[tmtranscripts] NET #102 Final

russ.tmtranscripts@virtualbiz.com russgustafson at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 07:47:02 PST 2020

*2020-10-19, NET #102, Machiventa*

New Era Transition #102 – (Find this and previous NETs at:

To attend these sessions live contact *JT* at UpwardInward at gmail.com
<mailto:UpwardInward at gmail.com>

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager


*Be vulnerable to spirit*

*Be thankful*

*Will to do God’s will in the /now/*

*Immense power in the /now/*

*Moving hurricanes*

*Pursuing naturopathic remedies*

*Thought Adjusters on Urantia will be of one mind*

*Beloved pets in the afterlife—short term mind constructs*

*No decree of approval for QAnon from Machiventa’s office*

*What is QAnon—lost hope*

*What we lose of ourselves during mortal transit*

*You will always be you*

*Pope Francis on capitalism and private property*

*Limits of Thought Adjuster control*

*Nature based cures for all human diseases*

*Lanonandek form for the Sage of Salem*

*On numerology—getting your attention *

*What are these dots for?*

*“Other” in the Grand Universe*

*Update on recently passed political figures*

*Limits of US deficit*

*Universal healthcare in the US*

*Neale Donald Walsch and /Conversations With God/*

*Be prepared*

*Thought Adjuster’s activity in unison*


TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Participants from: Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, South
Africa, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela. If I missed your
country, please let me (*JT*) know at UpwardInward at gmail.com
<mailto:UpwardInward at gmail.com>

Invocation: Liz


*Be vulnerable to spirit*

*Machiventa:*Good morning. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. I greet you
for all those unseen beings who are here on the planet assisting you as
well as for myself. Thank you for your attendance.

We have been witness to many forums, many gatherings of individuals who
believe in your work and we have a far better grasp of your situations
on Urantia. There are many people who believe in Christ Michael as Jesus
or as any other avatar. It’s important that you realize that an open
heart is primary to receiving the beneficence—the goodness, the feeling
of warmth—that comes through from your spiritual connections. It is
helpful when you as an individual reveal yourself—be vulnerable—to your
Thought Adjuster, to God, to Christ Michael, to your guardian angel,
[and] to the God presence within you. This is saying that “I’m open and
ready and now am receiving your beneficence and good.” When you say it
that way, you’re not deferring it to the future. You’re not saying: “I
/want/ to be open to you.” That is deferring the /capital/ moment that
you live in—the /now/—and giving it away to nothingness.

*Be thankful*

You, as an individual, primary agent, are opening yourself to receive
the goodness that is all around you. And it is there. It begins by being
without fear. And yes, you may be fearful. You may have tremendous fear,
but, you know, the way to overcome that is to be grateful for what you
have. “Thank you, God, for these moments of stillness and peace that I
feel. Thank you for the abundance I have in my life however meager that
may be. Thank you for the companionship of good friends. Thank you for
being loved by you and by all your angels. Thank you for arranging the
development and events of my life such that I am prospered and
benefited, and that there is a way ahead for me—that there is hope, and
the hope is being actualized in each new step that I take going forward.”

*Will to do God’s will in the /now/*

My friends, you are the operating agent of change in your life. You
truly are the only one who can make that happen. Yes, you can make that
happen by opening yourself—your vulnerability—to the spiritual elements
of God, and they will assist you to be open yet more. You have the
power, and it’s called your /sovereign will/. Your sovereign will can be
exercised by you to open yourself and invite in the Spirit of Truth,
your guardian angel, the God Presence within you and all the angelic
hosts around you to assist you in your life. The most powerful thing you
can do in your life is to will to do God’s will. That is /active./ That
is /now./ That is not deferred, it’s not delayed, it’s not forecast in
the future. It is /now!/ For in the /now /is the only time that God can
operate in your life—not tomorrow, not in the past, but /now./ In this
moment /now/, you are the captain of your life. You are the commander of
your soul. You are the one who can open yourself totally to God’s will
in your life. And, yes, it does take courage. Yes, you may be fearful,
but God would not lead you into harm. God will not lead you astray. When
you live in the /now/, for what you have (however little that is), and
you are safe and you are loved, you have a tremendous moment of the
/now/ to assist you in all the moments that come into your life in the
future. You then become a much more powerful agent to assist
others—children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews, neighbor kids, and
friends. You then become a powerful agent for good, for positive
thinking, for positive action, positive intention, constructive life
patterns, and so on.

