[tmtranscripts] 11-24-01 SPOKANE TEAM

ZooidODell at aol.com ZooidODell at aol.com
Sun Nov 25 15:28:19 PST 2001

DATE: November 24, 2001
LOCATION: Spokane, WA.
T/Rs: Ginny & Gerdean
Greetings from OLFANA;
TOMAS: Human Associations 101

OLFANA: It is very much a pleasure to be here. I always enjoy times of
celebration and reflection on things that matter in your lives, and your
custom of having these times of pausing in your daily lives, just changing
the speed a little, slowing down a little, opening up your senses to enjoy
those parts of your life that bring you pleasure and happiness and give you
moments to relish your awareness of each other. All these smells and the
colors in your food and your clothing and in nature are ways to enhance your
awareness of how important it is to allow yourselves time of fellowship, for
food and other festivities.

You indeed have been blessed with many gifts as you climb the ladder of your
ascension career. Even on other planets, in other dimensions, you will
always benefit by those moments of reflection and fellowship, for in your
entire ascension career you will be dealing with relationship, ever more so,
you will be dealing with that aspect than you do here. As the Master has
warned us many times, isolation is a great barrier to your goals. So I
encourage you to celebrate often, in little ways, even when alone, so that
you maintain an attitude of gratitude throughout your life. A grateful heart
is always a pleasure to see, to behold.

I thank you for your relationship with me and I pledge my willingness to
offer to you my friendship. Good evening.

GROUP: Thank you, Teacher.

TOMAS: Which brings us once more round to the Human Associations course work
we launched upon awhile ago. Gracious Olfana, we appreciate your visit. The
fragrance your personality brings to the environment indeed sweetens the air
as do the smells of cinnamon and honey. The fragrant personality is one
which is sought after, which is endearing for its being. That soul which is
replete in itself, which is not in conflict with others, is like the eye in
the hurricane, that place which is restful and calm.

Indeed there are times when the mortal is sluggish and reaches out to find
the stimuli of other personalities. This gregarious aspect is stimulative of
industry and enterprise. It's so much more fun to be and do those things
which you can do together than what you do alone, but only if there is a
harmony. Many relationships are stressed because the elements are not at
peace in themselves or have conflict about how others live their lives.

The joy of friendship is such that you can find familiar values to rely upon,
to uphold your relationship -- as you were discussing traditional
thanksgiving dinner or other traditions of a cultural nature -- which allow
you to feel you are among familiar friends. And while this is of great
value, it is also valuable to find yourself experiencing other ways of life,
other approaches to the art of living. To presume that any one way is the
correct way, is to limit the appreciation of everyone present.

The enlightened human being is aware of his dual nature, is aware of the
divine fragment which lures him ever onward and upward, and also appreciative
and mindful of the mortal tabernacle, the animal origin, and those behaviors
peculiar to the creature of the realm. Having this insight is like being
gifted with the trampoline, the rebounder, which allows you to light-footedly
touch down, lift up, touch back, lift up, and weave your way between the two
very distinct realities in such a way as to be a braid that has woven
together the threads of each reality into a harmonious whole, one which one
could identify as an entirety.

These sessions of festive joy and camaraderie with those you love are best
balanced by interchanges with those with whom you have little in common or
not so much in harmony so that you can become adept in educating yourself as
to how other people live and other realities present themselves. This Human
Association lesson might lend itself well to the current state of affairs
having to do with your nationalistic neighbors. How do other people live?
How do other religions worship God? How do other peoples celebrate their
faithful days? In this way you extend your appreciation of the brotherhood
of man, the crowning glory of the course work of Human Associations 101.

It's amazing, is it not, how much better people get along when they are well
fed and comfortable? Which drawback is, as you are well fed and comfortable,
you would take a nap and miss out on the opportunity to be gregarious in a
morontial sense. Are you with me?

GINNY: I was going to add "or be a couch potato in the Urantian sense." Yes.
THOROAH: Tomas, I'll have to admit the tryptophane affected me a little
bit a couple of times.
GINNY: The what?
THOROAH: Tryptophane. It's in turkey, that makes you sleepy.

TOMAS: America has a tendency toward "couch potato" status, yes. It is a
country of abundance, and it's very difficult to give away what you have
received when you are regarded as ... how would we paint this picture? So
many reject the services that you could provide because they sense a
superiority. Let's probe here a bit, for it's an area that is laden with
misunderstanding that might give rise to effective service if it were
understood better. Let me illustrate:

The neighborhood has a family which is very poor. And the neighborhood
decides to do something good for this family. They pile the car full of good
food and presents, drive over to their house, make a lot of fuss presenting
the foodstuffs and gifts, and then wave and drive away. Has it occurred to
anyone that while it is evident the motive is to share and be of service, the
recipient of such a gesture may feel shamed or resentful, as if they had
nothing to offer in return? Indeed, the psyche is a subtle trap that will
snap at you. But look at the neighbors who offer to spend time with this
family and learn of them, their nature, their dreams, their imaginings, their
worries, and their hopes.

