[tmtranscripts] SE Idaho Teacher Base transcript 1-26-01

Bill Kelly billk at ida.net
Sun Jan 28 10:28:57 PST 2001



Altern(Bill/Isaac): Greetings, my friends, this is Altern. I appreciate
the willingness you all display to take seriously the words, the thoughts,
the lessons that come to you from all your spiritual sources. It is not of
great necessity that you understand the source as much as it is important
that you recognize the flavor of truth which is given. We have told you our
names because we are brothers and sisters. We are ascendant mortals and
therefore we are kin; and in kinship relationships everyone goes by names.

However, you are subject to more than just our directions and friendships.
You have had with you from the arrival of your Father Fragments the Spirit
of Truth as well, and always you have been under the tutelage of your
guardian Seraphim, group or individual. What I wish to impress upon you is
to remember that truth comes often from the strangest corners and places
that you would not expect. Do not narrow your pallet to the point that it
cannot embrace the larger landscape. Don't miss the truth because its
origins seem suspect.

Truth, in the absolute sense, is synonymous with total reality and as a
finite creature you cannot, by necessity, have a very large understanding
of truth. But there are within you spiritual Sources, your Father
fragment, your Spirit of Truth, your Holy Spirit from Mother Spirit. These
Sources can enlarge beyond the limits of your mind so that your soul knows
more than your mortal mind does. When we say, "You know, that you know",
this is a reference to this fact, for your soul knows even when your mind
may question or doubt.

Indeed is the essence of change the process, for the completed projects are
but platforms for the initiation of the next project. Eternal life, which
begins now, has no limits, and completions are, at best, only temporary.
Even the incredible and stupendous completion of this universe age in the
full manifestation of the power of the Almighty Supreme will be but the
springboard for the initiation of the age of God the Ultimate as He comes
to be fully empowered and actualized, eventuated.

Many times we have told you, as you have also heard it from human sources,
that the most important thing is to be in the present, for there, in the
present moment, is the stage upon which the process unfolds. At the same
time that you are in the present and aware of all that is available to be
conscious of, you also remember the past and make your plans for the
future. When we say, "Be in the present", we are not advocating that you
put blinders on your mind and only see what immediately happens, but we are
asking you to enjoy the fullness of the eternal now.

Your conversations this evening were most interesting to us for they are
evidence, (as you have surmised), that our promise that you would be more
engaged by those seeking truth has begun to manifest. Don't let the
unusualness of the events stop you from letting the flow continue. Going
with God's flow is allowing yourself to do things you have never done
before. For if you only do those things you have done before, what growth
are you experiencing? You can be conscious of the novelty of a situation
without it causing you to choke up and freeze. Rejoice that your mouths
are speaking at the impetus of your Spirit. Rejoice that you are beginning
to trust God enough to take Him at His word.

Now, my friends, my time is completed. Thank you, again, for your
interest. I present your teacher and friend, Daniel. One moment.

Daniel(Bill/Isaac): Good evening, my dear friends, I am Daniel, your guide,
your teacher, your friend, and your companion.

I want to tell you how important it is to me, as it is to all the teachers,
for us to be meeting together! Yes, we, also, benefit and look forward to
this time with you. Sure, we have plenty of company on our level, but it
is, you see, a very unusual thing for ascendant mortals as we are, most of
us fused with our Fragments, to converse with our younger brothers and
sisters on planets of rebellion and disruption. It is common throughout
the universe, in fact, standard policy for people to be both learners and
teachers; but it is unusual to have this special mission to assist the
spiritual administration of this planet in this Time of Correction and in
this mode we call the Teaching Mission. So, when you think about how you
look forward to being with us, I want you to remember that we also look
forward to meeting with you.

Tonight I will begin the first lesson designed to elevate your self esteem.
I need to, perhaps, modify that introduction with a reminder that this is
really phase two of the attempt; and we will succeed in this attempt to
elevate your self esteem.

Ken: Didn't we succeed the first time? (Heavy laughter from group
interrupting Daniel) Sorry about that. Please continue.

Daniel: I think your self esteem is showing real signs of
improvement....(Drowned out by raucous laughter) that you can interact with
me in this manner! Thank you, Ken, I do appreciate that. (Outrageous
laughter continues.)

Yes, we were successful, for many of you were unaware, having been trained
in standard religious practice, that there dwelt within you a divine
nature. Even while the Urantia Book contains that information, it was not
clearly understood. What we are going to do this time around is deal with
your human nature. Tonight I wish to talk about the first step which is
the transformation of your God given, natural, mortal, animal nature into
perfected humanity.

Throughout history there has been a sense that human beings, though being
animals, had somehow a greater dignity and status than merely being the
smartest of the primates. The Greeks had a dualism that regarded the body
as evil and the spirit as good. Other cultures have discerned the
indwelling presence of a divine nature. But often the human nature was by
and large relegated to the status of debased, fallen, sinful, unfortunate,
and even to a greater or lesser degree, evil.

All of these estimates are erroneous, my friends. Your animal nature is
not, in itself, evil, although it is capable of error, sin, etc. as a
result of the choices your mind makes. But your animal nature is
inherently a part of God's creation through his Creator Sons and Daughters
and their craftsmen, the Life Carriers. Your animal nature has evolved,
even as your science has correctly ascertained, from simple to very
complex. Because you are not born in sin, not created faulty, you can
revise your negative estimates of human nature in the direction of much
greater dignity.