*Immense power in the /now/*

When you see yourself in such a powerful position in that /now/, you
/are/ that person. You simply have become able to identify with how God
sees you. You are a child of God, and God loves you and has given you
this immense power in the /now/. You can decide how you want to spend
that /now/. Know that you are protected, and you are loved, and the way
forward for you personally in your life has already been charted out.
You may have a predestined life, but it is not foreordained that you
follow it. Those two are different. You are not God’s automaton or
servant. You may serve God, you may serve others, but that is /your/
choice. Thank you.


*Walt: *Thank you so much. That opening just blew me away. Especially
understanding more about the involvement of our will and the power of
willing to do God’s will. I was so edified. Thank you so much Machiventa.

*Moving hurricanes*

My first question is: In September 2019 NET #72 you affirmed that
prayers did move the category 5 hurricane away from the coast of
Florida. You further provided an even more powerful way to move
hurricanes through the mind. I am wondering how many participants, at
minimum, are needed for such an effort to be effective, and why is this
method more effective than prayer?

*MM:*The minimum number to do this is 3. Two mortals and Christ Michael.
It is important that you invite in Christ Michael to be of assistance in
your mutual prayers. And your prayers must, as well, be those that are
not self-serving—must not be egoistic, must be totally humanitarian and
good-spirited. You understand, we hope, that you are one person. And,
when you are joined by another person who thinks alike, your energy
streams move in parallel. They are complemental. They are clear when you
have a clear intention. There must not be any sub-categories within your
intention. Your intention is to do good. Your intention is to benefit
your world and the lives of others. It is not so much to keep them from
harm, but to keep them in well-being. It is the positive side of prayer
that is most important. Know that you are protected. Know that you are
loved. Know that you are cared for, and you can be of tremendous
influence to /see/, literally /see/, in your spiritual energetic mind’s
eye the outcome of your prayer. In that way you are forming the outcome.
Mind action is the total action of how the universe was put together.
Mind action is what supports your world now. There is only one source
for that and that is the First Source and Center of the universe. You as
one mind are a pattern (however miniscule that may be) of the mind of
the First Source and Center. Your mind was the gift of the Creator. It
is something that you received when you were born or even before you are
born—when you are conceived. Those are hallowed moments when you, as an
individual-to-be, will become powerful as an adult and growing into your
adulthood. When you are minded that way and you are in complemental,
parallel relationship with another (or many others), then you become
even more powerful to form the vision of your mind’s image. Do you

*Pursuing naturopathic remedies*

*Walt:*Yes, indeed. Oh, yes. That is so powerful. Thank you so much for
that Machiventa. It thrills me. My second question is: Like shamans (who
received supernatural insight into plant-based healing), how can we
today pursue supernatural insights on naturopathic remedies for well
known, hard to cure afflictions like herpes, HIV, HPV, and cancer?

*MM:*The heart of the answer to that question was previously answered in
your question number 1.

*Thought Adjusters on Urantia will be of one mind*

*Walt:*Awesome. Thank you. And my third question for this round before I
yield to others is: A long time T/R of prolific transmissions describes
a deep impression about a coming event of coordinated Thought Adjuster
action that would provide profound spiritual clarity to mortals without
usurping free will. This global event of Adjuster to human contact would
lift the blindfolds preventing us from seeing that all humanity is one
at our core. It would give us the lucidity to willingly reset our values
and pursuits to ones that recognize our universal siblinghood and that
support our sustainability. My question is: Do you understand such an
envisioned contact to be possible or in breach of universe policy?

