[tmtranscripts] FW: MONJORONSON.COM Q/A SESSION #18 2008-09-03

Tom Newbill t.oldbill at verizon.net
Tue Sep 9 17:30:25 PDT 2008





Monjoronson: [Jonathan]: I approach you now, thank you for requesting my
presence. I am willing to address your questions and I thank you for your
interest and your inquiries.

Q#1: [Mary] Hi Monjoronson, thank you for being here. The first question I
have tonight concerns an inquiry about spreading the knowledge contained in
the Urantia Book. This questioner would also, of course, as many of the
questioners do, want to thank you for your answers to questions that have
been asked and express their gratitude for that. The question has to do with
their experience, that many people are alarmed at the size of the book and
is it possible to present it in smaller segments or would this detract in
some way? They state their gratitude that this website has helped them to
read and understand more of the Urantia Book but they are interested in
spreading the knowledge, wondering about the size of the book and how best
to deal with that, thank you.

Monjoronson: The presentation of the Orvonton commission which compiled and
fostered the eventual manifestation of the Urantia Book was meant to steer a
millennia in a direction that would raise planetary awareness to a level at
which it ought to have attained at the time of Adam and Eve. It is a small
book when one understands the scope of the ascension career and the breadth
of universe activities. Perhaps a series of sequels would appeal to the
generation of today but that is not how this commission chose to present the
information for sequels run the risk of being separated from prior and
subsequent additions and parts.

Recall if you will the variances in the teachings of Peter, Paul, Abner and
Philip when they presented the revelations of Michael when He graced your
world. There is no need to be concerned over how these papers are presented.
They were not given to appeal to any philosophical presentation nor were
they meant to become an established tradition and viewpoint. It is designed
to cater to a wide range of individuals from the scrutinizing theologian to
the common soul seeking solace from a divine parent and wanting to feel that
connection and love.

Your world is one today that functions with such campaigns as super sized
meals and big gulp drinks. The Urantia Book is large in such manner, not
that one person must ingest all that it contains but that it is a package of
information for any and all on your world. There will come a time soon from
our vantage point, wherein this information will have greater bearing upon
the world as personalities become more engaged in the progress of Urantia. I
speak of personalities as those who are assigned to this planet to uplift
and alter the course of its evolution.

You may present whatever material you glean from these papers as you
understand them and need not give all the information that is contained
within for it is best to teach that which is relevant to the seeker who asks
of you for those truths contained within. But it is unwise by counsel for
the human beings of Urantia to determine what they believe is relevant and
irrelevant for the Orvonton Commission has an overarching perspective which
transcends the level of human understanding. Your best approach is to share
your discoveries and your grasp and not to wade into topics you know little

Leave that for those who are so curious for the information is there and
clearly revealed. There will come a time when the bundle of information that
you now have as the Urantia Book will be in need of adjustments as
civilization advances but that is a long ways in the future for the cultures
on your world have yet to grasp even an inkling of what is so far presented.
The purpose of these papers is to weed out erroneous thinking regarding a
deity and the purposes of the universe and to reorient the planetary
awareness from one of isolation to one of belonging to a grand engagement of
numerous worlds and multiple levels of reality.

When Urantia fully comprehends such a state, then you will receive further
instructions and information. I will end my comments regarding this question
here and await your next question.

Q#2: [Mary:] Thank you Monjoronson for such a thought provoking response to
the question. There are a couple of things that you mentioned in your last
response that remind me of some of the sentiments the next questioner has,
the sense of trying to shift the awareness of this world, one of isolation
to one of belonging is one of the concepts you just mentioned. I will read
through this next one and try to come back and try to pull out some of the

This person says that they spent several years trying to meditate every day
and that they have divine love in their souls and have worked to overcome
issues from their past having to do with abuse and that they want to help
prisoners and troubled teens but they have difficulty in succeeding because
they say when they open their mouth everything comes out wrong and they want
to know how to control what comes out of their mouth when they speak and
what impact does it have on their souls now and in the spirit world? This
questioner does say they know that God is their Father and that they are
God's child throughout all eternity and they have great...for being here on
this planet but they do feel like they do not want to be here on this planet
and ask how to deal with that, that feeling that feeling that they do not
fit in anywhere, that they feel alone everyday even though they know for
certain that they have guardian angels with them they still feel alone
everyday and they have questions as to whether they are meditating in the
correct way or is their past too strong. They seek any ideas you feel would
be helpful.

