[tmtranscripts] A 'transmission-poem' in-concert with Machiventa Melchizedek, our acting Planetary Prince; Co-created in April of 2004; Mortal co-creator: non-disclosed; [NOTE: The last verse is a vital question now asked again, meant for 'those with ears to hear']

Warren Smith warrencsmith at gmail.com
Sun Oct 15 05:55:03 PDT 2017

*A 'transmission-poem' in-concert with Machiventa Melchizedek, our acting
Planetary Prince *

*Co-created in April of 2004*

*Mortal co-creator: non-disclosed*

*[NOTE: The last verse is a vital question now asked again, meant for
'those with ears to hear']*

*Our Planetary Prince…. Waits Patiently*

*Young addict mothers block their cries of hunger,*

*as rabid rats compete for rotten meat,*

*their inner shrieks of terror echo thunder,*

*their children fed through child pornography;*

*those long-forgotten children of the Third World-*

*our Planetary Prince observer... grieves.*

*A refuge in Sudan raped unconscious,*

*her starving newborn blessed with HIV,*

*the dawning of another day soon launches,*

*another brutal, hopeless casualty;*

*more throw-a-way statistics of the Dark World-*

*our Planetary Prince observer... grieves.*

*Avoiding life, escaping to their castles,*

*hyenas fattened through their selfish schemes,*

*prescription psychotropics as they crumble,*

*the programmed, fearful aristocracy;*

*those elite, walking-wounded of the Old World-*

*our Planetary Prince observer... grieves.*

*Obsessed, well-meaning end-of-world bunk-mongers,*

*prepare for Armageddon in their dreams,*

*endorsing ‘Satan’s’ non-existent power,*

*recruiting troops to justify their screams; *

*stuck harbingers of horror of the Lost World-*

*our Planetary Prince observer... grieves.*

*Enlightened mortals blessed with revelation,*

*potential re-born souls of life and Light,*

*in question, their intent and dedication,*

*desire to serve and shine their candles bright;*

*to heed 'The Master’s' call to transformation-*

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