*MM:*(Chuckling) Dear Walt, I chuckle again. You have such a beautiful
way of presenting the material and then make it so complicated for
others to appreciate the answer. The answer that cuts through all of
this is that yes, the Thought Adjusters on Urantia will be of one mind
very soon, and it will have a tremendous impact.

*Walt:*Woo-hoo! That’s enough for me to just run around the house and
celebrate. That, I can tell you, that is grand news. That is huge news.
I will yield the floor to others. Wow! Thank you, thank you.

*Beloved pets in the afterlife—short term mind constructs*

*Bea:*Good morning Machiventa. I’m very happy to be here today, and
thankful that we’re all here today. I guess this is a follow-up. I did a
little bit of homework as I asked a question last time about what
happens to pets after they die. So, I did read the answer. I believe I
found the answer. To be honest, and you’ll know I’m being honest, I was
quite disappointed. I guess that’s all I have to say, but when I think
about… Maybe I should say exactly what I found in The Urantia Book. I
found that, unlike humans, pets do not create souls the way mortal
humans do, and so they don’t have the same path as a human mortal can
have to go on that adventure to find the First Source and Center. And I
read that, instead, the animals only have a mind mechanism which is, I
guess you could say, borrowed from the Third Source and Center. I could
be wrong there. So, this is what I read. It does make me sad because I
know many people who love their pets very dearly and when they pass, one
of the things that consoles them is that they believe they will see
their pet again. And based on my interpretation, which could be wrong of
course, I sense that is not the case. Could you comment?

*MM:*Yes. Thank you for your question on behalf of so many other people
who wonder about this. It is true that some animals do have a mind
construct that will surpass their material life. When you make your
transition to the morontial realm and your dear pet comes to mind, you
may be greeted by an energetic construct of your pet rather than a
morontial pet. This is a remnant of the mind action of the animal. It is
something that does not last perpetually. It will continue on, but it
will not perpetuate into the future very long. You will be on an
extremely rapid path of growth and inspiration in the morontial realm
due to your spiritual progress here on the material plane. Do you
understand what I’ve said?

*Bea:*I understand completely. I think I do. You can look at my aura to
see if I actually understand (laughing).

*MM:*(Laughing) Yes, to put it into cartoon language, I do see the
exclamation point above your head.

*Bea:*That’s very funny. That answers my question completely. I actually
did have another question, but I think I’m going to leave the floor to
others first. Thank you very much.

*MM: *You’re most welcome.

*No decree of approval for QAnon from Machiventa’s office*

*Raymon: *Good afternoon Machiventa. Thank you for being here today with
us. My first question (for myself) was already talked about by Walt for
the enhanced Thought Adjuster circuits. So, thank you for that answer. I
have a couple of questions from someone who has passed them onto me to
share with you and they are: “Now that QAnon has become a worldwide
phenomenon and has been amplified by politics and the news media, I
think that its growth presents a very significant issue for the
Magisterial Mission especially given that those who profess to support
the Magisterial Mission continue to support it. So, the question is: The
controversial theory called QAnon that has begun on the internet but now
has gained worldwide exposure has been supported enthusiastically by
some who are involved in the Magisterial Mission. Is QAnon associated in
any way with the Magisterial Mission and if so, how?”

*MM:*This is Machiventa. There has been no decree or approval from my
office for QAnon. Thank you.

*What is QAnon—lost hope*

*Raymon:*OK. All right. And the second part: “If it is not part of the
Magisterial Mission, what is it?”

*MM:*Now /there/ is a very good question. QAnon represents, in gross
evidence, the negative thinking of people who have lost hope in their
world—people who have lost hope in the social structure around them, who
have lost hope in the social institutions from government clear down
through the educational system. QAnon is representative of the global
“sour grapes” attitude. And “sour grapes” is not adequately strong
enough to convey the negation that people who are adamantly involved in
QAnon feel. It is a phenomenon that will eventually burn itself out. I
will not discuss what will happen if it grows unto itself, for it is a
very destructive instrument. What you will see, if you analyze QAnon—its
founders, its sources, etc.—is that it does not support a constructive
regeneration of society or its institutions. What you will find in most
of the discussions throughout the world in the various thousands of
circumstances, situations, and developments around the world, is that
almost none—almost /none/—provide a positive influence for
reconstruction, sustaining, or transforming your societies or the world
civilization—even on a local community basis.

