[tmtranscripts] Center for Christ Consciousness Transcript - March 24, 2003

Donna DIngillo donnadingillo at juno.com
Sat Mar 29 08:32:32 PST 2003

Center for Christ Consciousness
Larkspur, CA
Transmission from Michael on prayer during the time of war
(Note:  This transmission is also being sent to other spiritual groups
not affialiated with the TM, to introduce the ministry of the Center for
Christ Consciousness)

March 24, 2003

Beloved children, the hearts of Urantia are ever opening wider for the
comfort of My peace. Your world is undergoing a very stormy trial at this
juncture in human history. Doubt not that peace will prevail one day on
this troubled world. Doubt not that the Father’s plan will be firmly
ensconced in the minds—the very fabric of life—here on this planet. Doubt
not, my children, that we are ministering to you continually through this
very turbulent and chaotic time. All of Nebadon has its eyes here. The
prayers of this world’s citizens commingle with the voices of Nebadon, as
all hearts yearn for peace and for the love of the Father to overshadow
the evil, the darkness, and the despair on this planet. 

In the coming days you will see more death and destruction. How it will
affect you? Will you lose faith? Become discouraged and despondent? Or
will this spur you into greater faith activation? Call on the celestial
forces through your prayers to install within the minds of the
individuals here on this planet the urgency for peace. 

This urgency for peace speaks not to a time frame wherein peace can be
established. It speaks to the souls of men’s hearts who grow weary of the
long-standing suffering that has been this planet’s legacy and history.
Yes, my children, the urgency for peace is growing stronger in the
yearnings of men’s souls. And it is this very urgency for peace that I
ask you now to tap into through your prayers, and call about this
quickening to continue to prevail and unfold in the minds of this
planet’s citizenry.

The deepest yearnings are now springing forth in the consciousness of the
people here. And it is pleasing to see this light emerging in the
long-slumbering spiritual darkness of the people of this world. How will
you, as my instruments, begin to implement this, gather this, instill
this, in spirit within your brothers and sisters? It is through your
prayers. There is no other way that is as significant as this. The
underlying action of Mother Spirit who gathers Her collective forces and
agencies to bring about the Father’s plan on this world stand ready to
implement that which is good and beautiful and holy and true. There must
be something of the human desire that catalyzes Her actions into being
manifest. And through your prayers this is what you can so valiantly

Where will you devote your energies of thought in the coming days? Have
no care for your well-being, my sons. You are within my hands. You are
within the embrace of your Mother. No ill can befall you. No harm will
come from you. So fully disengage your minds from any thoughts of your
own self-needs, and direct it now to the hearts of those who hunger and
yearn for peace in the realm that has long been disruptive through years
of political strife, loyalty displacement of the distortion of the
Father’s plan. 

Give me your minds. Give me your thoughts. Direct your thoughts, as you
go about your day, to the energy of peace that men are hungry for. If the
minds of the mothers on this planet rest in the assurance that peace will
one day prevail, then they will no longer need to send their sons off to
be killed or maimed; and that all will lead productive lives where all
needs are met because the Father’s plan has been fully implemented.

You are the Warriors of Spirit, my sons; and I need you now in this
battle to overcome all of the darkness still remaining. And I know that
you will not see all of the darkness purged from this planet during your
lifetimes. But you can make such an impact in bringing light. Will you
honor me with your increased devotion to prayerful living, for peaceful
living, and to helping those who know not the ways of peace to begin to
tap into the underlying hidden reservoir deep within them that will give
their souls comfort and rest?  Will you pray with me now? 

I call you into my bosom. I establish you in my foundation of truth. My
love reaches out through your hands, as I ask you now to hold within your
hands a vision of this planet Urantia, holding it near and dear to your
heart. As you hold this near and dear to your heart, know that it is My
heart that now overshadows it. Invite your Mother of Spirit into your
body, and asking Her to knit the peace you feel within you into the
planetary sphere you hold now within your heart. My truth is the real
substance and pattern for this world. I have use for you in the domain of
Divine Minister to bring about true peace within the hearts and minds of

And so I direct you now to appeal to your Mother, as you ask Her to
release the energies of the ways of the Father through the action of
Spirit to dominate the actions of men. Spend a few moments in deep,
mindful consecrated prayer, as I have directed. (Long pause)

Soon the bloodthirstiness of war will no longer be a reality here. The
growing disdain to settle political differences through warfare and
bloodshed will reach new levels of disdain and lose their hold of men’s
desire to dominate and subjugate through repressive courses of action.
Slowly the ways of the Mother are overtaking the planet. Slowly the
hearts of people are opening to the promise of the new world idea where
political ideations become more streamlined and harmonized in the unified
ideal of brotherhood, compassion, tolerance, mutual understanding and

As we pray in the coming days, go to those places within you where you
see the darkness in men’s heart, and ask for that to soften and to open
and to be receptive to the ways of the Mother. All of Urantia is ready to
receive this upliftment from Her. And through your prayers you can act to
help dislodge those disturbed, disquieted patterns of evil that have been
held too long immersed in minds and hearts of men. 