The gift of being regarded as a peer, as an equal, is so much more priceless
than donations. Even while these gifts are indeed enjoyable, self-respect is
at the core of Human Associations. It's not possible to have a brotherhood
of man when one is lording it over another, his or her superiority, and this
can be reflected in terms of wealth, creature comforts, social standing,
education and liberty, denied to those who fear they are less than worthy of
sonship. The greatest gift you can give your neighbor is acceptance.

THOROAH: It's almost as though the best thing we can do is to befriend
people. Otherwise it's pretentious to try to help, but if you're friends
with people, help becomes part of the natural intercourse.

GINNY: This seems to be the greatest problem with our relationship with the
Middle East, that we like to lord it over them and won't really make an
effort to understand them. When Bush said he is unwilling to negotiate, that
really scared me. It's like, "Oh! We can't do that! We can't say those
things and just say ‘no, we're not going to negotiate'." To me that's like
saying, "No, we don't want to know you. No, we don't care. We don't want
your friendship."

TOMAS: You are discussing a program of political response which is not the
same as a fraternal response. As a citizen, Mr. Bush may concern himself, as
you do, with neighborly relations and intentions. However, as a political
figure, it is his job to preside over this country, and the evolution of your
world at this point is still bound up in nationalistic regimes. In truth,
your ideal is the superior, and this is where the common man is able to
effect changes where often powerful figures cannot.

The brotherhood of man worldwide will work itself into being when you as a
fellow, a neighbor, a human being, are able to know and love and stand by
your neighbors as earnestly and sincerely as you would stand by and near your
own family, for in truth, the family of man is your family. It is error to
look to the leaders to create this kind of growth. This is where this
culture receives criticism for being couch potatoes and why so many are
rallying round those who have diligently taken their messages out into the
far-reaches of the earth as a gesture of Human Associations, and while many
of these contacts are in the context of politics or religion, they are
delivered even so through the one on one contact, which is the real arbiter
of peace on earth. How you live, how you handle yourself, how you respond to
conflict, how you deal with social disease, how you turn the other cheek or
reach out in compassion – these are the realities which will bring about
world peace. As you are cloistered in your comfort zones, you strengthen
your home base but you have yet that heartfelt longing, that urge that
evinces you to reveal the Father to those who know Him not.

Also, in perceiving the globe from outside your common perspective you begin
to see from different vantage points how others perceive your behavior. This
is essential relationship building blocks. Like, when you have a one-on-one
relationship with the Father, your world is sublime, but the minute you
become involved in the life of another, you are then faced with how limited
your perspective is, as you allow yourself to open up to the perspective of
others. This is one of the great merits of marriage and other heartfelt
friendships – they enable you to expand your vision to include the
perspective of others. This is essential for a religionist! To see how
others see. In this way you reduce your risk of appearing egocentric and

GINNY: This is what impresses me so much about Michael and his life on our
planet. With what he was and what he knew, he was still able to respect the
viewpoint of others, and never-never-never-never insulted them.

TOMAS: He is indeed the Prince of Peace, the great Teacher. And we continue
to learn from him. But as he has said, even we, even you are capable of
doing those things which can elevate you into a being who can bring
illumination to those you touch by your own love-saturated soul, through the
infinite love of the indwelling God fragment you make your own. His was
truly the effective perspective, for he did not get overmuch caught up in the
social mores or the political machinations of his day and age, no, but went
direct to the heart of the issue, the seat of the spirit, which is the only
power effective enough to bring about those realities which we need to have
realized in order to see our way through to light and life.

Sometimes I think our celestial rhetoric does more harm than good. I say the
phrase "light and life" as if that were Christmas morning, as if it would
suddenly and magically be a reality which we will know when we see. But the
truth is, you create light and life each day, each moment, as yo interact
with your fellows. The light and life that you carry with you in your heart,
in your soul, in your psyche, in your relationship with your indwelling
Adjuster. As you carry that loving reality with you into your relationships
with others, you enhance and stimulate their appreciation for their divine
Gifts, and as this reality solidifies, it becomes socialized. And it extends
out into the arena of your neighborhood and into the world such that your
relationships with everyone are extensions of the one great universal Source
and Center which connects all life in a circuit of personality, love, mind
and mercy which will be able to redeem Urantia, elevating it and its life
forms and realities to a perfection that can only be known by you here. So
you must become accustomed to it now, and not wait until some future date
when Light and Life arrives, but take it by spiritual assault, even if that
means to capture your own fears and that which would hold you back from being
all that you can be.

GINNY: Last Sunday in Coeur d'Alene we were talking about how we can be
peacemakers, but with the qualities of a warrior, in the sense that we can be
determined and loyal and brave and assertive.


GINNY: How we can be peacemakers and yet have all those qualities that are
necessary to be out there, that peacemaking does not mean being passive. It
means being active and being brave and being fearless and determined.

TOMAS: Yes. Absolutely. To not allow the moment to pass through passive
acquiescence, to allow that which is error add to reality.

GINNY: And Michael said if we take this seriously and do this work seriously,
we indeed and most assuredly would have trouble. I think a lot of times we
try to avoid trouble.