*Raymon:*Thank you Machiventa. The third part of the question was
answered by you just now. They wanted to know why it was so appealing,
but you answered that. Thank you.

*What we lose of ourselves during mortal transit*

*JT:*I have some questions from readers. Coley says: My question is
about being repersonalized on the first mansion world. I want to know if
Machiventa would elaborate on how much of us is lost in the process. It
was stated in The Urantia Book that much of what we are here and now,
passes away as one-time scaffolding because the Thought Adjuster will
only bring with it what is of eternal survival value. It seems to me
that, when I wake up on the other side, I won’t be /me/ anymore, and
that makes me a bit apprehensive about the whole thing. For those of us
who have grown out of negative life experiences, does this mean we will
be /tabula rasa/ [a blank slate] on the other side? Any insight or
additional information would be great.

*MM: *Most certainly and thank you for your question. First of all, you
will be a /tabula rasa/ only to the extent that all those aspects that
have been erased need to now be filled. It is much like creating a
vacuum. Those people who come across the divide of consciousness between
the mortal life and the morontial life will have lost a great deal that
is not useful to them. There will not necessarily be a history or memory
of what was lost; however, there are difficult situations in your life
that /will/ be remembered which are useful as lessons in the future in
your classroom work as a morontial student.

*You will always be you*

You will always be you, dear friend. This is something that will never
be taken away from you. Your self-identity will always remain. And the
stronger your identity with your association with your Thought Adjuster,
the more (presence, essence, soul-identity) of you will remain, and know
who you are and what you are in your life as a morontial being and
having been a mortal on the material plane. It is important that you
bring across as much as possible that is useful to you in the future. We
have said repeatedly that acts of service and overcoming your negative,
animalistic traits assist you in gaining “weight.” We mean soul
weight—those things that fill your soul fully as much as possible. Only
those individuals who maximize the extent of their potential as a
spirit-growing [being] on the material plane will come away with a very
heavy sack full of soul value. It is important that you become more and
more identified with the positive influences in your life—whether it is
positive thinking, whether it is positive attitude, or simply loving
yourself as a child of God as completely as God loves you. That’s a
challenging goal for sure, but certainly your appreciation for your life
as a spiritual being on a material world is primary to who you become in
your morontial realm. Those individuals who have an empty soul, so to
speak, will also understand who they are. For the gift of personality
from the First Source and Center is your point of union with your
Thought Adjuster. This will never be taken away from you. Thank you.

*Pope Francis on capitalism and private property*

*JT:*Thank you Machiventa. I have another question from Bill who says:
Pope Francis has just come out with a statement that we need to abolish
capitalism and private property. Is this in line with the thinking of
your commission, and is this the direction that we should be moving?

*MM: *I chuckle because one element is missing. The idealism of Pope
Francis is wonderful (and we totally agree with him), but this too is an
evolutionary development that can only occur over time and [with] the
change of the culture that is dominant in your world. He speaks of an
idealism which is most certainly wonderful. It would enhance the living
of many people in the world, but it is necessary first for individuals
to understand what comes to them and how to preserve that—how to
preserve /themselves/. You see people who are already squandering their
own personal living inheritance—meaning the inner potential that they
brought into life when they were born—have been squandering that all
along. Would these be suitable for the division of property and
abandonment of capitalism? Perhaps not. Capitalism and materialism are
in union at the current time. These things will be discarded over time.
The circumstances that your world is going through (meaning the cascade
of pandemics) will surely denude people of their material wealth so that
they appreciate a warm house, food to eat, companionship, water, and so
on. It is not that everyone will be living in such dire circumstances,
but many will. It is important that you set goals for who you are and
how you live. It is important that ideals /be/ shared with others, but
they are truly ideals. He did not provide the mechanisms to achieve
that, did he? No, he gave you the pronouncement that this is what you
/should/ do. That is a normative statement that falls on many deaf ears
without a means to achieve that. The significance of our work now is to
provide the means to achieve those ends over time. The developments that
you are seeing now are most unfortunate for your world though they were
not devised by the world architects, social architects, or social
angels. It is the work of humans. It is the work of the development of
materialism and economies that have gone astray, that have gone askew,
that have gone berserk—to use those words applied to materialism and so
on. They are berserk because they have changed the growth of
individuals—their inner life—so that people become identified with the
material goods that they have. This is the most destructive element of
materialism: that these individuals become what they are, what they own,
and what they have with them.