In summary:
They feel when they open their mouth everything comes out wrong.
They would like to help people but find that is a problem for them.
They have worked in their life to overcome abuse and try to forgive.
They understand they are God's child yet they still sometimes feel alone and
don't want to be here on Urantia.
They are uncertain as to whether or not they are doing things properly to
try to progress in this life such as, am I meditating properly?
Are they letting their past be too strong for them?

Thank you so much Monjoronson for addressing our questions.

Monjoronson: Deep and profound meditations are admired by those of us who
oversee this world for you are truly seeking within and making contact with
the divine source that is present within. However, such engagements are for
personal communion, they build faith and assurance but episodes of communion
are not educational. You are not trained in such experiences for those
applications that are addressed in the world. To be a better counselor, one
must engage in training as a counselor.

You mentioned a sense of belonging. Meditative engagements with divinity
will increase your sense of belonging. I would ask you to honestly ask
yourself if such practices as meditation are fostering the sense of
separation from others, a perhaps superiority for there are many on your
world who do not engage in such disciplines. I honor your work and efforts
at overcoming the abuses you have experienced in your human life and it has
offered you insight into both the tendencies for evil in a human being and
the abilities to rise above and triumph over them.

But ones personal experience will not [validate] the individual for the
larger scope of addressing anothers abuses and difficulty, it requires a
broader grasp of human nature, of the variableness of human personalities,
of the manifold orientations that people take. I encourage you to learn from
your fellows, you are inspired to be of service. Many have gone before you
who have learned methods by which you may serve fruitfully, you need not
invent a new technique. You will encounter a sense of loneliness as you
expand in your spiritual standing for you will rise above the general
consciousness of many about you.

But this sense of loneliness is not to be mistaken as not belonging, it is
only truly a recognition of an order of attainment not commonly shared. You
have on record of the Buddha expressing in despair that his experience was
futile to share with others and soon he was overshadowed by one from beyond
who said, "Look about you, many will hear". Be not discouraged when your
expressions fall upon deaf ears for it only takes the reception of one mind
for you to have attained success in reaching out. This planet has been
scarred by rebellion and it has left the effect of people taking sides, of
one against the other, of ranking themselves superior over others and to the
extreme of attempting the annihilation of those unlike themselves.

Religions fall into this trap often and spiritualists can likewise set
themselves apart and above. I encourage you to lessen that sense of
differential. Meditation is a beautiful experience with God but the arm on
the shoulder of your brother is not of any lesser value. Remember that Jesus
sat with sinners and shared meals and He found them not unlike himself, all
the while He was the incarnated Creator Son, wholly unlike those in that

Keep up the good work, pursue spirit, make every effort toward a direct
encounter, a full embrace in complete oneness but let that expand to
incorporate the broad spectrum of your fellows. For while you would long for
a higher reality and not be on Urantia, there is no place to go to if
lessons from which you would wish to leave have not been learned. Paradise
is a dimensional realm, indescribable to the human mind but your world is
loved by the Divine Resident of Paradise, loved wholly and completely
regardless of your evolutionary status, of your spiritual attainment, even
while the peoples on your world take advantage of one another and hurt one

Love as it permeates and penetrates all of your activities you will find a
sense of belonging and of being at home on this world. As you long for the
higher realms, I can only steer you toward the common phrase, do not forget
to smell the roses as you pass by. I hope this incorporates all that you
have asked of me tonight and I do thank you for the sincerity of your
question and I grace you with the energy to find resolve. Your efforts to
expand your awareness, to expand your personality are honorable and you have
much to give to your fellows. Be ready to be trained just as you are so
willing to offer counsel to others, thank you.

Mary: Thank you very much for that response Monjoronson and bid you

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