[tmtranscripts] Monjoronson 12-26-10

Donna D'Ingillo donnadingillo at gmail.com
Mon Dec 27 07:05:32 PST 2010

Conference Call with Monjoronson

Center for Christ Consciousness

<http://www.ctrforchristcon.org/> www.ctrforchristcon.org

December 26, 2010

Topics: Mercy

Transmitter: Donna D'Ingillo

PRAYER: Mother and Father, we come to you today to ask that you weave us
together as a unified body of mindal heart energy in service to the
Magisterial Son and his staff, who will take this energy and use it where
appropriate on this planet. Thank you for being able to gather here to add
our efforts and energy to the Magisterial Mission. We thank you for
preparing us now to receive him and are able to share our energies with him
in a way that you know is in alignment with your will.

MONJORONSON: Greetings, my brethren. This is Monjoronson. I trust your
minds are all well sated with the peace of Michael from your Christmas
celebration over these past few days. It is very encouraging to those of us
who are facilitating the reception of spiritual energy into your hearts and
minds to see the minds of Urantians now turning more to the direction of
Michael's mind and his truth. We appreciate your efforts at seeding the
efforts of MERCY into the fabric of planetary consciousness. We will
continue to do so today.

Now I ask you to find it in your hearts to go deeper into the realm of
FORGIVENESS. Move beyond the limitations of your understanding of those
individuals and groups of people who are so reluctant and resistant to the
truth, for you know not the impediment within their own beings that enforces
their limitations. It is as if they are in their own jails and do not know
how to extricate themselves from this. Although seeming to have power and
authority, and while they may on the earth plane, from a cosmic perspective
they are truly isolated and lost. So we ask you to see it from this
perspective, to look at it through the Father's eyes, to increasingly feel
your desires to forgive them that this field of MERCY may grow through your

Take a few moments to consider in your own hearts where you may still be
feeling frustrated or resentful, judgmental and punishing. Ask your
indwelling Father Fragment to help you see this from Michael's eyes. Take a
few moments to do this, my brethren, as we work to help create this energy
field that you will participate in today, and we will focus more on MERCY in
a few moments. (Pause)

The citizens of this world are all human children growing in your
understanding of the universe and your place within it. You are all
children. Think about what this means, the idea of being children. Notice
that you require guidance, direction, a firm foundation upon which to build
the planetary culture that follows the way and the will of God. Some of this
is in place now. Those aspects of your planetary culture that are not in
alignment with the Father's plan are diminishing. It is diminishing because
your ideas are growing closer in recognition of Michael's truth and peace.
The MERCY endowment that you are creating here, through your own human
efforts is being added to what we of the divine realm bring in to you, thus
providing all children of this world a greater pool of direction and
guidance, understanding and compassion to grow in. So you must ever keep
this perspective in the forefront of your awareness--this idea of being
children--to help you look beyond the errors that your brethren who are
still spiritually sleeping have perceived and done. While we understand
that this is not always an easy thing for you to do, we do ask you to try
your best.

So as we build this field of MERCY today, I ask you to see those who have
been in positions of power and control as children. See them as needing
love, guidance, and direction. See them in your hearts as spiritually
starving. As you see them, forgive them. Feel how much they need MERCY to
liberate them and to rejoin the family. Only you can do this now. We share
these ideas with you to help your awareness to expand beyond the limitations
of your emotions. Think about this and see the word MERCY in front of your
hearts. Project it into the planet, especially going into those places where
those children who have long held control deserve to receive this, and we
will direct it to where it needs to go, where it will do the most good. Take
your time with this now and generate this quality to the best of your
ability into this fabric of MERCY. (Pause)

And now, in your mind's eye, I ask you to focus on the word GREED. See this
word in front of you and simply give it to me and ask for my MERCY to infuse
my spiritual energy into it. You might liken this to a large boulder of
energy that has oppressed many individuals in many ways over the course of
your planetary evolution, and now you are asking for that boulder to be
shattered. It is my MERCY that will to come against this energy and reduce
its influence. Continue to see this word in your mind's eye and lift it up
to me. I will move in this. (Pause)

Feel your desire for my MERCY to infuse collective patterns of self-centered
thinking and behaving. This quality of selfishness is what is being
dismantled through the exercises you are participating in. Help your
brothers and sisters break free of this engagement of the mind and these
energies that are so destructive to the spirit. When you see your brothers
and sisters who act in this way as children, recognizing that their actions
are immature, more forgiveness can come into your heart to blend with my
MERCY and create a better and bigger field of light to reduce this.
Eventually it will fall into ashes.

It is important for you to appreciate the depth of wisdom in being able to
separate the sin from the sinner. The sin, you might say, is representative
of these mindal energies--these patterns of greed, war, corruption--that
have long influenced human behavior. The individuals themselves are worthy
of salvation. They are worthy to have their minds purified of these
destructive energies, these creations of wrongful understandings of the way
of the Father. We encourage you to continue to become more fully aware that
these individuals are indeed your brothers and sisters--they are
children--they are worthy to receive the ministry of MERCY within their
minds. You are providing a fulcrum to uproot the distortion in them to begin
to see the glimmering of hope and a way out of their own jail.

Now go deep into your hearts and invite Michael into the depths of your
being, for his love to move in you, to help you perceive your brothers and
sisters with more love and compassion. We continue to move the energies of
MERCY into this planetary fabric. (Pause)

TRUTH and MERCY go hand in hand during this time of correction, for as the
truth becomes more widely recognized and people see the error of their ways,
they will require mercy. Help them forgive themselves and receive the
salvation of Michael. I cannot emphasize this enough to you at this time. We
continue to encourage you to do your best each day to focus on sending MERCY
into the planetary fabric, to demonstrate this throughout your day as you
interact with your brothers and sisters. You are beginning to witness the
demise of self-centeredness when you do this, as you are freeing yourself
from this state of being. While you still exhibit this behavior from time to
time, as you push your thoughts in the direction of MERCY, we will help you
throughout your day develop a better habit and pattern that is more in
alignment with the Father's will. It will give your indwelling Father
Fragment a greater opportunity to guide you more effectively into the
energies of selflessness. (Pause)

I know many of you are anticipating a new year of growth and change, and you
will see some in your outer lives. I encourage you to look to your inner
lives to make the greatest change in your approach to life in the beauty and
the joy in being alive at this time on Urantia. Spend the time you need in
stillness returning to the well--the presence of the Father within you-- to
renew and refresh you over and over that you may indeed be the containers of
MERCY to your brothers and sisters.

I will leave you now in this manner. But I will be visiting you each in the
coming days that you may feel my energy presence more indelibly on your soul
and help you begin to make that faith step to love your brothers and sisters
more. Be more merciful to them. Any time you feel resentment or anger
growing within you, call upon me and you will be fed with MERCY. Let this
word be one of the resolutions you make in the New Year: To be merciful. You
will do much to seed goodness on the planet. Help us as we help you build
Light and Life on Urantia. Good afternoon.

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