We agree with Pope Francis. He is a very good person, and we adore him
very much. He is [as] good [a] soul as any other individual on your
planet. He has great power in his position and his station in life such
that he could achieve great good. It would be useful to him and to his
great following [if] he would have a plan for making this transition
from materialism to a much more spiritual quality of life—a /holistic/
quality of life—the way of living. Thank you.

*Limits of Thought Adjuster control*

*Walt:*OK. Thank you again. My first question of this round is: If an
individual invites or requests the Thought Adjuster to have unfettered
access, does the Thought Adjuster still limit its control?

*MM:*Your question is two-sided. When a person wills to do God’s will
actively in the now, then they have given their Thought Adjuster total
access to their mind, all their being, and those other aspects. You must
remember that there’s a shared responsibility in the eventual fusion
between the individual and their Thought Adjuster. There is a
responsibility to make the best actions, the best decisions, and carry
that out as best they can. The work of the Thought Adjuster is perfect.
It is always perfect. It is situational depending upon the decisions of
the mortal, but it is always in the benefit of the mortal’s soul and
their eventual fusion. Does the Thought Adjuster withdraw its fullness
of its power to amend the individual’s thoughts and its life? Most


*Nature based cures for all human diseases*


*Walt: *Oh, wow. Thank you, thank you. That’s comprehensive. The next
question is: Does the evolutionary design for Urantia include a plan to
a nature-based cure for all human diseases [whether] genetic or

*MM:*Your question is curious in several factors. I’ll share one of
them. One is that the work of the Life Carriers, once it is set in
motion, is set into motion. You can be assured that the resources
necessary for humans to use these material resources are available to
them to devise new means of aiding the good health of humans. It may be
plant based; it may be material based. Nonetheless it comes from this
planet and is available to humans to use. You will eventually become
aware that these laboratories will be able to invent (I withdraw from
saying the word create) molecules out of raw materials, out of raw
elements, in ways that are not thought of right now. This will be a
tremendous panacea to many human illnesses and problems and there will
also be, as an adjunct to this, know-how to amend the malfunctioning DNA
functions in the human genome for each individual. This is very much in
the future, but these possibilities lie before you. Are they solely
plant based? No. Thank you for your question.

*Lanonandek form for the Sage of Salem*

*Walt:*Thank you for the answer. I feel like I’m a kid in a candy store.
This is the third in this round before I yield the floor: As the Sage of
Salem, you temporarily wore a human body. My question is: Did you take
on a Lanonandek’s spirit form to execute your duties as planetary
manager, or are you fully Melchizedek in spirit attributes even as our
planetary manager?

*MM:*Dear Walt, you pose a very good question that we will just leave as
a question. Thank you.

*Walt:*Oh, wow. Thank you.


*On numerology—getting your attention*


*Bea: *Hello again. This time my question is about numerology I suppose.
You can put it under the umbrella of numerology. I can share a little
bit of my personal experience. A few years ago, roughly 10, I started
noticing that I was seeing the same numbers over and over again, and
they were actually 444. [*MM:* chuckling] I couldn’t deny it. I tried to
initially, but it was too much in my face. And I didn’t understand what
it meant at the time. I’m still struggling to understand. I still see
repetitive numbers beyond what I believe is chance. For those of us who
might experience such things, do you have any comments?

