[tmtranscripts] Elyon/Tomas Group 01/21/01

Rick P. Giles RickGiles at prodigy.net
Tue Jan 30 08:34:18 PST 2001

Coeur d'Alene Teaching Mission Group
Topics: The Great Circle That You Are, You Are Value, Glimpse of the Oasis
Teachers: Mantutia, Malvantra, Elyon

January 21, 2001

*	Mantutia (Sheila TR):  I send greetings on this glorious day.  I am
	The greatness of this gathering is the opportunity for all of you to take
your experiences you have described; all of them had an element of frustration,
all of them testing your faith, all of them having the element of action;
and, as
you have all weathered the storm, you as well took the action to share these
stories with an element of humor and with compassion for one another.  This has
made the cycle of the experience complete.  You are all very well attuned in
attempts to involve the necessary human help as well as your inner knowing that
there are heavenly helpers to assist you.  This again completes the cycle of the
experience, for the absence of one or the other would have created a break
in the
link.  Each one of you has an opportunity to re-think the experience.  In
re-evaluating the situation, I would ask that you take the journey full
circle in
your evaluation, as well.  Do not evaluate this in a straight line going any
direction, but in a full circle.  In doing so you are eliminating a
beginning and
an end, my point being that these experiences too are in themselves a very small
appendage of the great circle that you are.  Although you are able to tell the
story with a beginning and an end, if you were to step farther back and
reestablish its place in the larger circle of yourselves, you will be able to
more easily take from it your misguided interpretations and will be more
to use this interpretation in coming events.
	You are also fully aware that these episodes are truly gifts, that although
if I were to tell you this, each of these episodes, it isn't until you can
humorize these stories that you do indeed know this is true.  Truly finding the
humor in each one of these cases you are literally dissolving any baggage that
you might be apt to carry around if you were not to take this full circle.  Here
again it can be very useful in any other baggage claims you may hold to.  At any
point take any situation and take it full circle.
	I cannot show clearly enough to you the benefits in realizing and seeing
the humor and the great gift that come with each circumstance.  Throughout your
whole universe career there will be situations.  How quick you will become in
taking the situation to a full circle?  How quick are you, in the midst of
to take a moment to be still, to be grateful?  Or to listen, to ask, "What am I
to learn from this?"  Your opportunity to take this moment at any time in a
situation is there for your taking.  How quickly will you do this?  How many
days?  How many moments?  How quick are you to let go of control in a situation
in order to allow opportunities for help?
	Even in the midst of great chaos our brother as we observe him will sit
down in stillness to bring a situation to full circle in that moment.  We have
learned a great deal of patience in observing this of him, and I am grateful
today I am able to share this idea as best I can, using each one of your
situations of late.  This is not a new lesson, by any means, but perhaps in the
timing of sharing these stories together today it can be more easily used in
re-evaluating the situation.  Again I express my absolute joy in seeing what you
have done today, as you did indeed take these full circle and perhaps can
now use
this technique, this gift, this tool to enhance not only your future experiences
but those you continue to carry with you from the past.  I thank you for this

*	Malvantra (Jonathan):  I also greet you and welcome you again to this
melchizedek classroom.  I am Malvantra.
	For some time you have been studying the revelation recently given to this
world, and you have been diligently tracking the lessons offered by the
instructors engaged in this teaching mission.  To even greater credit for
yourselves you have been observing and applying your own experiences toward
greater growth, towards your advancement.  This is commendable.  I wish to bring
several factors together to make comparison to attempt to illuminate and to
	You know through your studies as well as your experience that your
spiritual growth is acquired through the heightening of the values you hold.
higher your values, the greater becomes you soul through the cooperative
adjustments of the Father's Fragment.  You know that experience is soul
expanding, but you have discovered that experience, whether valued as good or
bad, either way contributes to your growth.  The word "value" is extremely
important.  It is a familiar function for a human being to place value upon an
object or an event.  This, in a sense, monetary approach helps to provide
discernment for you in choosing a course of action, a transaction, but inherent
in evaluating one thing or one instance over in comparison to another yields not
only the increase in worth but also the decrease in worth.  How often have you
acquired something in your life that you cherished so, valued it greatly, and
over time it lost its value and became worthless, discarded, no longer
to your needs or to your wants?  These are the things that have value, and when
value is an attachment to either an experience or a possession, it is transient.
	The absolute personality of Paradise, the Eternal Son, draws all values to
himself.  What is this value, or values, that are being drawn to this son of
It is spiritual in nature; it does not decrease.  It is, I assert, your very
selves.  Since your soul through experience is an accumulation of values
and orchestrated by the Father's presence and resulting in your identity as a
morontia being, you must be that value.  This is the secret to the axiom that
personalities are ends in themselves, for you are worth.  You are not simply
worthy; you do not simply have a price tag of value; you are value; living,
	Throughout life things that are cherished can lose meaning.  Beings do not
lose meaning.  Living creatures are in the realm of love, and love, like values,
is an experience of feeling.  I caution you definitionally about the use of the
word "feeling", for you are as yet within the animal construct, and this feeling
that I speak of extends beyond the emotional responses of your biologic nature. 
Love is the greatest experience in the universe, for it is itself "worth".  You
can strip away all objects; you can even set aside all experiences and still
discover love, for the Father Himself is love, and before the universe was God. 
Love precedes things and events.  His son, the magnet for all values, is
home that which has always existed, and these are the children of God, the
multitudes of creatures throughout all the universe.
	When Michael addresses you he endeavors, if I may say lightly, to smother
you with his affection and to ever underline and emphasize his extreme sense of
your worth.  Know, as Mantutia has well expressed, that your experiences are for
your benefit.  When one comes and goes and another comes and goes, who stands at
the end of one and the beginning of another but yourself?  Who but the Father is
tending to your needs?
	The struggle of every freewill creature is the discernment of purpose and
the enactment of purposeful ideals.  But these are motivational goals for
progress.  But the progressor is yourself, and that is who the Father seeks
regardless of the twists and turns in the path to that Paradise embrace.  At
moments of low self esteem realize you are giving yourself value, you are
attaching a price tag.  This is that "having value" and is inappropriate for a
personality.  You are worthy in spite of your behavior, for that behavior,
whether you deem it good or full of error, is only part of the dynamic, be it
turmoil, that reveals to you yourself and the Father's resident self within.
	Thank you for your attention.  Good day.

