior and business man -- definitely a friend of all of us
here, specifically of mine. It is my intention to train some TR’s in 
Would you, perhaps on occasion, visit us?

ABRAHAM: Absolutely.              

GEORGE: Thank you Abraham. Just a question for the record, and I think it 
would probably delight the people here ... We did have a look at your tent 
sometime in the mid 1970s. It was a wonderful piece of universe reflection I
would suggest. My question is: The giant cooking pot you had there in your 
kitchen area .... did you win it as a war trophy, or did you pay for it? 

ABRAHAM: It was not mine. It was a gift to Sara from her mother. (laughter)

GEORGE: Brilliant! Thank you so much.

ABRAHAM: You are welcome. Have you another question George?

GEORGE: Not at this time but maybe we meet perhaps tomorrow night in
a private session?

ABRAHAM: Certainly. (Thank you) Any more questions?

HARRISON: Abraham, in my personal assessment, the advice you gave me
worked terrifically well. I want to thank you for that. I feel like I've been 
purged from a lot of stuff that apparently I was hanging on to. I appreciate 
that. Thank you

ABRAHAM: You are very much welcome, Harrison. I know of your struggles 
and I feel like a Father who is witness to his son’s accomplishments. You are
indeed a hard worker. Your efforts are very much appreciated. I can
guarantee though, there will be future challenges too. (Thank you) (laughter)
Another question?

SANDY: I have two questions if I can. I know there is ... I am experiencing a
tremendous amount of energy right now, and I would want to know if that’s 
through teacher contact, or whether there is some other contact happening 
now? I am really feeling a tremendous sense of energy flowing through my body,
right as we speak. (others acknowledge) Could you answer that for me first?

ABRAHAM: Nina is telling me she is too. (Nina: I am, it’s crazy) Along with 
divine personages in the room, you each have a tremendous group energy. Where 
two of you or more are gathered in His name there is love. This in itself is 
awesome energy. Through personal circuits as well as universe circuits there 
is no 
doubt it will have an affect on the material body. On my level, the frequency 
is not
so much felt, but I can definitely view it with my spirit eyes. Your next 

SANDY: I’m trying to integrate George’s ideas of the ‘construct’ with my 
practice of stillness. Both seem necessary and lead to the same place. I find 
‘construct’ is very helpful on helping me eliminate my analytical mind from 
stillness practice. Yet, elements of stillness seem--of the steps that I have 
given to conduct stillness--seem very important. So should I alternate the 
use of 
both? Or somehow try and find a way to combine the two together in a personal

ABRAHAM: I can say, there is really no one way for everyone. You may
experiment, and then choose what is best for you. The idea of the 
is a wonderful way to take the steps into stillness, but we have to keep in 
forefront of our minds the overall reason we practice stillness. That is, our
contact with Father - the realization that he is in us and we in him. It as 
exchange of divine love and knowledge. You and your Parent Adjuster may
want to practice several different ways, but the practice is good mindal
discipline to keep your focus on the spirit realm and off of the daily grind. 
Another question?

SIMON: Yes Abraham, I am grateful for this week and the presence of you 
in my life, and George showing  ... and the platoon that has come through 
as well. I guess I could have so many questions, but I’ll just ask you if you 
have a personal message for me, as things have been going on?

ABRAHAM. I see you doing well, for the most part. I also understand you 
to be somewhat holding back of your true thoughts and feelings. There are 
ways to put across your thoughts without hurting others, but to not put them 
across at all hurts you. Overall, my son you do well. (Thanks) You are 

CALVIN: Abraham, I want to just say thanks for help in our touching base 
with Ruby and Mac and the other two in New Zealand. What an awesome 
feeling of appreciation, to finally reach these people after 10 years, and to 
share with them what ‘they’ have done to set this stage. I understand you 
met with them down there this past week ... what an awesome thing we have 
going because of their efforts.

ABRAHAM: No doubt Calvin, we are watching our efforts come full circle. 
And this is indeed cause for worship. The New Zealand team were quite
instrumental in initiating this contact. They were successful because they
were humble and sincere in nature. They sought not for themselves, but for
the Kingdom. Many of your tasks may seem fruitless and some may choose 
not to do them, but those that do can plant those seeds which will affect the
world’s future for some time to come. The apostles believed they would have
greater positions in the kingdom - that it would take much blood, sweat and
tears to perform their duties. To their surprise, their tasks were somewhat
simple and uneventful, but the fruits lived on for generations. Father asks 
that you bend over backwards and sacrifice for him in the kingdom, no. He 
asks that you, in your beautiful personality, take joy in what you have been 
trained to do, be it a small or a grand task. You seek not reward in striving 
for the kingdom, but you experience the fruits of your efforts anyway. Our 
New Zealand team has done well, and we will let them know that their 
position within this Teaching Mission is open and waiting for them. This 
contact is good. Yes. Well done Calvin.