*MM:*Yes, one. If you had a neighbor across your fence who is growing
watermelons and they had far more than they could eat and far more than
they could give away, and they saw you across the fence and clapped
their hands and said: “Hey, over here! I’ve got some watermelons for you
and the family if you want them.” And so, these repetitive numbers are
like a clapping of the hands. It is to get your attention—that you have
assistance around you for your life, for your life’s mission, for your
life’s goals, and your purpose and meaning in life. It is an attention
getter from the midwayers saying: “We have help for you. Are you
interested?” And so, once you begin to see that, they are part of what
some people call the signs, symbols, and omens (some people now call
them dots), connect the dots and see where they lead. They should make a
pattern. Repetitive numbers are the beginning of patterning. They are
the outworking of attention-getting to lead you to follow the crumbs—the
dots—that will lead you into the fullness of your life. You seem to be
one that has something on their mind as a spirit who is growing; who has
some spiritual influences that need to be expressed in one way or
another. To activate this outward pattern [of] revelation to you, you
need to say: “I understand. Now, if you’re willing, please provide me
with the next connection for me to follow to the fullness of my life.”
Do you think this would help Bea?

*What are these dots for?*

*Bea:*Yes. To be honest, if these represent dots (and I accept that),
I’m still trying to comprehend the meaning of the dots. So, I think I’ve
realized that they want my attention, but I’m not certain for what. In
fact, sometimes I have no idea.

*MM:*You’re asking, really, the wrong question Bea, the “why” question.
We have said repeatedly in the past that the “why” question will lead
you into rabbit holes—will lead you to nowhere. You will try to find
explanations for why they are there. Simply revising the question [to]
“What are these dots for?” will lead you into an intuitive answer, and
lead into a much more productive pursuit of your life.

*Bea:*Ok. I will definitely think about that. Thank you very much.

*MM:*You’re welcome.

*“Other” in the Grand Universe*

*Robert:*Yes, Machiventa. I would like to ask: How can we gain
appreciation in the fundamental concept of “other”—other persons,
places, or things in the Grand Universe and in ourselves?

*MM:*Repeat the first part again please.

*Richard:*How can we gain appreciation in the fundamental concept of
“other”—places, things, and persons in our lives?

*MM: *And what is the purpose for your asking?

*Richard:*I think it is a foundational idea that Deity had at the very
beginning that others became the concept of everything. And when Eternal
Father, way, way back at the very beginning of things when he had the
concept of something besides himself, and besides his foundational
nature in bringing about the ________ and the beautiful concept of
having others join him in this universe.

*MM: *Certainly. Thank you. Well, my dear friend, you only have to look
within to find the other. Because you /are/ the “other” to God. You are
an embellishment of God’s will. You are the active being who carries the
God presence within you as the “other.” So truly, when you look upon all
around your world other people, and you look upon the flowers in your
garden and so on, you are truly looking at the evidence of the “other”
as God has seen you and seen /it/. It is coming to the awareness that
you are loved so much that you are in possession of the fragrance and
fragment of the Father—the Creator. That you are the flowers of His
universe when you do His will. Thank you.

*Richard:*Thank you!

*Update on recently passed political figures*

*Walt:*The first question is: Would it be OK or appropriate for you to
provide an update on how the following 2 individuals are doing and
thinking about this election cycle: John McCain and Ruth Bader Ginsberg?

*MM:*Thank you for your question, and because it is a sensitive question
and the answers are even more sensitive (remember it’s time and place
development-wise that make the answers pertinent) it is inappropriate
for me to answer your questions at this time.

*Limits of US deficit*

*Walt:*OK, that’s just beautiful. And the second question: What do you
and your colleagues calculate would be a dangerous level of spending and
deficit growth by the U.S. federal government as they aim to address the
current crisis?

*MM:*Truly Walt, this is really none of our business. It is human
business. Thank you.