Our Master Son ,in his human bestowal known as Joshua ben Joseph, attained
in his short life the perfection of humanity. His attainment of human
perfection was not due to his divine nature, but was, in fact, the
accomplishment of his human nature. It was the result of the process of
turning over his will to the will of his Father in heaven.
At first Jesus was a normal child awaiting the time of moral decision and
he was no more conscious of his Thought Adjuster's arrival than any of you
were. However, early in his young life he became aware of the divine
Presence so that he often retired to talk with his heavenly Father, and in
a manner which surprised his parents, for such an intimate relationship was
not known to occur.

Because Jesus as a growing child chose, as best he understood, to do the
right thing, he did the will of God. It was difficult for him at times to
understand the restrictions that his parents and his culture placed upon
him in his enjoyment of drawing and of the sports which the Greeks had
elevated to high levels of importance. In all things that he understood,
when there was a choice between good, better, and best, he chose the best.
Because he did that, he continued to grow in human perfection.

The point of my discussing Jesus is to emphasize to you that while you will
never have the divine nature of a Creator Son within yourself, you do have
the same Divine Monitor and human nature as did Christ Michael, and you may
grow more and more in alignment with the will of God in your life, for now
that you are fully conscious of your dual nature you will always have a
hint of the best when you are confronted with the better and the best. The
result of this consciousness that you are making the right choices, that
you are growing spiritually, will be a profound enhancement of self esteem.
Next week we will discuss the process of making mistakes and how that is
involved in spiritual growth and enhanced self esteem.

Finally, I would say that this not a discussion relative to ego
enhancement. This is not a course in self exaltation. True self esteem
results in humility, gratitude, thankfulness, forgiveness, joy, and peace.
I have completed my first installment. Now I will be glad to field any
questions you may have.

Virginia: Daniel, I really thank you because I really was curious about
what you were going to do with self esteem and that is just beautiful! I
make the point in my parenting workshops that the greatest enhancer of self
esteem is to know God loves us. That was just beautiful. I appreciate that.

Daniel: My dear, I am pleased that this agenda, this discussion of self
esteem from the enhancement of human nature, meets your approval (laughter)
and gives you pleasure.

Indeed, it is true that the approval and the unconditional regard of God
experienced within the soul is the beginning of true self esteem; and we
did dwell on this somewhat in the first phase of this discussion begun
immediately when I began teaching you. The emphasis this time is going to
be somewhat different; and I think you can see that, for we are going to
hold up the progress that Jesus made as not a hopelessly unattainable
ideal, but as an actual attainment possibility. Despite all the apparent
cautions in the Urantia Book regarding contact with one's Adjuster, it
still remains the greatest goal of mortal life, to come into alignment with
your Adjuster and to speak one on one with God. Having heard us speak to
you has been a prelude; it has opened you up to this kind of contact,
spiritual contact. But, as you have been told, the goal is for each of you
to be able to be as confident in your relationship with God as Jesus was
with his Father Fragment. Thank you for your enthusiasm, Letah, my dear.
I am glad you are looking forward to our curriculum. Another question or

Lori: I have a comment or question. Is the more traditional self esteem
boosting that we are taught...when you are told to look in the mirror
saying, "I am great, I am wonderful"... where you are told to really
convince yourself that you are worth loving... is that more ego work than
the wonderful infusion of self esteem that you get when you are
deliberately forgiving or going out of your way to be kind. They feel
quite different. Is that because one is ego and the other is truly
nourishing from the God Fragment?

Daniel: Yes, my dear, I believe you are quite accurate in your assessment.
The attempts to pull oneself up by one's bootstraps always feels strained,
forced, unnatural and not convincing because there is an underlying low
self esteem due to false beliefs, wrong information, lack of knowledge of
God and His love. I am not saying that the people who write these programs
have bad motives or that they are deliberately trying to inflate ego
inappropriately, but you cannot change the inside by washing the surface.
You do not make the cup clean inside by cleaning the outside. It needs the
inner transformation for the outer to be genuine. So, yes, I think you are
essentially correct. These programs to enhance self esteem without a
spiritual dimension are not effective for most people.

You see, when people look at each other and regard each other as animals...
some prettier, some more handsome, some smarter, some not so smart...
nothing but differences and judgements are possible. When you look at each
other as truly brothers and sisters, equally valuable and spiritually
alike, then, while there are still those differences in appearance and
ability, the essence is the same and your true value and worth as God's
sons and daughters transforms and goes far beyond the superficiality of the
other things. The experience of ascension entails meeting others of God's
children from other planets, from other degrees of universe sonship and
daughtership, and yet while there are immense differences, still all of us
are God's creation; all of us are valuable and irreplaceable.

I am going to allow Isaac a respite for his laryngitis and allow for one
more question only. (Pause) Hearing none I will ask you now to stand and
join hands once again. Klarixiska would like to conclude the meeting.

Klarixiska: I am Klarixiska. My dears, my arms are around you all. Know
that we all love you dearly.

Father Michael, Mother Nebadonia, we your children rejoice tonight for this
wonderful universe of your creation, this universe that shall eventually in
its own way reflect Paradise. I thank you for each one of these my friends
who have taken their time and given their hearts to this soulful embrace
with their brothers and sisters. May they believe our words when we tell
them how much we enjoy their company. May their feet fly lightly over the
pathway of life so that there is not weariness or monotony in their time on
this planet but there is joy and triumph over all obstacles. Send them to
this, their next day with you, with light hearts, shining faces and ever
deepening faith. May it be so. Amen.
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