TOMAS: Well said.

GINNY: But what's the difference between avoiding trouble that is not worth
dealing with – I don't mean ‘not worth it' but – what's the difference
between trouble, as a natural part of our mission, and trouble which is to be

THOROAH: Politics. Politics are one way we look at trouble. When we get
political about peace making. There's a conflict there, but if we go out and
live and demonstrate in our own life a peaceful approach, that probably takes
the courage, because it goes sometimes unnoticed, but it could cause conflict
within individual relationships because we refuse to maybe take a normal
stance when we are aggressively peaceful. That may be a source of contention.
You see what I'm saying? It's natural. I think the political thing is ...
I don't think we need to confuse politics with being courageous or taking it
by spiritual assault. I hope that doesn't mean we have to be political.

TOMAS: It is very hard to separate a person's politics from their modus

GINNY: Well, also politics can mean different things. The word itself means
"of the people" so politics, in its broadest sense –

THOROAH: I'm talking demonstrations.
GINNY: Yes, but politics in its broadest sense means dealing with the people.
THOROAH: Yeah. I'm talking "in your face" demonstrations.

GINNY: Yeah. When I use the word "politics" sometimes I use it in the very
broad sense meaning dealing with people. Where it becomes something
different ...

TOMAS: How marvelous to see you struggle for a better vocabulary with which
to work as well! We find these limitations frustrating, and often wish there
were more words to define what we want to say. There are classic political
maneuvers, and this too is a result of an individual banding with other
individuals who think similarly. The personal politics become the group
politics. Protesting has been a popular demonstration of an attitude of
people, particularly in more modern times, since you've decided to "give
peace a chance". It's a backlash to those who wage war.

Anytime anyone affiliates with a group of other people because of the group
mind, it is a demonstration of thought. Not always right, but entitled to
express itself. And so again, accept how it is that others find a way to
deal with the personal expression of heartfelt response to humanity in its
struggles to survive and evolve into a true civilized assortment of Human

GINNY: Could you reveal anything to us what is the future of our country as
far as being any kind of spiritual leader? In the coming ages?

TOMAS: The sooner you separate your country from your religion the more
effective you will be. Countries are not designed to be religious leaders.
How a people lives is individual.

GINNY: Well, "never the twain shall meet" then, religion and politics.

TOMAS: No, religion and politics are a part of every individual. They cannot
help but meet because they are a part of who you are. If you have a
religion, you have a politic. You think. "I think therefore I am" – this
makes for religion and politics in its essence, even before you develop
philosophy or theology in support of who you are. To say "I am" is to say I
am political because I have will. That you have will equates to a vote, an
opinion, but to give away your personal religion or your personal politics to
a country or an institution is similar to what Thoroah mentioned of those who
join together to promote peace, they have banded together as a body and in
the body are rendered antonymous. The church, the country, the principle,
therefore speaks. You have given it your voice.

And individual are indeed encouraged to get involved in those things which
they feel they are able to affect favorably. It has been said "when did I
ever teach you that you have to think alike in order to be alike?" "To be"
in the relationship between you and the Origin is a spiritual state of mind
and being. But to act, to think, to believe, to opine, is to put yourself in
a political position.

Well now, I didn't come here to teach a civics class in particular, but it is
interesting how many individuals feel that they are not involved in politics
and yet they spend much of their lives politicking for their course of
action. Why don't we make that an assignment this week? Look at your
course of action. See how many times it changes. See how many variations
there are and make a note of how it is that it alters, if at all, in
circumstances outside your control, being mindful all the while that the
essential reality of your soul is intact and constant, infinite, eternal and
true. Any questions?

The wonderful thing about operating from the heart is you find those who are
like-minded, who enjoy the same tastes, who appreciate similar beliefs, and
you harmonize therein. This is the great repast we share in remembrance of
him, when we meet at the Father's table to feast on the spirit gifts we've
been given. There is no politicking in thanksgiving. Politics does not
belong in worship.

GINNY: Well, thank you. That's a lot to think about. I'll study carefully
the transcript, as my mind tends to wander periodically, so I can bring it
back into my memory.

TOMAS: You would do well to journal your thoughts as well, for this helps to
pinpoint what your thoughts are so that you can get a handle on them and they
don't go flying around the room like a feather on the wind.

THOROAH: I would need to do the same thing.

TOMAS: This is a good practice. Well, my friends, I reluctantly bring our
session to a close. Would we like to hear from Nebadonia in prayer?

GROUP: Certainly. Yes, indeed.

NEBADONIA: Hand Me your burdens, children. Give Me your parcels, and let Me
put them away for you. Let Me gather you together here, that we might rest
at this threshold before we venture onto our next day in the life. Rest in
My arms. Rest in the knowledge of My care. Sense the presence of My angels,
spirit helpers. Be familiar with the adjutant mind spirits as they enable
you to find yourself on your way Home to Me and to your Father through the
Spirit of Truth.
Love one another. Rejoice in your differences. Marvel with Me at the charm
of your immaturity. I will carry your burdens. Run along, knowing we
overlook you as you go. Farewell.

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