*Universal healthcare in the US*

*Walt:*OK. Thank you. And the other question is: I accept that the
health-care crisis is mainly one of individual decision-making in terms
of consumption and physical maintenance; however, outside of the
long-term slog of changing the culture of such decision-making, would
you be willing to comment on what, currently, can be done to make
universal healthcare more viable in the current U.S. society?

*MM:*I will answer your question generally. You’re asking about whether
we would be willing or not. Such a phraseology of a question is not
functional for your information. The development of a universal
healthcare in the Unites States or anywhere else is under development.
It is one of the rights of being a human—to have good health. It is a
thing that cannot be taken away. It is a thing that is morally
responsible for societies, for nations, to provide universal healthcare
to individuals. Individuals are the living asset of every nation, and
the best, healthy individuals are a much-improved asset under any
regards, whether it is humans, machines, or property. It is important to
appreciate, in [the] humanitarian sense and morally, that individuals
[who] are in good health are the activators or the principals who make
decisions for their lives and for their progeny and future generations.
It is important for people to have good health—to have good, healthy
minds and that they be open to receive healthy ways of living. In our
estimation, this begins before conception and continues through the
developmental years of an individual until their brain reaches its full
dynamic capacity and capability.

Universal healthcare is a societal, moral issue. It is something that
you could read about in the paper This One wrote called /Making Sense of
Ethics/. It is in the latter part of the book and it will be very useful
for you. Your world operates principally upon a personal, moral basis.
It has not evolved to the next stage, to societal morality, which is
necessary to preserve societies as being functional, healthy, growing,
and capable of continued evolution.

*Neale Donald Walsch and /Conversations With God/*

*Walt:*I am so grateful. Thank you for that. And my final question is:
In the writings of Neale Donald Walsch is it the Universal Father or the
Thought Adjuster of whom Neale speaks? And I’m speaking about his
/Conversations with God/ series.

*MM: *You would need to talk to Neale himself. Thank you.

*Walt:*OK. Thank you so much.

*JT:*Machiventa, we’re ready for a closing.

*Be prepared*

*MM:*Good day my friends. This is Machiventa Melchizedek. Now, if you’ve
been following the course of these discussions—the course of questions
that are being asked—you’d notice that there has been a great diminution
of questions being asked. And the reason is that your minds are so
occupied by current circumstances in your world, nation, community, and
in your personal life. There is much wonderment—/negative/
wonderment—about the course of your life and the outcome in the weeks
and months to come. We have spoken to you repeatedly about the
pandemics. It is not that we want you to be fear-based; it is that we
want you to be prepared. You can make great decisions now to prepare for
your future—of yourself personally and your family.

*Thought Adjuster’s activity in unison*

I spoke in answer to one of the questions about the Thought Adjuster
circuit about the actions of the Thought Adjusters working in unison.
They are always in harmony, but not always working in unison. The
concerted effort of a planetwide acting-in-unison by all Thought
Adjusters would have an immense awakening in your world. This is
something that you have spoken about and asked about many times in weeks
and months past. It has occupied much of your spirit thinking time about
what it may look like, what it may be and so on. And in fact, when it
does occur, you probably won’t even be aware that it has occurred. You
will be guided by your personal Thought Adjuster to those avenues and
venues that are useful to you to participate and make contributions to
your world—to the social and spiritual development, maturity, and
evolution of your world. The material circumstances of your world truly
do have an impact upon the belief systems of individuals. It is
important that the belief systems of individuals be influenced as much
as possible without abrogating their personal, sovereign
decision-making. This is the best work that parents can always provide
to their children: to form the child through persistent and pervasive
influence without abrogating their will—without countermanding them
(except when they are involved in self-harm). So too, the Thought
Adjusters are here waiting for the coordination by the planetary Thought
Adjuster to call them into unison. As I said, it will not be known to
you when this occurs. Those of you who are more closely attuned to your
Thought Adjuster will, of course, feel and hear the announcement.

This is my closing statement: Remember that you are loved, you are cared
for, and there’s a purpose for your life and living. Thank you.

JT: Thank you Machiventa and thank you Daniel.




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