[tmtranscripts] Repost of NET #58

Roxanne Andrews urantian606 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 17 17:56:05 PDT 2019

I am reposting this transcript of NET #58 because of an important change on
page 6.

*2019-2-25, NET #58, Machiventa*

*New Era Transition #58 – Progress; Monetary Systems; Inequality;
Melchizedeks – Feb. 25, 2019*

*Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager*


A new beginning in the Teaching Mission

Celestials are heartened by the progress being made

A change in concern of individuals toward their world

Imbalance is a motivator for positive social change

Young children can make ethical and moral decisions

Adults must make decisions about their lives

Not making decisions is an act of personal disempowerment

The New Era Transition will continue

A question on democratic republics

Monjoronson’s 3 part mission

The current mission of the NOCO group

Debt based monetary systems

The culture of having “more is better”

We can easily be headed for an era of material prosperity

We are all equal in the eyes of Deity

Inequality must evaporate

Changes in the world since the *Urantia Book* and the *Bible*

Personal questions about Machiventa

A question on incarnation

Mortal fusion with Thought Adjuster

Does Machiventa have a partner?

Collective thinking among Melchizedeks

What celestials anticipate for us

TR:  Daniel Raphael, PhD

Team members present:  Roxanne Andrews, Rick Brunson, Craig Carmichael, Liz
Cratty, Jeff Cutler and Michael McCray.

Invocation:  Roxie

*February 25, 2019*

*A new beginning in the Teaching Mission*

*MACHIVENTA:*  Good morning, this is Machiventa Melchizedek, your Planetary
Manager.  Today is a significant day for us here in the celestial morontial
realms, and also in the spiritual realm.  This day marks a new beginning in
what you call the Teaching Mission and we call the Correcting Time because
there is more movement about in the hearts and minds of people in all
Western democratic nations, particularly those centered in the spiritual
essence, knowing the God presence exists within them and that they are in
touch with that in one way or another.  Many are not, as you know, but none
the less are spiritually led in their lives to their advantage.

We are able to mark the developments of organizations, particularly the
individuals who participate in organizations as we are seeing changes
slowly in the internal movement of those organizations.  You, in the
western realm of your civilization notice a slow, very arduous and
difficult movement within organizations as they begin to accept the
equality of other people, particularly of women.  The inclusion of the
feminine gender into organizational decision-making structures and
processes is vital to the progress of those organizations and to the
integration of societies within themselves.  As organizations are ever
present throughout all societies and nations, the individuals who make
decisions who are also in touch with their Thought Adjuster consciously or
unconsciously, is an important advent for the social change and the
energetic changes of your world.

*Celestials are heartened by the progress being made*

These are on levels that are very subtle to your own personal awareness.
Many of you have no awareness of this and few of you notice slowly the
changes in the news media that you receive.  We are heartened by the
progress that is being made.  In the meantime there are many who are
kicking and screaming, resisting all of these positive changes of
equality.  They would rather seek personal dominance and self-interest to
influence decisions in the way they would like to see the world develop.
This in reality is a small minority—or is a minority in most nations—the
most obvious majority to us, the one that is well over 60% of any
population are the inactive individuals who do not take a stand on the
issues at hand, do not make decisions, do not have opinions one way or
another and do not act in regard for what you would call righteous
decisions for right outcomes; they simply are inactive.  It is because of
this inactivity of the dominant population that persistently negative and
detrimental actions are able to dominate the course of organizations, and

*A change in concern of individuals toward their world*

This too will change.  What is changing that we see is the concern of
individuals, of people, individually and collectively, that something is
not right in their world; something is not working—not necessarily for
their advantage, but for the smooth operation of their societies,
communities, their schools and medical care, and so on.  There is obviously
something out of step in the United States, as it is politically in a
tremendous era of turmoil.  This is something we have not generated.  It is
something that we do abhor and do not encourage individuals to sustain or
maintain.  Rather, it is a natural development of the powerful on one side
and the very un-empowered individuals on the other side; one side is highly
moneyed and the other is living on their hopes and dreams.

*Imbalance is a motivator for positive social change*

It is this situation of imbalance that is causing many in the middle to be
of concern and this is an important motivator for positive social change.
That is where we in the Correcting Time come in to participate with you and
to encourage all others to participate even as they sit in their armchairs
reading their daily words or their daily spiritual guides, and so on, and
their meditation practices to project that energy throughout the world.

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