*	Elyon (Mark): I would also poke my head into the classroom today.  This is
your long term associate and dear friend Elyon.
	I join in the praise of your assessment of your life vicissitudes and your
perception of their context in your lives and would offer one thought, and that
is that you perhaps more consciously and fully avail yourselves of the realities
you have come to know through your spiritual practices and to assess when
you may
most appropriately apply the fruits you have long cultivated in your spiritual
practices.  The fruits of your stillness, the fruits of your counsel with
spiritual beings, the aid available to you of your deeper subconscious, the
support provided to you by your assistants on our side; these spiritual
acquirements you have become aware of are as the lubricant to work smoothly
through these life vicissitudes, these temporal storms.  The salve of spiritual
perspective never ceases to free up bound parts and lubricate sticking
so as to offer a more smoothly working mechanism.  You may find many times as
though you feel stuck or jammed in how to proceed, which direction to go.  It is
then to consider a new approach, stepping back or to the side or in front of
obstacle to get a better perspective on how next to address the issue.  You who
have developed this awareness of the shifting of perspective must never cease to
avail yourselves of this great and powerful tool you have come to possess
your experiences and through your exercises.  Many times it may be observed that
a struggling individual may only be a short distance away from soothing comfort
and help and yet be entirely unaware of this oasis available to them.  You
on the
other hand come from the perspective of having glimpsed the oasis and being
temporarily displaced from your oasis when you are in difficulty.
	That is more than enough for today.  We are grateful for our melchizedek
brothers to join us in the classroom, and they have provided us with much to
contemplate.  ...at this time and allow as always.  There would be ones to field
any possible questions.

	Jonathan: A fellow  has requested feedback for
a sister  who has a brain tumor, a difficult illness to face.  What
can be done?  Can help be requested from the Life Carriers or the midwayers or
others involved in healing?  What can be done as humans, what focus should be
taken?  Our discussion of vicissitudes of life set the stage perhaps adding

*	Mantutia (Sheila): I am Mantutia.  I will add my perception of this
situation and again I will add to this the lesson which I have shared this
	The exercise of bringing a situation to full circle, to be able to release
the baggage of a situation through accepting the lesson and seeing the humor is
what can avoid any block of loving energy, which eliminates illness of any
Baggage can be held in many ways, including brain tumors.  It is most
to have a heavy burden held so tightly to the point that it creates what appears
to be an impossible situation.  Each one has a belief system that says what can
and cannot be healed and which way healing can be received, what and where, and
these guidelines of beliefs are the course which all illnesses take by the
perceiver.  A belief system comes from the core.  How can one go to the core to
change a belief when there is a block as big as this boulder that is called a
tumor?  In any situation of illness whether it be healed here or beyond there
will be opportunity for proper evaluation.  It is very difficult for those
witnessing this destruction to stand and feel helpless.  Again, there is
opportunity for all who witness this situation to grow from this experience, to
re-evaluate their own foundation of beliefs.  This does not take away the worth
of any individual involved here  nor of the situation.  I see the usefulness of
humor.  I see the usefulness of re-evaluating beliefs.  We are coming to a time
when beliefs as they stand will be challenged for all.
	Teachers come in many forms; each one has their own gift to give to the
world.  The question is how many will receive the gift.  Who will be bold enough
to re-evaluate their beliefs?  Who dares to find the beauty and the humor in
	Jonathan:  Thank you and I will pass on the information.
*	Mantutia:  There is a great rainbow of color that is illuminated for those
to see who dare look.  It is there, for I see it.  And the Father's hands are
there and open wide.  This is my message.

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