Be not afraid to go into this extreme ugliness of human life. For in so
doing, you are creating more places within the collective unconscious
mind for the Mother Spirit’s mercy ministrations of love and healing to
permeate the planet, which will allow my truth and my plans for this
planet to grow stronger in a whole and receptive environment. And then
men will come to know Me, and to crave Me, and to follow my ways, as I
reveal new insights of the Father’s thoughts to them. 

Are you ready for this, my sons? Are you willing to go into those places
with me, and to uproot the evil and to heal your world? What thoughts
have you on this? I know your prayers are with me. But will they be
actively engaged now with me? I need you now in prayer: strong, vibrant,
dynamic, present, and reporting to me. What say you to this? (Pause)

Student: Michael, my perception and perspective on this at this point is
that when the Creator Guide of this universe selects me, and us, and
anyone else, to have the opportunity to represent the beauty and power
and wisdom of Your love and the Father’s will, then even though it is
unknown as to what specifically can be done beyond an awareness of
dedicating prayer throughout the day, the rest is up to You. And it will
unfold as You utilize circumstances and people around. 

So even though, in a sense, I could say that I feel somewhat unworthy and
unready and why me? I have a lot of perfecting still to happen ion me.
But far be it for me to turn down the encouragement and tender words of
urgency and indescribable value that are being presented tonight. So, the
answer for me is Yes!, with a capital Y and an exclamation point at the
end. Thank you.

Michael: My son, your perfection is not required. Only your willingness
to serve as the holder of thought energies of peace and love to prevail
on this planet, and thereby rendering a place for your Mother to come
into your mind, to take that which is active in your heart of love and
peace, and thereby making more room on the planet itself for peace and
love to find new expression as you add your energy, your intention, your
desire for a higher way of living to dominate this planet. And this is
all I ask of you. And I know what is in your heart, and I gladly will
receive that which you give. 

Student: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. 

Michael: And so I shall.

Student: So be it.

Student: The way I can be of service, my Father, is to live a prayerful
life in each and every moment, and to be peace, and to be love, and to be
beauty, to be compassion, empathetic and not judgmental, and not
critical, and to be stable. So that my life, in a sense, is a model, is
reflection of how you were upon this planet, to embrace both sides and to
see beyond the appearance of the violence and the blood spilling and to
see the love of the Father and the truth of the Father and the peace of
the Father. 

What I have come to see, and you mentioned the Father’s plan being
distorted, is that the idea of the Father is distorted, the idea of God
in this world is distorted. It seems like President Bush’s god wants to
dominate the god of the Muslims and vice versa, which is obviously not
true. But there seems to be the idea of separateness and specialness
imbedded in our cultures. But no true understanding of the unifying
consciousness of God, and mind of God, that we are all of one mind and
one heart and one soul and one body. 

It frustrates me to hear spiritual leaders, or so-called spiritual
leaders, talk about peace and truth for their own kind, and how this
influences people’s minds. So the only thing I can do is to reflect to
others love and beauty and peace, stability and compassion, to the best
of my ability.

Michael: The gift that you bring to me now is the actual intention and
thought of peace prevailing on this world. And while you are growing in
personal religious experience of living in the presence of the Father,
structure your thinking so as to isolate on those areas on the planet
that are so desperately in need of peace. Though you live thousands of
miles away, you can in thought be very present in the heart of the action
through your thoughts of peace. 

Within your mind is a capacity to look at a situation, and to assert the
energy of peace within it. And this is what I am asking of you now: to
use your thoughts full of love to plant the seed of peace in the midst of
a very tumultuous and potentially seriously damaging situation of the
individuals in the middle of warfare. When you are so engaged in this
prayer, you are helping ameliorate the effects of war in the experiential
bodies of those individuals who are present in the front lines of
skirmish and battle. 

These soldiers will carry scars of anger and hatred and enmity within
them. And by your very prayer, you can dislodge this evil which then
turns their hearts into understanding forgiveness, compassion, mercy,
respect, brotherhood, solidarity. Would it not delight your heart to know
that thoughts you convey to another soldier in the field, whether it is
your own country or another, that you could actually dislodge the energy
of war or destruction within them? What greater service could you provide
for this planet? 

