[tmtranscripts] Horror’s Corridor Part Two; Co-created in-concert with the last of the 873 rehabilitated rebel Secondary Midwayers permitted back on-sphere in 2008; Meant for those 'behind the scenes' referred to far below who are/may be 'guided' to defect and eventually sit upon the staffs of our ruling planetary spiritual hierarchy

Warren Smith warrencsmith at gmail.com
Sun Oct 15 09:00:05 PDT 2017

*Co-created in-concert with the last of the 873 rehabilitated
rebel Secondary Midwayers permitted back on-sphere in 2008*

*Mortal Co-creator: non-disclosed *

*Meant for those 'behind the scenes' referred to far below who are/may
be 'guided' to defect and eventually sit upon the staffs of our ruling
planetary spiritual hierarchy*


*Horror’s Corridor *

*Following horror’s corridor through nightmares of losing control, *

*My precious vaults of gold stand exposed, extensive and vast, *

*Cherished beyond measure, standing in for my broken shattered soul;*

*Awaiting the executioner of my haunted past.*

*Covering up all tracks revealing my darkest deranged desires, *

*Terror leads me through a maze of excruciating pain*

*As fits of madness ignite embers of insanity’s fires,*

*Consuming what is left of a brilliant mind insane.*

*Raging with bitter agony as the greatness of my Empire fades*

*Horror’s corridor escorts me to the gallows of my mind;*

*Trembling within the darkness of the dues that I have paid,*
*I execute the warrant of my death, thus sealed and signed. *


*Our ‘Power Elite’*

*Passionate predators of lowly ideals, With hidden agendas most loosely
concealed, Corrupt and devise through illusion and lies, Projecting their
fears as they rationalize. Such poisoned promoters of shortsighted schemes
Have avoided their deepest ambitions and dreams, Ignoring the truth that
they fear to confront, Preferring to prey on the victims they hunt. As
parasites practicing conquest and gain, They thrive on inflicting and
fostering pain, With hardly a clue of the damage they do, They destruct and
destroy in all they pursue; Blind to the fact that their greed and
corruption Create their demise and certain destruction.*
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