CALVIN: Thank you. Do you have a comment, for the record, on the
rehabilitated midwayers that are now back in service? Or is that hasty 
TR'ing going on?

ABRAHAM: (Nina: “I can hear him talking to somebody, so just a minute.)
There are rehabilitated Midwayers, but their integration back into their
divine responsibilities will be slow and monitored. They have a long road 
to travel to get back to where they once were. They are, no doubt, just as
loved as they always were and carefully watched over and tended to. Their
experience is most valuable. Their progress is being documented and used 
to teach in other universes. The peoples of Urantia have naught to fear for 
each rehabilitated Midwayer there goes a lifelong loyal Midwayer in charge. 
Another question?

TECTRA: Abraham, I would just like to say thank you. And not only you but 
all those allies and guides and Father, and all those personalities that were 
me and helping me out on the road ... all the beautiful people I met because 
of that and all the wonderful works I was able to do because of that ... 
inside of myself, that I felt just growing so much, to just be there for 
I just want to thank you for being there with me.

ABRAHAM: Greetings my old friend, I would say, I am happy to see you 
again, but I have already been with you. I have been witness to your good 
works and soul growth. This is truly inspiring. You move like an adult in 
the Kingdom, but still you carry that child-like faith. It is indeed 
beautiful to 
behold. You have experienced a basic training of mortal life, so to speak, 
you have come forth with greater knowledge and strength, which will certainly
serve you in the future. Welcome back my son. Another question?

MIRIAM: Abraham, did this week just rock or what? (laughter) I was so 
thrilled and elated to be a part of this group. I mean, my heart is full and 
I love 
the lessons-I think we all do. Starting at Claireesa’s last Sunday (note: our 
participated in preparing a place for George to stay, culminating in a potluck
dinner upon George’s arrival). I just ... I love this group and I’m so glad 
came to town. No matter what ‘he’ does for us and leaves behind, it was a 
wonderful exercise for this group, and I’m just thrilled about it. And 
that’s it. 
And, I don’t really have a question. (laughter)

ABRAHAM: Miriam, my daughter, ‘you’ rock! (group laughter) Your efforts
and hard work have left me in amazement. You certainly know how to rally the
troops and accomplish a great many tasks. Each member in the group was 
to set aside personal desires or expectations in favor of wellness for the 
Mother’s lesson was certainly a catalyst for the week. You all were called 
and you 
each answered, and I thank you. Well done my friends. Another question?

SAURANA: Well you know, I just saw a face ... as I was going into one of 
meditative situations, and it still just stands out to me, and I don’t know 
if you 
might know who it would be, but I’m just so curious. Can you help me with 
that? Maybe it was just my imagination, but I don’t think it was.

ABRAHAM: One moment.

SAURANA: I saw more than one face, but the really beautiful one.

(her husband Harrison says, “that was me!” Group laughter)

ABRAHAM: I have inquired about this face and no one knows, but it does not
mean that it was not real ... it means just that I am not informed. You each 
have experiences that will strengthen your Morantia senses, and in time with 
practice, you can decipher which experiences are real and fruitful, and which 
from the imagination. Further practice will aid in your ability to know who 
it is 
you are seeing. You can ask again at a future time, perhaps I will have more 
information. In the mean time, be not discouraged and keep practicing. 
(Thank you) You are welcome. One more question.

LANCE: Abraham I have a question, this is my first night here before 
this group. The question I have is ... what can we do as individuals and as 
a group to glorify the Father’s name, and to show forth the love of His Son 
so that the world can benefit from it?

ABRAHAM: The most important thing you can do is to live your life by
example. Live your life as if you have been with God and your fellows will
indeed recognize this. You cannot say you believe in one thing and then, by
example, do another. You cannot make a promise and then not keep your 
word. You cannot see yourself as spiritually superior while your fellows are
spiritually starving. You can live side by side with your fellows as if you 
all off on to the same journey together. The amount of faith you live will be 
a prime example to your fellows. If you can live what you believe, then you 
are benefiting mankind by showing them that ‘God is real enough for me to 
live life the way that I do.’ We live, move and have our being in the Father, 
and by naturally living this out we are sending the greatest message to the 
world. Good question.

I am with greater love for you each time we can meet. I have enjoyed seeing
new faces as well as familiar old ones. I look forward to becoming closer to
all of you and watching the Kingdom expand one faith-filled child at a time. 
My love is with you. Until next week, Shalom.

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