And this is what you are able to do, through the conveyance of the Holy
Spirit within the mind of that individual. Are you now willing to use
your mind in this way, I ask you?  

Student: Yes, I am. I will do so this evening, and every moment possible.
Just show me how.

Michael: Come to me when you are ready to pray. And I will enter your
mind and take your thoughts, and you and I will go together in the heart
of battle, and we will win a victory for peace. You have your Parents by
your side while you engage you mind thusly. You only have to try, and we
will be there to help you in this endeavor of using prayer now to bring a
greater desire and yearning for peace in the hearts of the peoples of
Urantia. Are you well satisfied that you have the capacity to do this? 

Student: Yes. The only thought that came to my mind was that this is so
vast a situation. But I am ready to accept the challenge to uplift this
planet to its rightful place of thought in truth and love and beauty and
celebration of life, not of its destruction or denial. We are one.

Michael: For this I say be of good cheer, as you have my appreciation and
my guidance as we both join forces to bring about peace. 

Student: Dear Jesus, thank you for asking us to do this. My sentiments
are very similar to that of R., which I find remarkable that he could
state the almost unutterable appreciation to be accepted a minimum of
training and maybe a maximum of desire. I feel that my mind is more
consecrated, and I hope this working of the Mother Spirit to teach me new
ways of thinking, to be more effective and to slowly trade my mind for
yours and be a more happy server and to be tuned into my Thought
Adjuster. Thank you.

Michael: Your devotion to Me is the most wonderful and exquisite gift
that you can possibly share with me. And I ask you now to banish any
thoughts of unworthiness or lack of training to engage your mind in this
prayerful endeavor of offering peace on this planet. What is of most of
value to me is your devotion to peace, to love, to the Father’s plan of
spiritual rehabilitation, as this planet undergoes a massive correction
and healing.

Think not that I consider the disjointedness of your human thought as an
impediment. Your minds are undergoing training. And this is one way in
which you direct your thinking now in spiritual activities. And what
better activity is there now than to pray for peace? And so this is an
exercise where you train your mind. Think of this as basic spiritual
training. You are not able to be out on the battlefield of physical
combat. And yet I call you into that same battlefield of bringing the
forces of Light to combat the forces of evil. 

You, through the prayerful engagement of your mind, are being trained now
to use the spiritual current in your mind to launch the missiles of love
and understanding and brotherhood into the hearts of the soldiers and the
leaders, to those pervasive thought patterns of warfare, political
disharmony. You will gain greater strength and greater command over your
mindal currents when you begin to engage your thoughts thusly throughout
the day. 

So as your minds are focused on war, use this time of focalization to
bring the instruments of peace into the forefront of the battlefield. As
the ideas of war begin to come into your conscious mind, this is the
signal to come into prayer with Me, and to engage your thoughts with mine
and Mother Spirit’s. And you and I will brave the dangers of the
battlefield, brave going into the hearts and minds of the ugliness of
warfare, hatred, greed. And we will spend time in healing and binding up
the wounds of the thoughts and feelings of those individuals engaged in

The spiritual war is on, my friends. You are my soldiers. You are my
comrades in arms. And I call you forth now, to enter into the fray with
me, and to love this planet into the Light of the Father’s idea and ways
of His Divine Plan, bringing Light and Life, making it shine brightly in
all who call this planet home. 

Reach deep inside of you now. Find that conviction of fire, the one that
says yes, I will follow you to the ends of the Earth. Come with me, my
sons. Join me on the battlefield, and we will bind up the brokenness,
tend to the wounded, and bring comfort and peace, love and understanding,
and purge the desire for physical combat from this planet, and make it a
place for tolerance, discussion, harmony, respect and mutual
understanding, enabling it to grow and leave its imprint deep within the
minds of the people here. There is unity in oneness in the Father. We are
all a part of the family of love.

And as I withdraw from your presence, find that place deep within you
that longs for the peace of the world to prevail. And hold this in
prayer, and send this into the battlefield, as I blend My peace with
yours, as the Mother knits this into fabric over chaos and disunity in
this world. Live in My peace, My children. Bring My peace to Urantia, and
know that what you have participated in is of such inestimable value. You
can be proud of your efforts and know you are living up to the highest
standards of universe life, as a citizen bringing love to everything you
think and say and do. 

My heart overshadows yours now. As you find those places you wish to
direct your thoughts, know that Mine and My love are there with you. Good

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